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Hinduism Baba Ramdev Praises Guru Gobind Singh

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Baba Ramdev Praises Guru Gobind Singhji

ha ha...some people will EVEN call a ghadah baap when it suits them...
MK Gandhi also sent a Telegram to Baba Kharrak Singh..Congratulating the SIKHS for their FIRST VICTORY for Indian INDEPENDENCE when the British govt backed down in the Guru ka bagh and Chabbian da Morcha and gave back the Keys of Darbar sahib to the Sikhs unconditionally after first sealing and locking up Darbar sahib...!! MK Gandhi knew who would be the ones getting Indian Independence...NOW Baba Ramdev KNOWS..whose support is VITAL !!!..so its time to call...Sikhs "BAAP".

Hardip Singh

Jan 14, 2009
Re: Baba Ramdev Praises Guru Gobind Singhji

ha ha...some people will EVEN call a ghadah baap when it suits them...
MK Gandhi also sent a Telegram to Baba Kharrak Singh..Congratulating the SIKHS for their FIRST VICTORY for Indian INDEPENDENCE when the British govt backed down in the Guru ka bagh and Chabbian da Morcha and gave back the Keys of Darbar sahib to the Sikhs unconditionally after first sealing and locking up Darbar sahib...!! MK Gandhi knew who would be the ones getting Indian Independence...NOW Baba Ramdev KNOWS..whose support is VITAL !!!..so its time to call...Sikhs "BAAP".

Truly said, Gyanni jee. Earlier these Babas were making mockery on us and were giving degratory remarks on our Gurus and now a suden twist.............we should beawre of them


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Baba Ramdev Praises Guru Gobind Singhji

There is a word especially coined for the likes of Ramdev,- "CHARLATAN'. :singhbhangra:
Jasbirkaleka ji and other experienced folks I observe. One who squints like this clown can not be trusted, folk wisdom from decades ago.

The prevalence and quick rise of such people in India shows you the utter bankruptcy of whatever religion they claim to believe in. Pre Baba Nanak stuff is raising its ugly head and flourishing.

So sad for the misled masses. :mad:



Dec 13, 2010
So in your views he is a charlatan, can you show why rather than making bland statements without back up.
His yoga exercises have helped millions, or should this be ignored, easy to throw mud, let see some facts.
Bankruptcy are those individuals who have bigotted thoughts and preconceptions and do not walk without hate
Aug 28, 2010
So in your views he is a charlatan, can you show why rather than making bland statements without back up.
His yoga exercises have helped millions, or should this be ignored, easy to throw mud, let see some facts.
Bankruptcy are those individuals who have bigotted thoughts and preconceptions and do not walk without hate

If YOGA is confined purely as physical excercise only then there is no problem in acceting its significance.In India the major problem is that any activity that is required to accepted by masses is connected as being important as Dharam.
Such approach dilutes many others way of thinking about Dharam.
What should be the need of Wearing Bhagwa Vastras for promoting YOGA?
It is obvious people at large are attracted by the outer styl;e of self styled so called GuRuu and its inclusion directly against Sikh principles.

Oct 11, 2006
So in your views he is a charlatan, can you show why rather than making bland statements without back up.
His yoga exercises have helped millions, or should this be ignored, easy to throw mud, let see some facts.
Bankruptcy are those individuals who have bigotted thoughts and preconceptions and do not walk without hate

Ramdev used to make tall claims that he has cured hundred of people suffering with cancer,and he has statistics to prove it. Now why has he, all of a sudden stopped making these absurd claims? Where have the proofs disappeared.
Same is the case with other extravagant claims of cures for heart and skin diseases.
He has been hood-winking innocent people to become a billion ere in such a short time.


Dec 13, 2010
As regards his claims of curing diseases by breathing the data has not been presented, and as such these specific claims are deemed fanciful, but on the other hand his exercises have helped people in their well being, and for this he deserves credit.

Not quite sure about what you say Prakash about Dharam, and how dilutes ways of thinking, can you explain further.
Aug 28, 2010
As regards his claims of curing diseases by breathing the data has not been presented, and as such these specific claims are deemed fanciful, but on the other hand his exercises have helped people in their well being, and for this he deserves credit.

Not quite sure about what you say Prakash about Dharam, and how dilutes ways of thinking, can you explain further.

As I have understood there are 72 dharams in accordance of Vedas any person is required to adopt to be true Dhramic one.Yoga is one of them .

From Gurbanee we Sikhs learn about only one DHARAM which is stated to be the best of all.You may understand a Quote from Gurbanee as
"Sarab dharam Main Shreshat Dharamu,Hari Ko Naamu Jap Nirmal Karamu"
Baanee Sukhmani in SGGS ji.

Except for Single Dharam of Simran of Hari Naamu,all others have been set aside for Sikhs.

Since there is an element of Dharam in Yoga which which can not and should not be accepted by Sikhs .This is what I mean as diluting effect
of Yoga under the banner of Dharam activity.

No body can deny the role of physical excercise in maintaining the functioning of body in active state.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
and RUNNING AWAY wearing WOMEN CLOTHING instead of standing up and being COUNTED is NOT a "Dharmic" qualification at all...its a COWARDS way OUT. Only Charlatans and crooks save their own SKINS in time of danger instead of staying around and saving those who came to support them !!

For ALL his Tall claims and stomach churning exercises and claims of Yogis livig on air for CENTURIES..he couldnt stand HUNGER even for a few HOURS...his "Fasts" always last a short while....compared to say Shaheed darshan Singh feruman who Fasted to DEATH for oever 78 days continously over a demand he thought merited such. Such "fasts" are therefore publicity stunts only.


Dec 13, 2010
Again, what we have are signs of character, and the case for a charlatan, imo, are not met, as his exercises have benefited many people, and this benefit is important to value.
Now not claiming he is some great saint, just saying he has some importance given the benefit of his exercises to the well being of the participants and for this he deserves credit.
Aug 28, 2010
Again, what we have are signs of character, and the case for a charlatan, imo, are not met, as his exercises have benefited many people, and this benefit is important to value.
Now not claiming he is some great saint, just saying he has some importance given the benefit of his exercises to the well being of the participants and for this he deserves credit.

One can say like that.
But we can see now a days in every sphere it is all Money Game alone or Money with Political ambitions.Nothing wrong if carried out with clear intent.But everything lies in the womb of time .We can only react when it becomes visible.Let us hope for the best.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Again, what we have are signs of character, and the case for a charlatan, imo, are not met, as his exercises have benefited many people, and this benefit is important to value.
Now not claiming he is some great saint, just saying he has some importance given the benefit of his exercises to the well being of the participants and for this he deserves credit.

and also Richard Bingley, he deserves credit too, he is the instructor at the local swimming pool.


Apr 24, 2006
Prakash ji
Are you suggesting Yoga is only exercise?
Yoga is a practice towards union of consciousness with Ultimate consciousness. It could be through physical exercise (Hatha Yoga), through daily actions (Karma Yoga), through knowledge (Gyana Yoga), etc.

As I have understood there are 72 dharams in accordance of Vedas any person is required to adopt to be true Dhramic one.Yoga is one of them .
What are the other 71 dharams?

From Gurbanee we Sikhs learn about only one DHARAM which is stated to be the best of all.You may understand a Quote from Gurbanee as
"Sarab dharam Main Shreshat Dharamu,Hari Ko Naamu Jap Nirmal Karamu"
Baanee Sukhmani in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Except for Single Dharam of Simran of Hari Naamu,
Otherwise known as Bhagati Yoga (translated as union of consciousness with Ultimate consciousness through love and devotion).

all others have been set aside for Sikhs.

Since there is an element of Dharam in Yoga which which can not and should not be accepted by Sikhs .This is what I mean as diluting effect
of Yoga under the banner of Dharam activity.

No body can deny the role of physical excercise in maintaining the functioning of body in active state.
If we are doing things right, there will be an element of Dharam in them. That is, if we are doing an activity properly, if will have an element of Simran of Hari Naam in it.
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