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Concept Of Total Liberation, Name Of God, Sikhism And Astrology

Amos Vos

Feb 18, 2015
Hello everybody

I'm mainly interested in the concept of total liberation and the question about the recitation of the Name of God..how do we know the Name of God? Did He/She said it to us..all religions and phlisophies came up with different names....could someone explain that to me..with words I can understand...I'm also an astrolger..what is the Sikh point of view on Astrology?

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Hello everybody

I'm mainly interested in the concept of total liberation and the question about the recitation of the Name of God..how do we know the Name of God? Did He/She said it to us..all religions and phlisophies came up with different names....could someone explain that to me..with words I can understand...I'm also an astrolger..what is the Sikh point of view on Astrology?

Welcome to the forum Amos. Please share with us about yourself and your journey thus far. You may do it here.

Thanks for the very interesting subject. As it is a complex issue, I would request the moderators to create a thread about your queries so we can interact better.


Tejwant Singh

Amos Vos

Feb 18, 2015
Thank you
I have got litle contact with Sikhs..but the one's I met personaly..were always pleasant encounters...in Jewish thought we mainly avoid to say the Name of God as it is written ...if we see transliterated YHWH..we prenounce it Hashem (The Name), just to indicate that we do not realy know the essential Name of God...now here I see that one of the main things to gain liberation "Mukti' (Moksha)...I would like to learn..and make it a part of my path..as I don't see any problem (as this is only my personal opinion) with my practice of Judaism...

Thanks to all


Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
Hello everybody

I'm mainly interested in the concept of total liberation and the question about the recitation of the Name of God..how do we know the Name of God? Did He/She said it to us..all religions and phlisophies came up with different names....could someone explain that to me..with words I can understand...I'm also an astrolger..what is the Sikh point of view on Astrology?
I think, in general, Sikhi would consider astrology on the level of a superstition. At least that is what I have been taught. I have searched the Sikh Rehat Maryada - Sikh Code of Conduct - and found only one reference to the subject in the section about the marriage ceremony.

Consulting horoscopes for determining which day or date is auspicious or otherwise for fixing the day of the marriage is a sacrilege. Any day that the parties find suitable by mutual consultation should be fixed. http://new.sgpc.net/sikh-rehat-maryada-in-english/.

That, of course, is for just that one occasion. I think most people in the Sikh diaspora regard astrology rather on the same level as the society in general. Most know their sun sign, for example. In the past, many years ago, I used to cast rather detailed natal horoscopes, mostly just a mathematical chart. I left interpretations to others. I would be most interested in Jewish astrology. Is it related to Kabbalah?

Inderjeet Kaur

Oct 13, 2011
Seattle, Washington, USA
Thank you
I have got litle contact with Sikhs..but the one's I met personaly..were always pleasant encounters...in Jewish thought we mainly avoid to say the Name of God as it is written ...if we see transliterated YHWH..we prenounce it Hashem (The Name), just to indicate that we do not realy know the essential Name of God...now here I see that one of the main things to gain liberation "Mukti' (Moksha)...I would like to learn..and make it a part of my path..as I don't see any problem (as this is only my personal opinion) with my practice of Judaism...

Thanks to all

The "Name" that we generally chant is Waheguru, meaning something like "Wondrous Enlightener." (I'm sure others will give different interpretations.) This is, however, not the Name of the One. The concept of the "Name" (Naam) is a very deep and pervasive part of Sikhi. I doubt there are many pages in Siri Guru Granth Sahib that do not have this word. It is quite mysterious and even mystical and not easy to grasp ahold of.I know SPN has quite an interesting thread about it from a while back. You might be interested in looking it up.

I didn't get the opportunity to say welcome in the introduction thread, so I'll say it here. Welcome and I'm delighted to have you here. I deeply enjoy discussions of religion with Jews because, unlike with Christians and Muslims, there is no hidden agenda of conversion which always makes me a bit cautious to appear too interested.
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Amos Vos

Feb 18, 2015
Thank you for the answers.
The way I use Astrology is not to find out auspicious times..but to find what typical reparation (Tikkun) a person has to do in this life. Is it related to Kabbalah? Most people have a wrong idea about Kabbalah. It comes from the root kbl, what means 'receiving', accordingly it goes back to Avraham and before and was past down till today. Kabbalah is and should be used for a better understanding of oneself and the Scriptures, but in the first place to embetterment of oneself.
About converting, no I'm not (as is general practice among Jews) looking to convert anyone...I come to learn and to exchange ideas..and mostly to know about the idea of Mukti...because sometimes I think that to say: I belong to this or that (Religion), this or that people (Race) ..could be one's final and biggest Illusion (Maya) of them all..?

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
'm mainly interested in the concept of total liberation

this is a concept I also find hugely interesting, although possibly for different reasons, my own understanding is that we are given personalities, a mish mash of desires and needs, of ego, arrogance, the need to belong, the to ingratiate oneself with society, etc, in my view, the aim of Sikhism is to see this personality as false, and pointless, and to find the god given personality that exists in us all, not to please god, or to do the right thing, but because to walk in that consonance of unity with everything, makes life pleasant, peaceful and fulfilling.
and the question about the recitation of the Name of God..how do we know the Name of God? Did He/She said it to us..all religions and phlisophies came up with different names....could someone explain that to me..with words I can understand.

pardon me for being frank, but, again, in my opinion, and it is only my opinion, who cares? How is the name of god going to help us in any way? I have a 1997 Nissan Micra parked outside with a terminally flat tyre, it is presented in mouldy green and has the wing mirrors falling off, but that is a different story. What I really need to do is get off my backside, go out into the cold, and change the tyre, although maybe chanting the word tyre could help, I really need to get up.

It is not the name of god that is important, rather than the qualities of god that we need to know about, how can we know the qualities of god, in Sikhism, I believe these are enshrined in the Mool Mantra, truth, lack of enmity, courage, all good qualities to embrace.

Yes, all religions came up with an original name, an original deity, because its easier to remember names and bow before deities than it is to live up to the standards of god.

.I'm also an astrolger..what is the Sikh point of view on Astrology?

Astrology is defined according to wikki as

Astrology consists of several pseudoscientific systems of divination[1] based on the premise that there is a relationship between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world. Many cultures have attached importance to astronomical events, and the Indians, Chinese, and Mayans developed elaborate systems for predicting terrestrial events from celestial observations. In the West, astrology most often consists of a system ofhoroscopes purporting to explain aspects of a person's personality and predict future events in their life based on the positions of the sun, moon, and other celestial objects at the time of their birth. The majority of professional astrologers rely on such systems.[2]:

Sikhism is pragmatic, it stands with science shoulder to shoulder, it is a fact based religion devoid of miracles and auspicious moments, I would say Sikhism gives absolutely no weight at all to astrology, although the same cannot be said about most Sikhs....

Ajeet Singh

Mar 24, 2015
Dear Amos Vos.......Thanks indeed for sharing your curiosity about philosophy of NAAM & getting MUKTY etc...I wish to highlight that it is my personal opinion that astrology is a perfect science but limited for 7 generations . However it cannot predict about the next 8th generation !!!! But it has very little to do with sikhs since they enjoy LOVE of their living GURU i.e. GURU GRANTH SAHIB ( THE HOLY SCRIPTURE).

Ajeet Singh

Mar 24, 2015
Dear Amos Vos........Regarding your desire to know about the philosophy of NAAM as highlighted in GURBANI , I wish to inform you that NAAM is a state of enjoying INFINITE BLISS of LOVE of TRUTH inside your heart .GURU is powerful enough to bless the boon of NAAM . Guru Granth Sahib is the living GURU of SIKHS. This statement is based on real life experience & confirmed in the biography of the greatest SAINT of last millennium. No ego boosting but with feelings of divine love.