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Dec 14, 2009
Dear all,

Vahgur ji ka Khalsa, Vahgur ji ki Fateh!

It is a pleasure to see that there are so many on SPN interested in learning and growing thru dialogue. I invite you all to visit my website www.1infinite.com, where I have begun posting from my book "Siddh Gosht: A Dialog on Empowered Living."

Mine is a very different interpretation. It is practical and immediately relevant to our life, which is the reason I use it as a guide to my own empowered life.

Please visit often, as I will put up a Paurhi ever week. You are requested to kindly leave me your feedback on the book's facebook page.

Taking the cue from Siddh Gosht, please have this be an opportunity to engage in a life altering way, and not merely as an intellectual exercise.

Akal Sahai!

Gaurav Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
khalsa/Gaurav ji

May I suggest that from time to time you copy and post selections from the web pages from the 1Infinite site because some members may not realize they have to visit the site to read what you have written. You could also put the link to the page at the bottom of the post. People are interested in applying Gurbani to daily living, and they would appreciate it if you would also post in this thread.


Dec 14, 2009
As per spnadmin ji's suggestion, I am posting part of the 1st Paurhi. Please visit my website to read the intro and the other Paurhi(an). You may also visit the Facebook page created for "Siddh Gosht: A Dialog on Empowered Living" to engage with other readers, post comments, etc. Your feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Akal Sahai!
Gaurav Singh

Setting the Context

ਸਿਧ ਸਭਾ ਕਰਿ ਆਸਣਿ ਬੈਠੇ, ਸੰਤ ਸਭਾ ਜੈਕਾਰੋ ॥ ਤਿਸੁ ਆਗੈ ਰਹਰਾਸਿ ਹਮਾਰੀ, ਸਾਚਾ ਅਪਰ ਅਪਾਰੋ ॥ ਮਸਤਕੁ ਕਾਟਿ ਧਰੀ ਤਿਸੁ ਆਗੈ, ਤਨੁ ਮਨੁ ਆਗੈ ਦੇਉ ॥ ਨਾਨਕ, ਸੰਤੁ ਮਿਲੈ ਸਚੁ ਪਾਇਐ, ਸਹਜ ਭਾਇ ਜਸੁ ਲੇਉ ॥੧॥

Paurhi (step) 1

I am enthused to begin this inquiry with accomplished people who have so much to offer. In fact, it sustains me to be in an inquiry of the limitless possibilities of life. Let me identify and separate my views/biases and offer my mind and body to the unknown wisdom as possibility. O’ Nanak! To every interaction with realized beings I bring my commitment to growth, as I deal with my life-as-it-is.

The dialog on Being begins by setting a context that facilitates transformation. Often when we enter a discussion, we do it with an impulse to protect, secure and proselytize our existing points of view.

We are committed to the preservation of our existing view of the world. Although we say we are committed to change, in practice we resist change.

(Guru) Nanak begins this amazing dialog by taking a very different route. With these words, Nanak isn’t addressing the Yogis. Rather, ...

[Please visit my website to read my interpretation of the rest of this and the next Paurhi(an)]


May 9, 2006
I was looking at your site on the train yesterday and it looks really, really good! I will be checking back frequently. Thank you for your excellent work. :happykudi:


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
khalsa1469 ji thanks for posting. I wonder if you had a chance to review the following,


I believe all takeaways, understandings, dialogs contribute to acquisition of wisdom.

I do believe you come across to have an objective to achieve versus sharing understanding. This may color as to what you ascribe to what Guru ji's say versus what you say and write as a result. I believe if you state your objectives clearly this may clarify things. Prof. Sahib Singh ji in particular flags how reading Gurbani to prove and direct towards own views can be dangerous at times. I believe perhaps you can keep the lines of your thoughts versus what Gurbani clearly states as separate. Let yours be examples of how you apply the message of the Gurbani and not that you will manipulate Gurbani meaning to suit your objective.
Not meant to be negative but constructive if it helps.

I applaud you on your project as I find Sidh Gohst a wonderful part of Gurbani that mentions so many of living examples in a format so wonderful.

Sat Sri Akal.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Dear all,

Vahgur ji ka Khalsa, Vahgur ji ki Fateh!

It is a pleasure to see that there are so many on SPN interested in learning and growing thru dialogue. I invite you all to visit my website www.1infinite.com, where I have begun posting from my book "Siddh Gosht: A Dialog on Empowered Living."

Mine is a very different interpretation. It is practical and immediately relevant to our life, which is the reason I use it as a guide to my own empowered life.

Please visit often, as I will put up a Paurhi ever week. You are requested to kindly leave me your feedback on the book's facebook page.

Taking the cue from Siddh Gosht, please have this be an opportunity to engage in a life altering way, and not merely as an intellectual exercise.

Akal Sahai!

Gaurav Singh

Gaurav Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

Before I comment on your post, please express what you understand by the word Khalsa in your user's name.

Secondly, you may be aware that SPN is the fastest growing site about Sikhi on the internet. It is not a Sikhi way of life for you to advertise your site in here by inviting others without any compensation to the Site managers who have huge overheads as you can see above for its maintenance. In other words you are trying to take advantage of the traffic that SPN attracts for your own selfish benefits which again is not a Sikhi way and I am sure you are aware of that.

I have a better proposition for you.If you really want to share your Sikhi views with other Sikhs which you deem are important, then post them here as a member. The rest is mal business practice and our Gurus teach us to the contrary.

I hope you heed to my suggestion, so all of us can learn from each other.

Thanks & Regards.

Tejwant Singh
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2009
Dear Ambarsaria,

Thank you for taking the time to engage. My responses are in dark red.

Akal Sahai!
Gaurav Singh

I believe all takeaways, understandings, dialogs contribute to acquisition of wisdom.

Your belief that wisdom is acquired does not bear out in life. Wisdom is generated, it is not a possession which is the implication of acquiring. Our knowledge does not always translate into wisdom, which is life-in-action and not mere "talking about" life.

I do believe you come across to have an objective to achieve versus sharing understanding. This may color as to what you ascribe to what Guru ji's say versus what you say and write as a result. I believe if you state your objectives clearly this may clarify things. Prof. Sahib Singh ji in particular flags how reading Gurbani to prove and direct towards own views can be dangerous at times. I believe perhaps you can keep the lines of your thoughts versus what Gurbani clearly states as separate. Let yours be examples of how you apply the message of the Gurbani and not that you will manipulate Gurbani meaning to suit your objective.

I am not sure I understand what you mean by my objectives being unclear, when they are clearly stated in my Introduction.

If you read my interpretation of the very 1st Paurhi of Siddh Gosht, then you would note that you have approached this inquiry from the assumption that you already know what there is to know and, thus, there is nothing for you to learn. That is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

I invite you to take a fresh approach. Put aside what you know and join this inquiry with a commitment to your own growth. Growth arises out of the unknown. But I refer not to known unknowns, rather I am pointing to unknown unknowns.

Also, your comments above question my motives, i.e. "manipulate". That does nothing to/for me, however, it is an impediment to your own growth. Please worry less about my motives and be more concerned about the value this may have for your life.

Lastly, an effective approach is one where you derive value. That may occur if you actually consider my interpretation. And if you do that, you will be uncomfortable. The good news is that is actually a good thing. I promise you that indulging your opinions about my writing or my motives will do no more than keep you entrenched within the safe confines of your existing paradigm. Your offhand agreement and/or disagreement provides little value to your transformation.

I wish you only the best in your journey and will respond only to comments which will move the inquiry deeper. Thanks again.