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Movies Ashdoc's Movie Review---Insidious Chapter 2


Movie Critic
Jul 19, 2011
The best way to enjoy Insidious chapter 2---don't watch chapter 1 first !!
.....For those who saw the first part are complaining about how the second part does not measure upto the first etc .
But because I haven't seen the first part I was able to enjoy the chapter 2 of the Insidious series upto some extent .

The story becomes more and more confusing as the movie progresses , and in the last part of the movie too many events were happening in too many places and too many dimensions ( !! ) for an ignoramus like me to fully comprehend what was going on . So I am not bothering to tell the full story here , it being too complicated to recollect what was going on .

The director has combined two favorite themes of American horror and thriller cinema and has made a movie with a psycho serial killer and a ghost both .

If the movie can be divided into three portions , then the first two portions give the scares , while the third portion is more like a thriller than a horror movie . To be honest the movie is less scary than other horror movies , but that does not make it any less entertaining---or so I beg to differ with people who say that the less scary these movies are , the less is the entertainment value .

The movie is a continuation of the first part , or so it seems---remember I didn't watch the first one so I cannot exactly say....

Of course , the cliches of this kind of cinema are all there---creaking doors , dark rooms , dolls which look sinister , underground cellars....
Above all , one wonders how come people in movies like this have the remarkable propensity and the chutzpah to wander in frightening places and go searching deep into dark corridors---something that ordinary persons would avoid to do . But that's what makes a horror movie interesting....

Unlike other Hollywood horror movies which start with the spirit making it's presence felt subtly and reserving it's scariest horror for the last part , this movie launches us directly into the realms of terror from the start---the director gives us his best shot at the beginning of the film rather than at the end....
So it means that the portion of the movie that starts as the continuation of the chapter one of the movie series is better than the later portion of the movie . Does this mean that Insidious 1 is better than Insidious 2 like everyone is saying ?? Must watch Insidious 1 pronto !!

So how does it start ??---I mean Insidious 2....
Well , it starts off with a boy being ' possessed ' by a spirit and a woman trying to find out what he is possessed by---using the ' hot and cold ' method.

Later he grows up to be a handsome man , but still possessed by the spirit---some spirits are remarkably hard to shake off....
And now he is suspected of the murder of the woman who was trying to find out what he was possessed by---yeah she has been killed in his house....

The spirit inside him is threatening to destroy everybody---his wife and his children . Typical for these movies , strange things begin to happen in his house---like the piano playing itself . His son sees him talking to some unknown entity ( the spirit what else ) and all spooky stuff happens .

The thrills and chills do give you some jolts in this portion adding to the fun , but the ones who will enjoy it more are those who don't watch horror movies regularly .

The search for the solution to the problem leads to an abandoned and dark hospital ( how convenient for the spooky element of the movie that it is abandoned and dark ) where the answers come out....

But are all all people who went to the hospital going to survive ?? And will Josh ( for that is the name of the possessed boy turned man in the movie ) be able to get rid of the spirit haunting him and get to live a normal life with his family ??

Go and watch the movie for that....

At least I wasn't disappointed...
Here's hoping that you wont be disappointed too....

Verdict---decent .


Jul 15, 2014
I loved this movie. Loved it, loved it, loved it. James Wan is one of the best directors of recent times and he makes his stand by offering two awesome horror movies this year. I personally preferred Insidious 2 though, as I appreciated the rich character development and the concept of the Further.