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World Obama To Skip Tibet While Talking About Human Rights In Asia


Apr 3, 2005
US President Barack Obama [ Images ] would skip the mention of Tibet [ Images ] when he talks about human rights situation in Asia and the countries he is visiting on his maiden Asia trip, a US official has said. "He (Obama) will not mention Tibet (in his speech). He will, of course, mention our commitment to the rights and freedoms that we believe all people should have, and I'll leave it at that," Ben Rhodes, Deputy National Advisor for Strategic Communications told reporters in Tokyo, where Obama is travelling right now.

Obama is scheduled to deliver a major policy speech on Asia when he addresses some 1500 people in Tokyo on Saturday. Myanmar would also figure prominently in his speech,Rhodes said. Traditionally Myanmar and Tibet have been the two major human rights issue for the US in the past several years. After Obama did not meet the Dalai Lama [ Images ], during the latter's recent visit to Washington, the first US President not to do so in more than a decade, his administration has been accused of downplaying the Tibet issue before his visit to China.

The White House, meanwhile, has denied this. "I mean, all I would say is that we remain committed to the rights of Tibetan people to achieve their own human rights and their cultural identity. Our position on that is very clear and very strong,"Rhodes said."The President will look forward to the opportunity to meet with the Dalai Lama to discuss this and he has said he will raise this issue as well as -- and attempting to make progress on this with the Chinese and Tibetans," Rhodes said.

Meanwhile, the International Campaign for Tibet today called on Obama to use the opportunity of next week's summit in China to focus on Tibet's future and to dismiss attempts by Beijing [ Images ] to manipulate US policy. On November 6, the South China Morning Post had reported that the Chinese government is asking the Obama Administration to state that "Tibet is part of China's territory and the US opposes Tibetan independence." "President Obama's engagement with Chinese leaders
should be consistent with established US policy and his desire for forward movement in the Tibetan-Chinese dialogue," vice
president of International Advocacy at the International Campaign for Tibet, Mary Beth Markey said.

It is the policy of the US that "the Tibet Autonomous Region and Tibetan autonomous counties and prefectures are part of the People's Republic of China." "The request from the Chinese government is not a matter of semantics but part of a concerted Chinese strategy to deflect international support for a resolution to the Tibet issue by seeking legitimacy for its claim to Tibet," said Markey. "President Obama should urge Chinese leaders to look to the future, as the Dalai Lama has done, and work purposefully toward a resolution that meets the aspirations of both the Tibetan and Chinese peoples," Markey said.

The International Campaign for Tibet said an Obama Administration statement, that Tibet is a part of China's territory, could be interpreted as recognition of Chinese sovereignty over Tibet prior to the 17 Point Agreement between the Tibetan and People's Republic of China governments (1951). A statement that the US opposes Tibetan independence could be interpreted as foreclosing any question of the past or future independence of Tibet in principle, it said.
Lalit K Jha in Washington


Apr 3, 2005
There are many Indians who beleive than in conflict with china .US will help India.but now it look's to me that Obama is reducing USA 's status and already have accepted China's supremacy


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Kanwardeep ji

The US policy stated here regards Tibet. I personally think that President Obama is on the wrong track as regards Tibet.

However, US foreign policy is so complex that one should not generalize from the position of the US on Tibet to the US foreign policy toward India as a whole. Again, I personally believe that the US has not been the brightest star with regard to this issue. But there are so many angles to this problem -- many of which do not get expressed in the mass media.

And the US the mass media is too stupid to pick up on when it actually hears pro-India policies explained. Another personal opinion, the media (print and electronic) in the US is mentally challenged as a group -- there are a few exceptions. To get to the bottom of things any one individual has to do a lot of digging.

One thing you will not hear because of Pakistan. You will not hear a plain-spoken and clear endorsement of India. That is because Pakistan is a nuclear ammunition dump on the cusp of exploding. To keep it from exploding a lot of "players" in the region have to be juggled about. So the average person is not going to know what the actual US foreign policy commitments in fact are given any single issue pertaining to the region.

An excellent article. And thanks. It almost makes sense to start a thread or several threads on US policy toward India because I myself have a lot of questions. Why not go for it?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I would like to know from the people living in India if the Indian Govt has ever protested against the annexation of Tibet by China.If yes, then what was China's reaction? If not, then why not?

Tejwant Singh


Apr 3, 2005
However, US foreign policy is so complex that one should not generalize from the position of the US on Tibet to the US foreign policy toward India as a whole. Again, I personally believe that the US has not been the brightest star with regard to this issue. But there are so many angles to this problem -- many of which do not get expressed in the mass media.

I am not generalising US on policy Tibet as US foreign policy towards China but still By not meeting dalai Lama and now silence on Tibet shows China's strength.US is neither a friend of China or India neither it is enemy.US is only with the country where their own benefit lie.
Even In second world war US did not enter unless they were attacked by Japan.Infact
What i read is that in German soviet war they were planning to help Nazi's incase soviet was winning and help soviet incase nazi's are winning.


Apr 3, 2005
I would like to know from the people living in India if the Indian Govt has ever protested against the annexation of Tibet by China.If yes, then what was China's reaction? If not, then why not?

Tejwant Singh

Indians Did not protest annexation of Tibet because of stupidity of Nehru
who accepted that tibet was a part of china but still India gave refuge to lots of tibetans Including Dalai lama.You can visit tibetans refugee colonies in India where they freely practice whatever they want


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Kanwardeep ji

That is how foreign policy works for most countries most of the time. It is called "realpolitik" as described by Bismark in the 19th Century. Foreign policy is about self--interest.


Apr 3, 2005
Kanwardeep ji

That is how foreign policy works for most countries most of the time. It is called "realpolitik" as described by Bismark in the 19th Century. Foreign policy is about self--interest.

Its true that this the way Foreign policy worked but as a most powerful country USA has greater responsibilty .They should not forget Human rights' children' right women's right o/w what's the point Giving lecture's to other's.
Imagine If tibetans have been muslims then entire muslim world would have been helping them along with many powerful countries helping them possibly USA and they too had been blowing themselves killing chinese.This world shows again and again that by remaining peaceful you are not going to get anything.


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Kanwardeep singh ji

You are right. The US has a greater responsibility. And one of those duties is not to upset the politics of the region to the point where there is war fare and military activity on every side of India's borders.

China has a deep water port in Pakistan. India is surrounded by China on every side. We don't know what kinds of discussions have occurred between the US and India about this either. India can't fight a war on every front and still make economic progress.

Am going off line again. But thanks for the interesting discussion.


Apr 3, 2005
Kanwardeep singh ji

You are right. The US has a greater responsibility. And one of those duties is not to upset the politics of the region to the point where there is war fare and military activity on every side of India's borders.

China has a deep water port in Pakistan. India is surrounded by China on every side. We don't know what kinds of discussions have occurred between the US and India about this either. India can't fight a war on every front and still make economic progress.

Am going off line again. But thanks for the interesting discussion.

Yes india cannot fight war with China but China too cannot afford bad relations With USA ,they are their biggest customers of manufactured products.Also like India China too have to feed 1.4 billion people and USA has too much surplus grain.so USA is far more powerful than China .By not meeting Dalai lama and not raising tibet human right issue Obama is showing submissive attituide , not a sign of World's most powerful country


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
kanwardeep singh ji

It occurred to me that you thought the US should play hard ball with China. I don't disagree completely with that.

The point that I was making -- not to clearly I admit -- is that China is a very immedidate and midterm threat to India. So for Obama to take a step with China over Tibet -- without considering the consequences it could have for India -- would be a huge mistake.

I wonder if the US has said to China -- We won't say anything about Tibet. We won't meet with the Dalai Lama -- if you stay out of the border territories of northern India where you are now showing your muscle and disputing territorial rights. My theory is that all wars are zoning disputes on a magnified scale. I don't know what word you use in India for "zoning dispute" but there may be some sort of trade-off going on there.
Yes india cannot fight war with China but China too cannot afford bad relations With USA ,they are their biggest customers of manufactured products.Also like India China too have to feed 1.4 billion people and USA has too much surplus grain.so USA is far more powerful than China .By not meeting Dalai lama and not raising tibet human right issue Obama is showing submissive attituide , not a sign of World's most powerful country

The Peoples Republic of China currently holds about a trillion dollars in US Treasury securities. It also keeps an equally huge sum of it's national reserve funds in US dollars. And if they were to one day decide to dump or exchange these dollars for another currency or a rare metal...strange things would happen to the prices on loaves of bread in the US (made by american grains).

In other words, they have the US by the ....... fill in blank

fact is, china and usa are now economically tied at the hip, throwing sissy punches (harsh language) over tibet would not accomplish much (in my opinion). more important priorities is stopping china's counterfit market and their currency manipulation to help curb the trade deficits...this is USA's top priority with regards to china...not warfare over mountains or even human rights.

the way the US congress is spending, the US national debt will reach 15-16 trillion (100% of the nations annual GDP) by the end of next year... lol

and this time there is no baby boom generational growth in america to help absorb such expansion in debt. they are going to be printing their way out of this one...and when you print something ... you always need a buyer. ;)


Apr 3, 2005
fact is, china and usa are now economically tied at the hip, throwing sissy punches (harsh language) over tibet would not accomplish much (in my opinion). more important priorities is stopping china's counterfit market and their currency manipulation to help curb the trade deficits...this is USA's top priority with regards to china...not warfare over mountains or even human rights.

Thanks for proving that whether a powerful man or a country oppresses weak then no one should talk about it.I am not saying that US should go with war on China over Tibet issue
Obama is speaking on Human rights issue's in Asia and He is skipping Tibet out of fear of china.

Indirect message All smaller countries do as much human right abuses on weaker communities,don't mess with powerful one.
Thanks for proving that whether a powerful man or a country oppresses weak then no one should talk about it.I am not saying that US should go with war on China over Tibet issue
Obama is speaking on Human rights issue's in Asia and He is skipping Tibet out of fear of china.

Indirect message All smaller countries do as much human right abuses on weaker communities,don't mess with powerful one.


I dont think he is skipping the tibet subject out of fear of china, more because of a respect for china.

he knows china is going to be the number one purchaser of US debt...
when has a drug junkie stood up to his dealer?

what was tibet anyways? a theocratic dictatorship of half starving serfs worshiping aristocratic monks?


Apr 3, 2005
I dont think he is skipping the tibet subject out of fear of china, more because of a respect for china.

And why he is respecting China? What china has done so good for the world.many times respect only come's from the fear

he knows china is going to be the number one purchaser of US debt...
when has a drug junkie stood up to his dealer?

LOL are you saying USA is like a drug addict person.Is the condition of the USA is so weak
According to your hypothesis USA is now very weak like a Drug addict person so China is the new superpower

what was tibet anyways? a theocratic dictatorship of half starving serfs worshiping aristocratic monks?

The same question could be asked about any country.The fact is Tibet was free and what they wanted was Religious freedom which was not provided by communist China.Now look at Arunachal pradesh which is called south Tibet by china,in economic terms China may have given much more to Tibet but India gave Arunachal Religious freedom as a result despite being of mongloid race they speak Hindi.There is no separatist movement in Arunachal though there are many in North eastern India.If economic development is everything then we should again ask europian colonisers to capture countries in Africa
and Asia .After all they did so much economic development