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Baba Ji's Claiming He Has "mehar"


Aug 24, 2006
WJKK W JKF. My knowledge in Sikhism is very little, so I apologise in advance for anything I might say that is wrong or offensive.

There is a particular "Baba Ji" (as my mother-in-law refers to him) from India that travels quite regularly to "help" others. He apparently claims to have "mehar" of his Guru. (I think Baba Hardial Singh) He came round once at my home at the insistance of in-laws....as I'm quite sceptical about these kinds of things. However, within 5 minutes I had about 80 odd people crammed in my lounge all sitting on the floor whilst "Baba Ji" sat on a chair. Soon his eyes closed and his voiced changed and he started calling out scenarios and whoever fitted that had to come forward and he told them what to do eg, throw coconuts in water, or put water to sun. People were there for all sorts of problems...eg wanting a baby, finding a suitable partner for there son/daughter. Someone was having problems with their daughter as she was too wayward and he told them that someone had done "Kala Alam" (black magic) on her???

I thought in Sikhism we are not to believe in this. He's got a Gurdwara being built in Punjab and yet the things he is advising others to do to are not based on Sikhism.

But saying that he is so popular and I do sometimes wonder if there is any truth. Obviously he is helping others or he wouldn't have any followers as such? :confused:
Jul 13, 2004
I feel Sikhi has many people who have become ritualistic, superstitious and get into all these kind of absurbidities. The actual basis of Sikhi i.e. Rational Thinking, Service to Humanity, Bani, Bana, Simran, Sewa are something which every Sikh needs to aspire for.


Aug 24, 2006
I totally agree with you Arvind veerji. I grew up in a Sikh family but was always told about certain superstitions eg not to wash your hair on Tues/Wed/Sat, not to do seva when you are menstruating etc. In such a short time of being registered on this site I have learnt that such beliefs have no relevance in Sikhism. It's beyond me why people think that throwing seeds/coconuts in water (or anything else that may be asked of them) is going to help. Wouldn't it be better to give to charity, do Path or seva at Gurdwara?
Jul 13, 2004
haanji... The examples you gave are out of a few, those are blind superstitions, and which has nothing to do with Sikhi.

And actually while reading Sau Sakhi, I get the message that Sikhi is Ajaat... something like 'No Mazhab/religion'. Well, if it is not making any sense, then you guessed right that I have just started reading it.

May 6, 2006
thats great to hear that people here are getting to know more about true sikhism... sikhism is based on logic (knowledge) plus love of God... this is "true faith" .... Blind Faith is not accepted in sikhism... see, understand, feel and then follow....... Good job sikhphilosophy.net.... keep it up
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