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General The Best Video EVER!


Aug 13, 2008
Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
"The Sikh Community Misses You", says the burb in my In-Box.
YEAH! I'd just bet that all of you really do want to hear just what I - a Native Born Veteran (Reg. Army) Son of a Veteran (U.S.A.F.) - has to say about this attempt to 'Shoe Away' our not-so-beloved 'W'.
(Note: For those of you who are not that familiar with American English; it's an American colloquialism to say that one is going to "Shoo Away" a pesky Insect that has been buzzing about ones head!!!)
I too had this reaction; Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha!!!:happy:
And I too think that he deserved no better reception; and that he deserves no better 'reception' or 'legacy'.:D
You see; I joined a Volunteer Army, in which I was trained by Drill Sergeants who were all Vietnam (Combat!) Veterans; and - just like them - I never wanted to see AmericanTroops be sent into another War in which there could be No Victory because there was never any Righteous Reason for our having gotton involved in another Nations 'Internal Disputes'.:mad:
I - and The Cadre I trained under - were all very dedicated to making sure this kind of thing never happened again; but - unfortunately - by the time Gulf War I came along, most of them had Retired.:(
In fact; when the Vietnamese ran the Red Chinese out of Vietnam, in 1979, they thoroughly nullified our very reason for having gotten invovled - again, in anpother nations internal affairs - which was that; 'We've (supposedly) got to stop them (the SE Asian States, that is) from falling like Dominoes, before the onslaught of The Red Horde'.
Just like The Bush Administration(s) feigned ignorance; or, in Bush #2s' case, he actually IS Ignorant) of the 'fallout' from Gertrude Bells' & T.E. Lawrences' failure to live up to their promises (the ones they made to the Kurds, are a good example) and of The Brits habit of drawing Lines on Maps - without ever actually consulting (or Ignoring the wishes of them when they did) the Inhabitants of the former Ottoman Lands that they were divying up; J.F.K. (here I go, tainting the Legacy of another 'Great Man') was either Ignorant of the fact that the Vietnamese HATE the Chinese - whose unhappy Vassals they'd been on and off for Millenia - or he was showing a Catholic Bias for the Catholic South Vietnamese regimes!!!
I will say this, in Bells' and Lawrences' defense, though; because the 'Sand Arabs' definitely DID NOT have any kind of a sense of 'National Unity', their Job had not been an easy one; and thus I'm certain that - no matter how things had been divided up - there would have been some kind of conflicts.:yes:
There's another Evil Fact here: and that is that we got into this mess (i.e.: Iraq, Afghanistan) as much to make sure that The U.S. had a Generation of Active Duty Military Personel with Combat Experience, as much as for any other reason; though I doubt if CNN will elucidate upon that fact.:mad:
Personally, I was looking forward (after 'The Cold War' ended) to a Nice 'Peace Dividend' - like repaying all of the Money that was robbed from our Social Security Trust Fund, to buy Guns and Bullets, Bombs and Bombers - up until Pres. Jimmy Carter put a stop to the practice in the late 1970's.:)
We should have National Health Insurance - like every other Civilized Nation on Earth; as it is the Shame of this Nation that (according to a Middle eastern acquaintance of mine) your average Syrian Day-Laborer has better Dental Care that I do; as I'm on Social Security Disability, because I'm afflicted by a Rare, and Painful, Nerve Disease, and Medicare/Medicaid does not provide for American S.S.D. Pensioners' Dental Needs.:(
Additionally; I know, because I've have had a lot of contact with various Muslims, that - while The Arab/Muslim 'Street' would have gladly overlooked (or even endorsed) our invasion of Afghanistan (sad as that necessity may have been), they will never forgive us for the Invasion of Iraq; as most of them know that it only occured either because Bush 1 had declaired a Vendetta against Saddam, or because Bush 2 - along with his former OilCo Employee Cabinet - wanted to STEAL their Petroleum!
By the way; Bush 1 wanted to KILL Saddam because - after we ran him out of Kuwait - Saddam had tried to assasinate HIM in the early 1990's!!!
This happened because Saddam had trusted Bush 1; who'd been running the CIA when he'd helped Saddam rise to Power (just like Pinochet); as he'd quite actually recieved a 'Green Light' to Invade Kuwait, through his well established 'back-door channels' into the U.S. State Dept.!
He had such channels because he'd been sending the U.S. the very best Russian Military Equipment that they'd sell to Him - and vice versa; so that we - and the Russians - could take each others stuff apart, and then Blow It Up (I know, I've LAW-Rocketed a BMRs' Track Off!).
In American 'Street Lingo'; Saddam "Played Us Both like a couple of Bit**es"!
Though I don't think that The Iraqis won't be better off without Saddam; you can see here how and why he'd felt betrayed enough to try and Assasinate Bush 1, after we ran him out of Kuwait.
Also; one must consider that fact that most Iraqis' consider Kuwait to be a Part Of Iraq that'd 'broken away', and that is now run by a Rebellous Clan of Traitors!
All of these facts have been in play from the beginning; though - I'm ashamed to say - most Americans would be hard pressed to point to Iraq on a Map, let alone cite the History of these Affairs with my own level of proficiency (I'm putting all my 'Buddha-like' modesty aside, there!).
Hopefully Barack Obama is a LOT better Educated about these things; he can always consult ME, if he isn't!
All this, and I haven't even touched on a subject much closer to Home for you Skhs, have I? You know; The Partition! (Ugh! I feel for you! I surely do.)