hello ,
what will happen if a hindu guy loved sikh ( walia ) girl ? me loving a girl from your community she also loving me .... so i came here to know more about sikh culture .
Arun Vishwakarma
i wonder people are living in this 21st century like this ........WOW
i wonder people are living in this 21st century like this ........WOW
Yes that was technically right a "sikh girl cant marry a hindu guy" ... me bad
But "A modern girl can marry a modern guy" this is enough for me .
BTW let know any links to read more about sikhisem ?
some good general resources on sikhism:
SIKHNET - Sikh Religion - Sikhism Information
Welcome to Gateway to Sikhism*-*A Gateway to Sikhism
Main Page - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.
Take it as sports spirit , NOT insultingwhere do people get this idea that one cannot be modern and also follow sikhism? i find it really insulting.
Definition of moderni'm an IT professional, i'm never without my laptop and cellphone. i have my whole house linked through a wireless network. i drive a late model car and dress in jeans most days. but apparently, the fact that i wish to follow my religion means i'm not "modern".
religious = Don't Love A human ???look arun. if she wants to marry outside of her religion, she's probably just not very religious. that is not the same thing as "modern", ok?
and the same time you are believing a dumbas religion who is not allow to marry loved one lol
religious = Don't Love A human ???
now if you need to post again, please stop with the insults, it's unnecessary and rude.
PS. if you love your girlfriend as much as you say you do, just become Sikh. I am white, and thats what i did because i wanted to marry MY girlfriend enough to do that.
Why can't you?
Please think about this, thanks.
Dear Kelly-ji,honestly, i don't think we need sikhs like him. it would be better for the girl to just call herself hindu or atheist or something, IMO. at least then they won't be spreading this disregard for sikhism to their children.
I feel even worse for the girl now, but oh well...Thanks for all reply , this thread was worthless because of i just discussed with my GF she is not much more religious like me, so no more problems between our marriage ...!!!
MODS can close this Thread
Thanks again
PS : i have read about Sikhism there have lots interesting thoughts btw we will come here together as real Sikh family
And i didn't try to hurt anyone ... don't misunderstand me .... BYE
Conversion? You mean there is a magic button, a conversion button that you can press that makes you a sikh!
You are proud of your hindu religion and heritage, and rightly so. You could no more convert than a frog could convert to being a snake, so that option is out, there are some factors that may help.
How gursikh is the family, if they adhere to the SRM, you have no chance, I would cut your losses, and save everyone a huge amount of heartache, why? because as stated above, conversion, even if you wished to do so, would be hard, you cannot just adopt another religion as easy as eating an aloo prontha, it is slightly harder than that. Also there are your children to consider, and their relationship with both sets of grandparents, as you are indian , you know the huge social consequences of marriage within the community, running away, well thats not really the best way to start married life together, marriage can be hard enough at a young age without the added stress of what you have here.
If they are not hugely gursikh, and religion is more of a social scene to them, You could compromise by saying that you are not prepared to convert, but you promise that your children will be raised as sikhs, although, again, your parents may not be too keen on the idea,
It all really depends on the two of you, how important is religion to both of you, how important is god? This is not Romeo and Juliet, you are both playing with peoples lives, including your unborn children,
Hope it all works out one way or another, but do remember, there is more to marriage than love, looks fade, people age, they get ill, they change, they go through the menopause, they lose a limb, they have car accidents, if you both pursue this, I hope you have enough of a bond to see it through, good luck