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International Women’s Day

Nov 19, 2004
Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Feteh

International Women’s Day

8 March 2005 The United Nations today marked International Women’s Day throughout its many agencies and across its multiple front-line outposts around the world with calls for bolder action to promote gender equality and events ranging from a cancer prevention workshop in to a hairdressing contest in to a rights seminar in Let us assert once again that each woman and girl is a unique and valuable human being who is entitled to equal opportunities and universally adopted human rights, no matter where she is born or where she lives. Now is the time to energize efforts to put gender equality at the top of the international peace and development agenda,” she declared. Thoraya Ahmed Obaid.

http://www.un.org/apps/news/story.asp?NewsID=13567&Cr=wo men&Cr1=
Here are some facts, thoughts from SikhWomen.com


1. Equality . A Woman's Identity
Contrary to popular customs of the East as well as the West, A Sikh woman is independent of identity of her male counterpart. At birth, each woman is given the name Kaur, meaning Prince and each man the name Singh, meaning Lion. Men and women are to preserve their spiritual, social independence and identity from birth until death. There is no mediator or priest between an individual and God. Each individual's relationship with God is personal and direct.

2. Equal Participation in Congregation

My dear sisters and spiritual companions, hug me close in your embrace. Let's join together, and tell stories of our All-powerful Lord.
Guru Nanak, Page17, line 16

Girl friends, ...Death will not knock on your door, if you listen to these teachings.
Guru Nanak, Page 567, Line 10

Come, dear sisters let us join together.
Guru Ram Daas, Page 96, line 6

The unfathomable beloved resides in every man and woman's heart.
Guru Ram Daas, Page: 605 Line:6

Join with me, my sisters, and sing the songs of rejoicing the Lord of the Universe.
Guru Arjan Page 136 line 6

As a person of God (Gurmukh), listen to the Name of the Lord, my sisters.
Guru Amar Daas, Page 366, line 12

Come and meet with me, my sister souls, and unite me with my God.
Guru Amar Daas, Page 38, line 5

3. Rights of a Sikh Woman
a) Subordination
The head of a every man and woman is God. Therefore a Sikh is to submit to none but God. Contrary to the most Asian and Western practices, a woman does not subordinate to a man.

Sikhism encourages widow and widower remarriage of both men and women.

b) Dowry
Husbands often engineer an “accident” (frequently the bursting of a kitchen stove) when they feel the obligatory marriage dowry (gifts from in-laws) is not enough. In <ST1:COUNTRY-REGIoN>
India:COUNTRY-REGIoN>, it is estimated that more than 5,000 women are killed each year because their in-laws consider their dowries inadequate. A tiny percentage of their murderers are brought to justice. In <ST1:COUNTRY-REGIoN>India
:COUNTRY-REGIoN>, more than 5,000 women are killed each year because their in-laws consider their dowries inadequate. UNICEF

O my Lord, give me thy name as my wedding gift and dowry.
Guru Ram Das, Page 78, line 18

Any other dowry offered is a valueless display of false pride and of no earthly use.
Guru Ram Das, Page 79, line 2

In Sikhism, a woman is not to be outcast or chastised during menstruation.

d) Beauty
Indulgence in beauty, wealth, intoxicants all material desires are only temporary and they do not bring peace to the mind or the soul. Nor in life, nor after death.

God's court retains an account of all deeds. Only the beauty of the Naam can save a soul.
Guru Nanak, page 109, Line 12

Wealth and beauty lasts only but a numbered days
Guru Nanak, Page 23, Line 5

Without the name of God even beautiful and handsome people are as ugly as the hunch-backs.
Kabeer, Vaar:3 Pauree: 25

e) Superstition
There is no room for meaningless beliefs and superstitions in a Sikh's life.

God is my protector and my only omen.
Guru Arjan, Page 1137, Line

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Jun 11, 2004
Dear Khalsa Ji,

I had posted this under the discussion 'evolution fact or fiction. I think it is proper for me to convey to ladies that we men have come from women and not the other way round.

Each man carries a proof of it on his chest. The two nipple like dots and the associated darkened circle around it on the chest is the proof that creator had used the woman's body as template to create man.

There was never any functional need for these dots and red patches to exist on man's chest. The creator has left a tell tale mark in the process of evolution for we humans to discover that man came from woman and not the other way round.

With love and respect for all.

Amarpal Singh
Nov 19, 2004
A Woman Knows...
A woman dreams ... with her heart, dreams of passion, beauty
and peace on earth.
A woman cries ... tears when she's wounded...replaced with
smiles when she knows she will heal soon.
A woman loves ... with her soul, deep and true ... with all that
she knows .....
A woman tries ... through every wrong, ... forgives past sins
and finds the strength to move on.
A woman gives ... everything inside her ... she does not hold
back because of the fears that remind her ... she could be hurt,
be taken in, ... a woman protects herself with the love that lies
within .....
Only a woman knows the secret truths that hide beneath the
surface of her warmth and kindness.
Only a woman knows the tender touch that can heal all wrongs and relieve all fears.
Only a woman can give her all and have love left to give when
the giving is done.
Only a woman ... with a woman's heart ... can understand and
accept ... the many pains she will encounter.
Only a woman ... with a woman's heart ... can possibly know
the strength of her heart .....
A woman knows ... if all she owns was taken ... there are
parts of her, the best of her ... that nothing on earth can ever
take away ... the woman's heart, the woman's depths.
Only a woman knows ... it's the love within that makes her who
she is, and love without pain could be a love that is dead.

(¸.•´ (¸.•´ .•´ ¸¸.•¨¯`

~Love wasn't put in your heart to stay Love isn't love till you give it away