- Jun 1, 2004
- 3,007
- 83
- 46
Vision : Sikh Philosophy Network
Dear Sangat,
Waheguru ji Ka Khalsa, Waheguru ji Ki Fateh.
Sikh Philosophy Network (SPN) needs YOUR HELP.
You, as contributing members are driving these forums, so it is more appropriate to ask you for feedback, so that the network can be taken towards that direction.
Presently, we think following as core thrust areas for Sikh Philosophy Network:
1. Sikh Comics, Cartoons, Animation etc. - An effort to bring people working on these under one umbrella.
2. To provide a common forum, where learned people can be called to clear common doubts.
3. Open non-profit organizations or SP.net chapters worldwide.
4. Efforts to increase women participation in SPN Discussion Forums.
5. Efforts to enhance youth (5-20 yrs age group) participation in SPN Discussion Forums.
6. Although our basic motive is spirituality but we should try to find the pressing issues among sikh women and youth.
7. Shudh baani audio, video, keertan, translations.
8. Spreading awareness about sikhism and SPN starting with local community places.
9. SPN to make Mailing Lists with the help of fellow members to invite more persons to the Network.
10. SPN to create awareness about the network by penetrating in Yahoogroups.
Kindly consider this as a request to help us shape the forums with more thrust areas, and help in prioritizing too. We are looking for feedback, and dont hesitate to strike off some point which may seem worthless, and DO point out something which we have missed to mention.
Best Regards,
Sikh Philosophy Networking Team.
P.S.: Your participation in Poll is solicited as this would give us a general idea as to move in a certain direction.