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America Vs Europe


Jul 11, 2004
I find it amazing that after so many years, America still holds true to the initial reason the pilgrims came here. Religious tolerance.

One would think that after 9/11 on American soil, that tolerance for religion -- specifically newer religions to the area would diminish. But, the fact is, the government has continually supported religious communities in the struggle against hate crimes. After the recent election, America shows once again, that it wants to keep religion, and not lose it like the left wishes. Once again, morals are a key issue in our country, and once again tolerance for religion is widespread.

Take a look at Europe now, although scarred badly by the Roman Catholic Church, many Europeans HATE religion, even the term itself. They call themselves secularists, socialists, liberals, but they show no tolerance to any religion, as even religious symbols are being banned in many countries. How can this be? When I thought America was the country 9-11 happened too?, I'm pretty certain that the Wahabi Fundamentalist Muslims number one target is America. Yet, in America muslims can freely practice their religion, wear a headscarf, and Sikhs can wear turbans openly and without many questions.

Even in charts and diagrams that compare religion with modernization, most countries who are first world do not hold religion to be of much or any importance and the people do not think its a controlling force in their life. This trend is explainable in almost every country except...America. (and Vietnam, since their poor, but do not hold religion to be important)
Nearly 80% of Americans believe God exists, and half of Americans think religion is still a controlling force in their lives.

It's amazing, how after so long religion in America still seems strong, but yet many Americans, commonly assosciate themselves with the "left", wish America to take a path similar to Europe.

The rest of the world has this preconcieved notion that "Americans are stupid", specifically after President Bush's re-election. Look at yourselves, before you look at us.

Why would we ever wish to take the path Europe walked? Why would we want to become like Europe, and lose are very essence which has helped us numerous times?

Religion was the #1 issue amongst Americans during the past election in November. Yes, many Europeans say that American liberals would still be considered conservatives everywhere else in the world, but it is these liberals that want to take us away from the path we walk, and walk alone. The ACLU, and other assosciations which try to make us into Europe.

I typed this response after an email from a friend in England asking me why any sane person would vote Bush. And also, after I was forwarded a fake letter of how Californians wanted to secede. I am also typing this in response to Michael Moore, who is known throughout the world and always praises how Europe and Canada are. I'm sure you've seen the picture, we live in "JesusLand" according to him.

Let us live by ourselves, and let us walk our own path.
Jul 13, 2004
You cannot generalise to ALL European countries. Look at the UK:

+ Largest Mandir and Gurdwara outside of India [well since the two new Mandirs were built in the USA, I don't think the Mandir claim is still true].
+ In many boroughs like the one I live in, schools have the following days off: Both Eids, Diwali and Guru Nanak's birthday.
+ My secondary school ALLOWED shalwar khameez as the uniform as long as it was in school colours
+ My secondary school never imposed any regulations on religious headwear [they could have any colour, even Gucci logos which many Muslim girls had on their scarves - I disagreed with this].

I do agree that Europe doesn't really follow religion and doesn't care about it, but I still think many Europeans respect religious followers and their free will to follow any religion.



Jul 11, 2004
I'd also say Great Britain is more close to America than the rest of Europe.

Of course, you can't generalize all European nations, but I do think the jist of my first post is true.
Jul 13, 2004
I agree, but not in a religious way [America seems to have very religious parts whereas Britain seems to be very anti-religion]. I feel that Britain is sucking up to America, and America is polluting Britain with it's culture like it is trying to do to the rest of the world.


Nov 11, 2004
I think the reason why Europeans may not want to even mention the word "religion" is because it has been the target of hatred amongst many. I mean, name one war that does not have anything to do with religion.

Maybe I shouldn't have used the word "target" but people use religion as an excuse for their hatred. They want to feel high and mighty saying God is on their side as a way of trying to make people fear them. I feel so bad for the many prophets that have come to help teach humanity to be kind and humanity has twisted things around to fit their personal greed. :hmm:

So to the subject of the Europeans. I don't think they hate the word "religion" per say, but I think they realize that it's a touchy subject that they'd rather keep out of the public and kept in the home.


Nov 11, 2004
S|kH said:
The rest of the world has this preconcieved notion that "Americans are stupid", specifically after President Bush's re-election. Look at yourselves, before you look at us.


Why would we ever wish to take the path Europe walked? Why would we want to become like Europe, and lose are very essence which has helped us numerous times?

You keep looking at the situation as if it's a black and white issue. An issue where it is "us verses them". I think that's what gets we people in the U.S. in a lot of trouble.