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India Book Disrespect Of Granth Sahib As Murder: Akal Takht

Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada
Book Disrespect of Granth Sahib as Murder: Akal Takht

Amritsar - Sep 26, 2011

The Akal Takht, the highest temporal seat of Sikhs, today asked Punjab government to book those who show disrespect to the holy Guru Granth Sahib on the charge of murder.

A marathon meeting of five Sikh head priests was held at secretariat of Akal Takht discussing the issue.

After the meeting, Gurbachan Singh, head of the Takht, issued directions to SGPC, which manages the affairs of key Sikh shrines, to take up the matter with Punjab government with regard to registration of criminal case under section 302 (murder) of IPC against those who are charged with showing disrespect to the Guru Granth Sahib.

"SGPC had been directed to hold meetings with the heads of all Sikh shrines, Sikh religious personalities, including Sikh scholars, to maintain the sanctity of the Guru Granth Sahib in all the religious places," Singh said.

Talking about a separate Sikh Marriage Act, Singh said the Anand Marriage Act came into being in 1909 and it was in practice till 1950 when the Indian Constitution came into being. The Constitution, however, made no provision for a separate law for Sikh marriages which was "highly unfortunate".

"Muslims have their own laws for marriage, then why Sikhs can't have their separate law for marriage who are forced to register their marriages under the provisions of Hindu Marriage Act", he said.

source: http://news.outlookindia.com/item.aspx?736374


May 9, 2006
That is a hefty charge for showing disrespect to SGGS. Don't get me wrong, I hold the embodiment of our Guru Sahib in the highest esteem. But I fear charging someone with murder for "disrespecting" SGGS is akin to Musims issuing fatwas against people who draw pictures of Muhammad or make Islamic jokes.

I agree, punish people who disrespect SGGS, but is murder going a bit too far?


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
A little bird tells me that this is a ploy to regain some public legitimacy after the total fiasco of the SGPC elections.....with allegations of non Sikh names on the voter lists, Muslims voting, official refusals to investigate electoral irregularities, and all that, where no one is fooled. Another act in the ongoing dramatic presentation. But then I am very cynical about such things.

In other words, chest pounding to show "how serious we are about Sikhi."
Jan 6, 2005
Metro-Vancouver, B.C., Canada

"Punishment for murder cannot be awarded for bonfire etc. of Guru Granth Sahib because murder means killing of a human being by a human being. Besides, the Guru of the Sikhs, being immortal, can neither be killed nor does it die."

Additional information: Judgment entitled Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee Amritsar v. Som Nath Dass and others delivered on March 29, 2000: http://www.indiankanoon.org/doc/1478973/


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I have just deleted a comment because it is unrelated to the issue at hand. The issue relates to an Akal Takht demand for punishment for a burning, a sacrilege of Guru Granth Sahib. Members are free to give their opinions on this matter. Whether any other Sikh of public note expressed that execution is a just punishment for any other kind of sacrilege is beside the point. Let's be guided by the legal document uploaded by Soul_jyot ji. Otherwise, this is going to be yet another thread spinning off course into an ambiguous horizon. Thank you.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Spanadmin Ji..your "little birdie" is 110% RIGHT.
The Five "high and mighty" priests didnt even touch the Hot Potato issue of Golden SGGS birs printed illegally by Makkar related Press that has hundreds of deliberate ERRORS meant to DISTORT Gurbani. It was dismissed as.."The miscreant was sent a mild letter rquesting his presence..BUT he ignored it. Now we will send him a more strongly worded letter and see what happens...." NOW THATS vastly DIFFERENT from the way Prof darshan Singh ji was dealt with...Prof darshan Singh was BANNED from Kirtan even BEFORE he was summoned..GUILTY BEFORE appearance !! Double standards..not really..more likely..."PANCHOLI STANDARDS"...becasue at least THREE of the FIVE are themsleves GUILTY and unfit to sit in judgement ?? SO ALL this is Bachittra natak..High DRAMA to whitewash the bloody slaughterhouse of sgpc election "MURDER" of SRM and GIRMATT PRINCIPLES !! A "murder" that is being IGNORED.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Disrespecting the Guru's message is not listening to it in order to avoid practicing it which is a self defeating prophecy, the immolation of one's inner being ;a punishment in self.

This ploy of the care takers of The Book is to hide their own incompetence.

These emperors have no clothes after what happened in the SGPC elections as Spnadmin ji rightfully mentioned.

Tejwant Singh
May 24, 2008
Due to these close mindedness of Singh Sahib ( whatever that title means ) , the total road ahead for a simple Sikh whose ONLY aim in life should be to get the real essence of SGGS by reading & contemplating upon Gurbani is made really difficult . Mere mortals would be put off & try not to do PRAKASH of SGGS at homes , so that any AIRA GAIRA NATHUKHAIRA may not put them in uncomfortable position by charging them with BEADBI of SGGS . All these PAID EMPLOYEES of PS Badal are hell bent on Brahminisation of Sikhi by limiting Sikhs to paying lip respect ( matha tekna ) & leaving reading & contemplating upon Gurbani to paid Granthis , Babas , Brahmgianis ( all Brahmins in disguise ) & giving money , rumallas ( daan Dakshina ) to Sikhs . The SGPC election results are another blow to efforts for freeing SGPC from these RSS / BADAL stooges .

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Sikhs themsleves dont know much about Gurmatt and what SGGS really says..THAT is the reaosn why there was so much "jubilation" and "celebration..wah wah !!" etc when the Supreme Court declared sometime ago that the SGGS could be considered a "legitimate PERSON" that could "own" property etc.. Sikhs are their own enemy...
Sikhs are the about the only group that take their "religious" disputes to "COURTS" (mostly composed of Non-Sikhs Judges..or even IF the sitting judge is a "Sikh"..he is by virtue of his post sitting as a Judge of INDIAN LAWS and NOT SGGS "directions". So why would SIKHS want such a system to decide their RELIGIOUS DIRECTION for them..insteed of their GURU - THE SGGS.
Recently they went to the Courts on the "sehajdharee" issue...a NON-ISSUE as far as the Complete SGGS is concerned...in the SGGS..the word "sehajdharee" as meant to be taken by those who went to "Courts" is not even mentioened. NOT even ONCE !!
Earlier the Sikhs got "waylaid" BIG TIME by the wily British who took away the GURMATTA and Gurbani GUIDING PRINCIPLES and fed them the sugar coated poison pill of "GURDWARA ACT 1925" whereby the SIKHS put their Collective HEAD on the BLOCK...NOW its up to the GOVT in DELHI....when, where, how etc to hold "elections' to Gurdawras which hsould be nobody's buisness except SIKHS. When Tohra was Presidnet..the Delhi govt "postponed" SGPC ELECTIONS for 25 YEARS !! Effectively making sure that the "chosen President" had as much time as he needed to carry out an "AGENDA" - the result of that AGENDA is before our eyes....Total Corruption of the SRM/Takhat adminstration/Religious Gurdwaras etc. The Most Recent Election proves that the Ordinary SIKH cannot do anything to STOP this ROT - its OUT of our Hands.10,000 VIDEOS fo bare faced Election FRAUD, Widespread Media Coverage of FRAUD and Malpractises...fake votes, booth grabbing, multiple voting, etc etc and the ADMINISTRATION kept its eyes SHUT TIGHT. NO Appeal NO DALEEL (argument).
The Sehajdharee Matter in the Supreme Court (of a SECULAR INDIA) is based on a RESOLUTION PASSED by the Sitting House of the SGPC. What IF the Next Sitting Hosue of the newly elected SGPC pass a RESOLUTION OF....NO MORE ELECTIONS !! IF they could pass the NO SEHAJDHAREE VOTERS in the past..they cna certainly pass this one and put an end to all further elctions and control sgpc as a inherited badal dynasty heritage...not too far fetched notion...
Next a little birdie has whispered...the Tkahat jathedars that dont "match" the ones from OUTSIDE PUNJAB in "Brahminicla flavour/saffronised colours"...will be dispensed with...Akal takhat jathedar to eb repalced by Jasbir Singh Rodeh, nephew of Bhinderawalah who is responsible for the ADULTERATION of darbar sahib and Akal takhat maryada during hsi brief tenure a few years back..may now be back to COMPLETE HIS JOB of murdering the SRM and burying it real deep. Jathedar naandgarh and the jathedar tarlochan Singh will also have to go to accomodate the Sant Samaaj Dhumma Factions.Then RSS Control of everything SIKH will be Complete ..and "any SIKH" who dares to read/vichaar the SGGS will be booked for "murder" !!


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Gyani Jarnail Singh ji I agree with you. So where lay the future or who you believe should form the better future for the Nation of Sikhs?

I was equally shocked to see the Law controlling Elections/electorate to the Delhi GMC elections. There they defined the Sikh in a new way and separate from SRM.

Sikh religious matters should be nobody's bloody business but the Sikhs themselves to fight over, have a hug or love it as they choose and be custodians for future well being of generations to come.

Sat Sri Akal.


May 9, 2006
So where lay the future or who you believe should form the better future for the Nation of Sikhs?

This is a most important question for the literal survival and integrity of the Sikh panth.

We are divided enough as it is, and one big division I can see on the horizon is that a good chunk of consceintious Sikhs will completely buck the defunct SGPC and form their own group. This process will be massively accellerated if the SRM is de-volved and not E-volved from it's current state.

Conscientoius Sikhs already struggle with the corruption they perceive, yet through their sense of Guru-inspired honour they adhear to the SGPC and the SRM... but you can only take that loyalty for granted for so long.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Gyani ji,

Guru fateh.

Thanks for the insightful comments. No one could have said it better.

It is sad indeed to notice that the so called caretakers of Sikhi in fact have become its undertakers.

Tejwant Singh

in a nutshell, ji, well said

I struggle with how beautiful my perception of Creator is compared with how ugly the creators 'caretakers' have become, they seem almost opposites in my head..
Aug 28, 2010
Most of the Sikhs are spectators to the present sitation,unable to do anything exept
for showing the remorse on the ongoing things. We should not worry as at sometime in future the CREATOR will assign someone to set the things right in new equiliberium within the society.At present we should enjoy the grace of the Creator and make
Ardaas(i) for betterment of the situation.


ਨਾਮ ਤੇਰੇ ਕੀ ਜੋਤਿ ਲਗਾਈ (Previously namjap)
Jul 14, 2007
That is a hefty charge for showing disrespect to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Don't get me wrong, I hold the embodiment of our Guru Sahib in the highest esteem. But I fear charging someone with murder for "disrespecting" Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is akin to Musims issuing fatwas against people who draw pictures of Muhammad or make Islamic jokes.

I agree, punish people who disrespect Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, but is murder going a bit too far?

There will always be two aspects of Sikhism. The instructions as per Guru Granth which points to the Shabad (not necessarily the written word) but at times it does refer as the written word. Bani Guru Guru Hai Bani...... is both the written word as well as an instruction for Sikhs to follow. And the Akaal Takht which enforces the regulations.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
There will always be two aspects of Sikhism. The instructions as per Guru Granth which points to the Shabad (not necessarily the written word) but at times it does refer as the written word. Bani Guru Hai Bani...... is both the written word as well as an instruction for Sikhs to follow. And the Akaal Takht which enforces the regulations.

Except in this instance.... there had already been a ruing by SGPC which has been ignored. There are two central themes. A murder can only be of a human by a human. The Guru Granth is immortal and therefore cannot be murdered.


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
The Indian law already recognises Guru Granth Sahib as a living 'party' or a 'person', and in turn, also validates the Sikh form of respect for their Guru. The ultimate aim of this discussion is not to stretch the case of disrepect of Guru Granth Sahib 'far away' but to prevent the disrespect. That must be applicable for every religious book, may it be the Bible, Quran, Zend Avesta or any else.
The bottom line is, the disrespect of religious books/symbols/worship places should be prevented, which is so essential to a pluralist society. The need is not for any more laws, but efficient implementation of the existing ones, unbiased and transparent.
Aug 28, 2010
In India we have plenty of laws but the implementation is so poor that you can hardly expect timely justice .All agree to the fact that jusitce delayed is justice denied so we have learnt to be satisfied with the present system of justice in India.For the past 60 years what we have been witnessing justice or unjustice we can search this within ourselves.
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