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  1. Ishna

    Ishna's Comings And Goings Part 3

    Following from Part 2 There was a brief detour and respite for Ishna outside of traditional religion when she immersed herself in the classical philosophical tradition of Stoicism. No other spiritual material had moved her as much as Gurbani had, until reading the work of Roman Emperor Marcus...
  2. S

    Sikhism Seva - Understanding For Children And Teenagers Alike

    Do you play video games? What is the central theme in each game? Collecting points? Now imagine these points as virtues; designed to attack the bad guys - also known as vices. Seva is not just all work and no play. As I wash dishes, help with langgar, mop floors etc, I am on the path of...
  3. spnadmin

    Buddhism The Path To Buddhist Enlightenment: Sometimes Assertion, Sometimes Surrender

    Jay Michaelson Jay Michaelson Columnist Posted: March 3, 2011 01:01 AM Anyone who's been in the spiritual world long enough knows that just about everything can be packaged as the latest, greatest way to get enlightened. Surrender everything, "manifest" everything, celebrate the...
  4. Archived_Member16

    Surrender Policy Not For Sikh Militants, Says Chidambaram

    source: http://www.tribuneindia.com/2010/20100218/main2.htm Surrender policy not for Sikh militants, says Chidambaram Jupinderjit Singh Tribune News Service Jammu, February 17 The “new surrender policy” for militants being drafted by the state and Central governments is limited to...
  5. Archived_Member16

    Total Surrender & Faith In Waheguru Ji

    This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maaroo on Pannaa 1096 pauVI ] jw qU myrY vil hY qw ikAw muhCMdw ] quDu sBu ikCu mYno sauipAw jw qyrw bMdw ] lKmI qoit n AwveI Kwie Kric rhMdw ] lK caurwsIh mydnI sB syv krMdw ] eyh vYrI imqR siB kIiqAw nh mMgih mMdw ] lyKw koie n puCeI jw...
  6. L

    Mind Has To Surrender

    gauVI mhlw 1 ] gourree mehulaa 1 Gauree, First Mehl: aulitE kmlu bRhmu bIcwir ] oulattiou kumul brehum beechaar The inverted heart-lotus has been turned upright, through reflective meditation on God. AMimRq Dwr ggin ds duAwir ] anmrith dhaar gugan dhus dhuaar From the Sky of the...
  7. Archived_Member16

    Win The Game Of Life: Surrender The Mind !

    This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Gauree on Pannaa 153 gauVI mhlw 1 ] aulitE kmlu bRhmu bIcwir ] AMimRq Dwr ggin ds duAwir ] iqRBvxu byiDAw Awip murwir ]1] ry mn myry Brmu n kIjY ] min mwinAY AMimRq rsu pIjY ]1] rhwau ] jnmu jIiq mrix mnu mwinAw ] Awip mUAw mnu mn qy jwinAw ] njir...
  8. Archived_Member16

    Spiritual Surrender

    Spiritual Surrender The present-day world wants individuality. It demands freedom. But true individuality and freedom can breathe only in the Divine. Surrender is the untiring breath of the soul in the Heart of God. Human individuality shouts in the dark. Earthly freedom cries out in the...
  9. Archived_Member16

    Total Surrender

    This Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in Raag Maajh on Pannaa 106 mwJ mhlw 5 ] mnu qnu qyrw Dnu BI qyrw ] qUM Twkuru suAwmI pRBu myrw ] jIau ipMfu sBu rwis qumwrI qyrw joru gopwlw jIau ]1] sdw sdw qUMhY suKdweI ] iniv iniv lwgw qyrI pweI ] kwr kmwvw jy quDu Bwvw jw qUM dyih dieAwlw jIau ]2] pRB...
  10. Archived_Member16


    Surrender ‘Surrender’ isn’t a dirty word Surrender sounds like a dirty word. It conjures up an image of someone standing with arms held high, perhaps with a white flag, giving up to the enemy. In spiritual terms, however, surrender means to stand with arms outstretched, embracing the world...
  11. Arvind

    Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora - Pakistani Surrender Of Dhaka

    In the presence of Lieutenant General Jagjit Singh Aurora, Lieutenant General A.A.K. 'Tiger' Niazi, Commander of the Pakistan Army in the East, signs the Instrument of Surrender . Standing from left is Vice Admiral N. Krishnan, Air Marshal H.C. Dewan, Lieutenant General Sagat Singh and Major...