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Are You A Scholar Without Substance ?


Jun 1, 2004
When we read the writings of Saint Saint Kabir Ji in detail, we realize that
he uses strong words to criticize the wrong-doings of the ‘holy’ people of
his time. He advises them to leave the road of bad thoughts and actions and
put their energies to the meditation of the Name of God.

For a long time, the priestly class of Hindus, the Brahmins had mislead the
masses. They regarded themselves as the perfect beings and the rest as low
down people. It had become so bad that they used to be very annoyed even
when the shadow of an untouchable fell over their food !

In the eyes of these holy priests, Saint Saint Kabir Ji was also an
untouchable and thus they always avoided him and looked down upon him. Saint
Kabir Ji however kept pointing out their fallacies and always wanted to lead
them to the right path; away from their misled ways.

In the hymn in discussion today, Saint Saint Kabir Ji has put forward the
real lifestyle of the so-called holy priests. He unveils the dirty
masterplan to fool the masses under the veil of religion. He points out to
the priestly class that whatever they preach, as bad is what they actually
practice in their lives. He tells us that their lives are just useless in

From this hymn, it is clear to us that by just reading holy texts there is
not much benefit; if there is no love for God that arises from within our
minds and there is positive change in our lives.

The teachings of the Great Masters (Gurbani) is the pillar and support of
all of us. We should read it with love and then discuss and understand the
writings therein. The next step should be to also adopt the teachings
contained into our lives and to live our life according to the teachings of
the Great Masters.

The sad fact remains that dues to lack of effective propagation of the
teachings of the Great Masters, many of us live our lives against the
principles of our religion and do many things that are unwarranted and were
in fact the practices that our religion was supposed to get us out of !

We tend to do continuous readings of the holy scriptures (Akhand Paaths,
etc) but have not taken time out to understand and help other understand the
true teachings contained in the holy scriptures.

Even the clergy class (Giani Jis) have failed effectively in delivering the
teachings of the Masters to the masses. Unless they and all of us can
resolve to first understand the teachings of the Masters ourselves and then
also help other understand them; and also to meditate on the Name of God
regularly and live our lives on the Principles of the religion - then we are
also like the ‘holy men’ Saint Kabir Ji has belittled in the hymn.

Our lives shall also thus go to waste !
that's so true. how many times have we done Keertan and not understood the meaning properly? i find that if i try to understand the meaning behind whatever it is i'm listening to or reading, i enjoy it more and get more out of it.

take for example the Mool Mantr. i've known it since i was a child. but it wasn't until i understood what i was reciting that i really started to enjoy doing it...

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
that's so true. how many times have we done Keertan and not understood the meaning properly? i find that if i try to understand the meaning behind whatever it is i'm listening to or reading, i enjoy it more and get more out of it.

take for example the Mool Mantr. i've known it since i was a child. but it wasn't until i understood what i was reciting that i really started to enjoy doing it...


Guru Fateh.

When one is hungry, one gobbles the food like there is no tomorrow till the tummy can not take it anymore and then one starts regreting for having eaten too much which is always too late. However, the conventional wisdom and the medical field urge us to eat slowly, chew it longer so that the taste buds can be developed, food can be savoured which helps us avoid overeating and other maladies that it brings to us.

As Gurbani is not a physical hunger, it needs effort so that the spiritual hunger can be cultivated so that eventually it manifest itself. Many times we feel compelled to do Paath in order not to go on a guilt trip and also of some fear that something bad may happen if the ritual is not performed daily as if Ik Ong Kaar is a punisher rather than a lover.

It is interesting to notice that we become parrots and start reciting Gurbani without having any urge, desire, love, or curiousity to understand this beautiful poetry and yet expect some miracle to occur through our mechanical actions. There is no doubt that when we recite this gorgeous meaningful poetry, it makes us feel good but this feeling does not last very long. We start going to yearly pilgrimages to Hem Kunt and other places, start doing number of sehaj Paaths and arrange some Akhand Paaths, and feel good about it and which also gives us the opportunity to boast about it to the like minded people who accompany us during these pilgrimages and attend the bhogs of our Sehaj and Akand paaths.

All feels good, ritualistically speaking. But,sadly everything is gobbled like the food without giving our spiritual taste buds to develop.

Once we start understanding this beautiful poetry, then the evolutionary metamorphosis starts its foot hold from the within. The span of feel good increases with time which makes us put Gurbani tools into practice by starting to do good to others. The need to accept all as equal and from ONE SOURCE becomes the starting gun of this long life marathon called the Sikhi journey which makes us become active participants in the society no matter of what hue, creed or faith the people we do good belong to and in return they start doing the same, which makes the tree of harmony take roots.

The seeds sown by beginning to understand Gurbani sprout into the feel good feeling that ceases to be transitory. The hunger from the within never is fulfilled and the best part is that there is no side effect of any spiritual indigestion.

Thanks for sharing your Sikhi journey.


Tejwant Singh
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