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Call To Muslims To Seduce Sikh Girls Into Islam


Apr 3, 2005
I don't think KDS1980 meant that Islam is the true religion, he was asking a question to Jugdeep as he/she feels that Islam is the true word of God. KDS1980 is giving the chance for Jugdeep to elaborate on why he/she feels that way. Whats wrong in that?

mkaur ji you are absolutely right.


Nov 19, 2006
I would thing twice about the username "Jugdeep" and believing what he wrote.

This is why:

TheReligionofPeace - Islam: Taqiyya and the Truth
What does the
Religion of Peace
Teach About...
Lying (Taqiyya and Kitman)

Are Muslims permitted to lie?

Summary Answer
Muslim scholars teach that Muslims should be truthful to each other.
There are two forms of lying to non-believers that are permitted under certain circumstances, taqiyya and kitman. One of those circumstances is to gain the trust of non-believers in order to draw out their vulnerability and defeat them.

The Qur'an:
Sura (16:106) - Establishes that there are circumstances that can "compel" a Muslim to tell a lie.
Sura (3:28) - This verse tells Muslims not to take those outside the faith as friends, unless it is to "guard themselves."
Sura (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.
Sura (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts"
Sura (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you, (O men), the dissolution of your oaths"
Taken collectively these verses are interpreted to mean that there are circumstances when a Muslim may be "compelled" to deceive others for a greater purpose.

From the Hadith:

Bukhari (52:269) - "The Prophet said, 'War is deceit.'" The context of this is thought to be the murder of Usayr ibn Zarim and his thirty unarmed men by Muhammad's men after he "guaranteed" them safe passage (see Additional Notes below).

Bukhari (52:271) - Recounts the murder of a poet, Ka'b bin al-Ashraf, at Muhammad's insistence. The men who volunteered for the assassination used dishonesty to gain Ka'b's trust, pretending that they had turned against Muhammad. This drew the victim out of his fortress, whereupon he was brutally slaughtered despite putting up a ferocious struggle for his life.

From Islamic Law:

Reliance of the Traveler (p. 746) - "Lying is permissible when there is a legitimate desired end. And the legitimate desired end may be a personal one."

Additional Notes:

Muslims are allowed to lie to unbelievers in order to defeat them. The two forms are:

Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true.

Kitman - Lying by omission. An example would be when Muslim apologists quote only a fragment of verse 5:32 (that if anyone kills "it shall be as if he had killed all mankind") while neglecting to mention that the rest of the verse (and the next) mandate murder in undefined cases of "corruption" and "mischief."

Though not called Taqiyya by name, Muhammad clearly used deception when he signed a 10-year treaty with the Meccans that allowed him access to their city while he secretly prepared his own forces for a takeover. The unsuspecting residents were conquered in easy fashion after he broke the treaty two years later, and some of the people in the city who had trusted him at his word were executed. (See Sura (9:3) - ("...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters...")

Another example is when Muhammad tricked the leader of an opposing tribe with whom he was not at war to leave his town on the pretext of meeting with him at Medina. Usayr ibn Zarim traveled with thirty men who were unarmed because of Muhammad's guarantee of safety. They were easily massacred by the prophet's Muslim assassins.

The 9/11 hijackers practiced deception by going into bars and drinking alcohol, thus throwing off potential suspicion that they were fundamentalists plotting jihad. This effort worked so well, in fact, that even weeks after 9/11, John Walsh, the host of a popular American television show, said that their bar trips were evidence of 'hypocrisy.'

The transmission from Flight 93 records the hijackers telling their doomed passengers that there is "a a bomb on board" but that everyone will "be safe" as long as "their demands are met." Obviously none of these things were true, but these men, who were so intensely devoted to Islam that they were willing to "slay and be slain for the cause of Allah" (as the Qur'an puts it) saw nothing wrong with employing Taqiyya in order to facilitate their mission of mass murder.

The near absence of Qur'anic verse and reliable Hadith that encourage truthfulness is somewhat surprising, given that many Muslims are convinced that their religion teaches honesty. In fact, it is because of this ingrained belief that most Muslims are quite honest.

Finally, the circumstances by which Muhammad allowed a believer to lie are limited to those that either advance the cause of Islam or enable a Muslim to avoid harm to his well-being (and presumably that of other Muslims as well). Although this should be kept very much in mind when dealing with matters of global security, such as Iran's nuclear intentions, it is not grounds for assuming that the Muslim one might personally encounter on the street or in the workplace is any less honest than anyone else.
May 30, 2007
Just look at this girl who poses herself as gurusikhni n supporting islam by citing lines from Gurubani.Here Allah refer to Waheguru.:cool:Answer is so simple n she brought out wrong meaning out of it.So simple is for the sikh girls to slip to favor Islam by one wrong intrepretation n even if thousands of examples of great sikhs n Gurus n their sacrifices r presented before them they will still not favor sikhs.



Nov 19, 2006
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji Ki Fateh

Lets not argue amongst oursleves. If you dont realise this already, this what the muslims wants us to do.


And a message to you "jagdeep", this is a "SIKHI" site and if you want to discuss Sikhi and Gurbani and you are most welcome.

BUT if you here trying to incite hate or trying to convert Guru deh Sikhs then you are on the wrong website.

We understand why you are doing this. Its because thats what your Koran teaches you to do which is quite a sad affair to say the least.

I am forever grateful that my karma was such that it brought me to Gurbani - our wonderful Gur Sikhi.

I pray humbly that all in this world may gain Guru Ki Mat - Gurmat Naam that only our wonderful and beautiful Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji can achieve.

Sacha patshah Waheguru Akal purkah benti kareh -Please give us all especially "jagdeep" Gurmat Naam.
May 30, 2007
Fools n evils forces don't understand religion.They r blind as Gurubani itself says:

"Hindu andaa musalmaan Kaana Enha donvah tu Gyani syana"

Sikhs faced heavy loss becoz they ignored Guru's words n trusted hindus.Guru Gobind Singh never trusted Hindu kings n mugal ruler at anytime during his whole life but sikhs didn't listen to Guru n so faced heavy loss during 1984 roits n blue star operation.

Non-religious people don't understand polite words n cool approach.They understand only one language i.e. sword language,battles n nothing more.
I still don't understand why sikhs r so polite towards evils even today even when we r facing heavy losses from them.
Even Guru gobind Singh picked weapons when all means failed.Sikhs must prepare themselves for everything.This is Sikhi site n no non-sikhi stuff is allowed here.

:advocate: "Pratham bhaghoti Simar keh Guru Nanak Lai dehaiey"

First Recognise n bow before SWORD as Guru n then remember Guru Nanak n others.
:advocate: Understand this n all will be clear to U all readers why Guru Ji has taken tough on evils forces n considered Sword as first rememberance during Ardas n this is what allowed sikhs to wipe evils forces out so that they cannot harm others.Same will hold true now n in future.Mind it.

Sat Shri Akal.


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

Please respect all. read the forum rules carefully once again, if you have any questions.

another humble request to all, please post correct gurbani, if you are posting. Thanks in advance.

Bhaghoti means true bhagat
Gurbani has this word many times used as such.

AMqir kptu BgauqI khwey]

BgauqI BgvMq Bgiq kw rMgu ]
sgl iqAwgY dust kw sMgu ]
mn qy ibnsY sglw Brmu ]
kir pUjY sgl pwrbRhmu ]
swDsMig pwpw mlu KovY ]
iqsu BgauqI kI miq aUqm hovY ]
BgvMq kI thl krY inq nIiq ]
mnu qnu ArpY ibsn prIiq ]
hir ky crn ihrdY bswvY ]
nwnk AYsw BgauqI BgvMq kau pwvY ].......

also Gurbani goes for the Shabad mentioned by FiveLovedOnes Ji like the following-

Awju nwmy bITlu dyiKAw mUrK ko smJwaU ry ] rhwau ]
pWfy qumrI gwieqRI loDy kw Kyqu KwqI QI ]
lY kir Tygw tgrI qorI lWgq lWgq jwqI QI ]1]
pWfy qumrw mhwdyau Dauly bld ciVAw Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ]
modI ky Gr Kwxw pwkw vw kw lVkw mwirAw Qw ]2]
pWfy qumrw rwmcMdu so BI Awvqu dyiKAw Qw ]
rwvn syqI srbr hoeI Gr kI joie gvweI QI ]3]
ihMdU AMn@w qurkU kwxw ]
duhW qy igAwnI isAwxw ]
ihMdU pUjY dyhurw muslmwxu msIiq ]
nwmy soeI syivAw jh dyhurw n msIiq ]

It says God's presence is not limited to the places of worship. Examples are taken from that time.

Please respect all.

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness.


Feb 23, 2007
There is one more link

The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)

source Muslim convert to Sikh :: Ex-muslim :: Muslim 2 Sikh :: Muslim Converts To Sikhism

I am not trying to hurt anyone its just a fact. Just trying to explore. I am not sure is it some what around the topic. But seems relates some how.

Great reply shows to what extent they are allowed to lie according to kuraan
Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true.


I dint know about this nice one.
May 30, 2007
:)I have a CD named "Nitnam" by Bhai Daya Singh Ji from Australia n they have recited ardas with its meaning in English.Clearly he said that Bhaghoti means Sword Guru.Same word can have different meaning in different situations.In Ardas it means a Sword Guru n nothing else.
Note this.No further arguments please.If have doubt consult a sikh scholar.
Sat Shri Akal.:cool:

:advocate:Clearly it shows how a holy book can mislead masses of people n how corrupt the teachings of Koran r.It is teaching people to lie for their own benefit.peak of everything.:crazy:In fact hazraat mohamaad was not a prophet at all.If he were he wouldnot have added such things in holy book.Ugly teachings alone can produce evils :}8-:n nothing more.

Thanks my friend.
Sat Shri Akal.


Mar 28, 2006
Respected Saadh Sangat Ji,

the meaning of Bhagoti cannot be misleading from Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth sahib Ji, not for a True Sikh.

iknhI igRhu qij vx KMif pwieAw ]
iknhI moin AauDUqu sdwieAw ]
koeI khqau Anµin BgauqI ]
moih dIn hir hir Et lIqI ]
If a Sikh doesn't believe in Dhan Dhan Siri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, what me neech can say about it. This is our relation with Guru Ji.....

Bhai Gurdas Ji also used this word in the same contexct:
ieh vwr BgauqI mhW punIqy]
ijs aucriq aupjiq prqIqy]
jo ies vwr soN pRym lgwvY]
soeI mn bWiCq Pl pwvY]
imtihN sgl duK duMd klysw]
Pun pRgtY bhu suK prvysw]
jo ins bwsur rtihN ieh vwry]
so phuMcy Dur hir drbwry]
ieh vwr BgauqI smwpiq kInI]
qb Gt ibidAw kI sB ibiD cInI]
ieau siqgur swihb Bey idAwlw]
qb CUt gey sB hI jMjwlw]
kir ikrpw pRB hir igrDwry]
aih pkiV bWh Baujl soN qwry]
ieauN kir hY gurdws pukwrw]
hy siqguru muih lyhu aubwrw ]

one can believe or doubt... waheguru mehar karan......

that's all me neech can say.

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness....


Dec 13, 2005
There is one more link

The Prophet wrote the (marriage contract) with 'Aisha while she was six years old and consummated his marriage with her while she was nine years old and she remained with him for nine years (i.e. till his death)

source Muslim convert to Sikh :: Ex-muslim :: Muslim 2 Sikh :: Muslim Converts To Sikhism

I am not trying to hurt anyone its just a fact. Just trying to explore. I am not sure is it some what around the topic. But seems relates some how.

Great reply shows to what extent they are allowed to lie according to kuraan
Taqiyya - Saying something that isn't true.


I dint know about this nice one.

I never knew about the taqiyaa-kitman business, the more I read about islam the more I am replused by it, I think muslims should look to the example of sheikh fareed if they are unwilling to listen to sikhs.
May 30, 2007
:) A true sikh doesnot disobey n differnetiate between his sikh fellowmates by adding caste or other differences.Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj eliminated caste system n other baseless issues to unite all people into one form called Sikhs or Khalsa.If one god created all how can be there a jatt sikh n a khatri sikh.......
U r disobeying Guru by adding Cheema to ur Name.Rest is all good about U.Ur love for Guru n Guru's Shabad is immense but true love for Guru can only be expressed by obeying his orders.No intention to hurt U but to make U realise that U r still holding a black spot(Caste) on your clothes(soul).:advocate:


Mar 28, 2006
Endless thanks for spotting and washing the black spot from my screen name, FiveLovedOne Ji. thanks a lot endlessly.

keep it up.

FYI me neech is not hurt, as i have placed whatever given in Guru Ji's Charan Kanwal, Guru Ji is the Ultimate Teacher, Provider, Protector and the Healer, what me neech has to worry. Once again, thanks endlessly :)..........

humbly asking for everybody's forgiveness


Aug 24, 2006
A true sikh doesnot disobey n differnetiate between his sikh fellowmates by adding caste or other differences.Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj eliminated caste system n other baseless issues to unite all people into one form called Sikhs or Khalsa.If one god created all how can be there a jatt sikh n a khatri sikh.......
U r disobeying Guru by adding Cheema to ur Name.Rest is all good about U.Ur love for Guru n Guru's Shabad is immense but true love for Guru can only be expressed by obeying his orders.No intention to hurt U but to make U realise that U r still holding a black spot(Caste) on your clothes(soul).

How old are you? As a Sikh we are all here to learn but you come across with your holier-than-thou attitude and insult others….IS THIS AN EXAMPLE OF A TRUE SIKH????? A true Sikh see's God in all and you showed that you do not possess that quality as a Sikh.

Your Light is the light in all beings, O Creator. All Your Expanse are True” (Guru Granth Sahib, 1314).

All beings and creatures are His; He belongs to all” (Guru Granth Sahib, 425).

For all you and I know it's a username, why get so worked up on it. Are you here on this site to pin point others names or to learn and share your knowledge on Sikhism?

This is Sikhi site n no non-sikhi stuff is allowed here.

I agree this is a Sikh site but if non-Sikhs want to participate I don't see a problem with that. We live in a multi-cultural society and we should be tolerant of others regardless of colour, caste, creed or RELIGION or gender for that matter. However I agree to stop any post that are Anti-Sikh.

Non-religious people don't understand polite words n cool approach.They understand only one language i.e. sword language,battles n nothing more.

I still don't understand why sikhs r so polite towards evils even today even when we r facing heavy losses from them.
Even Guru gobind Singh picked weapons when all means failed.Sikhs must prepare themselves for everything.

"When all other means have failed, It is then righteous to take the sword in the hand." (Zafarnama)
How is stereotyping all Muslims going to help. Firstly we need to strengthen our community before getting ready for war. If we are weak ourselves in our religion what exactly we will be fighting for?

Just look at this girl who poses herself as gurusikhni n supporting islam by citing lines from Gurubani.Here Allah refer to Waheguru.
Answer is so simple n she brought out wrong meaning out of it.So simple is for the sikh girls to slip to favor Islam by one wrong intrepretation n even if thousands of examples of great sikhs n Gurus n their sacrifices r presented before them they will still not favor sikhs.My goodness.Peak of everything.
I am Just looking for one sikh girl in this whole site who talks pro-sikhi n anti-evils whatever religion they belong to but not sikh.Mind it.The Ego of this girl is at the peak.They read little Gurubani n start critizing other reformers.Peak of foolishness can be found among sikh girls n nowhere

So your sexist as well as racist. :roll: Again not a quality that should be found in a Sikh....

How am I favouring Islam? Let me tell you in the Guru Granth Sahib there are 292 hymns by Kabir (Muslim), 4 hymns and 130 couplet of Sheikh Farid, 41 hymns by Ravidas, and a few couplets by Baba Mardana a muslim. I would be favouring Islam if I quoted from the Quran. I may not be as learned in Sikhism as others in this forum, but you have missed a very important part of the Guru Granth Sahib.

IK ON KAR - God is one.

So lets stop this discriminating against Muslims, wayward Sikh girls, and surnames.

And please FiveLovedOnes…..you've been given a brain, use it as your checkpoint before you write things. ;)

May 30, 2007
I think U girls sit at home whole day without any exercise n don't properly read n understand what people r writing here.When I say sikhi U read it as sikhs.:crazy:What is this.
I strongly recommend U to go out n run 2 miles n spend 1 hr in Gym with super exercise n good blood flow all over ur body n ur brain.Then only U will understand n properly interpret what I have written n how U take it so negatively.
My job is not only to write about sikhi n related but also address the main problems that really r affecting our unity.One MAJOR PROBLEM of today is the caste.Read various odd cases arising due to caste system on the internet n other sources n then U will understand how serious is the problem of caste system among sikhs.What if I make one realise that this is something one is missing in oneself n one needs to correct this.Why take things always negatively.U pin-point my weaknesses n I will appreciate ur efforts n never go negative.I love people to let me know where n what r my weaknesses.
Just now U said I am a sexist.:crazy:Ok I will work on that too.Hope to remove this bad spot from my soul-cloth or atleast minimize it so that it is not visible to outside.Thanks for ur comments thou.:D
Anyway we r not here to use terms like this.Rascist is another gold-medal that has been presented to me by U.:crazy:Thank U.:Dwill work on that too to remove it.
again one more gold-medal.I have no brain :}{}{}:.isn't this is peak of craziness writing like this on sikhi site ignoring the forum rules.:D :D :D
anyway keep doing ur job n let me do mine.I have different approach towards dealing with evils.Sword-Style when all means fail.

I am a :}8-: for evils.BTW Enjoy n have fun writing n discussing sikhi.

Live in Chardi kala n positive thinking.

Sat Shri Akal


Aug 24, 2006
I think U girls sit at home whole day without any exercise n don't properly read n understand what people r writing here

Making assumptions as usual!!!!

Read thru your previous post(s) and you will see why I said you are being sexist. You seem to have nothing positive to say about Sikh women. Yes there are some who let us down but then so do many young Sikh boys.

If you want to start a topic on caste and use of surname then do so but don't pick on individuals on this forum. We are all here to share our knowledege and learn about Sikhi.

BTW on a lighter note FiveLovedOne......are you a salesperson for a gym....I've lost count the amount of time you've told others to go to the gym:}{}{}:

May 30, 2007

Making assumptions as usual!!!!

Read thru your previous post(s) and you will see why I said you are being sexist. You seem to have nothing positive to say about Sikh women. Yes there are some who let us down but then so do many young Sikh boys.

If you want to start a topic on caste and use of surname then do so but don't pick on individuals on this forum. We are all here to share our knowledege and learn about Sikhi.

BTW on a lighter note FiveLovedOne......are you a salesperson for a gym....I've lost count the amount of time you've told others to go to the gym:}{}{}:

I am not in favor of a girl who treats herself as gursikni (u cannot be one) but favors Sex before marriage.here is what u wrote in one of ur posts.
"However I would like to ask others why people having sex before marriage is wrong IF both of you love each other"

:DSo this is what U r teaching to sikh youths n young girls thru this religious web-site.It is a great shame on U that people like u become encouragement for doing wrong things to our new young generation.If u have done this then keep it a secret .why r u exposing it to others- younger generation on the line.Our Sikhs have created a way of life n marriage is one of the most beautiful gift given to us by Guru Ramdas Ji himself n full respect n following is important for all of us n who r u to tell the younger generation that Sex is ok before marriage.isn't this really crazy.:crazy: :}--}:
:advocate: U see others the way U r.When u wrote sexist to me I was really stunned.My god what is this.Who can write like this to others on a sacred sikhi site.Only a girl like U who is propagating slogan of having sex n fun before marriage.Come on.
First of all understand ur culture n traditions.In England too sikhi is still the same n our cultures n traditions r still the same whether weak follow or not.But weak people r easily subdued by ur own evils n then start hunting for sex at the name of love.They r more influenced by bollywood than sikh culture n traditions- for sure.
Madam sikhi is about following n self control.Noone shouldnot talk like that about having sex before marriage on this sikhi site.That's why i am so against those sikh girls who have totally spoiled the very definition of sikhism n sikhi.

People r right if any girlis unable to cannot control herself get married n enjoy.What is wrong in their saying n advises.
Now look at ur post comments-What a loser talk."I know many of u will say 'go n get married' but sometimes things do happen".Come on give me a break now.

First of all understand the meaning of marriage n start guiding young people around Now after hearing ur truth what u r expecting from me.Talk nice about sikh women like u.

If u treat urself as gursikhni u shouldnot raise such topics on such holy sites.
I see a lot of gursiknis everyday here in US.I pay them due respect from heart for keeping sikhi on the proud.
UK sikhs boys n girls r lost than any other part of this world.More reforms r needed to overcome this.If steps r not taken now n soon we will be in heavy loss.

:advocate:I am only proud of those girls who maintain their traditions n Guru's ways till their last breath.proud of great gursikhnis who preserve sikhi with them n pass it to their coming generation.Sikhi florish becoz of gursikhs n gursiknis.



Aug 24, 2006
Yes I asked that question, but that does not mean I am a loose character. I asked it in the sense that it is ok to have sex with you husband on the first night and you do not even know them. If you have an opinion about sex before marriage reply to me in that topic and answer my question. DON'T you dare try to label me as a loose woman.

FiveLovedOne I haven't got time to waste on immature male chauvinist pigs like you who think they are above everyone and everything. Anyone can be a shere behind the safety of a computer.

And finally I seriously doubt you are a Sikh. You either belong to some weird cult or need to be taken away by men in white coats.
May 30, 2007
Yes I asked that question, but that does not mean I am a loose character. I asked it in the sense that it is ok to have sex with you husband on the first night and you do not even know them.That's we have arranged marriages.:advocate:Everyone knows that in many cases both men n women don't know anything about one another.This has happened with our ancestors for generations n they have never raised any question about strangerness of their partner.Now my question is why girls of this modern generation who r more educated n have more facitities of learning sikhi than in the past always feel insecure even despite of arranged marriages which involve two families n even beyond.Simple answer.they don't show any interest in learning sikhi,sikh cultures n traditions,Guru teachings n practically applying them in real life,love for sikhi n Guru 's feet.Always ready for revolting against sikhi n going against parents n elders wishes asking for more freedom to get involved in bad stuff(U ask ur parents for freedom to do Good works related to sikhi n they will never stop U for that-I am sure about that),not attending classes n seminars on sikhisms n poor learning n interests for sikhism n Gurubani n lot more.They r from day one more involved in dirty stuff like bollywood,watching dirty programs on TV against their parents will n advises,looking for more freedom to go on bad paths n never seeking help from Gurubani n elders to clear their mind darkness,never learning the beauty of marriage n its beauty n beyond,understanding the role of Guru 's love in married life.all these lacking finally brings all confusion n doubts.lacking all these is what made u feel insecure with ur own husband for first night......For ages this system has been continued n is still working n has always brought great impact on the society in a postive way.Results were always astonishingly positive of this arranged marriage with complete understanding of its true meaning n beauty.Now-a-days arranged marriages r coming to a failure becoz both boys n girls r not ready to learn the beauty n seriousness of this relationship n immense hapiness it brings to both.Girls want fun n want their men to be their dogs.They try to force their preferences over their husbands.So how this kind of attitude can make a relationship a success.Both men n women think that Sex is the ultimate destination of marriage(All wrong).Marriage relationship is beyond that n true relationship should end up both of the couples at the feet of the Lord.Only then relationships florish n endless hapiness shower upon them.

That 's why Gurubani says:

"Anand kare Nar naari Gur Purey Kirpa Thari"

means both men n women(guru talks about married couples at the same time) who remain immersed in the nectar Bani they only enjoy the endless blessings n joy of Guru's love.Married couples enjoy the beauty of married life only thru Guru's nectar bani.

:advocate: Anything outside this brings sorrow n distress n failed relationships.

If U could understand the true meaning of this statement of Guru All ur doubts will vanish n U will never ask foolish questions like this.That's why I constant stress on my friends to seek the shelter n help from Guru.Guru solves all problems n darkness spread over one's mind.I strongly recommend U the same.Also wake up very early n meditate as it brings many blessings of Guru n good health n good fresh mind for whole day long.Exercise as Guru Gobind Singh Ji strongly recommended giving sikhs festival of holamala as a reminder to sikhs that exercise n always ready for battles should be an ultimate part of a sikh's lifestyle.
Don't call me a sales person of gym equipments. I guide people is all from Gurubani n guru's words n Guru's ways.Mind it:advocate:.I never talk of my own.I apply Guru's words on myself first n find out the immense blessings hidden behind it n then I start recommending or guiding my sikh friends out there.In olden days sikhs exercise with weapons n horse games.Now we have Gym,Sword Games n other games n sports for exercise.So what is wrong about talking about Gym to many friends.Today exercising in Gym bring immense exercise in very less time in this busy time-schedules of sikhs of today.Whole day one feels vigor n chardi kala.:advocate:

If today U girls have found internet and parents n sikhi provides u more freedom that doesn't mean that U will sit on sikhi sites n discuss sex topics.What the hell is this.:}--}: Cannot U answer these common sense question with ur own intelligence n consciousness.We r at sikhi site to discuss about Sikhi,Guru n his nectar Bani,great teachings of Gurus,n helping our young sikh people to join sikhi more strongly n overcoming any ambuities about sikhi n sikhi way of living n other similar related sikhi topics.But U lost people always take up some stupid elements in between n start misguiding youth particularly.Tell me in UK how many times sikh girls gather together n talk about Gurus,Gurbani n sikhi related matters with each other.I think never
.look at Surinder Kaur cheema how beautifully she is siting lines from gurubani to clear our doubts n helping lot others.I offended her only on her caste in her name which of course is non-sikhi aspect n becoming a nuisance to our sikh society.Look everyone is divided.Jatts have their own gurudwaras n ramgarias have their own.Can't to think of the seriousness of this problem n its impact on us n future generations to come.
Don't tell me that I am not a sikh.I am katar sikh n pakaa sikh. mind it.Never leave my mind on loose even in this country(USA) where dirt is so wide spread.Finally Guru has given his nectar Shabad to protect us from all dirt n evils of this society.In your country both men n women set their minds loose n start eating dirt of the world around U.

If you have an opinion about sex before marriage reply to me in that topic and answer my question. DON'T you dare try to label me as a loose woman.Don't even dare to have any discussion with me on having sex before marriage or discussing amiguities of having sex first night with ur Husband who accepted u before his Guru n both agreed before Guru granth Sahib Ji to be one forever. Don't talk like a bollywood sick ducks.

FiveLovedOne I haven't got time to waste on immature male chauvinist pigs like you who think they are above everyone and everything. Anyone can be a shere (I am a shere behind n in front of anyone-see I add SINGH to my name n I am a lion at deeds too.Guru's Sikh Lion)behind the safety of a computer.

Also Correction needed.It should be FivelovedOneS n not FiveLovedOne.they were 5 in no.

I don't consider myself superior over others but at the same time cannot remain quite when UK girls like u talk sex related stuff on sikhi sites.Have any questions or ambiguities about ur evils answer urself with ur own conciousness or seek the help of Gurubani.It has solution to all your doubts n problems.
Also never ever degrade the saints of Lord or his Gurusikhs(although I am not yet but trying hard for that n girls like u start throwing dirt on guru's sikhs too).

And finally I seriously doubt you are a Sikh.I don't know what U mean by that.unable to hear the truth so let him be declared as non-sikh guy.great job Kuriey. keep it up.I don't how many more u will delare as non-sikhs.Anyway I get up at 2:00 o'clock everyday without fail.It is the time when Golden temple doors open for Guru's Sangat.True amrit vela as per sikhs religious tradition.

You either belong to some weird cult :crazy:(Come on give me a break now).Now u r trying to show urself as the only one sikh santnee here.Ego is pouring out from every point of urs.If after so many posting if U r unable to recognise who I am then U cannot understand anybody.U cannot learn sikhi from this site then.If have doubts I can send u my photo/s at ur email address to overcome ur ambiguity. or need to be taken away by men in white coats.
Sat Shri Akal.Casteless Sikh from USA.:)
May 30, 2007
I totally agree with u my friend.study has shown that 85% of girls want dirty boys while the rest go for good decent boys.N good news is that out of 85% nearly 50% get their divorce n start hunting for new one.This time a decent one.what a foolishness.Hope God will give these girls some intelligence.They lack it very badly.:}{}{}::}{}{}::D
I get many loose girls from other communities but I always say no to them.Please excuse me.Don't need U.I am a pakka Guru ka Sikh.patience pays n impatience spoils all.

Even then i will go for a good sikh girl becoz i am not like those bad sikh girls out there.I know what Gurus r,What Guru's teachings mean in our life, n what is beauty of sikhi is.what bad girls see is just an illusion of mind n finally like a loser in the end n having spoiled their marriage life few times they learn their lesson.:D :D
If U don't find any good sikh kuri Go for outsider.Go for Muslim girl.They do become good sikh girls n love sikhi more than our own sikh girls.Our girls simply talk loud about sikhi but inside they r all hollow n sick.Although I must not recommend u this as first option but last resort.:advocate:

:) But still there is hope that one find good sikh girls attached with Guru's neactar Bani n so don't give up.

"Mandi kami Nanaka Jad Kad Manda Hoye"

Those who stay away from guru n don't follow Guru's paths always suffer here n in his paradise.they will spoil their married life n finally left with repentence n nothing more.

Praises to gursikhnis who donot give up sikhi.My humble salute to them.:)

So cheers my friend.
Chardi kala.


Dec 13, 2005
Guys Like Good Looking Girls, Girls Like Good Looking Guys Stop Maing Excuses For Being Ugly, And Stop Calling Good Looking People Dirty There Is No Such Thing As Dirty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!