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Sufism Is It Alright If I'm Interested In Sufism?


Oct 16, 2016
What are your thoughts on me reading Sufi poetry and listening to Sufi music? I just find it beautiful, their principles are very similar to ours. The foundation stone of Harminder Sahib was laid down by Mian Mir by Guru Arjun Dev Ji's request. I see nothing wrong with it as long I keep the one God in mind. But would like your thoughts !


(previously Lion_Prince_Jatinder)
Jun 29, 2004
west london
I think it can help strengthen your sikhi. Remember singers such as Kanwar, Satinder Sartaj and Gurdas Mann have Sufi influences.

The problem with current sikhi panth is that we have forgotten the Raag music of Tanti Saaj Gurmat Sangeet. As well as Sufi music, I would highly recommend listening to Raag Keertan, especially without the use of harmonium. I have to point at Naamdharis as having many videos on Youtube, the mainstream sikh panth is just horrendously lazy when it comes to gurmat sangeet. Listen to this, and then also listen to Sufi music as well.


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
What are your thoughts on me reading Sufi poetry and listening to Sufi music? I just find it beautiful, their principles are very similar to ours. The foundation stone of Harminder Sahib was laid down by Mian Mir by Guru Arjun Dev Ji's request. I see nothing wrong with it as long I keep the one God in mind. But would like your thoughts !
Hello Rajveer.
Please stay away from Sufism brother! If you wish something similar and different Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters) is ok with what Sikhism's core is.
If you wish spiritual experience there is something taught in Sikhism, and is has better results than what Sufism is offering as this is a genuine reward not a shortcut to attain a reward that is a counterfeit.
A lot of people in results of chasing Sufism's teachings and practise, have been looked at as crazy or evil and that is why it has been labelled people with poor spirits. Other practises call it ghosts or demons or as known in Arabia, Jinn.
It will take time and patience but this is what the Gurus did right at the start, and this anyone can do brother, just couple years ago, someone done this for 4 months like a second job, and boy did he get a surprise!
For advice when dealing with the supernatural, how your body feels and reacts to something in front of you, is a hint if good or evil. Evil will always try and say it is good. The Sufi poetry I guess should be ok but the music is taking a risk depending on what is being said.

For more details let me know, any questions happy to answer.


Jan 21, 2017
Please stay away from Sufism brother!

Why should anyone stay away from any concept of theory? That is a rather closed minded way of looking at things, how can one learn? or make up ones own mind?

If you wish something similar and different Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters) is ok with what Sikhism's core is.

I do not think he is looking for something different, he just likes the music and finds it consistent with Sikh teachings, I can say the same about certain heavy metal....

How can Buddhism be ok with what Sikhism's core is when it is a completely different way of life altogether? Is there a Creator in Buddhism?

For advice when dealing with the supernatural

Do SIkhs believe in the supernatural?

The Sufi poetry I guess should be ok but the music is taking a risk depending on what is being said.

For more details let me know, any questions happy to answer.

do share with us what this risk is?,


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone
Harry -
Why should anyone stay away from any concept of theory? That is a rather closed minded way of looking at things, how can one learn? or make up ones own mind?
It's advice, a main branch of Sufism is contacting the dead or spirits, to the novice it is claimed to be God, but from experiencers they believe it is someone in Gods hierarchy. Usually these spirits prefer dark areas of contact, and will not reveal themselves while doing tricks to impress them. They ask for worship in the form of singing and praying to them in certain Sufi way in order to make contact. This information is direct from their sources.

Would you advise someone to contact mediums and through them spirits? They can say God, for their are many different Gods in this world to people, even money.

Harry -
I do not think he is looking for something different, he just likes the music and finds it consistent with Sikh teachings, I can say the same about certain heavy metal....
How can Buddhism be ok with what Sikhism's core is when it is a completely different way of life altogether? Is there a Creator in Buddhism?

I did not say in terms of our Gods are religions are similar. I said in terms of consequences from bad actions. I believe I said - 'Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters)'. I did in brackets say this was a vague example and was aware it may be quoted, hence I said before hand being quoted.

Harry -
do share with us what this risk is?,

Said above.

For a source of information, without using a better one:

Are the Sufi shaykhs really in contact with Allaah? - islamqa.info

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Both Bhagat Kabir and Sheikh Farid were Sufis. Our Gurbani has Sufi influence, the reason being that Sikhi is idea based, where equality and justice for all humanity are cris de guerre.

Sufi poetry is very rich in expressing the above two. Baba Bulleh Shah and Amir Khusro are the two well known Sufi poets out of many others in the Sufidom.

Gurbani is a gateway to learning. One can read and learn from lots of different venues by keeping Gurbani's approach of learning in one's mind.


Jan 21, 2017

If you can reply using the quote system, outline the text you are replying to, you will see a quote icon appear, if you click on that, it will quote the text for you and you may reply underneath,

Harry -
Why should anyone stay away from any concept of theory? That is a rather closed minded way of looking at things, how can one learn? or make up ones own mind?
It's advice, a main branch of Sufism is contacting the dead or spirits, to the novice it is claimed to be God, but from experiencers they believe it is someone in Gods hierarchy. Usually these spirits prefer dark areas of contact, and will not reveal themselves while doing tricks to impress them. They ask for worship in the form of singing and praying to them in certain Sufi way in order to make contact. This information is direct from their sources.

Would you advise someone to contact mediums and through them spirits? They can say God, for their are many different Gods in this world to people, even money.

Harry -
I do not think he is looking for something different, he just likes the music and finds it consistent with Sikh teachings, I can say the same about certain heavy metal....
How can Buddhism be ok with what Sikhism's core is when it is a completely different way of life altogether? Is there a Creator in Buddhism?

I did not say in terms of our Gods are religions are similar. I said in terms of consequences from bad actions. I believe I said - 'Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters)'. I did in brackets say this was a vague example and was aware it may be quoted, hence I said before hand being quoted.

Harry -
do share with us what this risk is?,

Said above.

For a source of information, without using a better one:

Are the Sufi shaykhs really in contact with Allaah? - islamqa.info

Your source of information is islamqa.info, which is a website founded by Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid.

Muhammad Al-Munajjid - Wikipedia

Could you tell me what you are quoting from a website that clearly does not speak for the whole muslim word? Also why is this the best website in your opinion? May I ask if you are a muslim? do you follow Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid?

The wikki entry for sufism

Sufism - Wikipedia

does not seem to share your opinion of Sufism, nor the opinion of Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid.


Feb 9, 2017
Spiritual Warzone

If you can reply using the quote system, outline the text you are replying to, you will see a quote icon appear, if you click on that, it will quote the text for you and you may reply underneath,

Your source of information is islamqa.info, which is a website founded by Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid.

Muhammad Al-Munajjid - Wikipedia

Could you tell me what you are quoting from a website that clearly does not speak for the whole muslim word? Also why is this the best website in your opinion? May I ask if you are a muslim? do you follow Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid?

The wikki entry for sufism

Sufism - Wikipedia

does not seem to share your opinion of Sufism, nor the opinion of Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid.

Thanks for the advice for quotes.

I did say 'For a source of information, without using a better one:'
Due to time I used the first website I had came across as an example and to be used without using a better one until I get the time to give a better one.

No this person does not speak for the whole Muslims, but his 'general' view of Sufism is the main view of Sufism in Islam by other Muslims.

Wikipedia for Sufism would be a worser source than the first website I came across as wikipedia gives the outside person a stereotypical view of Sufism. This Wikipedia when it comes to religions is the same Wikipedia that said Sikhs believe in a 8 armed God with an elephant head. I am not a muslim but I have studied parts of their religion in the Quran and the Haddiths and theological debates. I had not heard of Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid before today(Last 24 hours).

Yes Wikipedia does not share my opinion, I would think an eastern based religion would have a better concept of Sufism rather than a western based information database. I say eastern based religion as the majority of Muslims share the same view I have put forward.


Jan 21, 2017
I did say 'For a source of information, without using a better one:'
Due to time I used the first website I had came across as an example and to be used without using a better one until I get the time to give a better one.

If you must write so definitively, please take time to research what you are writing about in a slightly more thorough fashion rather than just linking to the first website you come across.

No this person does not speak for the whole Muslims, but his 'general' view of Sufism is the main view of Sufism in Islam by other Muslims.

that is a contradictory statement and makes no sense

Wikipedia for Sufism would be a worser source than the first website I came across as wikipedia gives the outside person a stereotypical view of Sufism. This Wikipedia when it comes to religions is the same Wikipedia that said Sikhs believe in a 8 armed God with an elephant head. I am not a muslim but I have studied parts of their religion in the Quran and the Haddiths and theological debates. I had not heard of Muhammad Saalih Al-Munajjid before today(Last 24 hours).

Wikkipedia is not perfect, but it tends to give a slightly more rounded view than random websites, the first thing I did when I saw your link was see who founded it, and what the agenda was, I did that in my role as a reader, as a poster, you have a responsibility to know what you are linking to. You have strongly advised our friend here to stay clear of Sufism based on the first website that you found, that is not theology.

Let us move on thank you


Jan 9, 2011
London UK
What are your thoughts on me reading Sufi poetry and listening to Sufi music? I just find it beautiful, their principles are very similar to ours. The foundation stone of Harminder Sahib was laid down by Mian Mir by Guru Arjun Dev Ji's request. I see nothing wrong with it as long I keep the one God in mind. But would like your thoughts !
Dear Rajveer,

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji [SGGSJ] is the living God of the Sikhs. There are 36 contributors [Banikar] whose compositions are enshrined in SGGSJ that constitutes "Gurbani". Amongst the 36, Baba Farid Ji is chronologically ranked the first of the Banikars. Baba Farid was a Sufi mystic. Bowing [matha take] to SGGSJ would inadvertently regard you as if you were bowing to the 36 Banikars. Need I say more !

Consider yourself fortunate if Sufism has taken your fancy which otherwise is denied to most folk.

Good day !
Last edited:


Aug 13, 2012
Hello Rajveer.
Please stay away from Sufism brother! If you wish something similar and different Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters) is ok with what Sikhism's core is.
If you wish spiritual experience there is something taught in Sikhism, and is has better results than what Sufism is offering as this is a genuine reward not a shortcut to attain a reward that is a counterfeit.
A lot of people in results of chasing Sufism's teachings and practise, have been looked at as crazy or evil and that is why it has been labelled people with poor spirits. Other practises call it ghosts or demons or as known in Arabia, Jinn.
It will take time and patience but this is what the Gurus did right at the start, and this anyone can do brother, just couple years ago, someone done this for 4 months like a second job, and boy did he get a surprise!
For advice when dealing with the supernatural, how your body feels and reacts to something in front of you, is a hint if good or evil. Evil will always try and say it is good. The Sufi poetry I guess should be ok but the music is taking a risk depending on what is being said.

For more details let me know, any questions happy to answer.
Don't stay away from anything. . Experience and learn about everything applying a critical filter. . We are sikh, students all gian is knowledge it how we digest it that is important. . Critically evaluate everything, ask yourself is the view you hold based on your internal prejudice or based on rational thinking ..


Aug 13, 2012
you wish spiritual experience there is something taught in Sikhism, and is has better results than what Sufism is offering as this is a genuine reward not a shortcut to attain a reward that is a counterfeit
Please elaborate as to what the better results are?


Oct 16, 2016
I think it can help strengthen your sikhi. Remember singers such as Kanwar, Satinder Sartaj and Gurdas Mann have Sufi influences.

The problem with current sikhi panth is that we have forgotten the Raag music of Tanti Saaj Gurmat Sangeet. As well as Sufi music, I would highly recommend listening to Raag Keertan, especially without the use of harmonium. I have to point at Naamdharis as having many videos on Youtube, the mainstream sikh panth is just horrendously lazy when it comes to gurmat sangeet. Listen to this, and then also listen to Sufi music as well.

Thank you for telling me about Raag Keertan! I hadn't really heard of it specifically and gave it a listen. It is truly beautiful. It saddens how much knowledge and beauty there is within Sikh philosophy and culture, but we just don't seem to give it enough attention.


Oct 16, 2016
Hello Rajveer.
Please stay away from Sufism brother! If you wish something similar and different Buddhism way of living, in terms of every action has a consequence(Roughly not identically for the quoters) is ok with what Sikhism's core is.
If you wish spiritual experience there is something taught in Sikhism, and is has better results than what Sufism is offering as this is a genuine reward not a shortcut to attain a reward that is a counterfeit.
A lot of people in results of chasing Sufism's teachings and practise, have been looked at as crazy or evil and that is why it has been labelled people with poor spirits. Other practises call it ghosts or demons or as known in Arabia, Jinn.
It will take time and patience but this is what the Gurus did right at the start, and this anyone can do brother, just couple years ago, someone done this for 4 months like a second job, and boy did he get a surprise!
For advice when dealing with the supernatural, how your body feels and reacts to something in front of you, is a hint if good or evil. Evil will always try and say it is good. The Sufi poetry I guess should be ok but the music is taking a risk depending on what is being said.

For more details let me know, any questions happy to answer.

I don't really feel there is any risk in listening to Sufi music since a lot of their philosophy is similar to ours? Sikhs have been given an excellent path to follow to find The One, but finding Akal Purakh isn't a path that is exclusive to us, I don't believe so and neither did the Gurus. There will be many people who'll never hear of Sikhi, doesn't mean they'll be led completely astray and unable to find God.
And from most of the replies here from the sangat they do seem to agree that there is nothing wrong with listening to Sufi music, for as long as the teachings aline with those of the Gurus.


Oct 16, 2016
Both Bhagat Kabir and Sheikh Farid were Sufis. Our Gurbani has Sufi influence, the reason being that Sikhi is idea based, where equality and justice for all humanity are cris de guerre.

Sufi poetry is very rich in expressing the above two. Baba Bulleh Shah and Amir Khusro are the two well known Sufi poets out of many others in the Sufidom.

Gurbani is a gateway to learning. One can read and learn from lots of different venues by keeping Gurbani's approach of learning in one's mind.

I don't think Bhagat Kabir was a muslim, it's easy to think he was from his name and use of the word Allah, he had some muslim background but from his quotes it seems clear he was very critical of some Islamic practices. But you're right in everything else! I agree with you :)


Oct 16, 2016
Don't stay away from anything. . Experience and learn about everything applying a critical filter. . We are sikh, students all gian is knowledge it how we digest it that is important. . Critically evaluate everything, ask yourself is the view you hold based on your internal prejudice or based on rational thinking ..

That's how I view things. I try to take in as much knowledge as I can. Just like how it is said that learning a new language can help you better understand your own, I believe that learning about other faiths and beliefs can help you better understand your own.


Oct 16, 2016
Dear Rajveer,

Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji [SGGSJ] is the living God of the Sikhs. There are 36 contributors [Banikar] whose compositions are enshrined in SGGSJ that constitutes "Gurbani". Amongst the 36, Baba Farid Ji is chronologically ranked the first of the Banikars. Baba Farid was a Sufi mystic. Bowing [matha take] to SGGSJ would inadvertently regard you as if you were bowing to the 36 Banikars. Need I say more !

Consider yourself fortunate if Sufism has taken your fancy which otherwise is denied to most folk.

Good day !

I am quite glad I found out about Sufism! I feel very fortunate I have the the good fortune of being exposed to both Gurbani and Sufi poetry and music, many people never find out about their.


Sep 25, 2016
A Sikh is a learner and student. With anything in life, its best to open up our perspectives, rather than closing ourselves in. There are so many ways of thinking and living, as long as we are open, yet reflective and critical and contemplative, than I see nothing wrong with exploring other traditions. We just have to keep Ik Onkar in mind.

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
I don't think Bhagat Kabir was a muslim, it's easy to think he was from his name and use of the word Allah, he had some muslim background but from his quotes it seems clear he was very critical of some Islamic practices. But you're right in everything else! I agree with you :)

Bhagat Kabir was born in a Muslim household and was raised by a Hindu weaver caste family.
He was critical to all the ritualistic status quo.


May 2, 2006
I think it's about exploring things and at the same time keeping a rational, unbiased feedback loop to see where it leads you .. other then that all these religions and variants comes with no "warranty" ;-)