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Came Across A Shocking Website About Sikhs

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Nov 11, 2010

The link has been removed to prevent traffic from leaving SPN. Furthermore, by posting the link we actually make the agenda of preaching against Sikhism easier for anti Sikh elements. We are doing their work for them by providing a Sikh audience for Muslim daw'ah.

If a consensus among mentors and leaders and admin emerges that the thread should be opened and the deleted material should be put back, then the thread will return to normal.

Sorry for inconveniences.

p/s Do not repost the link.

pls lets take action to close it down
a facebook group also exists


Apr 3, 2005
Re: came across a shocking website bout sikhs

Deletion of the source link for the same reason as stated above.

After coming under its influence I stopped worshiping idols, performing any sort of rituals and going to temples.

These are what I call the steps I was taking to finally reach my destination that is Islam. Though again I had my own flaws, I again found myself in the same cob-web; where rituals and fire worshiping became an integral part.

Reading Adi Granth, Vedas, Manu Smiriti, and other scriptures only confused me. It was all philosophical, nothing material which could help you precisely find an answer for your daily life queries.

It is hilarious.Which sikh girl read manu smriti?
Nov 11, 2010
Re: came across a shocking website bout sikhs

wat r u trying to say?
that it is a website which does not portray sikhism in a bad light?


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Re: came across a shocking website bout sikhs

link deleted for reasons given above.
pls lets take action to close it down
a facebook group also exists

Dear Nevastoplearning Ji

The internet is about openness and freedom of expression...or at least it is most developed nations

I daresay if you were to search for anti-sikh sites, you would find more and some that are even worse than this one

My interest is in learning more about Sikhi and growing as an individual, not what other backward faiths have to say about it...I had a quick look too and at their physics based rebuttal of the concept of Nirgun and Sargun....I'm no physicist but I thought there was a fair amount of general comment and not much in the way of a technical rebuttal

All very fascinating...NOT

I am not going to give them the time of day and suggest everyone else does the same!


Apr 3, 2005
Re: came across a shocking website bout sikhs

Dear Nevastoplearning Ji

The internet is about openness and freedom of expression...or at least it is most developed nations

I daresay if you were to search for anti-sikh sites, you would find more and some that are even worse than this one

My interest is in learning more about Sikhi and growing as an individual, not what other backward faiths have to say about it...I had a quick look too and at their physics based rebuttal of the concept of Nirgun and Sargun....I'm no physicist but I thought there was a fair amount of general comment and not much in the way of a technical rebuttal

All very fascinating...NOT

I am not going to give them the time of day and suggest everyone else does the same!

Isn't it concern for you that most of these sites are operated from UK.Is it any wonder that people like lion singh make strong anti islam statements


Cleverness is not wisdom
May 2, 2010
Re: came across a shocking website bout sikhs

Dear Kanwardeep Ji

The fact that the site exists at all is a concern, never mind the country of origin

The Lion Singh thing is slightly different in that the existence of this site probably has little bearing on his membership of a right-wing organisation called the English Defence League which is strongly anti-muslim regardless


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004

Technically posting a link to another web site with little or no explanation of its purpose is a violation of TOS. On that ground alone the thread can be deleted. However, I am seeking the opinions of mentors, leaders and admin before a final decision is made.
If a consensus among mentors and leaders and admin emerges that the thread should be opened and the deleted material should be put back, then the thread will return to normal
Until then the thread is closed.
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