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  1. spnadmin

    How Europe Is Indebted To The Sikhs (Bhupinder Singh)

    How Europe is Indebted to the Sikhs (Bhupinder Singh) Comments from British Generals These quotes are from my book, How Europe is Indebted to the Sikhs - Role of Sikhs in Europe http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/2930247126/smallbusin0f7-20 during WW II, Vol. II. - Bhupinder Singh...
  2. Admin

    How Europe Is Indebted To The Sikhs

    Remembrance of the 90th Anniversary of the 1st Gas attack on Sikhs in history August 6, 2009 by Bhupinder Singh Sardar Bhupinder Singh Holland was invited along with Ambassadors of 15 countries including USA, Canada, France...