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Difference Between Gurbani & Gurubani?


Jan 9, 2008
Re: Gurubani & Gurubani

I think it is just like

Dadi Ma says Wahguru
Nani ma says Waheguru

for those who dont know punjabi- dadi ma is- dad's mother, nani ma is mom's mother
May 13, 2007
Re: Gurubani & Gurubani

well sardara123 my thought is same as of you. But I shocked to hear different from so called sikh scholar that is why I made this thread. I wonder nobody is willing to answer my question. I posted this question in great hope. I dont know why spn ....
Apr 4, 2007
Re: Gurubani & Gurubani

I wonder if somebody would like to enlighten me about the difference between "Gurbani" and "Gurubani"

Thanx in advance

i've never heard of any difference... is there a difference between Gurdwara and Gurudwara?

is there a difference in the spelling when written in gurmukhi, or is it a matter of transliteration?


Dec 24, 2004
Re: Gurubani & Gurubani

Some grammar... Gur is the oblique form of Guru, and the oblique is also used as possessive, so Gurbani means Guru's bani.
So the correct way to write it is Gurbani, not Gurubani.

Hope this made some sense.


Dec 24, 2004
Re: Gurubani & Gurubani

i've never heard of any difference... is there a difference between Gurdwara and Gurudwara?

is there a difference in the spelling when written in gurmukhi, or is it a matter of transliteration?

It's the same difference as i wrote above. And it's also the way it's spelt in gurmukhi.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: What is the difference between Gurbani & Gurubani?

singh is king ji

It is Gurbani -- and Sara has given the linguistic explanation for this. Why not post an example of where you saw this with the surrounding context so we can take a look and see what might be going on? I sounds to me as if someone did not understand the idea of the oblique form as Sara explained.

I had a second thought. The person may be trying to say Guru's Bania -- but unsure of the 's rule. This is very hard when learning English.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
its not kala afghana....at all.
Its those who are trying to EQUATE whatever is OUTSIDE the SGGS with whatever is INSIDE SGGS.
SGGS is OUR one and ONLY GURU....whatever the SGGS contains is GURBANI. WHY ? Simply because SGGS is GURU (Jyot of all ten nanaks and many others whose Bani is contained therein)
However..we have FOUR NANAKS (human Form) Guru Hargobind Ji, Guur Har rai Ji, Guur Harkishn Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji whose "writings/utterances/etc are NOT contained in SGGS. Inspite of this FACT...the SGGS is still COMPLETE GURU and was GURTA gadhi by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 at nanded. NO OTHER have this right to gurgadhi/Guruship/Equality.

Banis from OUTSIDE SGGS are used at Khandeh batte dee PAHUL (initiation_ ceremony of KHalsa SINGHS. This PAHUL is ALWAYS given in the TABIAH of the GURU -SGGS ( Without the GURU Present no such Pahul can take place even if the Panj are ready.

Based on this PAHUL ceremony soem people are trying to EQUATE and raise those "banis" to Level of SGGS - they invented the word "GURU-bani" (coming from the mouth of Guru - that is Guru Gobind Singh Ji to differentiate from the GURBANI in SGGS which is our DEFACTO GURU Jugo jugg Attal. The Banis used at Pahul are holy, and part of the Nitnem of a Singh and in the SRM....BUT they are NOT at PAR with GURBANI of SGGS.
Secondly these same people then raise another RED HERRING...they coem up with the imaginative and seemingly innocent questions like..IF bani of Guur Gobind Singh ji is NOT "Gurbani as per SGGS"..then how come BHATT bani written by soem bhatts who are NOT GURU are called GURBANI and contianed in SGGS ?? Same goes for Bhagat banis, Farid Banis etc etc.
The Answer to such red herring troublemakers/blasphemers is..Every Single word in SGGS has been put there by GURU ARJUN JI and then by GURU GOBIND SINGH JI. The Mundawni Mh 5 is the SEAL of Guru Ji and 1708 Gurgadhi is by GURU JI.
Whatever GURU JI left outside SGGS is INTENTIONALLY DONE...whatever writings not accorded GURBANI status no matter who wrote them is also INTENTIONALLY done by GURU JI. Those banis are for the PAHUL Ceremony and for NITNEM. Lets leave them that way.
ONLY the SGGS is Rock SOLID and proven with Guru Jis Mundawni Seal and Gurta in 1708....not a single word can be changed or altered even BY the KHALSA PANTH..unlike the SRM/NITNEM etc....which can be changed and has been done before.

Gyani Jarnail Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
its not kala afghana....at all.
Its those who are trying to EQUATE whatever is OUTSIDE the SGGS with whatever is INSIDE SGGS.
SGGS is OUR one and ONLY GURU....whatever the SGGS contains is GURBANI. WHY ? Simply because SGGS is GURU (Jyot of all ten nanaks and many others whose Bani is contained therein)
However..we have FOUR NANAKS (human Form) Guru Hargobind Ji, gur Har rai Ji, gur Harkishn Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji whose "writings/utterances/etc are NOT contained in SGGS. Inspite of this FACT...the SGGS is still COMPLETE GURU and was GURTA gadhi by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 at nanded. NO OTHER have this right to gurgadhi/Guruship/Equality.

Banis from OUTSIDE SGGS are used at Khandeh batte dee PAHUL (initiation_ ceremony of KHalsa SINGHS. This PAHUL is ALWAYS given in the TABIAH of the GURU -SGGS ( Without the GURU Present no such Pahul can take place even if the Panj are ready.

Based on this PAHUL ceremony soem people are trying to EQUATE and raise those "banis" to Level of SGGS - they invented the word "GURU-bani" (coming from the mouth of Guru - that is Guru Gobind Singh Ji to differentiate from the GURBANI in SGGS which is our DEFACTO GURU Jugo jugg Attal. The Banis used at Pahul are holy, and part of the Nitnem of a Singh and in the SRM....BUT they are NOT at PAR with GURBANI of SGGS.
Secondly these same people then raise another RED HERRING...they coem up with the imaginative and seemingly innocent questions like..IF bani of gur Gobind Singh ji is NOT "Gurbani as per SGGS"..then how come BHATT bani written by soem bhatts who are NOT GURU are called GURBANI and contianed in SGGS ?? Same goes for Bhagat banis, Farid Banis etc etc.
The Answer to such red herring troublemakers/blasphemers is..Every Single word in SGGS has been put there by GURU ARJUN JI and then by GURU GOBIND SINGH JI. The Mundawni Mh 5 is the SEAL of Guru Ji and 1708 Gurgadhi is by GURU JI.
Whatever GURU JI left outside SGGS is INTENTIONALLY DONE...whatever writings not accorded GURBANI status no matter who wrote them is also INTENTIONALLY done by GURU JI. Those banis are for the PAHUL Ceremony and for NITNEM. Lets leave them that way.
ONLY the SGGS is Rock SOLID and proven with Guru Jis Mundawni Seal and Gurta in 1708....not a single word can be changed or altered even BY the KHALSA PANTH..unlike the SRM/NITNEM etc....which can be changed and has been done before.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

I do not know why this is such a difficult concept. You explained it straight up and based on historical realities. There is an entire thread on BHATT Bani going on right now where your thinking might be clarifying.
Feb 14, 2006
its not kala afghana....at all.
Its those who are trying to EQUATE whatever is OUTSIDE the SGGS with whatever is INSIDE SGGS.
SGGS is OUR one and ONLY GURU....whatever the SGGS contains is GURBANI. WHY ? Simply because SGGS is GURU (Jyot of all ten nanaks and many others whose Bani is contained therein)
Don't attack the fundamentals of the Sikh faith. Be careful of what you are doing.
California Sangat passes five resolutions condemning Kala-Afghana.
Stockton, CA (July 6, 2002)
  1. Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana's writings are against Gurmat and Sikh Sangat is requested to boycott them.
  2. Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana should not be allowed to speak from any Panthic Stage.
  3. All attempts shoud be made to condemn Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana from Panthic stages.
  4. Hardev Singh SherGill's newsletter 'The Sikh Bulletin' and his associates should be boycotted.
  5. The Sikh Sangat strongly requests that Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana be summoned to Sri Akal Takht Sahib.
Kala Afghana excommunicated
Varinder Walia
Tribune News Service Amritsar, July 10
The Sikh clergy today excommunicated Canada-based cop-turned-controversial Sikh scholar and close aide of Sant Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale, Gurbax Singh Kala Afghana, from the Sikh Panth for his “blasphemous acts”. Mr Kala Afghana is the author of the set of 10 books, ‘Bipran ki rit ton sach da marg’ (from Brahminism to the path of Sikhism).

The Sikh clerics indicted Mr Kala Afghana for ridiculing the Sikh ethos, values and scriptures, thereby hurting the sentiments of the Sikh Panth. The “hukmnama” pronounced by Giani Joginder Singh Vedanti, from the rostrum of Akal Takht appealed to the Sikh Sangat in India and abroad to snap all ties with Mr Kala Afghana, who had defied all directives of Akal Takht. Earlier, Mr Kala Afghana was declared “tankhaiya” (guilty of religious punishment) on May 10 and was directed to clarify his position by July 10.
The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

Scholars warned against distorting Sikh history
(Courtesy : Tribune News Service )
Jalandhar, August 5
Some Sikh missionary colleges and their writings have come under fire from certain "Panthic" organisations and a number of intellectuals. The organisations have asserted that the missionary writers had no right to twist Sikh history and that both the "Dasam Granth" and Sri Guru Granth Sahib were sacred sources of inspiration for the Sikhs.

The Damdami Taksal, Akhand Kirtani Jatha, Budha Dal, Tarna Dal Shaheedi Misal, Tarna Dal Harian Belan, Gurmat Sidhant Parcharak Sant Samaj have maintained that there is no weight in the assertion of some scholars associated with missionary colleges that Guru Gobind Singh had not given a "bedawa" (letter of desertion) to "40 muktas" and the former had not torn it later, as was mentioned in the "Dasam Granth". The organisations have warned such "scholars" against indulging in the "act of sacrilegious writings".
The organisations convened a special meeting at Naunvin Patshahi gurdwara here today to discuss the issue. They charged the missionaries, including Gurmat Missionary College, of "distorting" and "ridiculing" the "Bani" of Sri Guru Gobind Singh and making an effort to "disseminate" disbelief about history.

Bhai Mohkam Singh of Damdami Taksal said though guruship was bestowed upon Sri Guru Granth Sahib, "Dasam Granth" was also important for the Sikhs, as it was the source of daily prayers and for administering "amrit". Giani Sher Singh of the Nihang jatha, Tarna Dal Harian Belan, gave details on how the "Bani" of Sri Guru Gobind Singh was also same in spirit, tone and tenor of Sri Guru Granth Sahib. He said Akal Takht had already given its findings that each and every word of the "Dasam Granth" had come from the pen of Guru Gobind Singh.

Sharing this view, Dr Harbhajan Singh of Punjabi University, gave a detailed account of the efforts made by some people to undermine the importance of the "Dasam Granth". Dr Harpal Singh Pannu, also from Punjabi University, said all four "granths" such as Guru Granth Sahib, Dasam Granth, Vaars of Bhai Gurdas and writings of Bhai Nand Lal were of great importance for the Sikhs and were being recited at the Golden Temple for ages.

Mr Sukhdev Singh Bhaur, secretary general of the Sarb Hind Shiromani Akali Dal, lashed out at the SGPC chief, Prof Kirpal Singh Badungar, by alleging that though he had assured at an executive meeting that no recognition to missionary colleges would be accorded unless their ideologies were brought on a common platform, he "betrayed" his commitment by according recognition to such colleges.

In the past few years, the public has been bombarded with un-Panthic & anti-Gurmat literature being produced by various individuals promoting Gurbaksh Kala Afghana / missionary viewpoints. They viciously attack the very fundamentals that set the Sikh Panth apart for other faiths. Instead of utilizing sound logic and Gurbani as a basis of their arguments they often resort to ridicule and sarcasm in a sign of desperation and lack of confidence. These people make money from selling books, videos and literature by creating controversy at the expense of Sikh tenets and beliefs.

Hence at the behest of Sikh Sangataan and Panthic Jathebandhis and Sikh Groups worldwide Sri Akal Takhat has provided a sundesh to the community to boycott any contact with Prof. Inder Ghagga, Gurcharan Jeeonwala, Manjit Sihota, Karamjit Gill, Amandeep Kang, Gurmit Sinh, Parminder Parmar, and Jasbir Mangat. Debate or Nindiaa over Sri Dasam Granth is not allowed and Kala Afgana supporters like Dr. Jasbir Mann and Jugraj Kaur are to be avoided.

Sri Dasam Granth Sahib Ji was created with the aim of waging a war of righteousness. The Dasam Granth is that unique and unforgettable offering to Indian culture which changed the very face of religion, society, infact the very nation.

With a view to create a society free from exploitation and tyranny, Guru Gobind Singh spelt out his aim - "Dharam yudh ko chao" (Aspiration for a war of Righteousness) in the form of a literary masterpiece. And for the creation of such a society, the complete, ideal human being he envisioned was one who was imbued with absolute faith in the one and only Almighty God. His portrayal of the Khalsa is as follows.

Jaagat jot japey nis basur
Ek bina man nek na aaney
Pooran prem prateet sajey
Brat gor mari matt bhool na maney.
Tirath daan daya tap sanjam
Ek bina neh ek pachchaney.
Pooran jot jagey ghat main
Tab Khalas tahey nakhalas jaaney.

Sri Dasam Granth sections:

(inc. Chandi di Vaar)
(inc. Shabad Hazaarey, Sawaiye and Khalsa Mahima)

For more info visit: [URL="http://www.rajkaregakhalsa.net/"]http://www.RajKaregaKhalsa.Net[/URL]
A Rallying Call to All Sikhs
A Warning to the Sikh community about Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana. (A former high-ranking intelligence officer of the Punjab Police.)
The Sikh community outside of India has managed to prosper in a relatively short period of time as a result of devoted service, hard work, meeting multiple challenges internal and external, and enduring in many cases much hardship. It has become a robust, vibrant community and slowly people everywhere are taking note of the values and teachings of the Sikh Gurus.
The Sikh heritage and history are replete with the finest examples of personal sacrifice and nobility of spirit. There are people who would change history and undermine the Gurus teachings by spreading false concepts to the congregations and the common public at large.

One such person is Gurbakhsh Singh Kala-Afghana. His supporters hail him as an enlightened scholar but nothing could be further from the truth upon examination of his literature. His writings often indicate a cynical disregard for the most cherished of Sikh institutions as the Khande-ke-Pahul Amrit and recitation of Nitnem. He categorically states that any scripture written outside Guru Granth Sahib Ji is not Gurbani. This includes Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Savaye and Kabiyo Bach Bentee Chaupai, which he states were not compositions of the Guru. That in itself would make Nitnem obsolete.The same goes for the writings of Bhai Gurdas Ji and Bhai Nand Lal Ji. If these banees are false then what of Khande-ke-Pahul Amrit? Well he proposes that only Japjee Sahib was recited in 1699. Also, the exclusion of the compositions of Guru Gobind Singh by extension would also invalidate Khande-ka-Amrit.

This person and his web of supporters have sought to discredit the most renown Sikh luminaries of the Panth, dedicated souls acknowledged for their selfless service, and sacrifice. He also denies the existence of a Sikh mystical life. Kala Afghana’s works are banned for publication by the Akal Takht Sahib. He and his supporters continue to defy that ban. The Akal Takht Sahib is now seriously evaluating his conduct as a Sikh. Out of all this a pattern now emerges. An attempt is being made to rewrite and corrupt Sikh history and undermine the most basic and cherished of Sikh institutions.

Sadh-sangat Jio, concerned dedicated Sikhs everywhere, we urge you to educate yourselves as much as you can about the perverse writings of Kala Afghana and also about Sikh history and practice. Using that knowledge, aggressively challenge such as him by writing rebuttals and verbally when he visits your communities. Then when you are done, turn him out. We urge you to voice your complaints to Sri Akal Takht Sahib as this man’s and his supporters’ conducts are unacceptable and unbecoming of a Sikh. Above all, imbibe the teachings of the Gurus and if you have not, work towards one day taking the Khande-ke-Pahul.

Thank you for your attention in this matter.
The above information was compiled from various sources by the Sevadars of the Khalsa Panth.
May 13, 2007
its not kala afghana....at all.
Its those who are trying to EQUATE whatever is OUTSIDE the SGGS with whatever is INSIDE SGGS.
SGGS is OUR one and ONLY GURU....whatever the SGGS contains is GURBANI. WHY ? Simply because SGGS is GURU (Jyot of all ten nanaks and many others whose Bani is contained therein)
However..we have FOUR NANAKS (human Form) Guru Hargobind Ji, gur Har rai Ji, gur Harkishn Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji whose "writings/utterances/etc are NOT contained in SGGS. Inspite of this FACT...the SGGS is still COMPLETE GURU and was GURTA gadhi by Guru Gobind Singh Ji in 1708 at nanded. NO OTHER have this right to gurgadhi/Guruship/Equality.

Banis from OUTSIDE SGGS are used at Khandeh batte dee PAHUL (initiation_ ceremony of KHalsa SINGHS. This PAHUL is ALWAYS given in the TABIAH of the GURU -SGGS ( Without the GURU Present no such Pahul can take place even if the Panj are ready.

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Yes, SGGS Ji our living Guru but you cant deny Guruship of other ten Gurus. If banis of four Gurus are not contained in SGGS it does not affect their guruship.

But am still waiting for the answer, difference between Gurbani and Gurubani. In the video KA clearly stated that there is a differnce. I personally believe there is not any difference. Is there any differnce between Gur asees or Guru asees? NO. Gur chela, Guru Chela. like "Waho Waho Guru Gobind Singh aape Gurchela". If some pronounce Gurchela as Guruchela does it make difference? I think similarly there is only pronunciation difference between Gurbani and Gurubani. In Punjabi culture there are several pronunciations available for one particular word. Like a Punjabi name Gurditt means Guruditta, Gursharan : Guru Sharan.

I think

Gurbani: Guru's bani

Gurubani: Guru's bani

So, where is the difference?

I may be wrong, please enlighten me.

Also, what is the meaning of Gurbani? It will be really great if you explain this according to Punjabi grammatical composition i.e. word formation in Punjabi gramattical way?