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Can Somebody Clear My Confusion

Sep 25, 2010
Originally Posted by msbaath
i have few questions
1.i want to know if we(sikhs) are idol worshippers?
2. and is idol worship necessarily fruitless(bhagat dhanna attained Godd by worshipping a stone)?
3. aggs says god can be reached only through guru and worshipping a guru would be called idol worship but isnt it the only way to reach god?
4. if we bow infront of aggs should we bow infront of a picture of aggs or to that matter infront of a picture of any other guru?
5. if not does that mean we r bowing to the knowledge of aggs which is also stored in my laptop then should i bow infront of my laptop?
6. aggs tell us to bow infront of a saint, does bowing infront of a saint makes him/her a competitor of our guru aggs, how should we treat a saint
these are very basic questions and i dont think i can go to next level unelss i m confident about this


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
msbaath ji

I will try to be clear and brief. But something tells me that your confusion will not be cleared because you are getting information from some other source that is going to contradict what I am telling you. Thee are many sources out there who exist to create pure pakhand in the minds of everyone else. My answers in red font.

i have few questions
1.i want to know if we(sikhs) are idol worshippers?

We are not idol worshipers.

2. and is idol worship necessarily fruitless(bhagat dhanna attained Godd by worshipping a stone)?

Yes idol worship is fruitless. The sakhi of Bhagat Dhanna is often misread. Consider his story one of unwavering faith and trust in God. Focus on that not on the stone.

3. aggs says god can be reached only through guru and worshipping a guru would be called idol worship but isnt it the only way to reach god?

Sikhs have only one guru Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We do not worship Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We revere Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji because it contains the bani of our Gurus. There are no longer any human gurus/god men. When there were - Sikhs did not worship them either.

4. if we bow infront of aggs should we bow infront of a picture of aggs or to that matter infront of a picture of any other guru?

We bow in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji out of respect, not idolatry. No we should not bow in front of a picture of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or any picture of any other guru.

5. if not does that mean we r bowing to the knowledge of aggs which is also stored in my laptop then should i bow infront of my laptop?

You should not bow before Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji on a laptop either.

6. aggs tell us to bow infront of a saint, does bowing infront of a saint makes him/her a competitor of our guru aggs, how should we treat a saint

There are no sants in the sense of god men. Often this word Sant is used as a title of honor. If someone does mata tek to the feet of a person who is called Sant it is from traditional respect. It is not worship. And the person who is so honored is not a competitor of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji -- only another human being.

these are very basic questions and i dont think i can go to next level unelss i m confident about this

There is a point manpreet ji when we all need to believe Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the guide on our journey. Do not pay too much mind to the chatter in the background. I hope this helped and I hope it has stilled your confusion.

Oct 11, 2006
i have few questions
1.i want to know if we(sikhs) are idol worshippers?
2. and is idol worship necessarily fruitless(bhagat dhanna attained Godd by worshipping a stone)?
3. aggs says god can be reached only through guru and worshipping a guru would be called idol worship but isnt it the only way to reach god?
Reference:: Sikh Philosophy Network http://www.sikhphilosophy.net/showthread.php?t=24439
4. if we bow infront of aggs should we bow infront of a picture of aggs or to that matter infront of a picture of any other guru?
5. if not does that mean we r bowing to the knowledge of aggs which is also stored in my laptop then should i bow infront of my laptop?
6. aggs tell us to bow infront of a saint, does bowing infront of a saint makes him/her a competitor of our guru aggs, how should we treat a saint
these are very basic questions and i dont think i can go to next level unelss i m confident about this

ikonkaarSat Sri Akal,
There is no denying the fact that we have become idol-worshipers and followers of meaningless riiualls which go absolutely against the basic teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji.
As can be seen in the live tele-cast from Shri Harmandar Sahib,the way sangat scramble to touch the Palki in which SGGS is being carried,and even the shabads that are sung at that time smack of idol-worship.
Ardas is offered to SGGS instead of to the Almighty,with all those reffences to Rumalas and be-ant maya that has been offerad to SGGS, first offerings of Parshad being offered to SGGS,all such rituals take us away from the real essence of Sikhism.
All those ritual baths at Sarovers,drinking that water or even filling this water in bottles to be taken home,washing gurdwaras with milk and "holy" waters as was lately done at Hazoor Sahib, and there are other counless examples,which all go againgt the Sikh religion as visiualised by Guru Nanak Dev JI
Let us all strive to bring Sikhi back to its prestine beauty.swordfight
Bhul Chuk Maaf.


Aug 17, 2010
World citizen!
The answers to your questions are actually not difficult to explain and are very logical. They have been discussed extensively on older threads. Please look for them as all is explained. If you struggle with the search facility let me know and I will find some threads for you when I get home from work tonight. Unfortunately I have to leave for work now.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
spnadmin g
there is no source
im the source
and i know very well that im not pakhandi
bhagat dhanna worshipped the stone thinking it to be God
so he attained God by idol worshipping
moral of the story if ur feelings are pure it doesnt matter if ur idol worshipper or an atheist u will get God
We bow in front of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji out of respect, not idolatry. No we should not bow in front of a picture of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji or any picture of any other guru.

why should i take ur word about bowing to pictures please give some logic(whats the difference between a picture and real book
both reflect light that we percieve if we r blind we cant see either)
if u say we can read the book but we cant read the picture then that means that we r bowing to the knowledge then u should i not bow to the knowledge in my laptop plz give some logic if u can.
i know its very hard question and its beyond 99% people
but thanks for trying
thank you very much

msbaath ji

All of the issues that you raised earlier about bowing and worshiping books, pictures, SGGS on a laptop have been discussed and discussed and discussed since this forum began. As findingmyway ji stated -- there are older threads on this subject. I am not asking you to believe me, but spoke directly to you. I have given the consensus view on all of these things. It is time to put them to rest.

Do not believe me if you don't agree. On the other hand, why raise the questions to begin with if you don't want contradiction? So let's end the discussion of bowing and worshiping. Or I confess i will move this thread and merge it with older threads on similar subjects. To keep it up is a form of spam.
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