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Short Stories

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004

The NRI from Canada appeared at the Dera Gates....and he had a shiny new 10 lakh AC Car....as a gift for the Holy Baba Ji....
The Shardhaloo....NRI..was immediately accorded VIP Status by the Dera...AC Room, attached bath..and Tarrkeh walee daal (murgeh Shurgeh) and the Best Vilaytee Lal Paree..served in tall cool glasses by a tall cool dane goree class beauty also a shardhaloo of the baba ji Maharaj.
Daily the NRI sta at the babaji's feet..listening to hsi vachans....shaking his head in deep contemplation...after a week or so..he whispoered to the baba ji.....I hate the thought of leaving your divine presence...BUT duty calls..as you are aware I have a big buisness empire in canada...
A month later the NRI was back again at the dera....he confided in the baba Ji..My buisness has expanded greatly..i need at least 100 workers as soon as yesterday....Each will have to pay ONLY 5 lakh rupees..and I will take care of Visa air ticket etc etc...
The word spread like wildfire...around the Dera...Canada for ONLY 5 Lakhs....too true to be true..BUT its TRUE...heard it straight form the Horses Mouth (babajis mouth)....Soon long lines of "eligible" shardhaloos lined up outside the BabaJis Bhora....begging to be chosen for the canada Lottery of a Life time...after along and ardous interview process...at last the lucky 100 were chosen...and the 500 Lakh Rupees deposited with the NRI..sewak from Canada who was a God sent gift to change their lives for ever...Canada Here we come....the sewaks couldnt sleep a wink that night..NEXT MORNING..the NRI placed the 500 lakh in a suitcase and told the baba ji..I need to arrange the name change and Insurance for the 10 lakh Car and this needs to be done in New delhi...so why not i take the Car now itself to get that paperwork out of the way...anyway I will be back in aweek to arrange to take the 100 workers to Canada with me...OF Course..of course replied the baba ji..handing him the Keys to the Car...
THAT WAS THE LAST ANYONE SAW the NRI again....510 lakh rupees down the proverbial drain....Baba ji disapeared down his AC Bhra to meditate in solitary....and to escape the questions of the 100 shardhaloos who had deposited the Canada funds....the THIEF had been Had !!...........

2. A son who literally hated to write back from Uni one day found he had no choice but to write to dad for money...so he wrote..

Dear Dad,
NO Mon..
Your Son.
Daddy was furious...no news about the studies, or health etc..just aksing for money and so curt...he decided to teach his son a lesson...
He wrote back..

Dear Son,
How sad...
Too bad...
Your DAD.

3. Amrtidharees and Chamars ?? Zaat Paat ?? Can a bowl of sweet water change our blood lines ??

A true Story..of a village encounter in Kapurthala District in December 2008.

An Amrtidharee wearing his Gatra over his shirt was walking down a village road...when he spied a fellow "amritdharee" lady who was trying to place back a basket of rotis on her head, and two vessels full fo water, lassee, dahi etc in her two hands. Having grown tired she had put them down for a breather..and then found to her disamay that she couldnt put it all back on her head all by herself....and then this Amrtidharee stepped up to do the honours...the lady accepted the help..and both began to converse...she asked him his village..and then his family....and then his GOT (Zaat)....the split second she heard that he was a CHAMAAR...she threw the lassee, the rotian and the vessels of water down on the road and cursed him...OH you filthy chamaar..ravidassisah..what am i going to feed to my sons and husband who are working from dawn in the fileds...you have BHITT everything by your touch..why didnt you tell me earlier...

BUT..but..arent you amritdharee ??..amrtidharees dotn have zaat paat...murmered the so called Chamaar.....what a load of bull..replied the JATTEE...we are JATT for generations...how can a bowl of sweet water change that ?? Indeed.... COULD this be the reason behind the Viennna incident..and Generations of widening gap in Punjab Village folks..IS "Amrti" a REAL LIFE CHANGER..or just a formality of sweetened water...and gatras for show....GURU JI made Khandeh dee pahul a PARADIGM SHIFT in SOCIETY..have we reduced it to just a formality..a ritual... ?? TIME TO THINK !!