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USA Deadly Attack At Boston Marathon


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Deadly Attack at Boston Marathon


(CNN) -- Two bombs struck near the finish line of the Boston Marathon on Monday, turning a celebration into a bloody scene of destruction.

The blasts threw people to the ground, killing two and injuring dozens. One of the dead was an 8-year-old boy, according to a state law enforcement source.

Hospitals reported at least 134 people being treated, at least 17 of them in critical condition and 25 in serious condition. At least eight of the patients are children.

At least 10 people injured had limbs amputated, according to a terrorism expert briefed on the investigation.
Terror attack disrupts Boston Marathon

Doctors are "pulling ball-bearings out of people in the emergency room," the expert said, suggesting the bombs were designed to propel shrapnel.

"Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice," President Barack Obama vowed.

Boston "is a tough and resilient town," he said, adding that Americans will stand by Bostonians "every single step of the way."

'Like a huge cannon'

The terrorist attack, near the marathon's finish line, triggered widespread screaming and chaos, shattered windows and barricades and sent smoke billowing into the air at Copley Square.

The blasts were about 50 to 100 yards apart, officials said, on a stretch of the marathon course lined with spectators cheering runners through the final yards of a 26-mile, 385-yard endurance feat.

"It felt like a huge cannon," a witness told CNN about one of the blasts.

Photos from the scene showed people being carried away on stretchers. One man in a wheelchair had blood all over his face and legs.

The bombs shook buildings, sending people to seek shelter under tables, witnesses said.

Federal authorities are classifying the bombings as a terrorist attack, but it's not clear whether the origin was domestic or foreign, a federal law enforcement official with knowledge of the investigation said.

A federal law enforcement official told CNN that both bombs were small, and initial tests showed no C-4 or other high-grade explosive material, suggesting that the packages used in the attack were crude explosive devices.

Another explosive device found

Authorities in Boston found at least one other explosive device that they were dismantling, Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis said.

Rep. Bill Keating of Massachusetts, meanwhile, said there were two more found.

One unexploded device was found at a hotel on Boylston Street near the bomb site and another unexploded device was found at an undisclosed location, Keating, a Democrat and member of the House Homeland Security committee, said, calling the bombing a "sophisticated, coordinated, planned attack."

Davis said a third blast at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library was believed to be related to the marathon bombings, but police later said that incident was believed to be fire-related. The library said all staff and visitors are safe.

It was unclear who may have planted the marathon bombs. There were no credible threats before the race, a state government official said.

There is no suspect in custody, but many people are being questioned, Davis said.

As authorities searched the scene, numerous suspicious packages were found, possibly because people fled the area, leaving items behind. Investigators were checking them.

All off-duty Boston police were called in.

The Marriott hotel at Copley Place was evacuated as a precaution.

The Lenox Hotel was also evacuated as a precaution, the Boston Globe reported.

Flights banned over Boston Marathon blast site

'Horrific day'

Crowds were in the area watching the runners take part in the world's oldest annual marathon.

It was also Patriot's Day, commemorating the opening battle of the Revolutionary War.

Within seconds, the festive occasion turned into devastation.

"This is a horrific day in Boston," Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick said in a statement.

"My thoughts and prayers are with those who have been injured. I have been in touch with the president, Mayor (Thomas) Menino and our public safety leaders. Our focus is on making sure that the area around Copley Square is safe and secured. I am asking everyone to stay away from Copley Square and let the first responders do their jobs."

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder spoke with FBI Director Robert Mueller and U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz, a Justice Department official said.

Holder has directed the full resources of the Justice Department to be deployed to ensure the matter is fully investigated, the official said.

The Federal Aviation Administration placed a flight restriction over the site of the blasts.

Other cities, including New York and Washington, tightened security as a result. Following standard protocol, the White House cleared out an area in front of the West Wing.

"If you see something, say something," Mark Boughton, mayor of Danbury, Connecticut, wrote on Twitter. "All cities will be on a heightened state of alertness per Homeland Security protocols."

Mike Baingon, who works at the Atlantic Fish Company in Boston, said an explosion took place in front of the restaurant and that he was right by the front door at the time.

The explosions occurred at about 2:45 p.m., more than two hours after the first of the race's nearly 27,000 runners had crossed the finish line, CNN Producer Matt Frucci reported.

The race was halted as was subway service into the area.

Runners east of Massachusetts Avenue were directed to Boston Common; those west of Massachusetts Avenue were directed to Kenmore Square, the state's emergency management agency said.

Troops from the Massachusetts National Guard, already at the site as part of the marathon's security and crowd-management plan, were assisting police as well.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Agony & Ecstay

It is a tragedy indeed. Fortunately, my friend who used to run marathons with me had finished it 20 mins. earlier.

The sad part is that we as Sikhs come in the crosshairs because of our bana whenever an atrocity like this happens. We only become victims and heroes when the crimes are committed against us like the one in Oak Creek. In today's age, we have to be killed to breed some understanding amongst us and our fellow Americans. What a sacrifice by the dwellers of 'The land of the free and the home of the brave'!

Sadly, we become the bulls' eyes of the gun-toting ignorant people who are too uneducated to learn that Americana is made of all hues, creeds and faiths.

I hope that none of the people of 'brown colour' end up becoming the targets due to this awful crime by some hateful people who do not know the difference between Dr. Pepper and Doctor Oz.

We are having blood donation drive with the help of The Red Cross on Saturday and Sunday in the two Gurdwaras we have here. Each one of us will be bringing five people from our neighbourhoods from any or no faith to offer the same. We will serve fruits after the blood donations to all the donors and then Langar will be served later on.

I would urge all in this forum to do the same. If you can not arrange it at your place of worship, it does not matter. Gather 5 neighbours of yours and go to your local hospital and pitch in no matter which part of the globe you live in. Use all forms of social media to ask others so that they can also participate with their friends and so on.

Many runners also went to the hospitals and donated blood afterwards.

Humanity demands this from all of us.

A courageous 78 year old runner named Bill Iffrig from the Washington State fell down just 15 yards from the finish line with the bomb's impact and then got up and gallantly finished it what he had set forth to do hundreds of times. It was his 3rd Boston Marathon but he has run many more of them. He told CNN, this would not deter him from running. But this finish must have brought more agony than ecstasy for many like him.

Bravo Bill!!

Those who do not know The Boston Marathon, it is one of the most famous and grueling marathons in the world with steep climbing hills, one of them romantically named The Heart Break Hill. Its conquering is the high of the race. Lastly one has to be a fast runner in order to qualify for it. It is not for the faint hearted.

Historically speaking, our Sikhs lost their limbs for the sake of Equality and Justice for all- and we remember them every time when we do Ardaas- and these ones lost their's while encouraging others to take the next step, just one more step, not to give up because the end of journey was within sight, just a stone's throw from where the bombs went off. They lost their limbs so that the limbs of others could carry them to their desired destination. Many runners also lost theirs and sadly could not make it to the end as many others who were stopped by the police about a mile before the finish line after the blasts.

They were there for 2 reasons, either to participate in the marathon or to cheer up the runners' spirits so they could cross the finish line after gut wrenching 26.2 miles.

One other very important thing to notice is that the first blast took place at 4:09 and the second one about 15 seconds later; when the runners who run just for fun, who fight against the fatigue with mind over matter were finishing the run. The cheers were for them who were using every ounce of their energy to reach the end. The commoners in the Runners' jargon.

The elites do not need any cheers as an electrolyte booster as the commoners do. The elites are clapped because they are supposed to finish it fast n quick.They are the professional athletes who are paid large sums just for showing up.

The elite had finished the race long before the blasts. The men's winner was Leilisa Desisa of Ethopia who finished it in 2:10 : 22 and the ladies' winner was Rita Jeptoo of Kenya in 2:26:25. These two also lost their pictures in the front pages of the Boston Newspapers of tomorrow. Their moment of glory snatched away from them because of the carnage. There is no celebration but mourning for days to come.

I am sure the runners who lost their limbs will be back one day, participating in the same Boston Marathon which took away a part or two of them; on their wheel chairs giving every drop of their sweat to conquer the Heart Break Hill, once again.

Godspeed to all.

Tejwant Singh
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Last I checked there were 3 dead and 144 injured, including multiple amputees. The motivation to stir up conspiracy theories is suspect at this time on this particular thread. Flaming will be deleted without notice or warning. Once more facts are in then a discussion of government or police responsibility for the catastrophe will be considered.

There are two other forums where flaming is permitted "theflamewarsforum" and "TOPIX".
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Mar 27, 2013
Did I showed joy over these False Flags? Did I applauded the killings?
Those who got killed were innocent and my sympathies are with their families.

I am not a Sheep who will believe in Govt controlled media without examining the facts myself especially

deleted inflammatory comment

If it was from Muslim radicals or any radicals why havn't they taken responsibilty for it and disclosed their demands? We as a Sikh have been through this in India so we should learn from it.


There are two other forums where flaming is permitted "theflamewarsforum" and "TOPIX".

Thanx and you can delete my account ,because I won't bother to come here again
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Bomb Details Emerge in Boston Inquiry


BOSTON — The explosives used to kill three people and injure 176 at the Boston Marathon on Monday were likely some kind of “pressure-cooker” devices that sent sharp bits of shrapnel flying into victims in the vicinity of the blast, several law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

Surgeons at several Boston hospitals told televised news conferences on Tuesday that the explosive devices had apparently been packed with small pellets and sharp “nail-like” objects that were designed to maim their victims.

The new details about the explosives emerged as President Obama announced at the White House that the F.B.I. was investigating the attack as “an act of terrorism,” but said that it was unclear if it had been carried out by an individual or a group, foreign or domestic.

Representative Michael McCaul, a Texas Republican who heads the House Homeland Security Committee, said authorities believe the explosives were similar to improvised explosive weapons that have been used against American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. Mr. McCaul, a former Federal prosecutor who received briefings Tuesday morning from the F.B.I. and Homeland Security officials, also said that authorities still did not know whether the attack was a foreign or domestic plot.

A law enforcement official said at least one and probably both of the bombs were pressure cookers filed with nails and ball bearings and black powder that were detonated with rudimentary “kitchen-type” timers. The official said investigators believe the bombs were hidden inside bags or backpacks, and left on the street or sidewalk near the finish line.

A senior government official who had spoken with intelligence and law enforcement officials said Tuesday that there had been “no-pre attack chatter” detected by the government from members of Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups. In two intelligence briefings the official said he had received in recent weeks, there was “nothing was offered on this” type of attack.

The official said that the intelligence agencies had begun to go back and examine communications they intercepted in recent weeks to determine whether they had missed anything. “Before the 2009 Christmas Day bombing attempt, they thought there was no pre-attack chatter,” said the official. “But there had been, but it had not been interpreted. Everything is now being looked at.”

Along with having few investigative leads, the official said that the investigation had been hampered, in part, by the fact that no terrorist group had claimed responsibility for the attack. Such a claim of responsibility, the official said, would help investigators as they try and weed out suspects.

Rudimentary explosive devices made from pressure cookers have been widely used in attacks in Afghanistan, India, Nepal and Pakistan, all countries where the cooking device is common, according to a Department of Homeland Security warning notice issued in 2010. But they have occasionally turned up in attacks in the United States as well: Faisal Shahzad, an American citizen who attempted a car-bomb attack on Times Square in 2010, included a pressure cooker loaded with 120 firecrackers in the collection of jury-rigged explosives in his vehicle. The devices smoked but never exploded.

Law-enforcement officials urged the public on Tuesday to share any video or photographs they had taken of the marathon or the blast.

F.B.I. agents, Boston police detectives, the state police and investigators from other agencies assigned to Boston’s Joint Terrorist Task Force were being assisted by an F.B.I. Evidence Recovery Team from New York and F.B.I. specialists from the bureau’s laboratory in Quantico, Va., who are expert in the handling of videos and photographs, a law enforcement official said.

“There is a tremendous volume of images that are being evaluated,” the official said.

Among the dead in Boston was an 8-year-old boy, Martin Richard, of Dorchester, according to Conor Yunits, a family spokesman. He had been watching the marathon with his family; his mother and a sister were badly injured. The names of the other victims have not been made public.

Late Monday night, law enforcement officials descended on an apartment building in the suburb of Revere, about five miles north of Copley Square, linked to a man the police took into custody near the scene of the bombings. But on Tuesday morning, one law enforcement official said investigators had determined that the man, who was hurt in a blast and was questioned at the hospital, was not involved in the attack.

Representative Stephen Lynch, Democrat of Massachusetts, said doctors had identified material lodged in a survivor’s leg as a ball bearing.

Mr. Lynch characterized the choice of the material as deliberate. “This is not a device like Oklahoma City,” he said. “That was to bring the building down. The ball bearings are meant as antipersonnel munitions. They’re trying to cause carnage here.”

The authorities have not announced any arrests, and so far, no one has claimed responsibility as the police conduct what they have said is “a criminal investigation that is a potential terrorist investigation.”

Law enforcement officials pleaded at a briefing Tuesday morning for anyone who took pictures or video of the finish line at the time of the blast to submit them to boston@ic.fbi.gov or to call 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324).

The plea underscored just how pervasive cameras have become at events like the marathon and how crucial they can be in helping the police piece together crucial bits of evidence. But it may also suggest how few clues the authorities have otherwise.

The police also said they were examining footage from nearby security cameras frame by frame as they continue their search for the identity of the person or persons who placed explosive devices near the end of the 26.2-mile course.

Police Commissioner Edward Davis said that officials were gradually reducing the size of the crime scene, which on Tuesday stretched for 12 blocks in Copley Square, down from 15 blocks on Monday. He said it was the most complex crime scene in the history of the department.

Among the 17 critical injuries reported by police on Tuesday morning were at least two children. Boston Children’s Hospital on Tuesday said doctors were caring for a 10-year-old boy and a nine-year-old girl, both of whom were in critical condition with leg injuries. The hospital also had a two-year-old boy with a head injury, who they said was in good condition. Children’s said it had already discharged seven other patients with injuries from the marathon, including one pregnant woman who was transferred to Brigham and Women’s Hospital.

Some colleges and universities in Boston counted their own students among the injured; many universities here convene their own teams for the Boston Marathon, whose members train and fundraise together.

Emerson College, in downtown Boston, was closed on Tuesday, and its president, Lee Pelton, said seven students there were hospitalized with injuries, but all had returned to campus by Tuesday. Tufts University, in Medford, said it had three students with non-life-threatening injuries. One students from Boston University was reported injured, but in stable condition.

City streets that normally would be clogged at rush hour were largely deserted on Tuesday except for a cold wind and a few runners out for a morning jog. “It’s very surreal,” said Mary Ollinger, 32, who works at Wentworth Institute of Technology. “The streets are empty and the Common is filled with media trucks.”

At rush hour, the city’s subway system was uncharacteristically quiet, watched over by a heightened police presence and SWAT team members. Parts of the city seemed to have ground to a halt: Stores on Newbury Street, Boston’s busy retail thoroughfare, were closed, and tables on the patio at Stephanie’s, a restaurant there, were still covered in dishes left there on Monday.

Metal barriers and more police guarded the crime scene, forming something of a black hole in a busy retail and business district in this city. Inside, the streets were still littered in the detritus of the marathon — runners’ blankets, water bottles, even a pile of bananas.

Hundreds if not thousands of office workers avoided the city on Tuesday because of the closures. Maria Luna, 38, who lives in Watertown and usually commutes by bus to her job as an investment analyst at John Han{censored}, said she was staying home. “My manager told me it would be very limited access,” she said by phone. The emergency protocol in her office was activated, she said, meaning that essential workers, like those who must move cash on a time-sensitive basis, could report to an off-site disaster recovery station in Portsmouth, N.H., where the company has computers.

She said she felt a combination of sadness and terror. “Right now I have a big ball in the pit of my stomach,” she said.

But many runners, clad in the blue and gold jackets given to this year’s marathoners, made pilgrimages to the blockade on Boylston Street, pausing to take pictures with their cellphones. Others came wearing jacket from previous marathons — the symbol of accomplishment had, apparently, turned into a sign of solidarity.

Alison Gardner, a runner from Austin, Tex., who completed the race on Monday about 10 minutes before the blasts, left a potted hydrangea and tucked a bunch of tulips into the metal barrier.

“It’s supposed to be a day of celebration today, and it’s a day of sadness,” said Ms. Gardner.

Her companion, Bonnie Yesian, is among many visitors still marooned in the city, because her hotel — and her luggage and identification — is inside the crime scene.

“I can’t fly, so I’m stuck,” said Ms. Yesian, who said strangers and marathon volunteers had offered her guest rooms and supplies in the meantime.

Marathon officials had set up an ad hoc site adjacent to the crime scene, where runners who had been stopped before the finish line could pick up their medals and bright yellow bags of belongings that they had left at the start. What would ordinarily be a moment to bask in accomplishment was a grim occasion, as runners — many with tears in their eyes — wondered what to make of a medal for a marathon they had been unable to complete.

“It’s heartbreaking to not cross the finish line, you train so hard for this,” said Lauren Field, an auctioneer who now lives in Hampstead, N.H., who was stopped blocks from the finish line. “It’s sad, but I’m safe.”

Caroline Burkhart protested gently as a volunteer handed her a medal. “I didn’t finish,” she said, explaining that she had stopped at mile 25.2. She took off the medal and examined it. “Memories,” she said, with a shudder. “Next year, I’ll wear it.”

In Dorchester, the street outside the home of Martin Richard, the 8-year-old victim, a large two-story gray Victorian with a basketball hoop and a hockey goal in the driveway, was filled with reporters and television cameras on Tuesday. Mourners stopped to leave flowers in the front yard. A neighbor, Jane Sherman, 64, described the Richard children as “very active, very normal American kids.” Ms. Sherman, a real estate agent, said she would often see the children outside the house playing. “They’re very happy-go-lucky kids,” she said. “All of Dorchester is devastated.”

White House officials said that President Obama received updates overnight about the investigation from Lisa Monaco, his chief counterterrorism and homeland security adviser. “The president made clear that he expects to be kept up to date on any developments and directed his team to make sure that all federal resources that can support these efforts, including the investigation being led by the F.B.I., be made available,” a White House official said. Mr. Obama is to be briefed again later this morning by Ms. Monaco and the director of the F.B.I., Robert Mueller.

Almost three-quarters of the 23,000 runners who participated in the race had already crossed the finish line when a bomb that had apparently been placed in a garbage can exploded around 2:50 p.m. in a haze of smoke amid a crowd of spectators on Boylston Street, just off Copley Square in the heart of the city. Twelve seconds later, another bomb exploded several hundred feet away.

On Tuesday morning officials said that the only explosive devices found were the ones that exploded at the marathon — clarifying conflicting statements that were given Monday in the chaotic aftermath of the blast, when some law-enforcement officials had said that other devices were found. “There were no unexploded devices found,” Gov. Deval Patrick said Tuesday morning.
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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I am curious about 2 things.

How would someone, who is not connected to an organization like Interpol, media or government, "examine the facts" for himself without depending on government or media for that information?

Where would one get those "facts?"

I don't understand why the media should be believed if the message is anti-Muslim, but the media is "government controlled" if you want to blame the police.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
Wasn't it part of Al Qaeda plans to have smaller local attacks?

There was a Saudi student who was investigated. By now he is most probably cleared. He was actually injured in the incident.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Wasn't it part of Al Qaeda plans to have smaller local attacks?

There was a Saudi student who was investigated. By now he is most probably cleared. He was actually injured in the incident.

This week is also the Oklahoma FBI building bombing anniversary. There is the Gun violence bill in the Senate.

All is speculation at the moment.
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Breaking News: AP Reports That Suspect In Boston Marathon Bombing Identified, Arrest Imminent

Amelia McDonell-Parry - An hour ago


A number of news sources are reporting that police have been able to identify a possible suspect in the Boston Marathon attack, based on surveillance footage from a nearby Lord & Taylor department store. The Associated Press is additionally reporting that “an arrest is imminent,” while the Boston Globe says law enforcement has video footage of a suspect dropping a package at the second bombing site. We’ll be updating this post as more information comes in. [The Daily Beast]

source: http://www.thefrisky.com/2013-04-17...-marathon-bombing-identified-arrest-imminent/

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Breaking News: AP Reports That Suspect In Boston Marathon Bombing Identified, Arrest Imminent

Amelia McDonell-Parry - An hour ago


A number of news sources are reporting that police have been able to identify a possible suspect in the Boston Marathon attack, based on surveillance footage from a nearby Lord & Taylor department store. The Associated Press is additionally reporting that “an arrest is imminent,” while the Boston Globe says law enforcement has video footage of a suspect dropping a package at the second bombing site. We’ll be updating this post as more information comes in. [The Daily Beast]

source: http://www.thefrisky.com/2013-04-17...-marathon-bombing-identified-arrest-imminent/

CNN, Fox News, AP jumped the gun so to speak in order to be ahead of the game and landed with a dozen eggs on their faces. It is also shocking to notice that one of the crack reporters of CNN by the name of John King who had his "journalistic hat" on when he declared that the suspect arrested was a dark skinned man. Thanks John King for profiling the brownies. Only a great news journalist would do that with a straight face. Perhaps, this is the reason you lost your own show because no one wanted to watch it.

CNN, Fox News, AP Forced To Walk Back Reports Of Boston Bombing Arrests

The Huffington Post | By Jack Mirkinson
Posted: 04/17/2013 2:24 pm EDT | Updated: 04/17/2013 5:44 pm EDT

CNN and other outlets found themselves with egg on their face when they reported that an arrest had been made in the Boston bombings and were then forced to walk that news back.

Though it was not alone, CNN took the brunt of the blame for its faulty reporting. It was the first and most prominent outlet to tout its scoop.

The network's John King, citing multiple sources, said that an arrest had been made. Fran Townsend, a contributor to the network, also said it had been made.

The Boston Globe agreed. Fox News also reported an arrest. The Associated Press did so as well.

Leading the way in its dispute of that story was NBC News. Citing multiple federal sources, the network's Pete Williams said, "No arrest has been made."

"The FBI is looking for someone. They have a face. They don't know where he is," Williams said.

CBS News also tweeted that no arrest had been made.

Some minutes later, CNN suddenly appeared to be walking back its story:

Eventually, Tom Fuentes, a former FBI agent, came on CNN. He reported that not only had no arrest been made, but that there was not even anyone in custody.

"Initial reports, so often are wrong," Anderson Cooper said mournfully.

The AP, Globe and Fox News eventually joined CNN in walking back their story.

The Boston Police department then sealed the deal by tweeting that no arrest had been made.

For CNN and Fox News, the botched reporting will be a painful reminder of their last high-profile failure, when they incorrectly said that the Supreme Court had overturned the Affordable Care Act.

UPDATE: A CNN spokesperson defended the network's handling of the story in a statement sent to HuffPost's Michael Calderone:

"CNN had three credible sources on both local and federal levels. Based on this information we reported our findings. As soon as our sources came to us with new information we adjusted our reporting."

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Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada

A twenty-year-old man who had been watching the Boston Marathon had his body torn into by the force of a bomb. He wasn’t alone; a hundred and seventy-six people were injured and three were killed. But he was the only one who, while in the hospital being treated for his wounds, had his apartment searched in “a startling show of force,” as his fellow-tenants described it to the Boston Herald, with a “phalanx” of officers and agents and two K9 units. He was the one whose belongings were carried out in paper bags as his neighbors watched; whose roommate, also a student, was questioned for five hours (“I was scared”) before coming out to say that he didn’t think his friend was someone who’d plant a bomb—that he was a nice guy who liked sports. “Let me go to school, dude,” the roommate said later in the day, covering his face with his hands and almost crying, as a Fox News producer followed him and asked him, again and again, if he was sure he hadn’t been living with a killer.

More at - http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/comment/2013/04/the-saudi-marathon-man.html


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Forensics investigators decode the Boston bombings


By Tara McKelvey BBC News, Boston

Images: shrapnel recovered from crime scene; part of a timing device recovered from crime scene.

Authorities in Boston are looking for those who are behind the bombings. And people from around the world are monitoring their progress.

Do not walk too closely to sports utility vehicles parked near Copley Square Hotel on Huntington Avenue. If you do, a dog will lunge, at least from inside a vehicle marked "CAUTION POLICE DOG".

He is held back by thick mesh that covers a window, but his snarl is loud - and menacing.

The dog is part of a K9 unit that is helping with the investigation into the explosions - "the most complex crime scene that we've dealt with in the history of our department," said Ed Davis, a police commissioner for the city of Boston.

He was speaking to a group of journalists who had gathered on Tuesday morning at the Westin hotel. All of them had questions, but there were few answers.
Clues from chaos

Outside, the crime scene looks huge. It is roughly 12 city blocks, according to Mr Davis. Still, it is smaller than before. A day earlier, it was 15 blocks.

The investigators are narrowing their search for evidence.

A Boston bomb scene picture released by investigators, 16 April The remains of what appeared to be a triggering mechanism were found

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told members of the House Homeland Security Committee that the FBI wants to talk to two men about the bombings.

Investigators have photos of two male suspects, according to media reports, but they have not revealed details about them or released the pictures.

At first, the authorities were looking for bombs. Now they say there were only two - and they are no longer concerned that there are more.

They have released images that appear to show the remains of a dark-coloured backpack and a pressure cooker, as well as a triggering mechanism.

A source close to the investigation said the bombs consisted of explosives placed in 1.6-gallon pressure cookers, one with shards of metal and ball bearings, the other with nails. The bombs were placed in black bags and left on the ground, the source told AP news agency.

The authorities are now looking for anything that might have been part of the explosive devices - bits of metal or sharp objects that they might be able to trace back to its owner or owners.

They have found scraps of black nylon near the site of the explosion.

The lid of a pressure cooker has been found on the roof of a building on Boylston Streets. Security guards are keeping people away from the street, and shops have been closed.

The discovery of the lid is an important step in the investigation.

"It might have fingerprints," Juliette Kayyem, the former Massachusetts homeland security adviser, told CNN.

"It is a big clue."

Images from the bombing site on the day of the marathon may also provide clues. "This was probably one of the most well-photographed areas in the country," Mr Davis said at the news conference.

People took pictures and footage of their friends and family members as they completed the race. Such a highly photographed, media-friendly area could make the site a popular pick for a bomber looking to make a public impact. But the countless photos can also provide crucial clues to investigators.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
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Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Boston bomb suspects are brothers of Chechen origin, 1 killed

AFP | Apr 19, 2013, 04.58 PM IST

The two suspects in the deadly Boston marathon bombings, one of whom was killed in a shootout with police overnight, are brothers of Chechen origin, NBC News reported on Friday.

The suspect still at large has been identified as 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the US network said, adding the two men were legal permanent residents of the United States.

Earlier, thousands of heavily armed police went door-to-door through a Massachusetts town on Friday in an unprecedented massive hunt for Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

The Times of India full news:


Updated: Fri, 19 Apr 2013 - By CBC News, cbc.ca

Boston in lockdown as 1 bombing suspect killed, 1 on run

A massive manhunt is underway in the Watertown area west of Boston this morning for one of the suspects in the marathon bombing, following a carjacking and shootout with police that killed the other, authorities say.

Heavily armed police have cordoned off the area of the search and teams of tactical officers could be seen going door to door in one neighbourhood.

The first suspect, identified in an image released by the FBI on Thursday wearing a black hat, was shot and killed during a shootout overnight with police, authorities say. The second suspect, the one wearing the white hat in the video from Monday's Boston Marathon, is the subject of an intense manhunt.

Police say the man may be heavily armed and dangerous.

"We believe this to be a terrorist," said Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. "We believe this to be a man who's come here to kill people. We need to get him in custody."

The two men have been identified by several news outlets as two brothers
The Associated Press reported that the two suspects in the Boston bombing are from a Russian region near Chechnya, which has been plagued by an Islamic insurgency stemming from separatist wars. The two men were said to have been in the U.S. for about a year. The surviving man was identified as as Dzhokhar A. Tsarnaev, 19, of Cambridge, Mass.

Residents of several Boston neighbourhoods and its western suburbs, including Watertown, Newton, Arlington, Waltham, Belmont, Cambridge and the Allston-Brighton, were being told to stay at home and not to answer their doors except to a police officer.

Authorities also suspended all public transit and are telling people at bus and subway stops to go home while the search is underway. Police have also asked that businesses remain closed until the man can be apprehended.

A new photo recorded overnight of the suspect at large shows him in a grey-hooded sweatshirt. It was taken at a 7-Eleven store in Cambridge, just across the river from Boston, sometime after 10 p.m., the New York Times reported.

The two men are believed to have been involved in the twin bombings at the Boston Marathon on Monday that killed three people and injured more than 170 others.

The Middlesex district attorney said the chaotic scene overnight began with the fatal shooting of a campus police officer at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge.

The slain MIT officer had been responding to report of a disturbance Thursday night when he was shot multiple times, according to a statement from the Middlesex district attorney's office and Cambridge police.

Two men carjacked a vehicle soon after and for a period of time kept the driver hostage before releasing him.

Police pursued the vehicle into Watertown, a suburb west of Boston, while explosives were reportedly thrown from the vehicle and gunfire exchanged.
During the pursuit, a police officer was injured and taken to hospital.

One of the suspects was critically wounded and taken to hospital.

Doctors at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston said they treated a man who was brought in with police but wouldn't say if it was the suspect with the black hat. They treated the man, who showed signs of blast trauma and multiple gunshot wounds, but he was pronounced dead at 1:35 a.m. ET. Friday.

The state police bomb squad is assessing and removing any potentially explosive devices that may have been thrown on the street during the pursuit of the suspects.

Boston cab driver Imran Sais said he was standing on a street corner at a police barricade across from a diner when he heard an explosion.

"I heard a loud boom and then a rapid succession of pop, pop, pop," he said. "It sounded like automatic weapons. And then I heard the second explosion."

He said he could smell something burning and advanced to check it out but area residents at their windows yelled at him, "Hey, it's gunfire! Don't go that way!"

With files from The Associated Press

source: http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/boston-in-lockdown-as-1-bombing-suspect-killed-1-on-run-1
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