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Khalsa Aid Canadian Sikhs Support Khalsa Aide In Offering Assistance To Haiti


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Canadian Volunteers En-route to Haiti

Three Sikhs from BC, Canada contacted Khalsa Aid wishing to volunteer with Khalsa Aid in Haiti . After speaking to CEO Ravinder Singh (currently in Haiti ) and being informed of the projects undertaken they decided to travel immediately to Haiti via Dominican Republic . Although informed of the dangers and difficulties with all International missions, Deep Singh, Prabhroop Kaur and Harlene Kaur booked their tickets regardless, and have joined the Khalsa Aid team in Haiti . We pray that Waheguru blesses all volunteers of all organizations in Haiti good health, and the strength and courage to help the Haitian people.

Canadian Sikh Associations Provide Crutches for the Hundreds of Amputees
We are very grateful to Bhai Ajmer Singh of Toronto, “Ontario Sikh and Gurudwara Council , Canada ” and the "International Panjabi Foundation of Toronto" for providing 1000 crutches for the amputees in Haiti .
Bhai Ajmer Singh has been an excellent example of a committed humanitarian with his rapid selfless reaction to the personal appeal from Khalsa Aid, after we were approached for support by Medicins Sans Frontier (MSF). 5 years ago Bhai Ajmer Singh volunteered with Khalsa Aid in our Tsunami projects, personally travelling to the Andaman Island . Having witnessed and partaking in a Khalsa Aid Project, Bhai Ajmer Singh was confident that Khalsa Aid be chosen to deliver the much needed supplies to the Haitian people.


The Khalsa Aid Canadian team of volunteers reached Haiti on Monday after a long trek from Santo Domingo , Dominican Republic . After a very quick breakfast they were driven to the main area of relief work in Lagone.
They were introduced to the several teams helping at the Khalsa Aid Medical Clinic; this clinic will be fully operational within days and will be serving a population of 200000 with free medical treatment (press release to follow). The Canadian volunteers got well and truly stuck in on their very first day; drawing water from a well for the clinic, visiting an orphanage which Khalsa Aid is supporting and then distributing two huge truck loads of food to the villages. Khalsa Aid is working with an NGO from Dominican Republic and was the first NGOs to deliver food aid to these villages.

On Tuesday the team also received a shipment of aid materials from our wonderful Canadian contact Ajmer Singh, these supplies included crutches, food and medical supplies. This is the second aid delivery from Ajmer Singh and it was flown to Port Au Prince by Air Canada . The Khalsa Aid team in Haiti is very grateful to Ajmer Singh and the Ontario Gurdwara Council for their continued support.

Ravinder Singh CEO of Khalsa Aid who has been in Haiti since mid January was very impressed and awed by their dedication and determination, “These guys are unbelievable, they arrived in Haiti and within 30 minutes they were in the field carrying out vital Seva. They wanted to be involved in real Seva in the areas of need and not work at their own personal convenience. Khalsa Aid has a tradition of carrying out relief work to the most needy, notwithstanding how difficult this maybe logistically. The Sevadaars from Canada chose to volunteer with Khalsa Aid in Haiti for this particular reason. They are a credit to the Canadian Sangat and the Panth.
Since Monday Deepak Singh has arranged several water deliveries to the communities which Khalsa Aid has been supporting for the last 4 weeks. Bibi Harlene Kaur and Bibi Prabhjot Kaur have been busy with supervising the refurbishment in the clinic, and have installed a much needed water pump in the clinic. They have also joined with Khalsa Aid volunteer Bibi Parmjit Kaur from the UK to provide assistance to several orphanages. The Canadian Military has requested urgent aid from Khalsa Aid for some of these orphanages. The team will be meeting a Sargeant of the Canadian Army to discuss how Khalsa Aid can help. The spirit of the Khalsa is well and truly alive in the villages of Haiti , well done to the young Canadians.
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