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Controversial ALL References To Bhoots, Prets, Demons, Angels And Joons Are METAPHORICAL


(previously sikhipyar)
Aug 22, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Angel of Death

Sat Sri Akal Bhen Ji aur Bhai Ji,

I have a a question in regards to the "Angel of Death," can someone please elaborate more on what the significance of this character or idea is in gurbani.

To my own understanding I believe it is almost as a Angel of Judgement, but can this Angel of Death also be a sikhi or is it one who is against sikhi? Is this being for sikhi and holds the righteousness of sikhi dear to them though has near authority enough to place judgement upon their brothers and sisters for falsehood, in return perhaps placing them onto the correct path when teetering off. Is this concept something that is against amrit or sikhi? Obviously not something to be feared but to know in the back of our minds that something is there watching over incase we do not value the journey we have been placed on to obtain our connection with the guru and our husband lord. Is it an adversary? Are we preparing ourselves for the battle against the Angel of Death? Can somebody please elaborate further and aide me in truly understanding the symbolism of this being?
This Angel of death/judgement is a messenger of "yama," who my understanding seems to be apart of the universal creature still in some aspect.

I have also read in a sikhi forum that Angels do not belong in sikhi because they are not on the same path as "humans," and they try very hard to get into sikhi to be able to reunite with their one true creator again. What are thoughts on this?

This is what I read: "The gurus were far above the angels. Bani tells us that angels are finite creatures and seek the dust of gursikhs." I have read this on an app from www.sikhanswers.com www.sikhitothemax.com

Can someone please elaborate on this? How does one know what the difference is between an "angel" and a gursikh? Are they not both beings of light? When I look up the meaning of angel it is the/a messenger of god. At the same time I reflect and know that in sikhi the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is considered the living Guru, and each page is labelled Ang. Which I have also learned in gurmukhi means limb of god. I have also looked up the names...

Angang which means God of love (http://www.modernindianbabynames.com/meaning_of_sikh_boy_name_angang.htm)
and to my understand god is love.. the force of love of unconditional love.

and then
Angad - Of the Original One
Angaddev - In service Of the Original One
Angad Veer - Heroic Brother of the Original One

Anjeela means Homage (http://www.modernindianbabynames.com/sikh_baby_girl_names/A/Sikh/95/3) and the definition of Homage
Special honor or respect shown publicly.
Formal public acknowledgment of feudal allegiance.
obeisance - tribute - respect - honor - honour

Then I read through the app that Amrit Naam is true naam. what does this mean? does this mean that Amrit should be the naam that you simran? I am confused? Is Ang just the messenger? to whom? Is the Angel of Death an adversary to amrit? It is said that "The spiritual life giving name, amrit naam, the True Name, which gives eternal spiritual life, has become my food (for my souls support)Those who follow the Guru's teachings, who eat this food (of 'amrit naam') with satisfaction, obtain peace. ANG 150

What does this MEAN? Is the naam not WAHEGURU ? I believe names have a significance in this life, am i overthinking? please I require assistance.

The app is called Sikhism FAQ. When I go to "God and his Universe" and read the question "Is there judgement?" The messengers of the god of death (yama) is that what is then deemed the Angel of Death/Darkness/Judgement ?

My apologies if my post has been confusing.

Sat Sri Akal

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1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Angel of Death

ajuni ji

Here are some related threads on this subject. I am moving your question to "ALL references to Bhoots, Prets, Demons, Angels and Joons are METAPHORICAL"

ALL references to Bhoots, Prets, Demons, Angels and Joons are METAPHORICAL

Do Sikhs believe in Angels?

What Role Do Angels Play in Your Faith Tradition? (Sikhism)

Angels: Do They Exist?


(previously sikhipyar)
Aug 22, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Re: Angel of Death

Thank you SPNadmin, unfortunately I am a tad disappointed because I do not believe placing my post will deem the answers I am searching for I am looking for direct answers to the questions I placed and now I feel as if my post is lost in a mumbo jumbo of posts. If I were able to truly decipher it myself I would not be asking the questions. I understand it is your job as an admin to organize threads and posts properly but I am only expressing myself truthfully for I believe that now my post will be lost and not be read nor will i any of the feedback i was looking for from fellow spners. I hope you understand where I am coming from and my disappointment, for my post was not solely about angels really it was about the meaning and interpretation of naam as well. Please assist me in gathering as much feedback as I can for I too am on a journey trying to best understand my role in this lifetime. :)

I understand they are metaphorical but I mean there is something more I am trying to understand that I just can not place my finger on.

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
I have a a question in regards to the "Angel of Death," can someone please elaborate more on what the significance of this character or idea is in gurbani.

This character has no more significance in Sikhism than the bogey monster. It is not validating the concept of the character nor is it saying it is real, it is a reference point used at the time. If the SGGS was written today, it probably would have been replaced with Simon Cowell.

To my own understanding I believe it is almost as a Angel of Judgement, but can this Angel of Death also be a sikhi or is it one who is against sikhi?

It is a nothing in Sikhism, it may be an angel in Hinduism, but in Sikhism it is merely a point of reference.

Is this being for sikhi and holds the righteousness of sikhi dear to them though has near authority enough to place judgement upon their brothers and sisters for falsehood, in return perhaps placing them onto the correct path when teetering off.

No more than the apple sitting on my desk. (ok thats a lie, its a big choc bar)

Is this concept something that is against amrit or sikhi? Obviously not something to be feared but to know in the back of our minds that something is there watching over incase we do not value the journey we have been placed on to obtain our connection with the guru and our husband lord. Is it an adversary? Are we preparing ourselves for the battle against the Angel of Death? Can somebody please elaborate further and aide me in truly understanding the symbolism of this being?

If you are a Hindu then this is a very important concept. If you are Sikh, then this concept is of one of many that Guru Nanak attempted to circumnavigate to show us that Creator is one, and one only, and stands for love, compassion, wisdom, understanding. We should not need symbolism.

This Angel of death/judgement is a messenger of "yama," who my understanding seems to be apart of the universal creature still in some aspect.

yes, in Hinduism

I have also read in a sikhi forum that Angels do not belong in sikhi because they are not on the same path as "humans," and they try very hard to get into sikhi to be able to reunite with their one true creator again. What are thoughts on this?

My thoughts are similar to that of garden gnomes not being able to belong in Sikhi because they have silly trousers.

This is what I read: "The gurus were far above the angels. Bani tells us that angels are finite creatures and seek the dust of gursikhs." I have read this on an app from www.sikhanswers.com www.sikhitothemax.com

The Gurus were normal human beings with enormous understanding and wisdom. I know its not very sexy or fantastic, and they did not have 4 heads and 6 arms, and they could not fly, or do superman stuff, but the mundane boring truth is that they were just men who found the ultimate connection to Creator, something that is open to all of us. We revere them because of their wisdom and understanding, angels do not come into it.

Can someone please elaborate on this? How does one know what the difference is between an "angel" and a gursikh? Are they not both beings of light? When I look up the meaning of angel it is the/a messenger of god. At the same time I reflect and know that in sikhi the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is considered the living Guru, and each page is labelled Ang. Which I have also learned in gurmukhi means limb of god. I have also looked up the names...

There are no messengers of God in Sikhism. The only Angel a Sikh should accept is angel delight, especially chocolate flavour.

Then I read through the app that Amrit Naam is true naam. what does this mean? does this mean that Amrit should be the naam that you simran? I am confused? Is Ang just the messenger? to whom? Is the Angel of Death an adversary to amrit? It is said that "The spiritual life giving name, amrit naam, the True Name, which gives eternal spiritual life, has become my food (for my souls support)Those who follow the Guru's teachings, who eat this food (of 'amrit naam') with satisfaction, obtain peace. ANG 150

What does this MEAN? Is the naam not WAHEGURU ? I believe names have a significance in this life, am i overthinking? please I require assistance.

The app is called Sikhism FAQ. When I go to "God and his Universe" and read the question "Is there judgement?" The messengers of the god of death (yama) is that what is then deemed the Angel of Death/Darkness/Judgement ?

read the SGGS, follow your heart, increase your understanding, learn to seperate the chaff from the wheat, decide what it is you want from a God, if you want a personal relationship, than others here may advise you better, I personally view Sikism as a way of life rather than a religion with traditions and rituals.


(previously sikhipyar)
Aug 22, 2011
Alberta, Canada
Thank you

Looking back at reading what I wrote I was reading the SGGS in such a different perspective. I got very confused and immersed in the characters mentioned rather than the collective message being told.




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