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Arts/Society New Garja Singh Statue In Resin


Oct 12, 2012
My name is Taran Singh of www.taran3d.com and I am a 3D artist from the UK. I have worked in 3D design for over 12 years. What I am offering is a chance for you to own and to help produce this affordable high quality 12 inch statue, of the famous 18th century Sikh warrior Garja Singh.



The sculpture will be 12 inches tall and will be cold cast in resin bronze. There will also be a real bronze version which will be limited to 10 casts only. I have researched and carefully crafted each and every component in 3D. The images below show my reference source material used to recreate Garja Singh.


reference material used to recreate Garja Singh
Sikh history and art are my passion and I have always been inspired by stories about the brave Sikh warriors who who rose to forge their own Sikh empire in Punjab during the 1700's. I wanted to create something that would remind people of their bravery and celebrate their inspiration sacrifice. This is my way of sharing their story with the next generation.


The three quotes below are written by Qazi Nur Mohammed, a persian war chronicler who accompanied Ahmed Shah Durrani during his invasion of India in 1764. During the invasion he wrote about their encounters with the Sikhs.




This character takes inspiration from the story of the martyrs Bota Singh & Garja Singh who were legends who awoke the punjab with their audacious acts of defiance.

In 1739, Zaikriya Khan, the Mughal governor of Lahore launched an all out campaign of persecution of the Sikhs. Rewards were offered for the capture and extermination of Sikhs. It was declared lawful to plunder Sikh houses and to seize their property. Thousands of Sikh families were murdered. Cartloads of their heads were taken to Lahore for obtaining rewards from Zakariya.

When Bota and Garja Singh were passing a mughal checkpoint they heard mughal soldiers mocking the Sikhs saying that the government had wiped them out and they now hide in the jungles like dogs. Bhai Bota Singh and Garja Singh were deeply offended and decided to teach them a lesson.


One of the only depictions of Bota & Garja Singh
They took over the checkpoint and sent a letter to Zakiriya Khan that they would now be charging a Khalsa tax from anyone who wants to cross as they, the Khalsa army of two, are the true sovereign kings of Punjab. News of the letter passed far and wide and the people were amazed by the brave act of defiance they had displayed.


This embarrassed the Mughal Governer and he immediately dispatched a battalion of Mughal guards to deal with them. The battalion sent forward 10 guards who were dispatched swiftly by the two Singhs. Fearing death the battalion charged forward and the brave Singhs died fighting in battle.


The whole of Punjab heard of their sheer grit and determination and they knew that the Sardar Khalsa were still alive and would rule this land one day. Within 60 years the Sikhs forged the first secular Sikh Kingdom where people of all backgrounds and religions could prosper in peace.

I hope you like the sculpt and support this project. I would like to say a special thank you to Kam Singh Samra, Gurinder Singh Mann (Sikh Museums Initiative) Harjinder Singh (Infamous Arts) and most of all Daljeet Singh, author of Project Life and the PurposeFool blog.

If you have any queries or want to get in touch please email us at info@taran3d.com

-= Press Release can be downloaded here =-

Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguru ji Ki Fateh !

Taran Singh
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Jun 1, 2004
Amazing, Amazing Initiative! It seems you have already achieved your goal in no time! :) Seeking your permission to use the following image as a SPN logo!

Thank you



Jun 1, 2004
Thank you so much! We will feature your project on SPN facebook page too for a maximum exposure... do keep us updated as soon as your online store is up and running! All the best!



Aug 13, 2012
Is the historic letter that they wrote to Zakiriya Khan available? Did it survive through the ages, was it preserved? I would be very interested in reading it. If anyone has any info on this, would much appreciated!



Oct 12, 2012
the letter was not preserved but the words were


"Bota writes in this letter: with a staff in hand. He has imposed a toll of one Anna on each cart and one paisa on each donkey. Tell Pabhi (brother's wife) Khano that Bota Singh says this."

khano was governers wife and from nearby where bota singh lived so mocked the governer by saying tell "Pabhi-ji" , that bota singh is saying this. This insulted the Governer and made him look like a fool before his subjects - the resulting aftermath was that the legendary honour and reputation of the Singhs was preserved in such a difficult period.


Aug 13, 2012
the letter was not preserved but the words were


"Bota writes in this letter: with a staff in hand. He has imposed a toll of one Anna on each cart and one paisa on each donkey. Tell Pabhi (brother's wife) Khano that Bota Singh says this."

khano was governers wife and from nearby where bota singh lived so mocked the governer by saying tell "Pabhi-ji" , that bota singh is saying this. This insulted the Governer and made him look like a fool before his subjects - the resulting aftermath was that the legendary honour and reputation of the Singhs was preserved in such a difficult period.

Thank you so much for posting that info. Do we know if the letter contained anything else, any more information? Or is this the only part that was passed down through the generations, that we know of?
