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Sikh News Al Jazeera News Clip On Sikhs Fleeing Pakistan


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
dalsingh ji

I believe this is only the beginning. The "faustian deal" made by the government of Pakistan with the Talliban -- ceding control over the northern provinces is an indicator of more to come. The central government is caving in and the center will not hold. This news is a great concern.


Jun 12, 2006
Now that it looks like the NWFP is going to be the focus point of war, I expect all manner of craziness to happen. London will probably be targeted by fundamentlists as well.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I really liked what the news correspondent had to say about the effect of democracy in India. Even politicians have to change and move away from anti-Muslim messages, and his recognition of the fact that moderate Muslims will also be victimized by these developments. But --- this is not just about Pakistan or just about India. As you point out, all countries of the world have a stake in this.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
If we had not invaded Iraq and had stayed in Afghanistan, perhaps this may have been avoided along with other attacks around the world including in London and recently in Mumbai. Our previous govt has helped in recruiting the extremists and thanks to the invasion of Iraq, UK and other European countries have become the hubs.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 3, 2005
I really liked what the news correspondent had to say about the effect of democracy in India. Even politicians have to change and move away from anti-Muslim messages, and his recognition of the fact that moderate Muslims will also be victimized by these developments. But --- this is not just about Pakistan or just about India. As you point out, all countries of the world have a stake in this.

Well the basic question is why This always happen in muslim countries.In pakistan Hindu sikh minorities are down to just 1-2% from 15-20% at the time of partition and Hindu population is down to 8.5% from 22.7 % in bangladesh.The whole world should ask muslim
countries that they should give minorities space ,freedom and chance to grow.The muslims
that actually support this are moderate.Unfortunately there are not muslims in world who actually support this


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
VaheguruSeekr ji

People in the US do not realize as much they should the extent to which this is true: previous govt has helped in recruiting the extremists

Thanks for your insight.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Well the basic question is why This always happen in muslim countries.In pakistan Hindu sikh minorities are down to just 1-2% from 15-20% at the time of partition and Hindu population is down to 8.5% from 22.7 % in bangladesh.The whole world should ask muslim
countries that they should give minorities space ,freedom and chance to grow.The muslims
that actually support this are moderate.Unfortunately there are not muslims in world who actually support this

Kds ji,

Guru Fateh.

The above numbers prove that Islam- the religion, the way it is projected is not for harmony amongst humans of other religions.

What the white man did in the Americas and other parts of the globe was for the economic reasons. There was no dogmatic ideology although religion, in this case, Christianity was used as a carrot and stick tactic in some parts.

Islam has not evolved with time because it is mainly based on impositional force which breeds violence. Now Muslims want to impose Sharia law in the UK. If it is allowed there then it will creep into other European countries.

The interesting part is that we, as Baana wearing Sikhs can assimilate in any part of the world where as Muslims who mainly dress like the majority can not.

Unless Islam changes its ideology and finds goodness within, things will get worse. Christianity has been able to do that, so can Islam.

After all, all 3 Semitic religions have the same roots so they are capable of bearing the sweet berries of love,understanding and acceptance.

Tejwant Singh


Apr 3, 2005
As long as Muslims control oil there is hardly any chance for islam to reform..Somewhere I read that Real
problem of islamic fundamentalism started after 70s when countries like saudi arabia actually started promoting wahabi islam all over the world with oil money.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
As long as Muslims control oil there is hardly any chance for islam to reform..Somewhere I read that Real
problem of islamic fundamentalism started after 70s when countries like saudi arabia actually started promoting wahabi islam all over the world with oil money.

Kds ji,

Guru Fateh.

Well said. This is the new "Mughal" invasion backed by oil and this time it is not only on the Indian sub continent but all around the world. The fastest growing religion in the USA prison system is Islam. The Islamic clergy in charge in the prisons is backed by Saudi Arabia. SA has built mosques in all poor countries where Muslim reside and in all rich European countires and also in Latin America. Their Wahabi idealogy of hatred is spreading faster than one can imagine.

Country like Brazil where there are lots of Chrisitans of arab descent has had the Muslim invasion for the past 20 years especially in the triangle region where Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil share borders, all financed by SA.

It is time for the powers of the world to wake up and do something about it. May be alternate energy is needed now more than ever as a weapon against this terror.

Tejwant Singh


Jun 12, 2006
First thing is that we must understand that this extremism has been bolstered and strengthened by the actions of Tony Blair and Dubya Bush. Most people could see this coming. What has happened is that people who would've otherwise remained aloof from events, have felt compelled to support the extremists, given what has been happening (indiscriminate killings, sickening abuse of prisoners stealing of resources under a false premise). This is from a side purporting to represent progress and civility! Sorry to say, some of us are fully aware of the grotesque and intolerant side of Islam due to our recent history but for the west to come in on the plank of moral superiority and then be involved in all manner of zulm and questionable behaviour, takes the wind out of their argument. I am a teacher and most Muslim teenagers I have spoken to have expressed similar beliefs.

The other thing is that Islamic extremism has been around for a long time in the UK, and the governments here conveniently turned a blind to people going off for "jihads" until 9/11. Then they banned a list of orgs (including Sikhs ones!) in a knee jerk reaction. People from here have been going off to train and fight holy wars for decades. Apparently one thing commented on by British soldiers in Iraq is the surreal experience of encountering Muslims with British accents in conflicts.

Overall, an important fundamental root cause of recent issues is plain old White Supremiscism. I don't mean to offend anyone, but as long as Western European people and their descendants continue to feel that they have some right to dictate morals to the globe and take resources by force, we will have such problems. The west is now seen by many as a bankrupt immoral force. The banking system is in turmoil and again, a culture of greed and selfishness by investment bankers lay at its heart.

Recently Mr. Brown (UK Prime Minister) went to Chile and was told that recent economic problems have been created by western Europeans, who prior to this crisis, went around like they knew everything. It is the same type of ignorant, haughty behaviour by the same type of people, that has
led to the growth and expansion of Islamic fundamentalism. They have done more for this cause through their actions than years of preaching by mullahs ever could have. In my opinion, these people are as much the enemies of decent everyday folk as Bin Laden types are.