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Jhatka In Gurdwaras


Feb 12, 2010
Waheguruji ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh,
Many times a goat is slaughterd in Gurdwara permises in Hazur
Saheb and the head of the poor goat is carried in a bata
in side the main gurdwara and with the blood of the goat the
tilak is applied to the Shastrs of Sri Guru Gobind Singhji.

Is it correct as per Sikh Maryada? If yes then can we do in
our Gurdwaras. Also if it is correct then why it is not done in
Harmandar Saheb. It must be stopped or it must be carried
out in all the Takhats and all Gurdwaras. This is a serious topic
and our Jathedars must give their rulings on it.:happysingh:


Apr 3, 2005
Waheguruji ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh,
Many times a goat is slaughterd in Gurdwara permises in Hazur
Saheb and the head of the poor goat is carried in a bata
in side the main gurdwara and with the blood of the goat the
tilak is applied to the Shastrs of Sri Guru Gobind Singhji.

Is it correct as per Sikh Maryada? If yes then can we do in
our Gurdwaras. Also if it is correct then why it is not done in
Harmandar Saheb. It must be stopped or it must be carried
out in all the Takhats and all Gurdwaras. This is a serious topic
and our Jathedars must give their rulings on it.:happysingh:

At present Sikhism is divided in sects.Its better Sikhs should not interfere in the affairs of other Sikhs whom they disagree O/W we will have many ugly scenes at Gurdwara's

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Waheguruji ka Khalsa Waheguruji ki Fateh,
Many times a goat is slaughterd in Gurdwara permises in Hazur
Saheb and the head of the poor goat is carried in a bata
in side the main gurdwara and with the blood of the goat the
tilak is applied to the Shastrs of Sri Guru Gobind Singhji.

Is it correct as per Sikh Maryada? If yes then can we do in
our Gurdwaras. Also if it is correct then why it is not done in
Harmandar Saheb. It must be stopped or it must be carried
out in all the Takhats and all Gurdwaras. This is a serious topic
and our Jathedars must give their rulings on it.:happysingh:

Sach Bol Ji..
WE SIKHS on an INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY at LOCAL LEVEL can take this up...Have you approached any of your local Gurdawaras for ACTION ??Why not get your local Gurdawara Coom or SANGAT pass a resolution and send to Jathedar Akal takhat ???? IF and when you visit Harmandar sahib or Akal takhat approach the management there to listen to your ideas...and pass the resolution to them....lets US ALL work POSITIVELY to get the SRM implemented at ALL Gurdawaras..


May 10, 2010
Ancient Greece
I can recall that a foreign Sikh was thrashed by the local Sikhs of Nanded when he objected to the ritualistic activities going on at Abichalnagar Sahib last year. Sacrificial meat, tilak etc. find no validation in Sikh philosophy.......I wonder if the Jathedars and Sikh lawmakers are sleeping....Zzzzzzzzzzz

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
I can recall that a foreign Sikh was thrashed by the local Sikhs of Nanded when he objected to the ritualistic activities going on at Abichalnagar Sahib last year. Sacrificial meat, tilak etc. find no validation in Sikh philosophy.......I wonder if the Jathedars and Sikh lawmakers are sleeping....Zzzzzzzzzzz

Unforunately THAT sort of LOUTISH behaviour ( mistakenly called Satikaar..Beadbi watch etc ) is the NORM,,,several such thrahsings/face colouring have happened in the Darbar sahib complex/Akal Takhat premsies . Abchalnagar Hazoor Sahib is distant....The most recent thrashing of a sikh by SGPC sewadaars happened just half a month ago...RIGHT beside the Harmandar Sarovar where they distribute Karrah Parshaad...Some time ago the Booksellers CSJS were thrashed and had their faces blackened in Darbar sahib for selling SGGS to a muslim...
To naswer your question..I wonder if our Jathedaars sikh lawmakers are "sleeping"....NO ji..they are NOT SLEEPING..they are IN COMATOSE ICU Condition....ZOMBIES !!! They only work when their REMOTE CONTROL BUTTON is pressed by BADAL/Makkar etc.


Apr 3, 2005
I can recall that a foreign Sikh was thrashed by the local Sikhs of Nanded when he objected to the ritualistic activities going on at Abichalnagar Sahib last year. Sacrificial meat, tilak etc. find no validation in Sikh philosophy.......I wonder if the Jathedars and Sikh lawmakers are sleeping....Zzzzzzzzzzz

I don't think Chatka is sacrificial meat ,it is just the way Sikhs preserved the their age old martial tradition

'This Chatka use to happen at Akal Takht, and only recently they [Shromani Gurdwara Parbandak Committee (S.G.P.C.)] stopped it. No, this is a warrior way of ours. If we are to wield a sword on the battlefield, how are we to judge with what power to wield it so we can decapitate our enemy or split opponent in half? To test that [fighting art], 'Shikar' and 'Chatka' are beloved warrior traditions. Only if we have that experience [of Chatka killing] can we learn Shastar Vidiya. Only then we will learn to wield a sword. That is why the great King [Akali Nihang Guru Gobind Singh] has written “Be initiated into the Khalsa go hunting and preserve Shastar Vidiya any way you can” [from Pracheen Panth Prakash]. If you wish to learn Shastar Vidiya then you must Chatka goats. This is our training method. Singhs have done Chatka from the very start, as it is our tradition. The Gurus told us this is the Kyshatriya way.'
(Singh Sahib Akali Nihang Baba Santa Singh, transcript of interview, 28th October 1999)


Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Kds Ji..In a Battle field situation..who catches the enemies legs..for the "nihung Warrior" while he gives the Chatka stroke to the neck ?? The poor Goat is held by his hind legs by one "Nihung warrior"....another has a string tied to the goats head which he pulls tight..and the third nihung warrior then wields the sword...wow..what shastra vidya is that ??? NO GURU SAHIB hunted like that ? This is CAPTIVE SLAUGHTER. PERIOD. At the very least let the goat run free and let the nihung warriors run after it..then maybe I will beleive the nihung warrior stuff..still only 10% becasue the Goat is not wild, its not allowed compelte freedom..its a captured tame animal...the nihung warriors are just BUTCHERS..plain and simple. The Muslim Kazis do the same thing to cows and buffaloes..their legs are tied up, one will catch the cows tail..another two or three will sit on the poor animal on the ground..then one more will slit its throat...BUT unlike our Nihung Warriors..these people dont say its Training for war..or shastar vidya..they call it Hallal.


Feb 12, 2010
Kds Ji..In a Battle field situation..who catches the enemies legs..for the "nihung Warrior" while he gives the Chatka stroke to the neck ?? The poor Goat is held by his hind legs by one "Nihung warrior"....another has a string tied to the goats head which he pulls tight..and the third nihung warrior then wields the sword...wow..what shastra vidya is that ??? NO GURU SAHIB hunted like that ? This is CAPTIVE SLAUGHTER. PERIOD. At the very least let the goat run free and let the nihung warriors run after it..then maybe I will beleive the nihung warrior stuff..still only 10% becasue the Goat is not wild, its not allowed compelte freedom..its a captured tame animal...the nihung warriors are just BUTCHERS..plain and simple. The Muslim Kazis do the same thing to cows and buffaloes..their legs are tied up, one will catch the cows tail..another two or three will sit on the poor animal on the ground..then one more will slit its throat...BUT unlike our Nihung Warriors..these people dont say its Training for war..or shastar vidya..they call it Hallal.

Our Jathedars must come out and stop this practice.


Apr 3, 2005
Kds Ji..In a Battle field situation..who catches the enemies legs..for the "nihung Warrior" while he gives the Chatka stroke to the neck ?? The poor Goat is held by his hind legs by one "Nihung warrior"....another has a string tied to the goats head which he pulls tight..and the third nihung warrior then wields the sword...wow..what shastra vidya is that ??? NO GURU SAHIB hunted like that ? This is CAPTIVE SLAUGHTER. PERIOD. At the very least let the goat run free and let the nihung warriors run after it..then maybe I will beleive the nihung warrior stuff..still only 10% becasue the Goat is not wild, its not allowed compelte freedom..its a captured tame animal...the nihung warriors are just BUTCHERS..plain and simple. The Muslim Kazis do the same thing to cows and buffaloes..their legs are tied up, one will catch the cows tail..another two or three will sit on the poor animal on the ground..then one more will slit its throat...BUT unlike our Nihung Warriors..these people dont say its Training for war..or shastar vidya..they call it Hallal.

Gyani ji

This is typical argument what veggies give ,but the fact is very large percentage of human beings cannot see blood .Martial races always use to raise their sons like this so they can become mentally tougher .Most of cultures or religions that adopted vegetarianism and stopped killing animals forgot how to fight

You have raise the point of muslims so let me remind you Muslims were always bloody good fighters and always were much more tougher than Hindu or budhists

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Gyani ji

You have raise the point of muslims so let me remind you Muslims were always bloody good fighters and always were much more tougher than Hindu or budhists

Thats exactly my point jios...the Muslims DONT PRETEND they kill for martial spirit...blah blah..like what the Nihung warrior argument is tryig to project on the goat slaughter in a captive situation.. To them killing the Cow is just Hallal meat. period.

( Muslim terrorists did behead Captive Human Priosners though..and in THAT Action the ones involved were PRETENDING they were being brave/warriors for Islam etc etc blah blah..when everyone else saw through it as merely MURDER...of a captured prisoner. NOTHING HEROIC about That. This is mY POINT.)

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
What is a "martial race?"

This was a MYTH invented by the BRITISH in their quest to Divide and Rule and also USE people as fodder for their cannons.

As far as SIKHS are concerned their "Martialness" oozes out of GURBANI they IMBIBE DAILY as part of their LIVES....SOORA so pehchanneyeah jo larreh DEEN KE HET...The British diverted this Loyalty towards self preservation..now India also used this same tactic to make use of Sikh soldiers to fight the Chinese and the pakistanis on the High Glaciers of the Himalayas and the Skies over Kashmir...rest of the army is for peacetime salary collection only. This is the ONLY "favourable" point in DG 's camp.

There is a scholarly article on this topic at sikh sundesh web site maintained by Charanjit Singh bal.


Apr 3, 2005
Thats exactly my point jios...the Muslims DONT PRETEND they kill for martial spirit...blah blah..like what the Nihung warrior argument is tryig to project on the goat slaughter in a captive situation.. To them killing the Cow is just Hallal meat. period.

( Muslim terrorists did behead Captive Human Priosners though..and in THAT Action the ones involved were PRETENDING they were being brave/warriors for Islam etc etc blah blah..when everyone else saw through it as merely MURDER...of a captured prisoner. NOTHING HEROIC about That. This is mY POINT.)

I don't care what they call it but the fact is they are keeping the tradition of Jhatka alive in Sikhism O/W vegetarianism is spreading like a wild fire in sikhism.
Recently my cousin told me that all his family became vegetarian under the influence of some sikh sant.The funny thing these are the same people who use to hunt and do Jhatka of Goats in their home .

AS far calling it ritual is concerned there are many things which we can call ritual.

How about Parshad karaana? I don't understaqnd why only Jhatka of hazur sahib comes under attack so many times


Apr 3, 2005
This was a MYTH invented by the BRITISH in their quest to Divide and Rule and also USE people as fodder for their cannons.

As far as SIKHS are concerned their "Martialness" oozes out of GURBANI they IMBIBE DAILY as part of their LIVES....SOORA so pehchanneyeah jo larreh DEEN KE HET...The British diverted this Loyalty towards self preservation..now India also used this same tactic to make use of Sikh soldiers to fight the Chinese and the pakistanis on the High Glaciers of the Himalayas and the Skies over Kashmir...rest of the army is for peacetime salary collection only. This is the ONLY "favourable" point in DG 's camp.

There is a scholarly article on this topic at sikh sundesh web site maintained by Charanjit Singh bal.

The exact word should have been Martial communitties.The britishers were Practical genius that's why they only selected martial communitties to serve them.This kept Indian army divided and Indian army was never able to revolt.
The martial communitties were selected because most of them use to raise their sons in the way so they can become warriors,so preference to them was obvious

As far India is concerned I am sorry to say but India was never interested in this type of preserving martial communities .Sikhs are now only 10-12% of Indian army ,do you actually believe that only these 10% are patrolling Indian borders in harsh conditions while others are taking only their pay checks

India adopted modern intellectual approach and result is in front of India.Indian army is now facing shortage of 14,000 officers .Army always need best quality of men and this best quality is not interested in joining the army for them MNC jobs or moving out is their choice .On the other hand poor quality is applying for jobs for army which army is not interested in taking .The interesting factor is Pakistani army which is almost half of Indian army's size never complained about shortage of officers