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India Delhi Rape Victim Dies In A Singapore Hospital


Jun 1, 2004
NEW DELHI—The victim of a gang rape earlier this month in India's capital that prompted widespread rage and a national debate over the treatment of women died in a Singapore hospital Friday, according to her doctors.

A statement by Singapore's Mount Elizabeth hospital where the 23-year-old victim was being treated said she "died peacefully" in the early hours of Saturday.

The woman, who hasn't been identified but is in her early 20s, was airlifted to Singapore earlier this week to receive specialist care after she received treatment for her injuries in a New Delhi hospital that included the removal of much of her intestines.

She was raped and assaulted by a group of men on a moving bus as it drove around India's capital on the night of Dec. 16. A male companion was badly beaten trying to defend her. Six men, including the bus driver, have been arrested and charged with offenses including rape and kidnapping, according to Delhi police.

The incident exposed a brutish and chauvinistic side of a nation that is frequently portrayed world-wide as a rapidly-growing democracy that respects personal freedom and is full of aspiration-filled young people, especially when compared with the intolerance toward women elsewhere in the region, notably in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

The rape sparked angry demonstrations last weekend over the perceived incompetence of the police in protecting women in India's chaotic capital, where incidents of rape, sexual abuse and sexual harassment are frequently reported.

Many of those in the initial protests were young students, like the rape victim. A police clampdown on the protests with tear gas and water cannons further fanned the outrage.

So have comments from politicians that appear insensitive to the plight of women in deeply patriarchal northern India. That has sparked a backlash on television news channels, newspaper opinion pages and social media against the tight security and privilege enjoyed by a male-dominated, elderly political class compared with the vulnerability of ordinary women that the incident exposed.

On Thursday, Abhijit Mukherjee, a member of Parliament for the ruling Congress party and the son of India's president, Pranab Mukherjee, attracted widespread condemnation when he suggested that some of those involved in the protests appeared to be "dented-painted" women rather than students, an apparent reference to the older age of some protesters. The euphemism is typically used for cars that have been damaged and touched up. He added that it had become fashionable to attend protests, candles in hand.

Mr. Mukherjee later in the day apologized and withdrew the remarks in a series of prime-time television interviews but not before being lambasted by presenters for his insensitivity and criticized on live television by his own sister.

Also on Thursday, in a speech before a meeting of state chief ministers on development, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh singled out the issue of women's safety as a major concern as women become a greater part of the workforce and change from their traditional roles of housewives rarely seen in public at night alone.

"Women and girls represent half the population and our society hasn't been fair to this half," Mr. Singh told the National Development Council. "The emergence of women in public spaces, which is an absolutely essential part of social emancipation, is accompanied by growing threats to their safety and security."

The government has said it would fast-track the trials of the alleged rapists and strengthen laws to combat crimes against women. There also is a proposal for the creation of a national database for convicted rapists.

The protests had largely fizzled by Friday. But the rape as a flash point for broader anger against the government and the police hasn't.

Television channels on Friday reported on the suicide of a young woman earlier this week in the northwestern state of Punjab after police allegedly ignored her when she complained that she was gang-raped in November.

And government officials continue to face criticism for being slow to engage with a younger generation that is demanding better security and a more responsive government.

On Friday—almost two weeks after the rape and almost one week after protests began— Sonia Gandhi, president of the ruling Congress party and the nation's most powerful politician, appeared before cameras to talk about the incident for the first time.

She told reporters that the government will ensure the perpetrators of the rape are brought to justice.

In Singapore, meanwhile, the rape victim's condition has steadily deteriorated. Her doctors at the Mount Elizabeth Hospital on Friday evening issued a statement saying that her condition has taken "a turn for the worse" and her "vital signs are deteriorating with signs of severe organ failure" despite her being on "maximum artificial ventilation support."

It added: "Her family members have been informed that her condition has deteriorated and they are currently by her side to encourage and comfort her."



May 9, 2006
Re: Delhi Rape Victim Dies in Hospital...

:( That's very sad news. May she rest in peace.

Meanwhile, I guess they can add murder to the charges against those pigs responsible. :angryyoungkaur:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Delhi Rape Victim Dies in Hospital...

Interesting that we do not know her name and have not from the start. Of course authorities were protecting her identity. At the same time, this was a real person and not a hypothetical example of a victim to social norms, rotten attitudes toward women, and weak law enforcement. She is an icon for women everywhere. And we do not even know her name.

Her story and her sacrifice must make a difference into the future because not only women but men also are lessened in dignity by these senseless acts.
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Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
These despicable wretches don't deserve to be called men. They aren't even boys. They don't qualify even to be called beasts, because even among animals this kind of vicious brutality is not found. Every human has higher and lower impulses and temptations. To willingly give in to, and act upon these basest and horrible urges is too shameful for words. At that point, they have renounced their citizenship in human society. As much as I abhor mob violence and Capital punishment, the only justice I can envision for these low-lifes is to be paraded through the streets and left to the mercy of the people.
May the peace of Har Har be upon this poor, poor woman.
Oct 9, 2012
Its very sad to hear that she is no more now !
Her soul cant be rest in peace until she get justice and an example setting punishment to those culprits.
Shame on the Indian Government doing nothing in this type of cases, where gang rape is allowed in India but protesting again it is not allowed and a crime:angryyoungsingh:.

Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Sat Naam, family,
I pray the Sikh community use this as a motivation to distinguish ourselves as ever more exemplary of our teachings; so when someone encounter a Singh of Nanak, they may know they have found a sanctuary from all baseness.
"Man is the only animal of which I am thoroughly and cravenly afraid. I have never thought much of the courage of a lion-tamer. Inside the cage he is at least safe from other men. There is less harm in a well-fed lion. It has no ideals, no sect, no party, no nation, and no class: in short, no reason to destroy anything it does not want to eat."
- George Bernard Shaw

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
I can not even fathom what was going through the minds of those beasts... They are not fit to be called human. And I hope that their punishment fits the crime. I also hope that this will become a beacon of light and a reality check for India that something needs to be done on all levels... from the general public (educate), the police forces (end corruption) etc. to the government. And may she rest in peace knowing that the whole world was standing behind her and will ensure these men are brought to justice.

Harkiran Kaur


Jul 20, 2012
On Facebook in 'The Real Singapore' page they posted this photo and message:

Delhi gang rape victim, Nirbhaya passed away today morning in Singapore :-(

Salute to the Brave Girl. We will always remember your Pain, Struggle and Courage. You taught us how to fight back for our Rights and Justice. You earned our Respect. May our Hero rest in peace and may God give her family strength. RIP :-(

I can't comment as to the authenticity of the name or the photo... it says photo uploaded by someone named 'Sudesh'
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I am uncertain how wise it is to upload a picture that may not be matched to the identity of our heroine. As of today we still do not know her name through official sources. As if frustrated by the anonymity, Times of India has given her a name, Nirbaya. This apparently has gone viral on some sites. The medical cut-out in the lower right corner does seem to be authentic; it appeared on the Jago Punjab Jago India website, a Punjabi language paper originating from Singapore. Yet we cannot be sure. The facebook image was uploaded by "Sudesh." No indication of authenticity. We should stay tuned.
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Jun 1, 2004
Most of the such news on FB is usually fake and fabricated. Respecting the sentiments of the relatives of the victim, the un-identified and un-confirmed image of the woman has been removed. No offense intended.

Thank you so much for your co-operation and understanding in this matter.


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
HANGING the FOUR is NOT the solution..its just a KNEE JERK reaction...INDIA got to pull up its socks and go to the root of the problem..girl murders in womb..dowry burnings..work place sex discrimination..EVE TEASING is so Rampant..filthy SONGS and films tunes etc on phones..in buses..etc etc are all symptoms of this DISEASE...Rape is one symptom...


May 9, 2006
Hanging them is not the solution... they deserve something far worse than a quick escape. Their punishment should set the standard for the legal reformation to come.

What would the punishment be from the Sikh perspective? When I was at my Gurdwara's AGM earlier this year they had a big debate about changing the constitution so that pepole with a criminal history longer than X number of years could serve on the Gurdwara committee. Half the members in attendence wanted to keep it in line with my country's legislation which suggests that noone with a criminal record can be an office bearer of an association (in this case the Gurdwara). The other half were of the opinion that the spirit of forgiveness, remorse and payment for one's crimes should be taken into consideration.

Some people said they never want a rapist to be their gurdwara president. Others said they would never tolerate it. In the spirit of full disclosure I voted to keep the restriction which prevents anyone with a conviction from becoming an office bearer. I figure, better to be safe than sorry.
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Brother Onam

Jul 11, 2012
Har Naam,
I see no problem with using the name Nirbhaya. Whether this is her name, a nickname or even if it is not her name, I think it is helpful to have a name to put on this martyr. More helpful to me, I think, would be the names and faces of the low-lifes that killed her. In a civil community, when somebody violates the most fundamental basics of human behaviour, the primary punishment must be "shunning", which involves being exposed to the people and confronted with your shame. I urge the Indian government to immediately publicize the identities of these scoundrels. Anonymity is an undeserved refuge for beasts of this nature.
May the embrace of Lord Har Har be around our dear sister Nirbhaya.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Half the members in attendence wanted to keep it in line with my country's legislation which suggests that noone with a criminal record can be an office bearer of an association (in this case the Gurdwara). The other half were of the opinion that the spirit of forgiveness, remorse and payment for one's crimes should be taken into consideration.

Some people said they never want a rapist to be their gurdwara president. Others said they would never tolerate it. In the spirit of full disclosure I voted to keep the restriction which prevents anyone with a conviction from becoming an office bearer. I figure, better to be safe than sorry.

Hmm forgiveness and remorse? If someone has remorse, would he really need to go for a post? Wouldn't the sangat listen to him better and independent of his designation? Yes it is like a taint that he has to prove his honestly and absolution time and again.

Some people used to shift places. Go to a new place and have a new beginning. The risk of past catching up was there. But a chance that you will not be judged (PS: Like in the Indian film 'Guide').

BTW we know what happened in this case:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Photo update. Kerala Cops have asked Facebook to remove the photo of the gang rape victim, Nirbaya. They cite the photo's inauthenticity, as well as numerous complaints, including distress reported by the victim's family. It is thought that the photo is no longer visible on Facebook today.

Read: Kerala Cops ask Facebook to remove Fake Photo of Gang Rape Victim http://www.thehindu.com/news/states...-photo-of-gang-rape-victim/article4268971.ece