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Am I A Sikh, Or A Heretic?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011

I always thought the path to Sikhi would be quite straightforward, read the bani, understand the bani, live the bani, its not rocket science or brain surgery.

However, like all things, it just is not as simple as that. From reading other forums, web pages about Sikhism, I find myself finding what I feel are errors, ranging from absolutely huge whoppers to minor deviations.

In my view, one has to believe in something, to nail ones colours to the mast, so I decided to try and find out more about Baldev Singh, a writer at Sikhspectrum.com whose writings I found riveting , but was most upset to find that he died a few years ago. In desperation, I googled Sikh heretics, and came across a host of people that are seen as heretics in Sikhism. The heresy involves standing against reincarnation, karma, ghosts, ghouls, miracles, enlightenment through word sounds rather than word meanings, continued Vedic influence, validity of Dasam Granth etc. The more I read, the more I was convinced I had finally found a branch of Sikhism I agreed with. At the very least it was consistent, rational, logical and within the laws of nature and thus Creation.

All I ever wanted to be was a Sikh, now I find I am in fact a heretic, just for once in my life could I not walk with the majority for a change!


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Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic


Many thanks for your post, I can tell your saving the really good material for an auspicious occasion.

Having made a few more searches into Sikh heretics, it appears this forum also appears on heresy friendly sites,

These Heretic Groups which are Trying to Break People from Dasam Patshah Bani, Khalsa Rehit and Dharma, And All Things Beautiful in The Palace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, with Their Aims at Attacking GuruGranth Sahib Ji, are Trying to Use Emotional Blackmail by the Names They Use:

"Khalsa Fauj
Gursikh Singh
Sikh Philosophy Network
One Panth
Guru Panths Channel
Sikh Lehar
Singh Sabha
Guru Granth Sahib Academy

Clearly I came to the right place!


Jun 12, 2011
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic

Having made a few more searches into Sikh heretics, it appears this forum also appears on heresy friendly sites,

These Heretic Groups which are Trying to Break People from Dasam Patshah Bani, Khalsa Rehit and Dharma, And All Things Beautiful in The Palace of Guru Gobind Singh Ji, with Their Aims at Attacking GuruGranth Sahib Ji, are Trying to Use Emotional Blackmail by the Names They Use:

"Khalsa Fauj
Gursikh Singh
Sikh Philosophy Network
One Panth
Guru Panths Channel
Sikh Lehar
Singh Sabha
Guru Granth Sahib Academy

Clearly I came to the right place!

We are heretics??? Oh my. I had no idea. Does this mean I am up to no good and should be ashamed of myelf? Oh well, I like this place anyway. I admit, I secretly like it when people I disagree with call me a heretic. I think it means I'm on the right track.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic

Guru Nanak ji was a HERETIC too...He refused to learn the OOrra aeirrah from the Pandit..( He taught the pandit the REAL Alphabet of Life)..He refused to elarn the counting 1-9..addition and subtractions..( He taught the Accountant Tera Tera )..He refused to learn the Alph beh ( He taught the Mullah the alphabet of creation)..
IN Fcat He was Heretic supreme..because He refused to wear the fake janeau ( he described the REAL JANEAU)..He reufsed to beleive the Cow-dung could save ones soul...He refused to beleive a bath in the sacred Ganga washed ones soul..He refused to beleive...refused to beleive..refused to beleive..in SO MUCH and so many..karmas, and joons, and reincarnations, and fake behaviours of Maaalas and dhotees, tikkas and japmalis..teeraths and fasts, karva chauths and holis and diwalis.. and dual languages and dual religions (private and in public..Ghar Ghar jeean boli avar tumaree..a private so called pure langauge at home..and the malecch vulgar language fo the RULER for PUBLIC usage ) he refused such DUALITy..such THUGGH behaviours..

I ma indeed PROUD to be a follower of the Biggest HERETIC the world has ever seen...one who went to Hardwaar and threw water to the WEST..one who went to Mecca and lay down with his feet towards God's "house"....one who went to Kumbh and cooked Deer Meat...one who exposed Sajjan Thuggh..and brought him back to a good life..oh YEAH..I am a HERETIC too...and my children..my family are heretic too...and we are Happy Heretics....

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic

<Sigh> this is turning into the film Spartacus!

Look, I am the one moaning about being branded a heretic, this is not an invitation for the rest of you to be heretics too, I was just enjoying the peace and quiet here in heresy land, now suddenly every tom, **** and harry is a bloody heretic lol

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic

for heretics everywhere

ਹਰਿ ਭਇਓ ਖਾਂਡੁ ਰੇਤੁ ਮਹਿ ਬਿਖਰਿਓ ਹਸਤੀ ਚੁਨਿਓ ਨ ਜਾਈ ॥
हरि भइओ खांडु रेतु महि बिखरिओ हसतीं चुनिओ न जाई ॥
Har bẖa▫i▫o kẖāʼnd reṯ mėh bikẖri▫o hasṯīʼn cẖuni▫o na jā▫ī.
The Lord is like sugar, spilled onto the sand; the elephant cannot pick it up.

ਕਹਿ ਕਮੀਰ ਕੁਲ ਜਾਤਿ ਪਾਂਤਿ ਤਜਿ ਚੀਟੀ ਹੋਇ ਚੁਨਿ ਖਾਈ ॥੨॥੩॥੧੨॥
कहि कमीर कुल जाति पांति तजि चीटी होइ चुनि खाई ॥२॥३॥१२॥
Kahi kamīr kul jāṯ pāʼnṯ ṯaj cẖītī ho▫e cẖun kẖā▫ī. ||2||3||12||
Says Kabeer, give up your ancestry, social status and honor; be like the tiny ant - pick up and eat the sugar. ||2||3||12||


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Re: Am I a Sikh, or a heretic

Harry Haller veer ji thanks for posting a great citation from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We are so blessed to have mine of diamonds given to each of us for free in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.
<sigh> this is turning into the film Spartacus!

Look, I am the one moaning about being branded a heretic, this is not an invitation for the rest of you to be heretics too, I was just enjoying the peace and quiet here in heresy land, now suddenly every tom, **** and harry is a bloody heretic lol
Harry Haller veer ji on a side note can you perhaps better define what type of heretic you are!

I can relate myself to kind of words below in blue in part,</sigh>
heretic 1. a professed believer who maintains religious opinions contrary to those accepted by his or her church or rejects doctrines prescribed by that church.

2.Roman Catholic Church. a baptized Roman Catholic who willfully and persistently rejects any article of faith.

3. anyone who does not conform to an established attitude, doctrine, or principle.


1. apostate, backslider, recreant, protestant. 3. dissenter, skeptic, freethinker.

early 14c., from Fr. hérétique (14c.), from Church L. hereticus, from Gk. hairetikos "able to choose," the verbal adj. of hairein
Sat Sri Akal.
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Aug 28, 2010
GuRu Nanak Ji thru Gurbanee removed all Kinks of prevailing riligious beliefs be it Hindu or Islamic and showed a stright Super High Way Path of meeting the LORD ABNAASEE PRABHu.
Can any Heretic do this.? So GuRu Nanak ji can not be confined within the definition and meanings of being Heretic.
No Sikh can be Heretic so long He understands and lives with the teachings of his GuRu.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Harry Haller veer ji thanks for posting a great citation from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. We are so blessed to have mine of diamonds given to each of us for free in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

I cannot take credit for this citation, my dear little sis Ishna Bhainji read the post and sent me an email, which I would like to reproduce here, it is her citation not mine

People of every religion disagree with each other. There is no uniformity to be found anyway. Even SCIENTISTS don't often agree about what they think are FACTS!!! It appears to me that Creator isn't into monotony... It appears to like variety, colour, difference, flavour, tune... the only monotony is Truth and the Truth is so basic it is hard to conceive... like I think it was Kabir who said something like Naam is grains of sugar mixed with sand; the elephant can't pick them up so be like the ant and savor the nectar.

Found it:
God is like sugar that is scattered in sand,
An elephant can't pick out the sweet grains.
Kabir says, the Guru has given this sound advice:
Become like an ant and savour the nectar. [238]
(Guru Granth Sahib, Slokas, Bhagat Kabir, p. 1377)

While the elephants making websites and yelling their opinions all over the internet and judging people might seem to know it all because they are so confident and loud, it's the quiet, humble, truthful, thoughtful ones who get the juice. And it can't be explained to others, it comes Gur Parsad, but people either get it or they don't... and the ones who do can't explain it to the ones who don't.... And so everyone keeps arguing and going round in circles. Everyone forgets the concept of acceptance. We over-analyse and try too hard to understand. Naam I think is like a piece of glass. People try to see more into it than what is actually there. Usually seeing their own reflections! hahaha... when if fact if they held it up they'd see the whole world.



Dec 29, 2011
"And so everyone keeps arguing and going round in circles. Everyone forgets the concept of acceptance. We over-analyse and try too hard to understand."

I find myself doing this and have been told by others that I do this. The good thing is that I have reliased that I do this and now trying to mend my ways so I can stop :redturban:

Sikhism is about acceptance and love. This is more powerful if you want someone to understand what you are trying tell them rather than just criticising.
Feb 13, 2012
I wonder who is making this accusation.
After a long time, in fact couple of centuries, Sikhs are waking up to the uniqueness of Sikhism.
Sikhs, for the last 200 years, have been made to believe that Sikhism is a branch of Hinduism. Hence they have made incorrect interpretation of gurbani to support the Hindu concepts of Karma and reincarnation. History was created to promote past and future life based upon Karma. They even created previous life of Guru gobind singh ji and made Hemkunt as the pilgrimage for Sikhs. I have heared the popular myth that Guru Gobind singh ji will wait for all sikhs at Hazoor sahib and everyone should visit Hazoor sahib before the age of 60 years. What a load of bull???

In fact I am in peace since I have understood gurbani which tells me that this is the only life we have to get in tune with god to make our stay on earth happy and holy. Not tunes with waheguru means we live in misery, union with god means we are in eternal happy mode, i.e. ANAND.

Sikhs need to remember the bani as " jio ban fal pakai bhuain girai bahur na lagai daar". A riped fruit falls off the branch of the tree, does not go back to the tree. Also " ehi tera ausar ehi teri baar, ghat bheetar tu deh beechar". This life is the only chance you have to remain in tune with god, you should reflect on this in your heart.

Gurbani has been written to make this life pious and happy and not the next life since no one knows whether there is one after this or not.

I am happy to be heretic as I do not believe in Karma, reincarnation or reward of any sort in the next life. All rewards and punishments are here and now. as gubani says " aikar karai so aikar paye" whatever you do you reap the reward or punishment now and here.and "jeha beejai so lunai karma sandra khet" Human life is the field in which we sow seeds everyday and we reap in this life sooner or later. Park on double yellow line you will be fined there and then, not in next life. Hurt other people you will feel bad inside, this is your punishment not in the next life.

so here we are known as heretics.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
It warms the heart to know I am not alone, however it is interesting to note that heresy has its left and right wings, and it is also interesting to note which way 'traditional' Sikhism is headed.


Jul 26, 2010
Feeling inspired to share on this notice board. Find your OWN path of realization it is part of 1 but unique in the "experiences." We must all realize this. Our Guru's were ALL unique in their expression of the 1. We too have been gifted with the same abilities. Don't follow what I say even below it is one journey of unlimited potentials .. find YOUR WAY and Guru will Show YOU and open up the right doors for a joyful experience of LIFE an LOVE.

Sometimes when we seek answers they come in another forms and in my case they have been continuously flowing through other backgrounds/cultures (Muslim, Chinese, Scottish, Egyptian, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian and other brothers and sisters.) The answers I tried to seek within my birth culture i.e. Sikhism were too complicated (people not sharing their experiences when clearly Anand Sahib states "share if you know".) As I began to read Gurbani by myself I then realized - "If you think you need a degree or PHD to find what is already within you, then you are on the wrong path."

With that I realized my "connection" to all the others that share our planet was the reason i.e. Guru was nudging find your heart connection with ALL of them or you are not living to aspiring to achieving in alignment with 1, ONE or EK the WHOLE.

Jarnail ji mentioned the alphabet. Guru Nanak wrote a beautiful Poem of the Alphabet on Ang 432. The most important letter to understand for me was the letter S and here is why:

(S) Sassa: He who created the world, is the One Lord and Master of all. That whose consciousness remains committed to His Service - blessed is their birth and their coming into the world. Guru Granth Sahib - 432

Wherever I see S that is the trigger ... Guru is right here. iPhone 4 S - solve the riddle and see if Guru is not connecting and showing HE is (i) in the phone, connecting 4 directions with his S sign! Gurbani is "alive as energy" and "speaking" through events if we listen and pay attention to the details coming as "instincts/intuition" - the formless energy as thought/feeling vibrations.

Guru Gobind Singh described three forms of formless Being:

Achal moorat - motionless being
Anbhav Parkash - being conscious and living (intuition/consciousness)
Amit-Auj Infinite Energy

(B) - Babba: He set out to play the game, on the chess-board of the four ages. He made all beings and creatures his chessmen, and he himself threw the dice. Guru Granth Sahib Ang - 432

When we are awakened to the realization that it is all a Game then the real fun starts. I had never imagined the world as a massive scrabble game of the Universe all intertwining in ways we could never imagine. In the words of Guru Ji:

Dhaee Bujhaarath Saarathaa Sae Akhee Dditharriaa ||
देइ बुझारत सारता से अखी डिठड़िआ ॥
The riddles and hints are given, and he sees them with his eyes.
Ang 217

This manifested world is the playful game of the Supreme Lord God; reflecting upon it, we find that it is not different from Him. Guru Granth Sahib - 485

A book came out a few years ago. I totally ignored it until the 3rd person mentioned to me "read it." When I got the book The Secret I realized Guru Nanak's teachings about the power of Conquering the Mind. Then I noticed the letter S in a red seal on the front cover and through intuition knew it was a "sign" and part of the plan. The Creator is infinitely creative ... Kartar. We are co-creators when we align with the Intelligence that holds our atoms and this Universe together anything is possible. Our Guru's connected to the Source and knew their roles. We must also do the same, find out purpose and then let the path and the WAY be shown. We must allow the details to be handled 1 and take action on the inspirations that we are nudged with.

Make the love of the Lord your pen, and let your consciousness be the scribe. Then, seek the Guru's instructions, and record these deliberations. Guru Granth Sahib - 16

Simply sharing a book worth reading if anyone is interested. It "came to me" through others but I knew why.

Conquer Your Mind, Conquer The Universe - Guru Nanak
With your tongue, repeat the True Name, and your mind and body shall become pure - Ang 49

Extracted from: Nature of Personal Reality by Seth Jane Roberts

"The seemingly unconscious portions of yourself draw atoms and molecules from the air to form your image. Your lips move, your tongue speaks your name. Does the name belong to the atoms and molecules within your lips or tongue? The atoms and molecules move constantly, forming into cells, tissues and organs. How can the name the tongue speaks belong to them?

They do not read or write, yet they speak complicated syllables that communicate to other beings such as yourself anything from a simple feeling to the most complicated information. How do they do this?

The atoms and molecules of the tongue do not know the syntax of the language they speak. When you begin a sentence you do not have the slightest conscious idea, often, of how you will finish it, yet you take it on faith that the words will make sense, and your meaning will flow out effortlessly.

All this happens because the inner portions of your being operate spontaneously, joyfully, freely, all of this occurs because your inner self believes in you, often even while you do not believe in it. These unconscious portions of your being operate amazingly well, frequently despite the greatest misunderstanding on your part of their nature and function, and in the face of strong interference from you because of your beliefs.

Each person experiences a unique reality, different from any other individual’s. This reality springs outward from the inner landscape of thoughts, feelings, expectations and beliefs.

The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to you is like a three-dimensional painting in which each individual takes a hand. Each colour, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, and only then does it materialize without.

In this case, however, the artists themselves are a portion of the painting, and appear within it. There is NO effect in the exterior world that does not spring from an inner source. There is no motion that does not first occur within the mind. The great creativity of consciousness is your heritage.

Online link to book just copy and paste into URL - Enjoy and Blessings to ALL!

Aug 18, 2005
Fremont, California
Indian Intelligence backed up by RSS and Brahmans dressed like Sikh baba ji sants are behind promoting dasam granth as guru, reincarnation, and forced vegeterianism and Hindu superstitions on blind faith zealous Sikhs. Most of them support these masands, because they do not know Guru Granth Sahib deeply, they do not know the pure Sikh history which by now is contaminated with intelligence agents altering the science of Guru Granth Sahib. Most educated Sikhs of Guru Granth Sahib in India live in the major cities. The pindu farm villagers outnumber the city Sikhs by the millions. These millions are controlled by the RSS and fake Sikhs and those born into Sikh families that receive large bribes to support the Hinduization of Hinduism among Sikhs to destroy it. There is a big taboo on women in their version of Sikhism, like women cannot do sewa, cannot read the paath, cannot do the kirtan in the main hall (all 5 takhts), especially. Those fake leaders are 10 steps ahead of true Sikhs, lying and twisting Gurbani to impose their ways on others.

Because of so many outnumbering true Sikhs, I am already prejudice against Sikhs. I am not suprised why the Hindus make stupid Sikh jokes about Sikhs. Because they know so many of us are easily brainwashed and fooled by fake sants. They watch as some gurdwara committee members steal golak money.

Are we Sikhs really that stupid, or are we all just looking over the other shoulder with the excuse, "God knows, He is watching." I don't think we had this attitude when the Moguls were torturing our babies tied to their mothers grinding the wheat into flour. We fought back.

So what are we doing now? We are letting idiots control Sikhism, exploitation of pakandi business. Selling paath but not teaching the meanings.

We need to study Guru Granth Sahib and to promote study of Guru Granth Sahib. Don't wait for the granthi or the Missionary colleges to do it. The grantis are not learned, and the Gurmat Missionary people are few and overpowered by leaders of the blind millions and politicians dressed in religious Sikh clothes calling themselves jethadaar, takht, etc.


Mar 27, 2012
Sorry for jumping in. This is my first comment on this network. So hello namaste sasrikal to everyone,

Since talks about reincarnation was going on, i was just wondering if any of you have read the research done by Dr. Ian Stevenson on the topic. For a small background, Stevenson was a psychaitrist who was not satisfied with the idea that the human personality was the product of the person's genetic material inherited from his ancestors and the modifying influences of his pre and post natal environement. He thought that some parts of the human personality like early childhood phobias, about uncanny abilities that seem to develop spontaneously, of children convinced that they are the wrong sex, and congenital deformities etc could not be explained by the orthodox theory only and he thought that reincarnation could be a possible explantion for these. So he conducted possibly the largest and only scientific research on reincartion. He studied some 3000 childhood cases that suggested to him the possibility of reincarnation and wrote several books on it.

This is review of his first book by Dr. Robert Almeder, a professor of philosophy at Georgia state University
Reincarnation Evidence: Stevenson's Research - YouTube


Sep 30, 2010
Montreal, Quebec, CANADA
That was just a tester because I am posting a comment for the first time here. So please reciprocate the divine greeting once again

Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!
Waheguru Ji KI Fateh!!

My name is Paramjit Singh. 42 years old I am a civil engineer and immigrated to Montreal Quebec Canada in Sep 2009 with a family of two children. I have been a saabat soorat sikh all my life, with His blessings but I am not an Amritdhari yet. About partaking Amrit I did not have any plans till 2003 but now I crave to do so and am trying to make myself worthy of it!!

NOW COMING TO THE PURPOSE OF MY POSTING. I read a couple postings here esp "Am I a Heretic or a Sikh?" I could easily see the plight of the person who posted it. He is not an exception but the norm!! Today most of the Sikhs feel impelled to project themselves as modern Sikhs who have a scientific bent of mind and who therefore, do not believe in any kind of ritualistic practices, neither do the concepts of "karma", "transmigration of soul", "jammas or yammas", "swarg and narak", Brahma', 'Vishnu', 'Mahesh' and many more like these find any place in their religious philosophy (I've scrupulously shunned the phrase 'Spiritual Philosophy' because the word 'Spiritual' meaning ‘of or relating to the Spirit’ will unwittingly and at this stage unnecessarily invoke these very concepts which our 21st century Sikhs are positively averse to. We will be using these terms when the discussion moves forth, but definitely we will not be using them for NOW). For them Sikhism is a Modern religion and therefore these old religious principles must be carefully kept away in order to preserve its 'modern' and 'scientific' look. But with an over-zealous attitude like this QUITE OFTEN THEY THROW THE BABY OUT WITH THE BATHTUB!!

And deep down I feel it is not their fault, really. Because this drama of life that Waheguru has set into motion on this world stage is so subtle that nobody can understand it without his ‘grace’. It does not mean there is no Spiritual teacher to explain it. Rather the opposite, we, the Sikhs, are the heir to the most precious and complete spiritual treatise on Earth in the form of Guru Granth Saheb Ji - our eternal Guru. But the tragedy is this that we are never in the listening mode, not even when we are in his holy presence in a Gurudwara that we can listen to and understand Guru’s word. Our mind (mann) is ever engrossed in its myriad and unending thought impulses which are bombarding it all the time. The sleep time is no exception! Because what miracles the true state of listening can work, Guru Nanak Patshah narrate in Japuji Saheb in 4 Pauris Of Suniyai............So let’s pray that Waheguruji from His Kindness grace us with such a state where Guru's teachings are understood in their true tenor and meaning by us.

I too did not have this understanding of Guru's word until 2003, when Waheguru acting out of His ever compassionate nature kind of 'conspired' to send me to Satsangat where all my spiritual and metaphysical cobwebs were removed summarily. To begin with Guru Granth Sahebji define Satsangat in two ways:

1. 'Satsangat kaisi jaaniye. Jitthe eko naam vakhaaniye'

i.e. Satsangat (the Holy congregation as per Sikh spiritual yardstick) is that where the secret of 'Naam' is revealed to the devotees and the spiritual-seekers assembled. There is no other criterion used by Guru Saheb Ji in defining Satsangat here. Not the shape or color of the turban nor the presence, absence or length of the beard on the faces of seekers congregated (No one please, please try to conclude from this that turbans or beards are not essential tenet of Sikhism, nor should anybody conclude that without these there cannot exist a sincere spiritual-seeker. It is only this that at the moment I just want to make you realize how important it is to understand what Naam is as per Gurbani that Guru Saheb has formed it the basis to define Satsangat).

2. 'Titthay jaaye baho satsangati, jitthe har ka harnaam biloyeeye'

That you need not hesitate a bit to join 'Satsangat' where the blessed devotees are reciting His Naam, in other words, where the congregation is doing 'Simran'

I was lucky to have met and joined such a Satsangat. What I learnt there I want to share with you. My only qualification to do so is that whatever point I shall make here, in this exalted forum will have the backing of at least one tuk (line) from Gurbani i.e. from the undisputed and eternal Guru of ours: Guru Granth Sahebji. After that it will be up to you to keep it or discard it.

(to be continued...)​
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Jul 26, 2010
Again forewarning take only that which makes sense ignore all else, YOU must find what resonates in your heart as experiences.

Reincarnation by clinical doctor by Acupuncture doctor suggested I read this book:

One Soul - Many Masters Book
We have all lived past lives. All of us will live future ones.
What we do in this life will influence our lives to come as we evolve toward immortality.
Dr. Brain Weiss – Clinical Psychologist and Author

Lady had near death and suffered cancer. She was a hindu lady and her family had strong belief systems in reincarnation. She was given a message to Life Life Fearlessly and complete her mission, and now shares in book and videos on site ..

Anita subsequently chose to return to life when she understood that “heaven” is a state, and not a place. This subsequently led to a remarkable and complete recovery of her health of cancer. The body healed when she aligned with LOVE.

A book The Teachings of Michael indicating reincarnation and life lessons we are here to learn came to my house via a complete stranger!... the story connected to number 222. Full story also connected to Gurbani Shabad 222 God is Cause of All Causes. This was an experience and connected to a wide range of spiritual beliefs full circle back to Guru Granth Sahib shabad my friend sang during Haiti earthquake ... all with a simple number 222 based on Signs - "Some Recognize His Signs and Insignia" - Ang 8


If we do not merge back with the Light that gives us life through unconditional love then perhaps more lessons may have to be learned and hence a return to Earth? Brian's book was interesting he said ALL is Energy, mind your energy well. Michael books said ALL is energy we must master and use energy wisely otherwise we are not "trained enough" to be let loose in the Universe!!!

Jill Bolte Taylor got a research opportunity few brain scientists would wish for: She had a massive stroke, and watched as her brain functions -- motion, speech, self-awareness -- shut down one by one. An astonishing story. Not reincarnation but an experience worth watching about our reality and ENERGY!

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