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USA Attack Against Sikhs: Jewish Groups Offer Reward For Information On Assailants


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Attack against Sikhs: Jewish groups offer reward for information on assailants

Several US-based Jewish groups have announced USD 10,000 in reward for any information leading to the arrest of those responsible for shooting two elderly Sikhs in California, taking the total award money offered so far to USD 42,000.

Surinder Singh, 68, and Gurmej Atwal, 78, were shot at by unidentified assailants last Friday when the two were on their daily evening walk on Elk Grove Sacramento, California. Singh died on the spot whole Atwal is still reported to be in critical condition.

Rabbi Mona Alfi of Congregation B'Nai Israel, which is Sacramento's oldest Jewish congregation and its largest reform synagogue yesterday announced that several Jewish organisations of the area have collected USD 10,000 in addition to the USD 32,000 award money announced by the local Sikh organisations.

This includes USD 5,000 by Sacramento chapter of Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The Jewish organisations which have announced the reward are the Jewish Community Relations Council, the Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region and area synagogues.

Meanwhile, community organisations announced that they would hold an interfaith meeting tomorrow at the place where the two elderly Sikh gentlemen were shot.

The police are yet to arrest anyone involved with the case.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation also has been involved in the probe.



ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
spnadmin note: There is something emerging that is very interesting. In the above article it is reported that a Jewish group is offering a reward. We have also posted other articles where CAIR, an Islamist Advocacy Group, has posted a $5,000.00 reward. This amount was raised to $30,000.000.

spnadmin ji I profess not to understand USA. The following is very disturbing,


There was a saying back home in Punjab based on the treachery of the Muslims against our Gurus as follows,

You dip your arm in Mustard Oil (Saron da Tael) and then dip it in a sack of sesame seed. Count the number of sesame seed that stick to your arm. If a Muslim swears to something as many times, don't believe him.

It is very illogical, but I find them hard to trust when push comes to shove. The silent majority in Islam is always mute when its own people commit atrocities or crimes. For example the beheading of a Sikh by Taliban.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
spnadmin ji I profess not to understand USA. The following is very disturbing,


Whenever you read anything on the Internet three things need to happen. 1) Awareness of your own personal biases - to which you are entitled - but which may thrust you into a situation where you choose to read material that you prefer to agree with. 2) Awareness of the biases of the web site. Now who is this LA Sherriff Leroy Baca who has such intense concerns about CAIR. He doesn't like CAIR. Does he like Sikhs? 3) Awareness of other resources on the Internet that challenge your biases and perhaps add to awareness.

CAIR has collaborated in court and in advocacy with Sikh Civil Rights Organizations in the US, including SALDEF and Sikh Coalition over the years. CAIR and SALDEF together have been successful in overturning state laws in federal court. So if we don't like CAIR, maybe we should not like Sikhs who like CAIR either.

To understand the US diaspora a little better: Sikhs in the US tend to work behind the scenes more than in the media, forming coalitions with other groups, and plying intelligent use of legal resources and expertise to make progress. Media appearances and press releases are always used strategically to advance toward a goal. The current progress made by SFJ against Kamal Nath in the US federal court took all by surprise when it broke last year, and no one thought SFJ would stay in the game. They did.

My father used to say something like this too, but in Italian
You dip your arm in Mustard Oil (Saron da Tael) and then dip it in a sack of sesame seed. Count the number of sesame seed that stick to your arm. If a Muslim swears to something as many times, don't believe him.

Really it is necessary to be discerning, or we have not a a chance in hell of overcoming racial and religious hatred. Dr. Martin Luther King:" If you are not part of the solution, then you are part of the problem. "


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Sorry I understand better based on your post. Thanks.

Any comment on the following could help me develop better perspective as I am also talking from personal experiences with Muslims who are good and OK except when you complain or cite something done wrong by their community then I experience the following,
The silent majority in Islam is always mute when its own people commit atrocities or crimes. For example the beheading of a Sikh by Taliban.

Sat Sri Akal.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Sorry I understand better based on your post. Thanks.

Any comment on the following could help me develop better perspective as I am also talking from personal experiences with Muslims who are good and OK except when you complain or cite something done wrong by their community then I experience the following,

Sat Sri Akal.

I have to think in pragmatic terms. The silent majority in Pakistan, near where Taliban beheaded Sikhs, might be too frightened to speak.

Sufis in Pakistan have already been targeted many times by the Taliban. They have shrinking opportunities to spread their message.

Do we know how many moderate Muslims in Detroit Michigan or in San Diego California know that the Taliban had beheaded Sikhs? You and I know because we are in touch with unique information through the Internet.

Moderate Muslims in CAIR do speak up and lobby against infringements of civil liberties for groups other than Muslims. For example, against turban bans for teachers in the public schools of Oregon. They offer rewards to help capture the perpetrators of crimes against Sikhs in Sacramento, because they can see how the fingerprints of hatred are all over propaganda against Muslims and Sikhs.

Motive, means and opportunity are necessary to charge someone for a criminal act. Likewise, motivation, means, and opportunity, along with access to information, are necessary for any group to stand up against injustice. So if Taliban cut off access to information, threaten your existence, deprive you of the tools you need to defend yourself, and cut off opportunities to protest, how are you going to stand up for someone else?

But if you can pool significant economic resources, are willing to collaborate, have the skills and experience to seek justice in courts of law, and are unlikely to suffer significant retribution for seeking redress of grievances on behalf of your own people and others with whom you have common cause --- then you do speak out.
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