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Cannibis And Sikhism


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
waheguru ji da khalsa waheguru ji fateh to all of my brother and sister.

Under this topic, i have many question to ask, so i am going to ask them clearly and non-offensive as i can. And i hope i get a good discussion and awnser aswell.

1)I have rencently being doing my research on Sikhism and learn't that the Nihang consume Cannibis, due to the fact that Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Cannibis to the Nihangs as some sort of Parshad. Is This True Or Not.

2) If its not true than how did Cannibis culture enter into Sikhism

3) However if it is true, didn't our guru's advise us to stay away from Alcohol, Smoking and any other sort of In-Toxication

4)What are your Views on Cannibis, i mean do you believe it should be used for medicine or should it stay banned?

Waheguru Bless
Jan 17, 2012
london uk
We all have a protective shield around us known as our AURA.
This Aura is very fragile, which is why our Gurus preached follow
purity in Life.

Around us are many dimensions, in which exist many other beings.

When we take Drugs, Cannibas, alcohol and indulge in promiscious activites, this causes our Divine meridians/Chi energy pathways
to breakdown leading to breakdown of our Aura.

This allows these negative energies to enter us and attach to us to feed of our energies.

Its not good to indulge in these activities.
I have been studying these energies for the last 20 years. They exist, any one who pretends or imagines they
do not exist needs to think otherwise.


Dec 22, 2009
If your name is already 'BlazinSikh', I would assume your already dabbling in it, and are looking for something to support consuming Cannibis.

I'm sorry, but that's what it seems like.

Imo, there is little reason for modern human beings, who usually have a pretty sedentary lifestyle to be using cannibis or other recreational drugs, save out of boredom or peer pressure. In any case, do you really wanna hand over the reigns of your life to substances? Bad idea.


Jan 29, 2011
Vancouver, Canada
1)I have rencently being doing my research on Sikhism and learn't that the Nihang consume Cannibis, due to the fact that Guru Gobind Singh Ji gave Cannibis to the Nihangs as some sort of Parshad. Is This True Or Not.

Why would Guru Gobind Singh ask his Sikhs to abstain from cigarettes, liquor etc. but give Cannabis as Prasad?

2) If its not true than how did Cannibis culture enter into Sikhism

Punjab is the known drug and alcohol capital of India by now. Ask how?

4)What are your Views on Cannibis, i mean do you believe it should be used for medicine or should it stay banned?

I stay away from it!

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Guru Gobind Singh Ji never worshipped the Devi, or gave out cannabis as parshaad. These are only 2 of the false tales attached to GGS...others are that He composed a granth called BNG, SLG, or sau sakhis etc etc. etc.
Cannabis and ALL DRUGS are banned esp the Over the counter types like Tobacco and alcohol. Whatever HARMS the BODY is ultra vires Gurmattas Guru nanak Ji wrote in Sri raag .
Lets not try and find excuses for our bad habits...or blame the Guru...


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
Umm i see, i knew that the info i found was false. However i still want to know why do the Nihangs use it, i mean they are devoted sikhs, don't they know that what they are doing is bad or what.

P.S Navdeep88 i swear to GOD that i do not, and never smoked in my life serious. The reason i chose the name BlazinSikh is becuase it sound cool to me i guess, but i have never smoke or drank in my life. And i thank Waheguru that i haven't


Apr 3, 2005
Umm i see, i knew that the info i found was false. However i still want to know why do the Nihangs use it, i mean they are devoted sikhs, don't they know that what they are doing is bad or what.

P.S Navdeep88 i swear to GOD that i do not, and never smoked in my life serious. The reason i chose the name BlazinSikh is becuase it sound cool to me i guess, but i have never smoke or drank in my life. And i thank Waheguru that i haven't

We have to understand that Sikhism went through terrible war time in 18th century and many customs entered Sikhism in that time.Its very easy to talk about wartime and other goodie goodie things in peaceful time ,but none of us
can experiance the mentality of Sikhs who were in war time.There was a misl Bhangi misl whose members use to consume bhang in very large quantity.


Bhang and other intoxicants entered Sikhism during wartime ,may be it was essential for soldiers ,so they can cool their nerves


Dec 3, 2011
Umm i see, i knew that the info i found was false. However i still want to know why do the Nihangs use it, i mean they are devoted sikhs, don't they know that what they are doing is bad or wha

BlazinSikh ji

The true Nihangs were not bhang (cannabis) consumers. These practices crept in throughout the many years.
The hindu dominants were a major influence and still are.
The mahants, who had control of the Sikh religion let so many anti-gurmat practices to creep in.
The real true Nihangs are falsely represented by the bhang consumers.-This is not a true picture.

If you look at the real history from Guru Gobind Singh ji's time, with regards to their formation, dedication and their importance to sikhism, you will understand them a lot better.

We have to remember that as the Nihangs got larger in numbers from their initial formation, many warriors from hindu backrounds contributed the numbers. These many that went from hindu to sikh were users of bhang (followers of lord Shiva etc..) and they kept this use with them, falsely associating it with warrior lifestyle.

<TABLE style="WIDTH: 600px; BACKGROUND: #fffff0; HEIGHT: 20px; COLOR: #ff8c0a" border=0 align=center><TBODY><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND: #fffff0" align=middle>(Page1377) </TD></TR><TR><TD style="BACKGROUND: #fffff0" align=middle>"kabeer bhaang maachhulee suraa paan jo jo praanee khaa(n)hi. teerat barat nem kee-e te sabhe rsaatal jaa(n).

O Kabeer! If people after ‘speaking with the Holy’ and go on pilgrimages, perform fasts and practice rituals etc, and those sharaabi, intoxicated, people also consume marijuana and fish (i.e. they attend the Satsang and also consume Sharaab-Kebab and commit immoral deeds) – those persons' pilgrimages, fasts and rituals are totally useless. "


The Guru Granth Sahib does not anywhere encourage intoxicants.

Nowadays the bhang consumers will claim that it's an old tradition.
It is infact an old warrior tradition, but NOT sikh in any way, -and it shouldn't be mistaken for anything sikhi.

We will always get sikhs that use cannabis, try to justify it by claiming to be nihangs. But a true sikh will know that use of intoxicants is anti-gurmat.

This subject has been mentioned in other posts. I hope it answers your questions.

Lucky Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
READ the BNG..aka Dsm Granth....inside there you will find an OVER ABUNDANCE of sex orgies, drinking orgies,shaving orgies, bhang orgies..a really huge grouping types used to be called Hippies in the late 1960's....that granth is an open book on all these...its available for downlaod and reading in English/original language at various sites such as Gobindsadan.org..............and many Nihungs worship this granth.....so do the maths...:happysingh::redturban::blueturban::interestedsingh:

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
My reasearch has found the following.

Cannabis is small amounts can act like a medicine if taken orally. It can relax muscles, calm nerves and prevent fatigue. If over consumed it can cause sterility, paranoia and psychosis.

Kshatriya's took small amounts of cannabis just before battle to calm nerves and prevent battle fatigue. This was taken in the form of a drink.

This is how this tradition may have crept into Sikhism.

The problem is, that todays Nihangs have taken this to the nth degree. I mean cough medicince ontains alcohol and can make you better if taken if you are ill. If however you consume a bottle of alcohol you'll end up with serious problems.


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
This good information i have recieved thank you my brother and sister. I just i have one more question about the use of cannibis and then i am done, with this topic.

1) The use of cannibis is forbiddended in sikhism with i stand for and resepct, however the uses of cannibis is sometimes used for medicinal purpose as it has some good use for medicine for pateints with canncer and all sorts of disease. Would be allowable if a sikhs used cannibis for medicinal purpose, rather than just to get "high"

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
This good information i have recieved thank you my brother and sister. I just i have one more question about the use of cannibis and then i am done, with this topic.

1) The use of cannibis is forbiddended in sikhism with i stand for and resepct, however the uses of cannibis is sometimes used for medicinal purpose as it has some good use for medicine for pateints with canncer and all sorts of disease. Would be allowable if a sikhs used cannibis for medicinal purpose, rather than just to get "high"

Just as we have alcohol in medicine, so I think this would be allowable as a medicine.


Dec 3, 2011
This good information i have recieved thank you my brother and sister. I just i have one more question about the use of cannibis and then i am done, with this topic.

1) The use of cannibis is forbiddended in sikhism with i stand for and resepct, however the uses of cannibis is sometimes used for medicinal purpose as it has some good use for medicine for pateints with canncer and all sorts of disease. Would be allowable if a sikhs used cannibis for medicinal purpose, rather than just to get "high"

BlazinSikh ji

The question you ask has been approached in another post on the link below.


It was from a member using it for a medicinal purpose.
However, there is NO sole medicinal use at this moment. By this, I mean that there are plenty of other drug options available for any debilitating disease or condition. So, in effect these should be considered first before considering medicinal uses of cannabis.

You will notice some better reasoning for this on the other post.

If you cannot come to a conclusion after checking the other post, then by all means address your question here again.

Sat sri akaal
Lucky Singh


May 6, 2011
Croydon, London, England
Hey everyone,

Yup i have returned to this thread once again, i don't know why but there is something in my head that say's that i should give my final decision on the use of cannibis in sikhism. Even though i full agree with Randip Singh statement:

" Just as we have alcohol in medicine, so I think this would be allowable as a medicine."

But some how this topic still bother's me religiously and personally, but i do not know why. So i hope me giving my final decision will put my mind at ease, and so i can move on in life.

So i believe using cannibis as a medicine is okay, as long as you take it wisely and not like a ******. Because medicine being made today by doctor do, do the trick but there are side effect that cause harm to your body. But cannibis is the same, but the harm are less something like a short term memory lost and relaxes your muscle. But when used wisely it won't have an effect on you.

So yeah this is my awnser, hopefully my mind can just chill out. And don't worry you won't ever catch me with cannibis, unless i have a sympton which only cannibis can ease than.

P.S sorry my brother and sister that you had to see me go insane over this topic, even though my question was already awnsered. Cheer's for tolerating moi.


Dec 22, 2009
Hey everyone,

Yup i have returned to this thread once again, i don't know why but there is something in my head that say's that i should give my final decision on the use of cannibis in sikhism. Even though i full agree with Randip Singh statement:

" Just as we have alcohol in medicine, so I think this would be allowable as a medicine."

But some how this topic still bother's me religiously and personally, but i do not know why. So i hope me giving my final decision will put my mind at ease, and so i can move on in life.

So i believe using cannibis as a medicine is okay, as long as you take it wisely and not like a ******. Because medicine being made today by doctor do, do the trick but there are side effect that cause harm to your body. But cannibis is the same, but the harm are less something like a short term memory lost and relaxes your muscle. But when used wisely it won't have an effect on you.

So yeah this is my awnser, hopefully my mind can just chill out. And don't worry you won't ever catch me with cannibis, unless i have a sympton which only cannibis can ease than.

P.S sorry my brother and sister that you had to see me go insane over this topic, even though my question was already awnsered. Cheer's for tolerating moi.

Sorry for Accusing You.


May 26, 2011
When you say cannabis as prashad, it is BHAANG, they do not smoke weed or "roll it up" like most people do today. Of course he gave cannabis, how do you think the army was so "strong" to fight?


May 9, 2006
When you say cannabis as prashad, it is BHAANG, they do not smoke weed or "roll it up" like most people do today. Of course he gave cannabis, how do you think the army was so "strong" to fight?

Weed doesn't make you strong, it makes you a tree hugging hippie with the munchies.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Bhaang for pain relief - yeah I understand that. Not so sure about any other applications for other people except traditional Nihungs who can follow their traditions wholeheartedly no problems.


Dec 3, 2011
Hey everyone,

Yup i have returned to this thread once again, i don't know why but there is something in my head that say's that i should give my final decision on the use of cannibis in sikhism. Even though i full agree with Randip Singh statement:

" Just as we have alcohol in medicine, so I think this would be allowable as a medicine."

But some how this topic still bother's me religiously and personally, but i do not know why. So i hope me giving my final decision will put my mind at ease, and so i can move on in life.

So i believe using cannibis as a medicine is okay, as long as you take it wisely and not like a ******. Because medicine being made today by doctor do, do the trick but there are side effect that cause harm to your body. But cannibis is the same, but the harm are less something like a short term memory lost and relaxes your muscle. But when used wisely it won't have an effect on you.

So yeah this is my awnser, hopefully my mind can just chill out. And don't worry you won't ever catch me with cannibis, unless i have a sympton which only cannibis can ease than.

P.S sorry my brother and sister that you had to see me go insane over this topic, even though my question was already awnsered. Cheer's for tolerating moi.

Blazinsikh ji

You seem to be looking for straightforward justification such as more attention to the alcohol fact in medicines as stated by Randip ji.
The argument is NOT that simple in the real world as you will see.

Let me just clarify this a little more- Alcohol is used in majority of liquid medicine forms. 2 Main Reasons-

1) This alcohol is not your standard whiskey,rum or vodka, it is usually ethanol, isopropyl or derivatives. This is very concentrated normally 80% and above compared to your 40% liquor drink
. But it is in VERY SMALL amounts to PRESERVE the liquid. If the liquid medicine had all the other ingredients in it but NO preservative, then it would only last about a week before mould and bacteria start multiplying.
This very small amount, no more than 5ml for every 100ml of liquid medicine is there to preserve the medicine and give it a longer shelf life.

So, in majority of these cases it is used as a preservative, these amounts are too small to cross over into your brain/blood suppply so you won't feel any effects of alcohol like intoxication in your blood.

2) Some traditional medicines use alcohol for cough medicnes as Randip ji has correctly stated.
This again is in very small amounts but higher than that used for preservatives, but still, very small amounts that can cross your brain/blood supply.
In this case Large quantities.. ie.. more than the recommended medicine amount will give intoxicating effects. (If you have the correct dose it may be a little effect, but higher than that would give a high.)
The old formula of benylin was abused for this reason, party goers would be swigging whole cough bottles at a time.

The reason for this 2nd use is because of its drying effect, or it's absorption of water. You see alcohol is very concentrated and it has a great affinity for moisture and water.
Many alcohol drinkers can verify that they often feel dehydrated after because of this very reason.

Infact if you put 2 glasses in an active steam room and one is empty while the other has some alcohol inside it. Then after a while the steam will cool near the glass surface and you will observe water inside both glasses. However the glass with alcohol inside it will attract more steam and moisture and it's level of cooled water will be much higher. This is because the alcohol will attract and pull more moisture towards itself.

So what use is this as a medicine?

Well one classic use of this drying effect is for chesty or wet coughs, the coughs that are associated with lots of mucus and 'raishaa'.

The alcohol in the cough mixture will help dry your mucus filled throat and chest because of this strong affinity and attraction for moisture and water. This will result in less mucus or 'raisha' and a better feeling for the patient.

Now , you can see 2 fundamental differences and reasons of why alcohol is used.

Getting back to your cannabis issue, you can see it is much different and a different ball game.
We know that it helps in pain by relaxing muscles but there are many medicinal drugs that can do this as well.

Only in extreme cases when ALL else is NO LONGER an option is medicinal cannabis used to help the patient in pain. These can be tablets, liquid or a nasal spray.

However, there is NOT a single use where the only cure or help is cannabis. Other medicinal drugs are always tried and used first.

However, if someone cannot tolerate side effects of opiods or morphine based drugs and all other pain killers, then it may be suggested as an alternative.
This is never the weed form to smoke as far as I know.

If a sikh has a debilitating disorder causing extreme pain and all other options have not been successful, then of course it's fine for him to use it as a medicine. He will be a very 1% minority who gets benefit from cannabis only and NOT other medicines or other medicines are deemed unsuitable for him.

Blazin ji, I hope you get the point here as it does NOT have the multiple beneficial uses as alcohol does- You can't use that as a valid argument.
It's sole use of success where others can't be used for some reason OR don't work is a VERY VERY SMALL Percentage

NOTE_ More than 50% of people suffer some sort of frequent pain like back pain, headaches, joints, arthritis...etc...

ALSO NOTE_A small number of these try to justify that they NEED cannabis and will be forever harrassing their doctor. In reality they have usually used the illegal street version in most cases and are now trying to obtain it legally.

Their concerns are more recreational even though it may help the pain and they will simply refuse to try any other medicines first.

It is just that they will have something prescribed that gives them euphoria and tackles the pain. The doctor will try to offer something that specifally tackles the pain only. This is what they will refuse because they want the feel good euphoria as well not just pain relief!!!

This is how the situation stands with medicinal cannabis at the moment.

The GENUINE cases of people that really need it and have no other option are VERY VERY SMALL and usually suffering a life threatening condition.

So, the real genuine suffering sikh is probably not going to be your average sikh at the gurdwara but someone with far more to worry about than shall I use or not.

Bottom line, the % percentage of GENUINE medicinal ONLY users is very very low, no more than 3%.

So, there you have it- some real facts and information.

If you need any furthe clarification or you can't understand a certain point, then just ask.

Lucky Singh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
When you say cannabis as prashad, it is BHAANG, they do not smoke weed or "roll it up" like most people do today. Of course he gave cannabis, how do you think the army was so "strong" to fight?

For someone who has so much faith in existence of multi limbed Gods, as mentioned in the SGGS, it is a pity that this faith does not extend to the discipline, skill and courage of the Sikh army at the time being able to function on faith and love of Guru alone.

Out of all the drugs available at the time, I can think of better to administrate to troops for strength. Or maybe Guruji told his followers that all enemy troops carried two bags of doritos and a family pack of M and M's to further motivate them
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