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Islam And Called The Name Of Muhammad Mentioned By The Bible


Feb 18, 2012
peace be upon you

members of the Junior Allah guided you , today we talk about that
All previous books mentioned the name of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, including the Bible (the Torah and the Bible), to read and judge for ourselves on that ....

Allah says: (Those who disbelieve say I'm not sending Say Allah is sufficient witness between me and you, and has knowledge of the book) [Thunder: 43]. In this verse to indicate that he has learned from the books of the Jews and Christians know that Muhammad peace be upon him is the messenger sent from God, His name was mentioned and described in the previous books, but how so?
Stated in chapter XVI prophet promised his best to speak (his best speech, that the great Muhammad), but the interpreters of the Bible said that the word (Muhammad) came here a recipe in the sense (Mahmoud), not a name for the Prophet!

Sobhan Allah, but in another text of the Bible we find God's speech to Moses: (and was held for them a prophet like you), they said, this text promises the coming of Christ, but Christ, they claim, is "god" and not a prophet!! If this text is not intended to Christ because he was born without a father, while Moses was born of a father, so the logic compels us to believe that this text speaks of Muhammad peace be upon him, he is Mohammed, Mahmoud, a prophet!
The Glory of God we see the contradiction in these interpretations, if the intention is to Christ, why do they say is "god"? This text speaks the truth and testify to the sincerity of a prophet of mercy peace be upon him.

They find written with them
God told us that the name of Muhammad peace be upon him found in the Bible, is it signals to it? This is what Snthbth through the following article, God willing ....

As long as you look at the Bible as a book typeface, one hundred percent, and there is no one statement correct! On this basis, you're not convinced of what he was doing some scientists to deduce the Bible stands, or of martyrdom, and if the book was distorted what is the benefit of his or cited.

We select our God rule that we know that this book typeface or not! The Koran tells us about the fact, namely that any book of man-made, must find the differences and contradictions, so he says about the Quran: ((82) Then do they not reflect upon the Qur 'n? If it had been from [any] other than All h, they would have found within it much contradiction.) [women: 82]. This verse was decided that the only book in the universe which does not contain any contradiction is the Koran, and all the books revealed by Allah, such as the Torah and the Bible, all of which also does not contain any contradiction, but before it is distorted, is now distorted and if our research where we found the contradictions are clear in the text of the scripts.

But to prevent this that we find in these books distorted some right? Is it corrupted or not completely still with some references that have remained true to emphasize the Koran?
This is checked it out already when I heard a great verse from the Book of Allah Almighty, and if I hear for the first time, to write the whole text and reflect: ((156) And decree for us in this world [that which is] good and [also] in the Hereafter; indeed , we have turned back to You. "[Allah] said," My punishment - I afflict with it whom I will, but My mercy encompasses all things. "So I will decree it [especially] for those who fear Me and give zakah and those who believe in Our verses -
(157) Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful.
(158) Say, [O Muhammad], "O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death. " So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be guided.
(159) And among the people of Moses is a community which guides by truth and by it establishes justice.) [Norms: 156-159].

What drew my attention to the Holy Quran speaks of Moses, peace be upon him, and how his story was with Pharaoh, and sorcerers, and then how his story was with the sons of Israel, and in the middle of this text, and suddenly we will mention the illiterate Prophet peace be upon him, comes to emphasize the divine that they will find this prophet written them in the Torah and the Bible, the Bible, and the question: What does that mean?
Is there a relationship between Moses and Muhammad? If you do already searched in the Bible will we find a reference to the illiterate Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him? Does this signal exists today despite the distortion of this book?

When I heard the verse: (the Prophet illiterate Prophet whom they found mentioned in the Torah and the Bible) I realized that the word of God is right, and as long as God is and told us that we must find a reference in the Bible remain to this day proves that the Prophet Muhammad written in the book Holy Qur'an is valid for all times and places, and since God Almighty said: (they find written with them) should they find that they have already written both in the past or present.
This is what I found already after I read the Bible to read in-depth on the one hand, I read what was written by some Muslim scholars on these signals, and will Ibt you lovers of these signals with some simplification and scientific analysis, to realize that the Quran is right and that human beings no matter how they tried to distort the Bible will remain the signals present and witness to the sincerity of this illiterate Prophet peace be upon him.

If we read the Torah and we look distorted the story of Prophet Moses, peace be upon him, can be found in the middle (as in Quran) to mention a surprise signal comes from the prophet after Moses? In the Book of Deuteronomy to remember the story of Moses, peace be upon him, and during this story comes already mentioned the Prophet will come after Moses is like Moses,
Came in the Old Testament: (live for you Lord, your God, a prophet from the midst of your brothers like me. Him hear 0.16 according to all that I asked the Lord thy God in Horeb on the meeting, saying: Do not come back hear the voice of the Lord my God, I do not see this great fire also, lest I die .17 told me The Lord may do good in spoken 0.18 was established for them a prophet from the center of their brothers like you, and my words in his mouth, Viclmanm all recommended him do. 19 and be that man who does not listen to me speaking in my name I want him to 0.20 and the Prophet, which covers, take a my words did not Os to speak of it, or who speaks on behalf of other gods, die by the Prophet. 21, and I said in your heart: how do we know the words that did not speak the Lord? 22 What spoke by the prophet in God's name did not occur or persist, it is the words that did not speak the Lord, but tyranny spoke by the prophet, do not be afraid of it) [Deuteronomy, chapter 18: 15-22].

Think of me, O loved ones how come talk about the prophet after Moses, of course, this talk came on the Moses of his people a message from God, he says to them (held them a prophet from the center of their brothers like you, and my words in his mouth) and the meaning of these words that God will establish a prophet after Moses be like him and makes his words in the mouth of this prophet, that this prophet speaks words from God, and the question: Who is this prophet who looks like Moses, and speaks the words of God? To enumerate the qualities of the Prophet, as contained in the biblical text:
1 - This is one of the brothers of Prophet Isaac, any of the descendants of Ishmael peace be upon him: (from the center of their brothers) and the addressee are the children of Israel, and their brothers are the sons of Ishmael peace be upon him. This is proof that the Prophet should be the sons of Ishmael.

2 - This must be a prophet like Moses, peace be upon him to this word (like you), that is the law of the Prophet, and God to be a book.

3 - this prophet will speak the word of God: (and my words in his mouth).

4 - everything speaks of this prophet will happen, and if not it indicates that the Prophet a liar: (What spoke by the prophet in God's name did not occur or persist, it is the words that did not speak the Lord), meaning that the words that will be speaking this prophet If not achieved, this indicates that it is not the word of God.

5 - This is the prophet of his people will be all that is revealed to him of the commandments and the provisions of the legislation and stories, and will not conceal anything commanded by God: (Viclmanm recommended him by all).

6 - We have received confirmation on this prophet twice:
- (The Lord your God, you live a prophet from the midst of your brothers like me).
- (Set up for them a prophet like you from the center of their brothers).
Consider the stress that this prophet would be brothers, the children of Israel (from your brothers, from the center of their brothers) (ie the sons of Ishmael), as well as to emphasize that this would be expected of the Prophet like Moses (like me, like you).

The question now is: Who is the prophet referred to in this text? Is it Jesus Christ as they claim, or is it Muhammad peace be upon him?
1 - The Christ is not like Moses, in many respects, it did not come law of a new, but came the Gospel which is the integral of the Bible, Christ was confirmed that he had not come to invalidate the law, but to complement (as in the Bible).

2 - Jesus had no father but God breathed his spirit of Mary Our Lady of Peace, and therefore the birth of Moses and the birth of Christ were quite different.

3 - Christ spoke in the cradle, Moses did not speak, and Jesus was resurrected the dead and heal the blind and the deaf and dumb, and the miracle of Moses was the stick.

4 - Christians claim that Christ is the Son of God, how can be like from their point of view that our master Musa, who they see as a prophet?

5 - then that Jesus was not of the sons of Ishmael, but God sent to the children of Israel, Muhammad is a descendant of Ishmael and sent by God to the Arabs and all people.

6 - Mohammed and Moses are both married, both of sheep grazing, and God sent Moses to Pharaoh and his people and sent by God to Mohammed Abu Lahab and his people.

7 - Moses was the Torah and the Koran says Mohammed.

8 - Finally, there is a big difference too from the standpoint of the Bible, Jesus is God did not marry and has no father and was crucified and has (as they claim), but Moses is not God married and has a father or crucified, so if we treat this logic, where the similarity between the Moses and Christ as they claim??!
Therefore, saying that the prophet referred to by the biblical text is the Christ, this view is not based on any evidence, but is contrary to the truth. The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him, it was like Moses, peace be upon him, he is the owner of the law, which we reached the Word of God Almighty, The miracles, and all occur by check.

The Bible says in reference to the great prophet like Moses, God sends it to the children of Ishmael, and speak words of God: (held for them a prophet like you from the center of their brothers, and my words in his mouth, Viclmanm recommended him by all).

For example, when Muhammad peace be upon him in the beginning of the call and the Muslims in the most vulnerable stages of their lives, tell them that Islam will spread everywhere, he said: (will be this - that Islam - a total night and day), and the question: Do you verify this? Islam spread in every place on earth? Statistics says modern and reliable: that Islam is the religion most prevalent and fastest growing in the world, it is the only religion that spread in all countries of the world, and Islam will be the religion is the first in 2025 and the proportion of Muslims in the world up to 30%, while the percentage of Christians will not exceed 25%. According to the British reference (Sato Tsugitaka, Muslim Societies, Routledge, UK, 2004).

The illiterate Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him we received a message from God, every word in the Quran is the Word of God, let us suppose that it was a hoax, is it possible to continue calling and lies - surround God - four centuries, and spread his religion so great? Is there a man in the whole history invents a lie against Allah and claimed that the Messenger of God, and claims to be the words came from God, is there such a man in history continue to call, or that God shows his lie?

Is not the Bible is the one who says: (The Prophet, which covers, take a my words, not Os to speak of it, or who speaks on behalf of other gods, die by the Prophet), you died the Prophet Mohammed and ended mentioned or that his ***** is still intact after his death to-day Resurrection? So the logic of the Bible asserts that the false prophet will not last and will not spread his call, and since that Muhammad peace be upon him lived in the heart of every Muslim to this day, this evidence from the Bible itself on the sincerity of Muhammad's mission to all people!

The Prophet came similar words from God: ((9) It is He who sent His Messenger with guidance and the religion of truth to manifest it over all religion, although those who associate others with Allah dislike it) [Grade: 9] . The question is: Is the back of the religion of Islam spread and became the most widespread religion in the world or not? So all that has happened by the illiterate Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him fully achieved, then by the logic of the Bible and we can say with full confidence that the Prophet Muhammad is the prophet referred to the Bible in the previous text.

It is the wisdom of God that those who distorted the Bible did not pay attention to this statement, did not realize the hidden signal that they carry, and therefore did not occur to them that this signal would be proof against them and recognizing that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and they do not feel!!!
The truth of God when he says: ((158) Say, [O Muhammad], "O mankind, indeed I am the Messenger of Allah to you all, [from Him] to whom belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth. There is no deity except Him; He gives life and causes death. "So believe in Allah and His Messenger, the unlettered prophet, who believes in Allah and His words, and follow him that you may be guided.) [norms: 158].[/FONT]
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