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Misconceptions On Sikh Baptism


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
NamJap ji

The leaflet is very informative. But I don't want to share my opinion on the specific topics because I am in a good mood and do not want to become involved in any arguments.

Overall, the leaflet reflects my understanding of the spiritual basics -- different from ritual and practice. And that is always to ask, What is the message of Nanaak?

Inclusive, loving, compassionate, positive, just, non-judgmental. And in turning our faces to the Guru, and speaking the Bani of the Guru, we have found a fortress against sin and hopelessness.

To many times a common logical fallacy comes into discussion. The fallacy is this: If you do x or y or z (wear jewelry, eat with non amridthari, dance, etc.) then you will displease God. This is not what Nanaak taught. In fact it is what Nanaak rejected. Nanaak also rejected the idea that fasting, penance, and empty ritual will please God.

Instead, what Nanaak is saying is this: If you do x or y or z, and you do not turn your face to the Guru and speak His Bani, then nothing can help you.

Just my two cents


Oct 3, 2007
Belize City, Belize
aad ji, i agree with you. it seems to me the bottom line is orthodoxy (right belief) ahead of orthopraxy (right practise). Getting them together is ideal, of course, but Guru seems to say that it's more important to know, believe, and understand.

namjap ji, nice leaflet. i like how the "answer" part are given in nice, non-argumentative tones.

I was thinking the headings could have been delivered as a whole thought (as in, say, "Amritdharis are not supposed to dance") but i guess the subject matter is too wide for that. Good work.
Apr 4, 2007
wow, this leaflet seems to think maryada is completely unimportant.

call me a fundamentalist or whatever, but i guess i think we need both miri AND piri. spritual and temporal. yes, that means gurbani AND rehet.

silly me.


Mar 26, 2007
wow, this leaflet seems to think maryada is completely unimportant.

call me a fundamentalist or whatever, but i guess i think we need both miri AND piri. spritual and temporal. yes, that means gurbani AND rehet.

silly me.

Kaur ji, I see we agree once again!

Wjkk wjkf,
Surinderjit Singh