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The Temple Of God


Feb 20, 2012
One’s body is the temple of God. Lust, anger, greed, attachments to worldly things, ego and evil actions destroy the body.
One cannot possibly obtain Darshan of the Lord by destroying the temple where He lives.

Taken from a book that inspired me a great deal, backed up by my SatGuru :) ... backed up by my journey so far on this path...God Bless

My God is pervading and permeating all places.
By Guru's Grace, I have found Him within the home of my own heart.
I serve Him constantly, and I meditate on Him single-mindedly. As Gurmukh, I am absorbed in the True One. ||

am a sacrifice, my soul is a sacrifice, to those who enshrine the Lord, the Life of the World, within their minds.
Through the Guru's Teachings, I merge with intuitive ease into the Lord, the Life of the World, the Fearless One, the Great Giver. ||1||Pause||
Within the home of the self is the earth, its support and the nether regions of the underworld.
Within the home of the self is the Eternally Young Beloved.
The Giver of peace is eternally blissful. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are absorbed in intuitive peace. ||2||
When the body is filled with ego and selfishness,
the cycle of birth and death does not end.
One who becomes Gurmukh subdues egotism, and meditates on the Truest of the True. ||3||

Within this body are the two brothers, sin and virtue.
When the two joined together, the Universe was produced.
Subduing both, and entering into the Home of the One, through the Guru's Teachings, we are absorbed in intuitive peace. ||4||

full Glorious shabad can be read here:

God Bless


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Grasshopper - I'm gonna have to disagree with couple of your KPI's, namely, body destroyed cannot have darshan and God is She as well as He.



Feb 20, 2012
Grasshopper - I'm gonna have to disagree with couple of your KPI's, namely, body destroyed cannot have darshan and God is She as well as He.


of course genderless ... a habit of mine to always say 'He' ...

unless of course if we are depicted as 'the soul brides' merging with our divine husband... :)

i would say the gist of the above is, if we are full of the 5 thieves and like sheep following their very command..our body will be affected...and possibility of Darshan reduced as our dyaan just isn't focused in the right direction enough....

if i am plagued by lust, greed...what will my dreams entail...what will be my daily thoughts and actions...where will my energy expenditure go?

i can say of myself....many years of drinking, drugs, lust, greed etc etc...stress, anxiety worry...left me in a state of heavy repair...

the repairs are ongoing...but one must seek change for it to happen...for the repair to begun? otherwise a person just continues in the direction of their negative desires...they reap what they sow?

a mind being tossed and turned by thoughts...how difficult to focus it in the right direction...
of course in the domain of Waheguru, anything (darshan) can happen in an instance and to anyone...

but why could we say a large proportion of SGGS Ji is like a psychology of the monkey mind..? and the importance of getting centered and focused?

interesting topic... :)
Last edited:


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
of course genderless ... a habit of mine to always say 'He' ...

unless of course if we are depicted as 'the soul brides' merging with our divine husband... :)

i would say the gist of the above is, if we are full of the 5 thieves and like sheep following their very command..our body will be affected...and possibility of Darshan reduced as our dyaan just isn't focused in the right direction enough....

if i am plagued by lust, greed...what will my dreams entail...what will be my daily thoughts and actions...where will my energy expenditure go?

i can say of myself....many years of drinking, drugs, lust, greed etc etc...stress, anxiety worry...left me in a state of heavy repair...

the repairs are ongoing...but one must seek change for it to happen...for the repair to begun? otherwise a person just continues in the direction of their negative desires...they reap what they sow?

a mind being tossed and turned by thoughts...how difficult to focus it in the right direction...
of course in the domain of Waheguru, anything (darshan) can happen in an instance and to anyone...

but why could we say a large proportion of SGGS Ji is like a psychology of the monkey mind..? and the importance of getting centered and focused?

interesting topic... :)
Yes, you're right - gur ghar saw God as He, God the "Ranjha" and they themselves as His beloved "Heer".
of course genderless ... a habit of mine to always say 'He' ...
No, you're right ! Gur ghar saw themselves as "heer" [female] of their beloved "ranjha" [male].
i would say the gist of the above is, if we are full of the 5 thieves and like sheep following their very command..our body will be affected...and possibility of Darshan reduced as our dyaan just isn't focused in the right direction enough....
...darshan can happen to anyone at anytime. There is no specific criteria or formulae within which this event is defined or caught. There is no heaven without hell. That is not to say, a prerequisite of hell is a must, but viz-a-viz no problem if the 5 are teasing as long as the object of their desire is "one" true love, could be Miss Universe, ha !
if i am plagued by lust, greed...what will my dreams entail...what will be my daily thoughts and actions...where will my energy expenditure go?
Miss Universe
i can say of myself....many years of drinking, drugs, lust, greed etc etc...stress, anxiety worry...left me in a state of heavy repair...
Wrong ! You Sir is an experienced man, able to guide and navigate the inexperienced to where you are today - the "don".
but why could we say a large proportion of SGGS Ji is like a psychology of the monkey mind..? and the importance of getting centered and focused?
you're sitting in UK today coz of the monkey mind having found n invented aeronautical flying machines to ferry your parents over across the 7 seas. The mind is beautiful, proviso - you have user's manual to hand.
interesting topic

...that you R and I love you more n more coz the real you is emerging - Chaz Singh is King of the naughty [history] and nice [present] worlds.



Feb 20, 2012
Yes, you're right - gur ghar saw God as He, God the "Ranjha" and they themselves as His beloved "Heer".

No, you're right ! Gur ghar saw themselves as "heer" [female] of their beloved "ranjha" [male].

...darshan can happen to anyone at anytime. There is no specific criteria or formulae within which this event is defined or caught. There is no heaven without hell. That is not to say, a prerequisite of hell is a must, but viz-a-viz no problem if the 5 are teasing as long as the object of their desire is "one" true love, could be Miss Universe, ha !

Miss Universe

Wrong ! You Sir is an experienced man, able to guide and navigate the inexperienced to where you are today - the "don".

you're sitting in UK today coz of the monkey mind having found n invented aeronautical flying machines to ferry your parents over across the 7 seas. The mind is beautiful, proviso - you have user's manual to hand.

...that you R and I love you more n more coz the real you is emerging - Chaz Singh is King of the naughty [history] and nice [present] worlds.


The Don. .. I like :)


Feb 20, 2012
Original ji

you wrote "but viz-a-viz no problem if the 5 are teasing as long as the object of their desire is "one" true love, could be Miss Universe, ha !"

but would that not define a strong, focused and centered mind? :) ... IK Man.....a mind ready to receive...a cup turned in the right direction...


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
Original ji

you wrote "but viz-a-viz no problem if the 5 are teasing as long as the object of their desire is "one" true love, could be Miss Universe, ha !"

but would that not define a strong, focused and centered mind? :) ... IK Man.....a mind ready to receive...a cup turned in the right direction...
who's mind, definitely not yours ?....on the presumption its Miss Universe, you'd be devoid wouldn't you ? man tan both placed at her feet and you a zombie, perfect abode for the almighty to enjoy residing [temple of God].