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  1. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    Sikhism Questions And Answers Based On Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Sawal Jawab Part 1 ਗੁਰ ਪੂਛਹੁ ਭਾਗ

    YouTube - Sawal jawab Part 1 ਗà©à¨° ਪੂਛਹ੠ਭਾਗ -1
  2. Charan

    FAQs Citing Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

    Hi everyone! How do I cite Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji in an essay? I have been looking for the date of the completion, but it is confusing because some say 1705, some say 1707, some 1708... Does anyone have a trustworthy source on this? Also, as for the author(s), do I write all the Gurus'...
  3. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    Numbers In Sri Guru Granth Sahib

    Please Note: Some textual fonts are not showing up correctly in the below posted article. You may download the PDF attached herewith to view the article in readable formatting. One God (Waheguru), one Guru (Siri Guru Granth Sahib), One Man (yet Many), beams out the message from the Sikh...
  4. BhagatSingh

    What Does SGGS Say About "freedom Of Speech"?

    So what does SGGS say about freedom of speech (Sikh clergy's pain in the a**)? I want to know what the Gurus and Bhagats had to say about it. What do you have to say about it? If you think its a sacred treasure of our species, then how should we go about promoting it? If you think we should...
  5. V

    Re: SGGS - Qualities Of Seeker

    OBLIGATIONS OF A SIKH TO THE GURU ABSTRACT A Sikh is one who follows the teachings of Sabd Guru in thought, word, deed, and spirit as a way of life. He/she needs to delibrate, with contemplation, and reflection on the teachings willingly, and truth fully with rigorous honesty. Equality...
  6. Dalvinder Singh Grewal

    Origin Of Universe As Per SGGS - A Comparative Study With Other Religions And Science

    Origin of Universe - Recorded in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Compared with Other Religions and Science auqpiq prlau sbdy hovY ] sbdy hI iPir Epiq hovY ](m 3,117-8) (The universe originates from the Word (sabd) and assimilates with the Word. It again originates from the Word.). The...
  7. Taranjeet singh

    SGGS - Qualities Of Seeker

    I shall be posting the qualities that a seeker should develop as per SGGS ji. The following are the qualities as per pages 1-8. The next post would cover the qualities as per the further/next pages.With His blessings I shall try to post these regularly.I would request that these posts should...
  8. spnadmin

    Sikhism Scientific Vision In SGGS And Interfaith Dialogue (A Review)

    Forwarded and posted at SPN with permission of Jagpal S. Tiwana Scientific vision in SGGS and interfaith dialogue By Hardev Singh Virk Published by Singh Brothers, Amritsar Publication year: Nov. 2007, Pages: 156, Price: Rs. 225 A Review by Dr. D. P. Singh Dept. of Physics, Govt. Shivalik...
  9. H

    "Aadar Satkar", "Respect And Reverence" To SGGS

    Today morning I briefly heard some interesting points being made by a Kathakar at Gurudwara Bangla Sahib telecast on Chardikalan Channel regarding giving of reverence and respect to SGGS. The Kathakar rightly pointed out that when we show respect to SGGS, it is the Gyan in it and not its...
  10. V

    Idol Worship Of AGGS

    IDOL WORSHIP OF AGGS ABSTRACT Idol worship – It is the worship of sacred objects personifing but not God with adoration, devotion, profound reverent love, and allegiance accorded to a deity/idol/sacred religious scripture or picture as opposed to the worship pf a monotheistic God...
  11. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    Sehaj In Gurbani Of SGGS - And In Gurmatt

    SEHAJ...... is something that is such an important part of Gurmatt Rehnni Behnni..Gurmatt Way of Life.... that it permeates the Gurbani of SGGS...as Sugar in Milk...almost the entire Gurbani is alesson in SEHAJ.... 1. Questions are asked..What exactly is SEHAJ... SANJAM...Kudrat da satikaar...
  12. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    IOSS Seminar 2008 - SGGS And Sikh Society

    A REPORT ON THE ANNUAL IOSS SEMINAR HELD AT CHANDIGARH NOV 8 AND 9TH 2008 PUBLISHED IN AOSS JAN-MARCH 2009 ISSUE... Sri Guru Granth Sahib and Sikh Society by Pritam Singh As a part of the joyous celebration of the Tri-centenary...
  13. Gyani Jarnail Singh

    The One And Only Universal Guru. SGGS Ji

    The One and Only Universal GURU..... Relevance of Guru Granth Sahib Ji in Present times...... Jarnail Singh Gyani “Arshi” MALAYSIA. jsarshi@gmail.com On the surface of it...the above Sub- title gives an impression of a Heretical statement. It may very well raise the hackles of some...
  14. K

    Important: SGGS For PDAs/Mobile Phones

    Gur Fateh to all. For all those who have downloaded SGGS PDF files for PDAs/Mobile phones prior to today, please download them again as original files had certain inadvertant errors. These errors have been corrected and the files are uploaded again. I deeply regret the errors and also the...
  15. spnadmin

    Learn Punjabi More Punjabi Vocabulary SPN! Plants

    The first Punjabi Vocabulary thread was a lot of fun for the contributors. So here is another thread. This time about plants, including trees, flowers, vegetables, spices, you name it! Just find a flower, plant, tree or spice in Sri Guru Granth Sahib, and paste in the Guru vaak where you found...
  16. Archived_Member_19

    Yogism Yoga In Sikhism

    This thread is specially opened to discuss and/or debate the necessity of Yoga in Sikhism.Among the issues discussed here are:- What is meant by Yoga ? Is Yoga originated from Hinduism ? Existence of Yog or Jog in other civilisations/eras. Relationship of Yoga and the Union with God. The...
  17. carolineislands

    Is SGGS God?

    (I moved this because I thought it might be more appropriate here) In my effort to sort out Orthodox from Naamdhari from Nirankare, and to understand how Sikhi evolved from the message of Guru Nanak to the many sects of Sikhism that I've found so far, I keep running into this statement that...
  18. carolineislands

    Is SGGS God?

    In my effort to sort out Orthodox from Naamdhari from Nirankare and understand how Sikhi evolved from the message of Guru Nanak to the situation I see in videos where it's hard to tell who is attacking who, I keep running into this statement that certain Sikhs are not really Sikhs because they...
  19. Astroboy

    DOWNLOAD BANI FILES - Microsoft Word Format

    Download Bani Files Sri Guru Granth Sahib bani by author
  20. Astroboy

    Bhagats Bani By Shekh Farid Ji

    Click here > http://www.gurbanifiles.org/bani_by_author/Farid%20(GDRE).pdf Baba Farid was born on the first day of the month of Ramzan in 1173 CE in the Punjab town of Kothiwal. His parents named him Farid-ud-Din Masaud, while “Shakar Ganj” got tagged to his name at a later stage, but he is...