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Hinduism Does Sikhism Confirm The Existence Of Hindu Gods/Goddesses?


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
and for proof have you ever heard of the story of ravidas bhagat calling ganga devi out and she came? :)
Dear Bhain ji you are confusing things. You say,

have you ever heard of the story of
Stories don't need to be based in fact. One of the common issues with religious stories is that everyone tries to up-man someone else's version and embellishes more. This originates as a way of showing respect but over time become so outlandish that there end result is to actually create dis-respect and disdain.

Stories over time, and specially way old ones become totally dis-jointed from facts. This has also happened to Sikhism stories and is nothing peculiar to Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, etc.

Sat Sri Akal.
Aug 28, 2010

The word GOD is the most respectable word in Western Philosophies.In Hindu Philosophy also GOD is a common word for MALE and the word GODDESS for the FEMALE Deity.

In Sikh Philosophy there is no concept like GOD.Sikh philosophy is truely based on the word GuRoo.Unfortunately We Sikhs have also adopted this word GOD for interpretation of Gurbani.But this is not correct in Sikh Philosophy.

WE Sikhs do not have any disrespect for Hindu Mythologies.These Mythologies have been refered in Gurbani to clarify How actually Sikhs should be concerned for HARiNAMu/RAMNAMu or GURMATi RAMNAMu only.

So we should have clear understanding about the real message of Gurbani.This is important..


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Ambarsaria so you are saying it wasn't real..?
Bhain ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says real or not it is inconsequential to a Sikh.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is for sure supporter of lot of Hinduism connotations of transforming Metaphors into something bigger and specific. I address his comments below.

WE Sikhs do not have any disrespect for Hindu Mythologies.
Mythologies are myth based. Myths have no basis in Sikhism. So Prakash.S.Bagga ji agrees with me except he sugar coated it to extract a Dhunvad from you lol

These Mythologies have been refered in Gurbani to clarify How actually Sikhs should be concerned for HARiNAMu/RAMNAMu or GURMATi RAMNAMu only.
Again mythologies have no place in Sikhism. Guru ji were addressing the Hindus with their familiar beliefs and then righting their ways. That is a metaphorical use and nothing more and nothing less.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is trying to create a persona based RAMu, NAMu, SHAMu, BAGGu, HARu which beyond metaphors is a ridiculous supposition. Nothing is going to stop him from so doing many have tried and failed lol. He is trying to put infinite and undefinable creator of Sikhism into a box with a name. It is a shame how much misleading such is but we Sikhs still tolerate and try to learn.

Sat Sri Akal.
Last edited:
Aug 28, 2010
Bhain ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says real or not it is inconsequential to a Sikh.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is for sure supporter of lot of Hinduism connotations of transforming Metaphors into something bigger and specific. I address his comments below.

Mythologies are myth based. Myths have no basis in Sikhism. So Prakash.S.Bagga ji agrees with me except he sugar coated it to extract a Dhunvad from you lol

Again mythologies have no place in Sikhism. Guru ji were addressing the Hindus with their familiar beliefs and then righting their ways. That is a metaphorical use and nothing more and nothing less.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is trying to create a persona based RAMu, NAMu, SHAMu, BAGGu, HARu which beyond metaphors is a ridiculous supposition. Nothing is going to stop him from so doing many have tried and failed lol. It is a shame how much misleading such is but we Sikhs still tolerate and try to learn.

Sat Sri Akal.

How can you change the facts of Gurbani? Just not possible

If you ignore or eliminate the pronunciation of matra like Aukad and Sihari
in the last letters of Gurbani words . How can you understand Gurbani.?
It is big questionmark for any one.
Pl dont tolerate or learn from me .I am not there for Spoon Feeding.
At least learn from SGGS ji .This is my only sincere elderly brother advice.
You may like or ignore this ,choice is yours.


Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Bhain ji Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji says real or not it is inconsequential to a Sikh.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is for sure supporter of lot of Hinduism connotations of transforming Metaphors into something bigger and specific. I address his comments below.

Mythologies are myth based. Myths have no basis in Sikhism. So Prakash.S.Bagga ji agrees with me except he sugar coated it to extract a Dhunvad from you lol

Again mythologies have no place in Sikhism. Guru ji were addressing the Hindus with their familiar beliefs and then righting their ways. That is a metaphorical use and nothing more and nothing less.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji is trying to create a persona based RAMu, NAMu, SHAMu, BAGGu, HARu which beyond metaphors is a ridiculous supposition. Nothing is going to stop him from so doing many have tried and failed lol. It is a shame how much misleading such is but we Sikhs still tolerate and try to learn.

Sat Sri Akal.

Ambarasaria ji,

Guru fateh.

Well explained and very well said. Some people here in a Sikhi garb have been trying to mislead those who come to learn something about Sikhi. They concoct their own Hindutva stories to push their own agenda in a shamelessly dishonest manner, knowingly that they will never succeed, no matter how much they try because our Guru will never let them succeed. SGGS, our only Guru teaches us the path of Truth Seekers which we always shall be.

Thanks & regards

Tejwant Singh


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
How can you change the facts of Gurbani? Just not possible

If you ignore or eliminate the pronunciation of matra like Aukad and Sihari
in the last letters of Gurbani words . How can you understand Gurbani.?
It is big questionmark for any one.
Pl dont tolerate or learn from me .I am not there for Spoon Feeding.
At least learn from Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji .This is my only sincere elderly brother advice.
You may like or ignore this ,choice is yours.

Prakash.S.Bagga ji thanks for your post.

Just one comment. what makes you think you are older than me? I don't state my age mundahug.

Furthermore, please stop mentioning sihari, biharis, aukud, dulakad, etc. No on is ignoring such if they read Prof. Sahib Singh ji, Bhai Manmohan Singh ji's SGGS translations. May be not up to your standards of rigor but definitely not worth flagging as you keep doing all the time as though all such and humble servants at spn are some kind of ignorant idiots who know no Punjabi or other languages..

Sat Sri Akal.
Aug 28, 2010
Thanks for your comments.
If you advice me for not mentioning the matras with the words I can do that if I write the words as per Gurmukhi words .My intention is that the word in english should give the pronunciation as given in Gurmukhi words.I think this should be more correct.

You give me reference of any english translitration where the words with these matras are depicted as per Gurmukhi words I shall follow that.



May 26, 2011
Prakash ji I understand and respect the stories, but what these people are saying is that it never happened. I'm just trying to make a point saying it did happen but that doesn't mean I have a part in the actual religion, I just respect it alot.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Thanks for your comments.
If you advice me for not mentioning the matras with the words I can do that if I write the words as per Gurmukhi words .My intention is that the word in english should give the pronunciation as given in Gurmukhi words.I think this should be more correct.

You give me reference of any english translitration where the words with these matras are depicted as per Gurmukhi words I shall follow that.

Veer Prakash.S.Bagga ji I mentioned to you before. I don't care for English Phonetics of SGGS as it is kind of OK but not accurate.

I can read Punjabi and only use that in my study. I leave English transliteration per Dr. Kulbir Singh ji Thind in as I have no better source. He has done a wonderful job but of course not perfect but that may be impossible, I don't know. I never use the English transliteration for any study! So for me/(or in responses to my posts), I do not need to be reminded of this either. Thanks for your consideration.

Sat Sri Akal.


ੴ / Ik▫oaʼnkār
Dec 21, 2010
Prakash ji I understand and respect the stories, but what these people are saying is that it never happened. I'm just trying to make a point saying it did happen but that doesn't mean I have a part in the actual religion, I just respect it alot.
Kamala ji perhaps we can put a value of these stories in Sikhism.

My Guess the value is " 0". So for Sikhism these happened or not happened is a myth. If you believe it to be non-myths, Sikhism or SGGS cannot support you in that.

(Prakash.S.Bagga ji says as follows)
These stories must have been real but these stories are not the base of Sikh Philosophy.This should be important for you to understand.
I suppose Prakash.S.Bagga ji knows more than our Guru ji as nowhere they say such to be the case other than to take people away from such myths (myths are not truths). Prakash.S.Bagga ji already stated these to be "myths".

Sat Sri Akal.

Aug 28, 2010
Prakash ji I understand and respect the stories, but what these people are saying is that it never happened. I'm just trying to make a point saying it did happen but that doesn't mean I have a part in the actual religion, I just respect it alot.

I appreciate your concern but you can not make others to consider or accept the way you feel.
You should take every such things as easy.
and normal.