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    Sikh News FORTIS TO INVEST $500-600 MLN IN PUNJAB'S HEALTHCARE SECTOR (Asia Pulse Via Yahoo!7 F

    Health / Pharmaceuticals **Fortis Healthcare Ltd (BSE:532843), a Ranbaxy promoter group company, will invest US$500-600 million in Punjab for setting up hospitals and medical institutes, a top company official said. More...
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    Sikh News Fortis To Invest $500-600 MLN In Punjab's Healthcare Sector (Asia Pulse Via Yahoo!7 N

    Fortis Healthcare Ltd (BSE:532843), a Ranbaxy promoter group company, will invest US$500-600 million in Punjab for setting up hospitals and medical institutes, a top company official said. More...
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    Sikh News Fortis To Set Up Two Health Cities In Punjab (Calcutta News)

    Fortis Healthcare, a Ranbaxy group firm, will set up two 'health cities' - integrated townships with hospitals and medical colleges - in Punjab with an investment of Rs.10 billion. More...
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    Sikh News Fortis To Set Up Two Health Cities In Punjab (IANS Via Yahoo! India News)

    Chandigarh, Aug 26 (IANS) Fortis Healthcare, a Ranbaxy group firm, will set up two 'health cities' - integrated townships with hospitals and medical colleges - in Punjab with an investment of Rs.10 billion. More...