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Bhindranwale - A Terrorist Or A Freedom Fighter?


Jul 1, 2004
Boston, MA
Singhstah said:
Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale,how dare anyone say anything against him. He was and is a great Sikh who woke us up and showed us the nightmare,that nightmare is the indian govenrment. Just because he stood up against them,just because he asked for basic human rights for sikhs,just because he wanted sikhs to have the same equality as everyine else he's a terrorist, how ridiculous is that. Sant Jarnail SIngh Ji is a SANT MAHPURSH BHRAMGYANI.

Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale ZINDABAD!!!!

When the Anandpur Sahib Resolution (ASR) was drafted in 1973, Bhindranwale was a relative unknown. He had no hand whatsoever in the drafting of the ASR.

The ASR is a very comprehensive articulation of the Sikh agenda. Therefore, Sikhs were aware of the "nightmare" (that is "the indian government") well before Bhindranwale came into prominence (in 1978) and allegedly "woke us up."

Sikh leaders were in the process of negotiating with New Delhi; dialogue being the only feasible option given that as long as the battleground remains the plains of the Punjab, the Sikhs are no match for India's Armed Forces.

Perhaps, it might have been another matter if the Punjab had been a hilly region such as Kandahar in Afghanistan.

Under the prevailing circumstances, however, the diplomatic option is the only viable one. In inviting a military response from India while ensconced within the very finite dimensions of the Darbar Sahib, Bhindranwale demonstrated a catastrophic failure to correctly assess the situation at hand.

For a more detailed discussion on Bhindranwale, see the following:

Top Five Bhindranwale Myths

Puneet Singh Lamba
Boston, MA

Mr §ingh

Aug 20, 2004
Plamba - SO what if he wasn't there when the Anandpur Sahib resolution was being drafted?
he wanted those basic human rights to be fulfilled- and if they were - he didn't want Khalistan
I suggest you listen to his speaches!
especially the oen where he speaks about Khalistan and he says that IF we are offered it - we wont thank no
BUT, we don't necessarily want a own country - it's for the indian government to decide whether they want us to be part of India or NOT - we want basic human rights tha we're not 2nd class citizens - and other huamn rights demands - if you call fufill those rights - then we don't need a Khalistan - it's for the government to decide whether they want us or not
take a peek at my earlier post!
Jul 30, 2004
Ek Oankar Wahiguru Ji Ki Fateh
Das wants to add a thing. Das's mother is still a hindu,when She visited chowk Mehta(The seat of Jatha Bhindran) Damadami Taksal Ji. She Said 'What all these good guys have done to defend shall has to be correct'.
AR Darshi is also not Sikh who wrote book on Sant Ji as Gallent defender.

In Sant Ji letter to PM Indira Ji he said that He wants to enforce hindus to Have Tilak,Shikha and other marks. As more often hindus generally hate to have thier own symbol or any kind of descipline so they may have hated Sant ji for that.

Das mostly writes on gursikhijeevan.com site of Jatha Bhindran so all are invited to discuss this in thier 'home site' so that thier views could be taken.

But whenever Das has used any apperent anti hindu remarks on that site often elder meber or admin has told das to shut up or Seek an appology. Unlike many jokers in west who demand seperate Sikh states and just act as a thug to generate money under the guys of Sikh cause who till now openly talk ill of hindus and Indians, These Taksali people not only study Vedanta but also encourge Sikhs to study the great works of Islam and Vedanta ,Vedas etc. And it is still forbiddan in them to talk anti Indian or Anti Hindu,thier fight is with pseudo secular or pseudo democratic state elements of India.

Das has recently seen any a Bajrang Dal members(As das is one of them) have also started to take note of thier idology. Das infact wants to let it replace the idealogy of Sangh Parivar's Hindutva by Thier Khalsa idealogy.

Das on behalf of Taksali brothers and sister intend to inform all. We are pro to Indians as well as hindus.(For other Sant Ji is no more but we still belive that he is still with us so any anti hindu statement attributed to him is false,If a fahter say a harsh word to son this does not means that son is hated by father.) Sant Ji never generalised all hindus as evil.After operation blue star about 250 bodies of Bihari or Purbiyas hindus were recovered from the complex. They were there to take shelter as many other hindus use to live in Gurudwaras which are open to all Sikhs and non Sikhs alike.

many hindus later on escaped. If Sant ji was a Human killer why did not he killed those Hindus ?

Das want you all to come put your view in thier official webiste of Gursikhijeevan.com as Das does not want discuss this topic more on this forum as more pure Taksali expert is needed to provide word to word detail. Das just want to say how libral they are that inspite of thier knowing that Das is a supporter of Nihungs (Budhadal.org or Shastarvidiya.ord) with whom they differ. And in fact Das is beef and pork eater unlike them who are Strict vegitarians(as per thier code of conduct),they allowed thier forum to discuss the meat related issues inspite of stiff opposition from some members.

Das was a Hindu before becoming Sikh.now he can think both a Sikh and as a Hindu and as of Anyother Faith(like Swami Ramkrishna Param Hansa).Das only beg you to put you in the place of Sant Ji('terrorist' Bhindrawale) and think what you could have done if you were at his place.
At last Das seeks forgivness of any hard or vulger language used. As from Paramilitary/military Backgroound Das has a tendency to become informal. Term 'you' here is not directed towards anyone but is rather more in General term. Forgivness of mistake may Wahguru bless Hindus,Sikhs and all other alike.


Jul 11, 2004
plamba said:
Please elaborate. In my view, a credible eye-witness is the most valuable asset for either the prosecution or the defense.

Like I've stated...there are also "witnesses" that claim Bhindranwale is stil alive as they saw him leave the Golden Temple Complex unharmed.

In my mind, the difference between a criminal and a terrorist is that although both commit criminal (illegal) acts, a criminal has only a *personal* agenda whereas a terrorist subscribes to a publicly declared *political* agenda.

I would reckon that Nihangs who carry unlicensed guns and/or use guns for purposes other than legitimate self-defense are criminals since they don't have a publicly declared political agenda other than a lifelong commitment to lawlessness and anarchy. In all likelihood, even if there were to be an independent Sikh state (Khalistan), Nihangs would choose to remain outside the confines of the law of the land.

What does that make the Indian Government? Who had a political agenda during 1984, and committed brutal *criminal* acts? Innocents were killed, if you believe otherwise, than thats just ridiculous. Every government can be considered terroristic under your broad definition.

There is a clear difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter. A Terrorist targets innocents and does not target his actual enemy. A Freedom fighter targets only his actual enemy and goes for them.

As you have acknowledged, Bhindranwale committed criminal acts. So, he was at least a criminal. However, since he was committing criminal acts in support of a publicly declared political agenda (namely the full implementation of the Anandpur Sahib Resolution), he was also a terrorist.

The Indian Government committed no *criminal* while they supported a political cause? Their political cause was to end the Khalistan uprising...many innocents were taken away and killed during that time. So, under your definition the Indian Gov't should also be labelled terrorists.

I am just stating this to make the claim that BOTH sides of the battle were flawed. Bhindranwale was NOT the smartest man, and the Indian Government DID NOT AT ALL do things the right way. To consider either side a blatant terrorist is foolish, and in this case, specifically Bhindranwale.

As I noted above, you seem to be conceding that Bhindranwale was a criminal. I'm suggesting that criminal acts performed in support of a publicly declared political agenda (as was the case with Bhindranwale) qualifies as terrorism.

Incorrect, like I've stated above, Bhindranwale was not the smartest man, and there was plenty of other methods to handle the same situation, BUT he was NOT a terrorist.

Correct. Bhindranwale's declared enemy wasn't all Hindus but the Hindu-dominated government in New Delhi. However, he apparently considered innocent Hindu lives expendable in the greater interest of his cause.

Puneet Singh Lamba
Boston, MA

Please show me evidence of him considering killing innocent Hindu lives as an interest of his cause.

Please also take into consideration that India is a 3rd world country run by corruption...there were many sikhs, some of bhindranwales men, who did go about and kill innocents, but Bhindranwale never stated this act was good, nor did he claim it was in the greater interest of his cause.

Bin Laden...took pride in the killings of innocent americans, and publicily showed it, and claimed they helped his cause.

There is a difference. Bhindranwale was not the smartest person, and had relatively stupid sikhs with him who committed such horrendous acts.

This thread is pretty much done with.
No need for anyone to post their opinion anymore, just read through the topic and gain your knowledge and please form your own opinion.
Doubt both sides and find which one you think is more accurate and relative.

Nice discussion everyone.


sikhi suki

Oct 21, 2004
bhindranwale? terroist? u cnt even use it in the same sentance its just wrong if you think thak bhindranwale is a terroist he fought for our freedom for our khalistan if that is what you call a terroist then what is that man on the telly preechin bout islam wiv da hook and 1 eye is he a freedom fighter???? i think not



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