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General British PM Cries On TV About Dead Daughter

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
Hi All,

Some people are being cynical and this is a ploy before an election....it maybe?:eek:

However, seeing from this interview, one can only conclude that this is genuine grief demonstarted by this man.

BBC News - Gordon Brown admits to leadership deal with Tony Blair

He has been hounded in the press and been called heartless, and when he finally shows he has a heart and feels pain like the rest of us some cynics deride him. I can only say shame on those cynics.

The Sikh view and my view on this as a father on something like this would be unconditional sympathy.

Our thoughts are with you Gordon Brown.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is the kind of thing -- cynicism that is over the top --- that tips me over the edge and I want to slap people -- cyber-slaps! Slap! Slap!

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
The poor man has been mauled by the media for not showing his human side, and when he does he is mauled again.

I'm not concerned about elections and parties, but what I am concerned is about this mans feelings.

It showed me he was human too, like the rest of us. The cynics forget, he is a politician, not an actor that can turn it on and off when the please.

My daughter was in hospital last year and thanks be to God she was Ok, I can imagine the pain he must have felt holding his daughters hand knowing she wouldn't survive. :8-:)

I think some of these cynics need God and religion in there life, in order to remember what it is like to feel.

Gordon Brown Weeps In Interview With ITV's Piers Morgan: Prime Minister Recalled Death Of Daughter | Politics | Sky News

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
I humbly suggest that we should wish others what we desire for ourselves in life:

"Nanak naam charhdi kala, tere bhane sarbatt da bhalla"


Exactly my feelings.

I was reading the bbc comments section on this article and the amount of bile (which seems organised due to similar comments), seems to be astonishing. What kind of society are we living in?


May 17, 2005
London, UK
It's that time agian over here I'm afriad, and yes not only was that a fugure of speech but I truly am afraid.

I speak of course of the iminent general election, which can only be months away. This is how it works over here in the UK, well it has for some while and all the sighsn point towards it's continuatuine.

We have a goverment in power for over a decade voted in mostly because people were feed up of the last goverment, who was in power for over a decade and got voted in mostly because people were fed up of the last goverment.....

Myself I'm a life like liberal/soclialist who well remembers the last tome we had a Tory goverment. Unfortunatly, Gordon Brown does get stick in the press, mainly due I belive because his time and his parties time in goverement is up. You see we have in power a goverment with over a decade of service and now I think people will vote in the opposition due mainly to the length of time the goverment has been in power.

Shame, but it seem us Brits are fickle creatures.

Randip Singh

May 25, 2005
United Kingdom
It's that time agian over here I'm afriad, and yes not only was that a fugure of speech but I truly am afraid.

I speak of course of the iminent general election, which can only be months away. This is how it works over here in the UK, well it has for some while and all the sighsn point towards it's continuatuine.

We have a goverment in power for over a decade voted in mostly because people were feed up of the last goverment, who was in power for over a decade and got voted in mostly because people were fed up of the last goverment.....

Myself I'm a life like liberal/soclialist who well remembers the last tome we had a Tory goverment. Unfortunatly, Gordon Brown does get stick in the press, mainly due I belive because his time and his parties time in goverement is up. You see we have in power a goverment with over a decade of service and now I think people will vote in the opposition due mainly to the length of time the goverment has been in power.

Shame, but it seem us Brits are fickle creatures.

I always thought Brown was a cold fish, but last night there was a human element to him. A vulnerability. It wasn't the slick presentation of Blair or Blair-Lite (Cameron:u):).

I actually felt for this guy because he felt so awkward.