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Islam Jesus Prophet Of Islam


Dec 29, 2004
Has anyone read the book titled jesus prophet of islam by Muhammad Ata Ur-Rahim, Ahmad Thomson.

Its a detailed and informative book for both Christians and Muslims of how both the torah and original message of Jesus (isah) s.a was corrupted and changed. I recommend it to all those who are interested in find out more about Jesus and the modern day Christianity.
May 23, 2005
God (Holy Spirit) And Human Incarnation


Lord Jesus was the human incarnation of the Holy Spirit. The human body of Holy Jesus is like the metallic wire, which was all over, pervaded by the Holy Spirit. Veda says ‘Antarbahischa’ which means that the Holy Spirit pervades all over the body of Human Incarnation. Wherever you touch the wire the electric shock is given. Similarly the entire human body of Holy Jesus is holy.

The holiness is the nature of Holy Spirit just like the shock is the property of electricity. As the electricity cannot be separated from the wire, the Holy Spirit cannot be separated from the Holy Jesus. So here the Holy Spirit is the Holy Jesus. Holy Jesus refers this Holy Spirit as His Father. He tells that He was sent by His father as a messenger. Though He and His father are one and the same, He speaks like this for which there is a practical reason i.e.; every human being repels with another human being. A man cannot accept another man as God due to Jealousy and Egoism.

Bhagavatgita says, “A man will insult Me when I come here in human form (Avajananti mam….)”. For this purpose Holy Jesus wants Himself to be called only as the messenger of the Holy Spirit by the disciples whenever He is introduced to the public. If He tells the truth the egoistic public will not hear even what He preaches and will reject Him. Therefore He is telling His disciples to introduce Him as a messenger only. Of course, the disciples are really the messengers of Holy Jesus.

Holy Spirit has taken over the human body of Holy Jesus and pervaded all over the body to preach the divine knowledge to this world. The same Holy Spirit is sending the disciples for the propagation of the Divine knowledge. Both the body of Holy Jesus and the disciples are instruments of the Holy Spirit chosen for different purposes.

The Holy Spirit is preaching through the body of Holy Jesus and is propagating the divine knowledge through disciples. Therefore if you respect the disciple you are respecting the Holy Spirit indirectly. Though both the instruments exist like this, the Holy Spirit is present in Jesus and is not present in the disciples. Due to this difference the disciple is an indirect instrument and the direct instrument is Holy Jesus. The disciple propagates the divine knowledge after hearing from the Holy Jesus.

Therefore when such disciple is respected, Holy Jesus is respected first and then the Holy Spirit. But among the disciples there may be some person who cannot repeat what Holy Jesus exactly preached. In such a case the Holy Spirit will take over the body of that disciple and preaches (Mathew 10: 20). Such a disciple differs from Holy Jesus because the Holy Spirit resides in that disciple for some time only where as the Holy Spirit resides in Jesus all the time.

Holy Jesus is telling that He is the messenger of the Holy Spirit and He is also telling that the disciple is His messenger. He is giving the same status to Himself and the disciple by telling like this. The reason is that some disciple may become jealous in future if He says that He Himself is the Holy Spirit where as the disciple is His messenger only. The difference in the status may bring jealousy. Therefore He is maintaining the equal status so that no devotee becomes jealous of Jesus in the future. Due to jealousy the disciple may slip from Holy Jesus.

When He says that He is only the messenger, this shows the humble and submissiveness of Holy Jesus. He wants His disciples to be humble and submissive to the Holy Spirit through out their lives. For this purpose He sets Himself as an ideal.

The Holy Spirit present in the human body of Holy Jesus is the essence of true and infinite knowledge as Veda says “Satyam Jnanam Anantam Brahma….”. Humbleness and submissiveness are the fruits of the Divine Knowledge. Therefore the humbleness and submissiveness are the qualities of the Holy Spirit itself. This means whatever Holy Jesus speaks is the statement of the Holy Spirit only.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Muslim

Mohammad was not a prophet since his childhood , but was a shepherd , used to take along with him the cattle to the fields where the cattle grazed .........

It was only after one day when he has an encounter with the Christian Philosopher or Priest , that he was enlightened ............

And then he founded ISLAM

ISLAM is an acronym for IS+LA+M

IS means ISA meaning JESUS , LA means ALLAH , M means Mohammed

It means Mohammed enlightened by Jesus about ALLAH .............


Dec 29, 2004
Im sorry to be rude but i cant resist, where do you people get this rubbish from. Lol have you been visiting answeringislam.org again?

Ok The prophet Mohammad never founded the religon and was only the last prophet. ISLAM MEANS SUBMISSION. Look why are you teaching me about my religon? since when did you become a scholar or someone of great understanding of islam? Truely i do not know what to say, please do not be patranising towards Muslims about islam, no offense but from what you have spoken over time doesn't really show any understanding of islam.


Dec 29, 2004
And oh yeah, please read this book before you talk about Islam and Jesus. Hey if you want ill send you my copy.
Sep 11, 2005
Dear Muslim ,

Books reflect the writers mindset , we each of us have different mindset

and preception ............

I would suggest you read my previous on "Quran to sikh students " about

a Hippo who wanted a house .............

Moreever there is not ending to writing a book ..................

The book of life is enough big to understand the other books ............
May 23, 2005
devinesanative said:
Dear Muslim..............It was
ISLAM is an acronym for IS+LA+MIS means ISA meaning JESUS , LA means ALLAH , M means Mohammedmeans Mohammed enlightened by Jesus about ALLAH .............

Why Mohammed told He was the last prophet?

Rohit: Swami! In Quran, it is stated that Mohammed is not father of any one.
Further it is stated there that He is the last Prophet sent by God.
What is the inner meaning of this, if this verse is genuine statement?
Swami: Oh Rohit! You have picked up very crucial concept of spirituality.
This statement is original and therefore it entered your mind.
The inner meaning of this verse is based on the angle, which you take
For the word Mohammed, here the word Mohammed stands only
For the external human form and not the internal eternal God.
Islam does not agree to the concept of human incarnation.

When Bible says the word Jesus, it means the internal eternal God.
When the Gita says Krishna, He means the same eternal God.
Because both Christianity and Hinduism believe God in flesh.
We need not criticise Islam for not believing Human Incarnation,
Because the main idea is that there is always misuse of this concept.
The human beings claim themselves as human incarnations.
Every human being following the philosophy of Advaita in Hinduism
Feels that it is the Lord, this is very dangerous extrapolation.
Even devils and demons claimed themselves as eternal God
By doing certain miracles after achieving some super powers.

All these dangerous misleading cases harm the devotees.
In the name of idol worship also, priests have exploited devotees.
They keep idols in front and rob the wealth of devotees.
To avoid all these misleading misused concepts, Islam sorted
To the worship of formless aspect of God, we appreciate this.
But because of misuses we cannot deny basic system itself.
If copying is happening, it should be arrested by taking care.
We cannot cancel the very examination system for the fear of
This misuse, we are not avoiding the journey by buses and trains
Due to possibility of accidents, the human incarnation is important.

That is the only path to reach God as said by Jesus because
The human beings approach God only through human form.
The devotees can get full satisfaction and full guidance only
From the human incarnation and not from any other form of God.
Of course, if you fear for the exploitation of this concept here,
It is better to stick to formless God or God through statues.
But you should be prepared for the disadvantages in the above ways.
You will also loose the golden chance provided by God for your sake.

Yet, Islam should be appreciated because avoiding danger is good.
Such decision was taken by Islam depending on the circumstances
And the atmosphere prevailed over the society during the time of Mohammed.
We should understand the religion from the point of the circumstances
And the environment that existed during the propagation at that time.

But now the scientific logical analysis is well developed and one need not fear
For the exploitation by the false human incarnations who can be easily
Identified, so you should not avoid the system in the present circumstances.
Islam is not a new concept to the Hinduism because in Hinduism
The philosophy of Madhva says the same and preaches that the Lord
Can never become the human being nor vice versa and this is also stated
By Jesus when He told that He was the Messenger sent by God.

Thus Islam agrees with Hinduism and Christianity in its basic concept.
Mohammed told that He was the last prophet because He did not like
Another false human incarnation to come and mislead and exploit the mass.
It is only to avoid the danger of exploitation of cunning human beings.

What is the reason for Islam not to accept the human incarnation?
Even Mohammed said that He was only the servant of God and He did not claim
Himself as the human incarnation, even though He Himself knows the truth
That He is the God in Flesh like Buddha or Krishna or Jesus.
This reason enlightens the greatness of Islam Religion, the reason is that
Once a real human incarnation is accepted, several fraud human incarnations
Claim themselves as God and mislead the spiritual aspirants for their selfish ends.

In fact such concept was so much polluted and got so much diluted
So that every human being started thinking that he himself is God.
In Hinduism this misinterpretation rules the minds of several people
Even today and most people think “Aham Brahmaasmi”, which means
“I am God”, people say that service to human beings is service to God
Because every human being is God only, Sankara condemned this concept

Which was a religion called Loka Sevaka Matam, when Jesus was worshipped
By a lady who was using some special scent to wash His divine lotus feet,
A disciple told that the cost of the scent could have been used to serve the beggars
The disciple thought that service to society is better than the personal service
Of the Lord, but Jesus immediately replied, “Let her do this service, beggars
Are always present in this world but I come rarely to this world”, this shows
That the Lord is far greater than the society and the social service is valid only
When the Lord gives permission to do so, because the saviour is the Lord
And not the society, thus the background of Islam should be properly understood.

At the Lotus feet of Datta Swami
Universal Spirituality for World Peace


Oct 3, 2005
So What?
Will this take you to somewhere or just create another doubt if you are an Atheist then this kind of things will augment your belief if you are a believer then your belief systems will be just destryed.

There is a Book and a Film the Body which proves that Jesus Body was traced in the Tomb by and Archeologist and when the Roman Church came to know they just went out of all their way to destroy all the evidence , because according to their faith the whole christianity faith in jesus is based on the only miracle of His walking out of his grave alive.
if after 2000 years some one prove it otherwise the whole belif systems can be brought down and billions of Dollar Institutions and faith systems will jsu fall apart.

Guru nanak Just say "APne Gur Ka Sun Updesh" and "ander wase bahar bhi ohi" so nothing can destroy it no story no science because he is with in each of us and every where "Rav rahiya sarbatra mein". His miracles are not only in making jesus walk out of Grave but " Je Chhe Bin Sas Te rakhe" He also create with in Stone a life and keep their food right there. His miracles are infinite. Si Guru nanak's Sikhs faith is not so thin "Katcha"
It is "sis diya par sirar na Diya" Guru gave up his head but not the faith.

I am sure that preachers have no Gyan but "Dukan" hence their foundations have become weak. Simro Simro Simro all miracles will become evident.
muslim said:
Has anyone read the book titled jesus prophet of islam by Muhammad Ata Ur-Rahim, Ahmad Thomson.

Its a detailed and informative book for both Christians and Muslims of how both the torah and original message of Jesus (isah) s.a was corrupted and changed. I recommend it to all those who are interested in find out more about Jesus and the modern day Christianity.


Oct 3, 2005
I would advise you to start one site for Islam Philosophy and play your Trumpet there

muslim said:
Im sorry to be rude but i cant resist, where do you people get this rubbish from. Lol have you been visiting answeringislam.org again?

Ok The prophet Mohammad never founded the religon and was only the last prophet. ISLAM MEANS SUBMISSION. Look why are you teaching me about my religon? since when did you become a scholar or someone of great understanding of islam? Truely i do not know what to say, please do not be patranising towards Muslims about islam, no offense but from what you have spoken over time doesn't really show any understanding of islam.


Oct 3, 2005
If you realy want to know the meaning of Submission then read Gurbani
you will get to know Allah better welcome to Sikh Philosophy I believe your Allah has done favour to you to direct you to this forum to be blessed by Guru nanak
Just Read every day
"Awal Allah Noor Upaya Kudrat Ke Sab Bande
Ek Noor Te Sab Jag Upjiya Kaun Bhale Kaun Mande'
GUru Nanak
you will understand Islam better
devinesanative said:
Dear Muslim,

IF Islam means submission to god , then why this insecurity and why you

people terrorising the world ?
Mar 28, 2010
Dear Muslim,

IF Islam means submission to god , then why this insecurity and why you

people terrorising the world ?

Dear Friend
By keeping an image of the follower of any religion u cannot analyze the religion.For e.g. 1.By keeping an image of Hitler u a cannot analyze Christianity 2.By Keeping an image of Maoists u cannot analyze Hinduz 3. By Keeping an image of sikh i cannot conclude what Gurunanak says.
For e.g.1.Assassination of Indira Gandhi by two Sikh bodyguards,2.
In 1985, Sikh terrorists bombed an Air India flight from Canada to India, killing all 329 people on board Air India Flight 182. It is the worst terrorist act in Canada's history.

So i cannot keep the image of the follower of any religion & conclude what the religion says.So in order to get true knowledge of the religion i should read what Guru Nanak says. So what Quran says regarding Killing of any human, it says in Sural Al-Maida Ch-5 V-32-that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Dear Friend
By keeping an image of the follower of any religion u cannot analyze the religion.For e.g. 1.By keeping an image of Hitler u a cannot analyze Christianity 2.By Keeping an image of Maoists u cannot analyze Hinduz 3. By Keeping an image of sikh i cannot conclude what Gurunanak says.
For e.g.1.Assassination of Indira Gandhi by two Sikh bodyguards,2.
In 1985, Sikh terrorists bombed an Air India flight from Canada to India, killing all 329 people on board Air India Flight 182. It is the worst terrorist act in Canada's history.

So i cannot keep the image of the follower of any religion & conclude what the religion says.So in order to get true knowledge of the religion i should read what Guru Nanak says. So what Quran says regarding Killing of any human, it says in Sural Al-Maida Ch-5 V-32-that if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or (and) to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind, and if anyone saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of all mankind.

True friend ji,

Guru fateh.

Welcome to the forum.

First of all I would like to know if you are a Muslim because you quoted Quran and we know with all the suicide bombings,9-11 and many more atrocities committed by the Muslims all around the world almost daily prove that Muslims do not follow Sural Al-Maida Ch-5 V-32 or any other Sura that breeds goodness in them which is a cornerstone of every religion especially of Islam which means Peace. The taste is in the pudding.

Secondly your assertion that, " In 1985, Sikh terrorists bombed an Air India flight from Canada to India, killing all 329 people on board Air India Flight 182. It is the worst terrorist act in Canada's history" is not only false and untrue. You should read the book," Soft target" written by two http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canadianreporters, Zuhair Kashmeri (from Globe and Mail) & Brian McAndrew (from Toronto Star). The former is a Muslim of Asian descent and the latter is White.

Make knowledge your best friend. It will pay its dividends later on.:)

Welcome once again and enjoy the forum which is rich of knowledge. Do not forget to read the interfaith threads.

Tejwant Singh
Mar 28, 2010
If you realy want to know the meaning of Submission then read Gurbani
you will get to know Allah better welcome to Sikh Philosophy I believe your Allah has done favour to you to direct you to this forum to be blessed by Guru nanak
Just Read every day
"Awal Allah Noor Upaya Kudrat Ke Sab Bande
Ek Noor Te Sab Jag Upjiya Kaun Bhale Kaun Mande'
GUru Nanak
you will understand Islam better
Dear Friend,
I myself is with every religion until it speaks the truth & acknowlegeable.U r telling to know Allah better read the above. But the same is mentioned i Quran & Bible & Vedas in various places
In Quran SabaChapter 34, Verse 1
In QuranAll the praises and thanks be to allah, to Whom belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. His is all the praises and thanks in the Hereafter, and He is the All-Wise, the All-Aware.
In Bible Deuteronomy Ch29 V-29
The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those [things which are] revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that [we] may do all the words of this law.

So In above verses of Bible & Quran "All things belongs to God" means including humans & also animalstrees,etc.
So It doesn't mean that only One scripture say's this or that but if u read ucan get it from all the scriptures also in Vedas.
Mar 28, 2010
I am not an Muslim at all I love many scriptures but also sideways look into the truth & i do read including Sri Guru Granth.
My intention is that u r associating terrorism with religion that is wrong don't look the followers in order to get what the religion says, Got it.
see what the scriptures says.There are many black sheeps in all religions but u a cannot associate this with the religion.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I am not an Muslim at all I love many scriptures but also sideways look into the truth & i do read including Sri Guru Granth.
My intention is that u r associating terrorism with religion that is wrong don't look the followers in order to get what the religion says, Got it.
see what the scriptures says.There are many black sheeps in all religions but u a cannot associate this with the religion.

Truefriend ji,

Guru Fateh.

I assume the above post is addressed to me.

What does a follower mean in your above statement? I agree that there are many black sheep in the world. But the question is how do they become black sheep? Are they born like that or the religion they follow makes them like that.

What is your religion then? You have only quoted from Quran twice and once from OT. I did not see any quote from SGGS and any other scriptures to prove your point.

Lastly, as we all want to be truth seekers and live a truthful living, why didn't you apologise for your false assertions as mentioned above? A person with your name would do that without blinking.


Tejwant Singh
Mar 28, 2010
DEar speaking or claiming without any proof i do agree. As if it is like "shooting withou Aim". I got the above news of Sik Terrorist from the following, (don't associate it with religion)
Federation of American Scientists. "Sikh Terrorists." http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/sikh.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
GlobalSecurity.org. "Sikh Terrorists." http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/sikh.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
GlobalSecurity.org. "Sikhs in Punjab." http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/punjab.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
Office of the Secretary of State, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. "Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1991." http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_91/asia.html (accessed October 11, 2005).
South Asia Terrorism Portal. "Terrorist Groups in Punjab." http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/india/states/punjab/terrorist_outfits/index.html (accessed October 11, 2005).
The Mackenzie Institute. "Babbar Khalsa Banned at Last." http://www.mackenzieinstitute.com/2003/terror060403.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).

Mar 28, 2010
I am an Human Being as right said by Guru Nanak
"Awal Allah Noor Upaya Kudrat Ke Sab Bande
Ek Noor Te Sab Jag Upjiya Kaun Bhale Kaun Mande'
GUru Nanak
So as said by why didn't u quote from other scriptures that i had not read all uptil but i am in progress of it when i'll read surely i will quote. My dear friend. As well as u can guide me for the same i do love it.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
DEar speaking or claiming without any proof i do agree. As if it is like "shooting withou Aim". I got the above news of Sik Terrorist from the following, (don't associate it with religion)
Federation of American Scientists. "Sikh Terrorists." http://www.fas.org/irp/world/para/sikh.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
GlobalSecurity.org. "Sikh Terrorists." http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/para/sikh.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
GlobalSecurity.org. "Sikhs in Punjab." http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/war/punjab.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).
Office of the Secretary of State, Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism. "Patterns of Global Terrorism: 1991." http://www.fas.org/irp/threat/terror_91/asia.html (accessed October 11, 2005).
South Asia Terrorism Portal. "Terrorist Groups in Punjab." http://www.satp.org/satporgtp/countries/india/states/punjab/terrorist_outfits/index.html (accessed October 11, 2005).
The Mackenzie Institute. "Babbar Khalsa Banned at Last." http://www.mackenzieinstitute.com/2003/terror060403.htm (accessed October 11, 2005).

True friend ji,

Guru fateh.

Once again I hope this post is addressed to me. A true friend would address the post with the name.

Wow! That was quick. But I doubt it that you checked these sites before copying and pasting them.

None of them show your false claim which I challenged you for.

Secondly, your Number 5 site does not even exist.:)

Next time, please check your facts before you start making assertions and if your wrong, never be afraid to admit it and apologise for that. It is part of truth seeking.

As mentioned before, make knowledge your best friend, not your worst enemy. Your copy and pasting the above without checking them proves the latter.


Tejwant Singh


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
truefriend ji

I want to express my opinion without being obnoxious toward anyone -- and of course there are many different opinions on the subject of terrorism in India, and terrorism bred by Sikhs sponsored by interests within Pakistan. So let me add my thoughts and let the chips fall where they may.

It just so happens that I follow many sites that publish reports on terrorism in South Asia. One thing that everyone who reads and absorbs this information must realize is this. Governments in South Asia are no different from anywhere else. The sites are not publishing anything that is coming from "deep" intelligence, so "deep" that the real story is known to only a few operatives. These sites are heavily imbued with propaganda as one or another wing of political interest would like the information to be read. So everything you read as put out by a so-called "intelligence" gathering organization (CIA included) needs to be taken with a cup of salt. Intelligence sites are really propaganda sites. In fact the only way to go about this is to read contradictory reports from opposing organizations. What happens then is (I) get really confused -- which is a good thing because it forces one to tease out the common thread that may not be obvious. Right now I am withholding any conclusions on who is behind what as far as current themes reported about Sikh terrorists are concerned. Everyone involved has an agenda.

The other thing I want to add is that this is not the place to discuss this topic. It takes the thread down a different path. So let's all return to the topic, or I will have to close the thread.

Also the southeast Asia portal does exist. I read it frequently. I suspect the url was copied incorrectly but I will check.