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Coinage Sikh Coins Group

Jan 10, 2010

The above album contains silver rupees of the Amritsar mint starting
with coin of VS1832 right up to VS1840 with obverse and reverse image.
Members will see a good selection of the two versions of the early
coins of the Amritsar mint, which is one of the most holy places for
the Sikhs around the world. Coins of this mint are the most widely
available probably for the name of the holy city and were well
preserved by those who kept them as prised possessions.

Here is the link for the above album and topic:-

Dear Group Members

the only living evidence of the Sikh Empire which is readily available
to all those who are interested in Sikh numismatics are the actual

To ensure that new and existing members are fully up to date with new
varieties of coins, I thought it would be good to periodicaly
highlight some of the existing albums (like the one above) we have in
the groups photo section.

Rgds Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010
Just a quick note to advise group members that should you wish to view the link and scan of the Sikh Empire on the Sikh Coins Group, than it would be wise to do it with an Yahoo ID as this function may not work if your not a Yahoo subscriber.

Jan 10, 2010

The above album contains scans of Sikh silver rupees of Amritsar
together with the parallel series coins of Anandghar mint. Some of
the best example of these types of coins are in this album, a must
for anyone wishing to compare the coins of both mints for the years
VS1841 upto VS1849. The only distinguishing mark which stand out on
these coins is the Katar (dagger) mark on the Amritsar coins and the
flower or bud like mark on the Anandghar coins. Anyone whishing to
add scans of the missing coins please do send your scans directly to
Gurprit Ji. It is important to note that all scans of the above
album were actualy donated by individual members who wish to remain
annonymous, the groups thanks to all those who contributed to the
above album.

Here is the link for the above album and topic:-

Rgds Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010

The Morashahi and Arsiwala coins in the above album are one of he
largest collection for this type of coins. This was thanks to Kulwant
Ji's prompt sharing of the scans from his collection.

A large discussion took place and supporting images of the Ber tree
leaf mark which ensued by group members. However until we are able to
get concrete evidence to back the theories discussed the discussion
remains open.

Here is the link for the above album and topic:-

Rgds Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010

The above named album in the Sikh Coins Group contains scans of a good selection of Sikh Copper coins which continue to open the door into the money used in general circulation by the people of Punjab. The Scans of copper coins of Amritsar, Multan and Peshawar can be found in the album, many in fantastic condition with variety of mint marks relating to holy symbols. Here is the link for this album:- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SikhCoins/photos/album/945066531/pic/list

For more interaction about the coins of the Sikh Empire, please join the Sikh Coins Group by clicking the link: SikhCoins : Coins of the Sikhs Although people do not need to join the Sikh Coins Group to read its messages it is advisable to join using a Yahoo ID for access to other sections of the group e.g. Photo Section.

Rgds Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010

The leaf mark is one of the main distinctive marks on the coins of the Sikh Empire. The mark has been used in many different design types. The above named album in the "Sikh Coins Group" contains scans of coins which capture some of the designs used by the many different die cutters of the Punjab during the Sikh rule. Our thanks go to the Sikh Coin Group members for providing the much sort after scans of the variety of Leaf marks currently available.

Here is the link for the above album:- http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SikhCoins/photos/album/613920926/pic/list

For more interaction about the coins of the Sikh Empire, please join the Sikh Coins Group by clicking the link: SikhCoins : Coins of the Sikhs Although people do not need to join the Sikh Coins Group to read its messages it is advisable to join using a Yahoo ID for access to other sections of the group e.g. Photo Section.

Regards Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010
The above named album in the Sikh Coins Group contains a total of eighteen scans of silver rupees and copper paisa's of the Kashmir mint during the rule of the Sikh Empire. These include fourteen different silver rupees and four copper paisas. SPN members will not be able to see a better selection of scans in one place for this mint town, which produced a varied variety of coins

Here is the link for the above album:

For more interaction about the coins of the Sikh Empire, please join the Sikh Coins Group by clicking the link: SikhCoins : Coins of the Sikhs Although people do not need to join the Sikh Coins Group to read its messages it is advisable to join using a Yahoo ID for access to other sections of the group e.g. Photo Section.

Regards Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010

The city of Lahore was the Capital of the Punjab. The first year of rule by Sikh Misaldars was in the year VS1822 (AD1765). The above named album in the Sikh Coins Group contains a good selection of scans of silver rupees for the mint City of Lahore. Most of the coins appear with scans of both sides the obverse and reverse. Check out the first ever circulating coin of the Sikh Empire. Here is the link for the silver rupee for the year VS1822 (AD1765) Yahoo! Groups: Groups Error

This is the link for the above album entitled LAHORE :-

For more interaction about the coins of the Sikh Empire, please join the Sikh Coins Group by clicking the link: SikhCoins : Coins of the Sikhs Although people do not need to join the Sikh Coins Group to read its messages it is advisable to join using a Yahoo ID for access to other sections of the group e.g. Photo Section.

Regards Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.


Jun 1, 2004
Dear Parminder Ji

Thanks a lot of updating this section with your priceless contributions... well, i think SPN can certainly do much better than this to recognize your efforts!!!

May i request you to start a new topic with appropriate headings, whenever you would like to post or introduce a new coin or collection of coins and also attach an image of the coin or collection (minimum 295px Width x 220px Height) alongwith that first post. Starting a new topic everytime will feature your efforts in our SPN spotlight section at the homepage and many other locations across the forum for a maximum exposure to your efforts. :veryhappymunda:

If you face any technical issues, simply drop us an email!

Gurfateh! :geeksingh:

Jan 10, 2010
Dear Aman Ji,

Thank you for your mail above with the kind suggestion of posting/adding future notes on the coins of the Sikh Empire. Your comments are very much appreciated and should I need any assitance I will not hesitate to mail you directly.
If you or your fellow moderators have any additional information in better promoting the work of the Sikh Coins Group, I would be very happy to hear this.
My personal email is sikhcollector@yahoo.co.uk
Parminder / Sikh Collector
Jan 10, 2010

It is a fact that many Sikhs and non Sikhs around the world are not aware that the Sikh Empire known as Punjab, covered a huge area in the North/West of India. The Punjab used a very fascinating monetary system consisting of coins and tokens in metals of Gold, Silver and Copper.

The coins were produced in denominations of Mohur, Rupee and Paisa covering the major cities of Punjab. These days you can find coins for the cities of Amritsar, Kashmir and Anandghar which are still part of India. Coins were also minted in the cities of Lahore (Capital of the old Punjab), Multan, Peshawar which are in modern day Pakistan. Today distinguished collectors continue to study Sikh coins to attribute them to mint towns and cities which were previously not known.

The sovereign Sikh rule by Maharaja Ranjit Singh began in 1801AD, the Sikhs had established control over Lahore in 1765AD itself and had started minting and circulating their own coins.

Despite the large and very interesting variety of coins which were circulated over a large territory for more than eighty years, the study of Sikh coins - the symbols of Khalsa Sovereignty, has mainly remained neglected.

Here is the link for the Sikh Coins Group (SCG) on Yahoo operated by Gurprit Singh Ji:-
SikhCoins : Coins of the Sikhs - The image below is courtesy of the SCG.

vs1822khalsarupeeoflahore 295X220.jpg

Rgds Parminder
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.
Jan 10, 2010

This is a copy of a message posted on the SIKH COINS GROUP (SCG) 11/04/10

Dear Group Members


Gurprit Ji and I, have been requested to post the activities and work of the
Sikh Coin Group on the pages of the above group. I would like to thank the Group
Leaders of the Sikh Philosophy Network (SPN) for their kind offer.
I hope that members of this group and members of the SPN will be able to share
and join each others groups for better interaction on the numismatics (the
collecting and studying of coins) of the Sikh Empire.

Anyone who would like to know more about the SPN can either join the group or post
messages on this group. We currently have members within this group
who are also members of the SPN.

Here is the link for members who wish to join the group:-
Sikh Philosophy Network

Rgds Parminder Singh
Understanding history, culture and heritage through numismatics.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
This is just brilliant! I look in awe at these coins. The level of intellect needed to be a fine and canny collector is huge. As is the knowledge of history that you must develop.
Jan 10, 2010
Dear Narayanjot Kaur Ji,

thank you for your positive words in relation to the numismatic faculty.

I have been collecting coins for about 35 years mainly British coins and found this a good way of learning about history of a particular nation through coins. However about 20 years ago I felt that I needed to learn about Sikh history other than the religious aspect of Sikhism.

One of the main things for me was to first find out weather the Sikhs ever produced coins and the next was to see if I could acquire them. To my surprise, I found that not many people knew about Sikh coins and I could pick them up at a reasonable price. So I began to purchase coins of the Sikhs and the road to learning the history of the Sikh Empire through Numismatics. For me, this was a fantastic journey in which you actualy learn from the information provided by the coins based on the study of the coins.

So twenty years on. Here I am a member of the Sikh Coins Group on Yahoo and I have managed to meet some fantastic people like Gurprit Singh Ji. Today I continue to learn about the numismatic of the Sikh Empire from others and the actual coins.

Your message nicely sums up how I should end this message and I do hope others within the SPN will learn from the information on the Sikh Coins Group.

"This is just brilliant! I look in awe at these coins. The level of intellect needed to be a fine and canny collector is huge. As is the knowledge of history that you must develop."

Parminder (Sikh Collector)
Last edited:
Jan 10, 2010
Dear Narayanjot Kaur Ji,

Thank you for your message below. I am pleased to hear that you collect stamps, I also began collecting stamps (philatelic) at the same time as coins (Numismatic). However the stamps took second place when I began to collect coins of the Sikh Empire.

It is a sad fact that one of the concrete evidence of the existence of the Sikh Empire, are the actual coins as they are the seal of the ruling body within a state. Unfortunately for the Sikhs, 90% of the coins are written in the Persian text and therefore the Sikhs are not able to understand them.

I do hope one day that any Sikh around the world should be able to recognize a coin of the Sikh Empire when they see one. This will help us to preserve our history which, even today is being melted down for value of silver. I have heard many stories where jewellers have melted Sikh rupees for their high silver content for the purpose of producing jewellery. This is a direct erosion of the history of the Sikh Empire and it is being done right under our nose.

Today, Gurprit Singh Ji, I and members within the Sikh Coins Group hope to change the balance a little at a time to open the eyes of Sikhs and non Sikhs on the evidence of the Sikh Empire. I am very grateful that we now have a space within SPN to continue with this work.

Regards Parminder / Sikh Collector

From: Narayanjot Kaur Ji,
Your message is so touching. I am overwhelmed and so honored that you would share those particular thoughts, and even a slice of your life, with me. I really am in continual awe when you post. The journey you took had to have been as remarkable as any explorer's experience journeying to unknown places. Only you are taking a journey in time and each week it seems you have another discovery to share. I always have that "Wow" feeling -- I mumble, "Let me read that new post by Sikh Coin Collector as soon as I check all the new threads. After the housekeeping of threads is done, then I will really take my time and relish the new chapter in Sikh History." I save stamps, but not with any real knowledge or learning. You are the "other side of that coin."
You know what you are doing. Well I hope to have time later this evening to write a short article about your group and post it so that more members are encouraged to join. And even become collectors -- and historians.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
I never did write that article Sikh Coin Collector ji. However I did some research that night. There is next to nothing about the interests and talents of coin collectors on the web, but a lot about the history of coin collecting.

So it might be more enterprising I tried a different approach. We at SPN do want to join you in your enthusiasm, and help raise the level of interest among Sikhs and non Sikhs in the amazing trove of learning gained from knowing about Sikh Coins.