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General Biting The Hand That Helps


Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
Sat Sri Akal,
I first apologize for going off the topic. I couldn't find another place to write. In India, it has off late become a shameless practice among certain individuals to cheat people and make money in the name of donations to charity, shrine, etc. On Tuesday, 29 March a turbaned man came to my house and knocked at the gate saying that he is collecting funds for Sri Guru Nanak Devji's festival on Sunday i.e. 3rd April and that Langar has been organized at the Gurudwara. I asked him which festival was he referring to? As per my limited knowledge about Sikh festivals, Hola Mohalla just got over and Baisakhi generally falls on 14th or 15th April. I asked him whether he was a Sewadaar and he said yes. I handed over a sum to him, but he demanded more. He had a receipt book written in Gurmukhi. I sent him with that sum saying that I'll personally visit the Gurdwara and make my contribution there. Though I'm a non-Sikh, I have been to Gurdwaras innumerable times with my Sikh friends and found peace and accomplishment in it. As promised, I went to the Gurdwara on the next day and first bowed to Sri Guru Granth Sahibji, received the parshaad and gradually inquired with a Sewadaar there about the festival on Sunday and expressed my interest to contribute to the Langar. That gentleman was taken back and said "We have Langar Sewa every Sunday". I then showed the receipt I had been given at home narrating about that Sewadaar who came home. I was shocked to hear that the receipt was fake. He said that he had come across some people having similar experiences and made it clear that Sewadaars don't go to individual houses for collecting funds and that the voluntary contributions from people were sufficient. He then took that fake receipt from me along with my contact details instructing me to report to Police and to the Gurdwara if I find any such false Sewadaar again. He said that it would be a true service to humanity. I now doubt whether that cheat who came to my house was really a Sikh. It doesn't appear so. I pray that such cheats get caught at the earliest so that the impersonation and indignification of the real Sikh brothers comes to an end.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: To Cover Our Heads or Not?

ax-marshall ji cheating is everywhere. You have to be able to see a cheating heart peacesign

I was cheated out of $850 in a sob story by two Italian looking "so called fashion designers" who were stuck with name brand leather coats. They had to go back to Italy in a hurry and wanted to get rid of the coats.

These white Italians even said "Sat Sri Akal"lol.

Obviously it was fraud and no one else to blame but self. I called myself "stupid" after that.:sippingcoffeemunda:

My rule going forward,

"Check with your head before you act on what your heart says"

In case the above lightens your pain. It is not end of the world just life but it really hurt me too.

Sat Sri Akal.


Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
Re: To Cover Our Heads or Not?

ax-marshall ji cheating is everywhere. You have to be able to see a cheating heart peacesign

I was cheated out of $850 in a sob story by two Italian looking "so called fashion designers" who were stuck with name brand leather coats. They had to go back to Italy in a hurry and wanted to get rid of the coats.

These white Italians even said "Sat Sri Akal"lol.

Obviously it was fraud and no one else to blame but self. I called myself "stupid" after that.:sippingcoffeemunda:

My rule going forward,

"Check with your head before you act on what your heart says"

In case the above lightens your pain. It is not end of the world just life but it really hurt me too.

Sat Sri Akal.

Dear Ambarsariaji,
I totally agree with you that I could not recognize the cheating intent. It was rather my ignorance. In a City like Bangalore where the Sikh population accounts for less than 1% and most of who are ex-military men, I did not that expect somebody would impersonate Sewadaars and cheat in the name of Gurudwara. Being an illiterate in Punjabi language and Gurmukhi script I could not confirm the identity of the person too. I just went by his turban, beard, Karra and a very humble tone. I could not even suspect that they were fake till I met the real Sewadaar. My point is not about getting cheated but about the defamation that is being caused by that cheat. I have promised to get hold of such cheats who impersonate Sikhs wherever I spot them and will live up to my promise by the Almighty's grace.

Sat Sri Akal
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ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: To Cover Our Heads or Not?

ac_marshall ji take hope and remember,

Good people get cheated the most

So this cheat actually identified a good person in you for all to see. Don't feel too bad plus he has to eat too! Perhaps not the best way to earn but think about all the politicians.

Sat Sri Akal.



1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: To Cover Our Heads or Not?

Good people get cheated the most

We tend to project who we are onto others. People who cheat are virtually certain that everyone else is a cheater -- so better to cheat first than be cheated. People who lie believe that every other person is lying. Better to con than be conned. People without principle believe everyone has a price. Better to make the best offer in order to buy compliance. People who are generous cannot believe that they will be victimized. Most people are generous too! Right?

In a weird way, if you help someone out of the sincere belief that you are going to lighten a burden, and the person you helped returns kindness with unkindness, it confirms who you are. But it is painful.

welcomemunda Ambarsaria's advice. To avoid feeling disillusioned, use your head from time to time, especially when you don't know who you are dealing with. I guess I will need to remember that. :)


Aug 10, 2011
Dear ac_marshall

I have an exact copy of ur experience to tell about today which has left a bad taste in my mouth. I stay at HSR Layout in Bangalore. The con who cheated me also gave a cream slip with Gurumukhi written on it. And I paid 600 bucks and feeling miserable.

He came up asking for my Punjabi roommate and told me that she had donated last time. The worst part is I was ready for office and my Punjabi roommate had worked the whole night so I didn't want to wake her up. SO I paid 500 on her behalf and they still persisted so I paid 100 from my side too. All this, after reading your thread I realised, to give to cheats??

This time he came with saffron colour clad 'baba' too and they had change for 1000 rupees too.

Unfortunately when my Punjabi friend woke up she became all the more irritated and refused to pay up. And now I am 600 rupees lighter in my pocket!

I seriously want to report him, actually them, to the police!


Nov 5, 2009
Bangalore, India
Dear ac_marshall

I have an exact copy of ur experience to tell about today which has left a bad taste in my mouth. I stay at HSR Layout in Bangalore. The con who cheated me also gave a cream slip with Gurumukhi written on it. And I paid 600 bucks and feeling miserable.

He came up asking for my Punjabi roommate and told me that she had donated last time. The worst part is I was ready for office and my Punjabi roommate had worked the whole night so I didn't want to wake her up. SO I paid 500 on her behalf and they still persisted so I paid 100 from my side too. All this, after reading your thread I realised, to give to cheats??

This time he came with saffron colour clad 'baba' too and they had change for 1000 rupees too.

Unfortunately when my Punjabi friend woke up she became all the more irritated and refused to pay up. And now I am 600 rupees lighter in my pocket!

I seriously want to report him, actually them, to the police!

Sat Sri Akal Shwetaji,
Unfortunately these fake Sewadaars roam unchallenged in Bangalore and I personally feel that this menace has to be stopped. Many get cheated due to ignorance as any person with a turban and beard impersonating a True Sikh Sewadaar is thought to be a real Sikh Volunteer. This just defames the community.

To the best of my knowledge, there are two Gurudwaras in Bangalore. The most popular one is the Guru Singh Sabha Gurudwara at Ulsoor opposite to the lake.

The other Gurudwara is in Ashwathnagar i.e. behind the Airforce Training Command Headquarters near Mekhri Circle.

I have confirmed from the authorities at both the Gurudwaras that nobody is authorized to collect funds in the names of the Holy Shrines and that anyone interested in making a contribution should approach the office at the Gurudwaras. If you notice any such con again, you may contact the concerned authorities at the Singh Sabha Gurudwara by phone. The contact numbers are 080-25553461 and 080-41143565. Unfortunately I don't remember the name of the Bhai Sahib who I met. I request you to kindly spread awareness about these fake Sewadars among your friends so that they can be nabbed and the menace is checked.

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