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Ek Ong Kaar - The Creator Of All Is One - Guru Ganesha Singh & Nirinjan Kaur

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
What is correct? IK Ong Kaar or EK Ong Kaar?
You understand Ik Ong Kaar and I understand EK Ong Kaar.Now you can see Who is talking of Hindu ism.?

Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

It is you who has been caught in your self created traps. FYI, the number ONE in Gurmukhi is IK but EK is in Hindi which you know very well as a Hindu and you are right about EK being a Hindi would not a Gurmukhii one. As mentioned many times by me, Hindi along with other languages are used in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.

But the fact remains the same IK means number ONE in Gurmukhi and EK in Hindi.

American Sikhs tend to make many mistakes because of their enunciation which is fine. Many people do. You as a pretend Sikh, but truly a Hindu have made many mistakes too and caught as many times.:singhsippingcoffee:

Tejwant Singh
Aug 28, 2010
Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

It is you who has been caught in your self created traps. FYI, the number ONE in Gurmukhi is IK but EK is in Hindi which you know very well as a Hindu and you are right about EK being a Hindi would not a Gurmukhii one. As mentioned many times by me, Hindi along with other languages are used in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru.

But the fact remains the same IK means number ONE in Gurmukhi and EK in Hindi.

American Sikhs tend to make many mistakes because of their enunciation which is fine. Many people do. You as a pretend Sikh, but truly a Hindu have made many mistakes too and caught as many times.:singhsippingcoffee:

Tejwant Singh

If GuRu ji have used Hindi along with other languages then why so much hue and cry in using the same word EK as given in Gurbani.
This makes your personal intentions prejudiced and blame others just for nothing.
I also know how to call a spade a spade.So better we devote more time to
Gurbani rather than throw mud on the antecedents without proper knowledge.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
If GuRu ji have used Hindi along with other languages then why so much hue and cry in using the same word EK as given in Gurbani.
This makes your personal intentions prejudiced and blame others just for nothing.
I also know how to call a spade a spade.So better we devote more time to
Gurbani rather than throw mud on the antecedents without proper knowledge.

LOL, Parkash Singh ji, I had no idea you had English comprehension problems now. Read once again what I wrote about and wrote many times before. Seek and you shall find or a Hindu like you can easy give up?:)

Tejwant Singh

Joginder Singh Foley

Jan 26, 2008
Stoke On Trent
LOL, Parkash Singh ji, I had no idea you had English comprehension problems now. Read once again what I wrote about and wrote many times before. Seek and you shall find or a Hindu like you can easy give up?:)

Tejwant Singh

LOL No matter how hard they try you can easly spot the imitations a mile of as i've seen similar in other Sikh forums no mater how hard they try to fool Sikhs whst they write or what they say or what they know {or rather what they DONT know} shows them up as the fools they are. I was thinking of a verse from SGGSji that perfectly covers such people but cant quite remember i think it's on the lines of "Whatever a fool shall say it leads to ruin" PS allthough i have e
seen such people in other Sikh forums this individual is the first one i've seen on SPN

Aug 28, 2010
LOL, Parkash Singh ji, I had no idea you had English comprehension problems now. Read once again what I wrote about and wrote many times before. Seek and you shall find or a Hindu like you can easy give up?:)

Tejwant Singh

It is a sheer shame how easily a Sikh can brand another Sikh as Hindu.This style of branding is Age old ,Nothing new for me.Such techiques are usually adopted by frustrated ones.
You can ask Forum admin To discontinue my registration if you feel so .
I hope you can easily do this being an important figure .
Oct 21, 2009
It is a sheer shame how easily a Sikh can brand another Sikh as Hindu.This style of branding is Age old ,Nothing new for me.Such techiques are usually adopted by frustrated ones.
You can ask Forum admin To discontinue my registration if you feel so .
I hope you can easily do this being an important figure .

Respected Prakash ji,

Why do you take things so seriously.? Just skate over these posts. There are many kinds of people and all are working according to the intellect and understanding bestowed upon us by Almighty. Dear Tejwant ji is also created by 'Waheguru' as all other. Let him say that he wants to say.

I do not get involved in useless arguments. It is better to have a clear focus as to why we visit this forum.

Keep your cool and let it go. It is the best way to handle the situation like this. I also intend to take break for a week or so.

Last edited:

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
It is a sheer shame how easily a Sikh can brand another Sikh as Hindu.This style of branding is Age old ,Nothing new for me.Such techiques are usually adopted by frustrated ones.
You can ask Forum admin To discontinue my registration if you feel so .
I hope you can easily do this being an important figure .

Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

There is nothing wrong with being a Hindu. You criticised Sikhs about their Sikhi in your posts. One can easily see when you call number ONE as EK when it is IK in Gurmurkhi. Only a person with the Hindi in mind not Gurmukhi would insist on that. I have posted many Shabads to show where you and your self concocted grammar rules where you insist Sanskrit rather than Gurmukhi are self evident.

A Sikh does not hate anyone but it is a duty of a Sikh to point out where hypocricy is involved by anyone, in this case you.

When I explained to you that the word omnipotence is linked to a deity like in Hinduism and other dogmatic religions, not to Sikhi when you claimed that omnipotence is linked to Harmander Sahib,you accused me of not knowing the words in Gurmukhi. So, it is ok for you to degrade or insult an Sikh.How interesting!

But despite that when the insult is ignored and you have been requested to point out the words, you backed down and kept mum as has been the case many times. Whenever you are challenged and asked to correct others who are wrong, you get mum all of a sudden. Is this the way a Sikh reacts when asked by another to be corrected?

Here is one of your own traps that you have fallen into:

I appreciate the words of pronunciation as "EK ONG KAAR" for the SYMBOL in Gurbani.


And here is your different pronunciation that you claimed was correct in another thread.

it would be pronounced as EKANKAAR which is there is Sri Guru Granth Sahib.


So, which one of the above is the right one?

Prakash Singh ji,

Your contradictions speak for themselves. A Sikh teaches when asked to. You never did. A Sikh talks about Gurmukhi as it is in the SGGS, our only Guru, not refers to Sanskrit where it is not needed in Gurbani. And last but not the least IK is a number in Gurmukhi and EK is the number in Hindi and Sanskrit. The latter you insist on.

This forum welcomes to all, irrespective of anyone's hue, creed or faith but as a duty of any Sikh, hypocricy is pointed out where it is needed. Sikhi demands that.


Tejwant Singh
Aug 28, 2010
Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

There is nothing wrong with being a Hindu. You criticised Sikhs about their Sikhi in your posts. One can easily see when you call number ONE as EK when it is IK in Gurmurkhi. Only a person with the Hindi in mind not Gurmukhi would insist on that. I have posted many Shabads to show where you and your self concocted grammar rules where you insist Sanskrit rather than Gurmukhi are self evident.

A Sikh does not hate anyone but it is a duty of a Sikh to point out where hypocricy is involved by anyone, in this case you.

When I explained to you that the word omnipotence is linked to a deity like in Hinduism and other dogmatic religions, not to Sikhi when you claimed that omnipotence is linked to Harmander Sahib,you accused me of not knowing the words in Gurmukhi. So, it is ok for you to degrade or insult an Sikh.How interesting!

But despite that when the insult is ignored and you have been requested to point out the words, you backed down and kept mum as has been the case many times. Whenever you are challenged and asked to correct others who are wrong, you get mum all of a sudden. Is this the way a Sikh reacts when asked by another to be corrected?

Here is one of your own traps that you have fallen into:


And here is your different pronunciation that you claimed was correct in another thread.


So, which one of the above is the right one?

Prakash Singh ji,

Your contradictions speak for themselves. A Sikh teaches when asked to. You never did. A Sikh talks about Gurmukhi as it is in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, our only Guru, not refers to Sanskrit where it is not needed in Gurbani. And last but not the least IK is a number in Gurmukhi and EK is the number in Hindi and Sanskrit. The latter you insist on.

This forum welcomes to all, irrespective of anyone's hue, creed or faith but as a duty of any Sikh, hypocricy is pointed out where it is needed. Sikhi demands that.


Tejwant Singh

I find that you are unable to catch the right point.My exlpanation for the pronunciation of the SYBOL you are is refering as EK Ong KAAR or EKANKAAR.is correct.
EK Ong Kaar is pronunciation for three three parts of the SYMBOL as separate.And the single word Pronunciation of EK Ong Kaar becomes as EKANKAAR.(You can confirm this from any scholar)
This SINGLE word EKANKAAR can also be seen in SGGS ji as EKANKAARu(The word EKANKAAR with a matra of AUKAD under R)
I dont see any sense of hypocricy except your own misconception about the Gurbani words.

Similarly if you carefully go thru Gurbani verses with words IK and EK I am sure you will get the understanding of the difference in application of the words IK and EK.
IK and EK both refer to Numerical Number One .The word IK is Definitive Numerical Adjective .This makes the difference in its application.
This can not be taught but can be understood by careful perusal of Gurbani words.
That is all for this.
With regardsand best wishes

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I find that you are unable to catch the right point.My exlpanation for the pronunciation of the SYBOL you are is refering as EK Ong KAAR or EKANKAAR.is correct.
EK Ong Kaar is pronunciation for three three parts of the SYMBOL as separate.And the single word Pronunciation of EK Ong Kaar becomes as EKANKAAR.(You can confirm this from any scholar)
This SINGLE word EKANKAAR can also be seen in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as EKANKAARu(The word EKANKAAR with a matra of AUKAD under R)
I dont see any sense of hypocricy except your own misconception about the Gurbani words.

Similarly if you carefully go thru Gurbani verses with words IK and EK I am sure you will get the understanding of the difference in application of the words IK and EK.
IK and EK both refer to Numerical Number One .The word IK is Definitive Numerical Adjective .This makes the difference in its application.
This can not be taught but can be understood by careful perusal of Gurbani words.
That is all for this.
With regardsand best wishes

Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are contradiciting yourself and changing your tune as usual whenever challenged. And the other interesting part is that in the above post you cunningly erased your contradictory posts which were parts of my above post. It is called dishonesty in any religion.

I am not going to keep on posting your contradictory posts again and again. It is your duty as a human, no matter what religion you adhere to, to be honest and accept when you make the mistakes but it seems, honesty is not in your bag of trickeries.

Let me end with this. Whenever you post anything anti Gurmat and try to insert your Hindtuva mind set, you will be called for..

Now, be an honest human, please insert your two contradictory posts of yours that you cleverly omitted from my original post which is an anti Sikhi trait.

Hope you correct yourself and do not omit anything from others' posts either.

Tejwant Singh
Aug 28, 2010
Prakash Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

You are contradiciting yourself and changing your tune as usual whenever challenged. And the other interesting part is that in the above post you cunningly erased your contradictory posts which were parts of my above post. It is called dishonesty in any religion.

I am not going to keep on posting your contradictory posts again and again. It is your duty as a human, no matter what religion you adhere to, to be honest and accept when you make the mistakes but it seems, honesty is not in your bag of trickeries.

Let me end with this. Whenever you post anything anti Gurmat and try to insert your Hindtuva mind set, you will be called for..

Now, be an honest human, please insert your two contradictory posts of yours that you cleverly omitted from my original post which is an anti Sikhi trait.

Hope you correct yourself and do not omit anything from others' posts either.

Tejwant Singh

I am not a servant of your organisation where I am required to offer any explanation for nothing wrong.If your own understanding is already twisted
How I can held responsible for that.
So far as Your Hindutwa card is concerned I can also prove your attitude as Anti Sikh because of your propagating concept which is not a part of Sikh philosophy at all .
So pl before accusing anyone better peep within yourself to realise your own shortcomings.This is what anyone should learn from SGGS and adopt in practice.
We are not childs so let us behave in a manner as is expected from any person of your stature.

With warm regards

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