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India Aarushi Murder Case: Parents Tried To Influence Doctor, Says CBI

Jan 1, 2010
<table width="600" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td colspan="2" valign="top">Aarushi murder case: Parents tried to influence doctor, says CBI
Published: Friday, Dec 31, 2010, 17:40 IST
Place: New Delhi | Agency: PTI
</td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" style="background: url(&quot;<a href=&quot;) repeat scroll 0% 0% transparent;" http:="" cdn.dnaindia.com="" images="" 710="" dotted-line.gif&quot;="" target="_blank">
</td></tr><tr><td valign="top" width="450"><table style="margin-right: 20px; margin-top: 10px;" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="padding-top: 10px;">In a new twist in the sensational Aarushi murder case, CBI has said that dentist couple Rajesh Talwar and Nupur tried to influence the doctor who conducted the post mortem on their 14-year-old daughter in 2008.
In its 30-page closure report submitted to the Ghaziabad court, CBI has raised doubts over the role of Rajesh and Nupur in the case.
It said Rajesh's name figures as an accused in the FIR but he was not charge-sheeted because of insufficient evidence.
It said the parents tried to influence the doctor who conducted the post mortem.
All the three servants, who were suspected to be involved in the murder, were found to be innocent during the investigations, the agency said.
Aarushi, 14, was murdered in the intervening night of May 15-16 in 2008 at the Talwar's residence in Noida near Delhi. The body of their domestic help Hemraj was found on the terrace the next day.
After a detailed two-and-a-half year probe marked by botched up investigations, the CBI said it found it impossible to reach any plausible conclusion because of lack of concrete forensic evidence at the crime scene to nail the culprits and decided to close the case.
Rajneesh Madhok

Jan 1, 2010
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1. The first person who appeared on the crime scene i.e police officer---His Narco Analysis Test should be done.
2. There is a conspiracy regarding Arushi’s family on going to Hardwar on the very next day with her ashes. As the people used to visit the house of the departed soul. In hindu families the people used to go to Hardwar on 11<sup>th</sup> day secondly not the parents but close relatives used to go to disperse the ashes, the parents of young child never go to Hardwar to disperse ashes.
3. Arushi’s parents and their close relatives bank accounts should be checked. The clue must be there regarding withdrawal of money to pay the police.
4. Servant Hemaraj’s body was found by a Retired police officer who came to visit Arushi parents house accidentally. The official was not aware of the fact that Talwar’s have already left for Hardwar. The body was accidentally found in terrace.
5. If the Retired police officer had not come. There may be chance that some one would have come and removed the body in the night and disposed it off. Thereafter the drama of police can be started for search of dead Hemraj. There are chances that the police would have planted reports of Meghraj seen in Bombay, Madras Bangalore or Calcutta or other prominent places.
6. Due to the visit of Retired Police Officer’s accidental visit at the wrong time, the case would have been taken the shape that the Servant killed the girl and disappeared in Nepal.
7. The conspiracy regarding who managed the Noida Hospital staff to swap Arushi’s vaginal swap. Why were hospital staff not charged with destruction of evidence.
8. The Last point that CBI concluded Arushi was killed with a Golf club/ khukhri. It is a hard fact that Golf club belonged to Talwar’s family friend. It is amazing that CBI could not find out who last was in possession of this Golf Club.
Rajneesh Madhok