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Sikhism Confessions Of An American Sikh


Dec 3, 2011
Re: Confessions of an American Sikh

I agree it's worth the .99 usd . I would like to thank the fellow for making Dr. Trilochan Singhs book "Sikism and Tantric Yoga" available for free. Here's the link http://www.gurmukhyoga.com/forum/index.php?mode=page&id=1
I read it a couple of years ago and it sent me in the right direction. My wife and I are working on translating it into Spanish for some friends. Dr. Trilochan Singh has a delightful style of writing. I recommend it.:noticemunda:

It seems that the gurmukhyoga forum is also coordinated by Gursant Singh.

I did read that book a long time ago and should try and read it again now that I understand ''Sidh Gosht' bani much better thanks to our veerji Ambersariaji.

I agree that Dr Trilochan Singh is very good as I have read some of his other works and translations on meditation and simran.
(I think he translated some of Bhai Randeer ji's works ?)
I think he understands exactly what the similarities with yoga and meditation are, and also the huge differences as well.

Anyway, I'm going to start my kundalini yoga classes in a few days to see exactly what it is all about, although my intentions are for my physical well being associated with meditation.
Nov 23, 2010
Re: Confessions of an American Sikh

Anyway, I'm going to start my kundalini yoga classes in a few days to see exactly what it is all about, although my intentions are for my physical well being associated with meditation.

Luckysingh ji,
"Yogi" Bhajan knew less about Yoga and meditation than he knew about Sikhi. He basically just pulled this stuff out off his sleeve and some people believe it.
As a technic it really not worth much. It's amazing how incoherent babbling is sometimes mistaken for wisdom. I get so tired of hearing " The Master said " I want to say " the master said a lot of stupid stuff. It doesn't mean you need to repeat it". Anyway, here's a link to an interesting article. http://www.alternet.org/fascinating...n-and-why-it-makes-you-feel-better?paging=off
My wife,who has 20 some years praticing different types of yoga and meditation, recommends Vipassana meditation or tm.
Good Luck :winkingmunda:


1947-2014 (Archived)
Jun 17, 2004
Re: Confessions of an American Sikh

linzer ji

You are making me smile a wide smile. And... I am holding off sharing my own experiences (which were not superficial, though of course that is a relative term) in the interests of personal discovery on the part of Luckysingh ji.

Actually it does sound like Luckysingh is following his curiosity and wants to try it out to see what it is all about. So I will be silent.

What Luckysingh ji discovers will be very interesting.

Also, I read the article at the link you posted. Why don't you post the article in the yoga forum? It has some things worth reading there. It makes some valid statements that have been investigated by neuro-science. And it does not make claims for union with the divine.



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