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General Caution --sikh Sites


Jan 4, 2010
a day back i was looking at thread Sikh sites , there are good and some bad sites about Sikhi or Sikh as it was written in there ..
my concern is this if there is something wrong with site its been run by cult group or some anti Sikh elements , whose responsibility is it to report that site to Akal Takht

should every sikh site must written this ..that material or information provided in site may not resemble actual truth or material and information provide may differ (in case of meaning of gurbani) from different author.
> and the discussion done by members of the site may there own interpretation
about Gurbani

i was thinking becoz there are loads of site putting anything ,manything which may confuse to visitor or seeking knowledge outsiders (sikhi)

a banner over site that any dicussion done here may resemble actual truth about Gubani or may not


Nov 14, 2010
SatNam _/|\_

Bscheema ji

I have been learning mostly from the internet. And sometimes I have been criticized for saying something about Sikhi that isn't true, but I read it elsewhere on another site on Sikhi. I am learning so it is unrealistic for me to expect myself to know which are the reliable sites and which aren't.

That being said, are there any teachings in Sikhi on sects or different approaches to practicing Sikhi? I'm only aware of the Rehat Maryada, but I don't know much about it. I think I read it was created by Guru Gobind Singh. Am I correct?

I have been confused also because there is so much from the Guru on finding God through the Naam and not various rituals and dogma. It seems to me the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib is about losing all the labels, rituals, rules that are barriers vs. openings to union with the Divine.

I think when a religion has as many followers as some religions have, people start to imprison the goal of being one with the One by saying "this is right, this is wrong". Sikhi rejects this, right?

That being said, what would be the criteria for seekers and learners like me when it comes to evaluating the content of a website. How can I tell which are the truer teachings? Or should I just say when millions of ppl practice a religion there is bound to be some who prefer the apples and some who prefer oranges. Is there room for a variety of fruits in the Sikhi communities?

I'm completely lost at this point. I feel like there is a lot of bickering and bitterness amongst Sikhs of various cultures and I'm not sure which is truly practicing Sikhi and which isn't. So your post was perfect for someone like me (and there are many of us).

One suggestion. Maybe SPN can expand and redo the website so it provides more information to seekers and those interested in exploring Sikhi?



Dec 17, 2007
SatNam _/|\_

Bscheema ji

I have been learning mostly from the internet. And sometimes I have been criticized for saying something about Sikhi that isn't true, but I read it elsewhere on another site on Sikhi. I am learning so it is unrealistic for me to expect myself to know which are the reliable sites and which aren't.

That being said, are there any teachings in Sikhi on sects or different approaches to practicing Sikhi? I'm only aware of the Rehat Maryada, but I don't know much about it. I think I read it was created by Guru Gobind Singh. Am I correct?

I have been confused also because there is so much from the Guru on finding God through the Naam and not various rituals and dogma. It seems to me the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib is about losing all the labels, rituals, rules that are barriers vs. openings to union with the Divine.

I think when a religion has as many followers as some religions have, people start to imprison the goal of being one with the One by saying "this is right, this is wrong". Sikhi rejects this, right?

That being said, what would be the criteria for seekers and learners like me when it comes to evaluating the content of a website. How can I tell which are the truer teachings? Or should I just say when millions of ppl practice a religion there is bound to be some who prefer the apples and some who prefer oranges. Is there room for a variety of fruits in the Sikhi communities?

I'm completely lost at this point. I feel like there is a lot of bickering and bitterness amongst Sikhs of various cultures and I'm not sure which is truly practicing Sikhi and which isn't. So your post was perfect for someone like me (and there are many of us).

One suggestion. Maybe SPN can expand and redo the website so it provides more information to seekers and those interested in exploring Sikhi?


Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

Namjivan Kaur Ji -

We are all learners here at SPN. Don't feel bad just because you don't know the answers to ?s Sikhi experience is a life long path. Some of us take it for granted that they know the best just because they were born in a Sikh family. I can tell you for sure that's not true.
Coming back to your post - Yes, there are different sects within Sikhi. Like you said, some people prefer to set their own Maryada for their own reasons. Nope - this adopted Rehat Maryada is not by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The current Rehat Maryada was adopted after consulting with Sikhs all over the world by our Sikh Scholars. It's a good thing you know about that one and nothing else. Because that's the one that was adopted by Sangat. All other Maryada's are by individuals not Sikh Sangat.
Sikhi is a way of life, not a religion. In today's world it's easier to call it a religion than explain the way of life. You are right when there are over 25 million Sikhs there are bound to be different approaches to life. Same like you said, some prefer apples to oranges. I would not rely on websites as a guide. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our guide nobody else. Websites are just tools that we use to take a short cut. Like i said earlier, it's a life long path. no short cuts. The correct way is to experience with good sangat and to learn Gurbani.

Lastly, I would say don't feel that you are lost at this point in life. Continue your path to learn and ask questions ? you are bound to get different answers from different people you talk to. You will be surprised and will say later on in life - i used to be this way, now i am past that point and look at it from this angle.

I hope i am not confusing you further with my longer reply.

Harjot Singh

Harry Haller

Panga Master
Jan 31, 2011
Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa
Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh ||

Namjivan Kaur Ji -

We are all learners here at SPN. Don't feel bad just because you don't know the answers to ?s Sikhi experience is a life long path. Some of us take it for granted that they know the best just because they were born in a Sikh family. I can tell you for sure that's not true.
Coming back to your post - Yes, there are different sects within Sikhi. Like you said, some people prefer to set their own Maryada for their own reasons. Nope - this adopted Rehat Maryada is not by Guru Gobind Singh Ji. The current Rehat Maryada was adopted after consulting with Sikhs all over the world by our Sikh Scholars. It's a good thing you know about that one and nothing else. Because that's the one that was adopted by Sangat. All other Maryada's are by individuals not Sikh Sangat.
Sikhi is a way of life, not a religion. In today's world it's easier to call it a religion than explain the way of life. You are right when there are over 25 million Sikhs there are bound to be different approaches to life. Same like you said, some prefer apples to oranges. I would not rely on websites as a guide. Guru Granth Sahib Ji is our guide nobody else. Websites are just tools that we use to take a short cut. Like i said earlier, it's a life long path. no short cuts. The correct way is to experience with good sangat and to learn Gurbani.

Lastly, I would say don't feel that you are lost at this point in life. Continue your path to learn and ask questions ? you are bound to get different answers from different people you talk to. You will be surprised and will say later on in life - i used to be this way, now i am past that point and look at it from this angle.

I hope i am not confusing you further with my longer reply.

Harjot Singh

could not have been put better


Jun 1, 2004
One suggestion. Maybe SPN can expand and redo the website so it provides more information to seekers and those interested in exploring Sikhi?

Namji{censored}aur ji, perhaps you could elaborate on this idea and we can surely work on it. SPN is always ready to evolve. mundahug


Jan 4, 2010
Akal Takt doesn't own Sikhism or the internet.. so what would they do..

kamala ji .
Akal Takth is center for Sikhism , it is an idea from Guru's and i respect that hope evreyone feel so .

my idea of this post is cyber influencing of websites on people who are new to Sikhism and want to learn more. like people are influenced by diffrnt sect and follow diffrnt maryada's .websites do may impact on new generation. and its easy to spread the real teachings of Guru ji's, if there is right check on websites to spread the word of Gurbanias it is .
Jul 18, 2007
Bscheema the fact that you have already noticed that there are differences means your awake and don't want to blindly follow the majority.

Sikhi is about common sense, something that can be applied to life, when you compare any teaching to this or read anything on the web that contradicts this, then you will know further research needs to be done about that to de-myth the information.

Life is about trial and error, as long as we don't just assume there is no errors in what we do because that means you will fall out of the self improvement cycle!


Nov 14, 2010
Namji{censored}aur ji, perhaps you could elaborate on this idea and we can surely work on it. SPN is always ready to evolve. mundahug


I have lots of ideas.

One thing would be to provide more on the main site that would be of interest to the sangat and those interested in Sikhi.

Use Ning for inspiration to make a more interactive experience for the SPN community.

Have some writers put articles of interest to Sikhs on the front page. Sort of like Huffington Post.

I would look at sites like NewtoSikhi, Sikhnet and Huffington Post for revising the way people experience things when they come to SPN.

I don't know anything about creating websites, but I'd be more than willing to help in whatever way I can.



Nov 14, 2010
Sat Nam _/|\_

I would love to have a place online that objectively compared all the different ideas practiced by various Sikhs. That is where a Wiki-style site would really work.

At Wikipedia you can work with educating people. I know a lot of people here say that Sikhi Wiki is not accurate. What about SPN providing an accurate Wiki then? I think there are plenty of free Wiki sites that SPN members could work together on a wiki. It wouldn't involve transforming this site, it could just have a good sized button to link to the SPN wiki.

It would be good because SPN could bring accurate info and explain the differences amongst Sikhs. SPN could provide a tool for educators by having a section for material for teachers and Sikh parents plus a "kit" of info that could be used by various groups as they try to educate others about Sikhi (would love it to be dedicated to the victims of the shootings in the Wisconsin gurdwara).


kamala ji .
. and its easy to spread the real teachings of Guru ji's, if there is right check on websites to spread the word of Gurbanias it is .
Jul 18, 2007
I think a lot can be done to inspire and promote the balanced viewpoints presented on SPN by the knowledgeable members.

For example even having a SPN youtube channel that select members could record videos explaining the Sikh perspective on hot topics that usually confuse newcomers to the faith and the world in general.


Feb 20, 2012
a day back i was looking at thread Sikh sites , there are good and some bad sites about Sikhi or Sikh as it was written in there ..
my concern is this if there is something wrong with site its been run by cult group or some anti Sikh elements , whose responsibility is it to report that site to Akal Takht

should every sikh site must written this ..that material or information provided in site may not resemble actual truth or material and information provide may differ (in case of meaning of gurbani) from different author.
> and the discussion done by members of the site may there own interpretation
about Gurbani

i was thinking becoz there are loads of site putting anything ,manything which may confuse to visitor or seeking knowledge outsiders (sikhi)

a banner over site that any dicussion done here may resemble actual truth about Gubani or may not

Satnaam Ji,

I have been through so many websites myself...many of which claimed to be 'speaking the truth'.

How does one really be 100% sure what is truth and what is false?
answer: by experiencing themselves, and then you will know what is true.

Bani says "Prabh Ka Simran Sabh te Ucha" - meaning Simran to be the highest activity we can do....and combined with selfless service will get you to the truth (god)...it is that simple.

Do not be too worried about false information, it's all part of the journey of understanding the truth.

All your answers will be found by doing Simran :)
