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13 Reason For - "Why I Am A Sikh"

Jun 1, 2004
In the paper "Why Sikhism"? I discussed my personal experiences in how I had dealt with issues in my life. I focused on myself as a child and as an adult, and the primary conflicts that Sikhs face during these periods of their life. Acceptance as a child and as an adult, but love playing a greater role in our lives as adults.

My focus was to highlight how Sikhs living in a western society have to deal with problematic issues, where certain western values don't blend with Sikh religious principles. I also brought up the point that I was "lucky" to know of the Sikh religion, which helped guide my decisions, but unfortunately many of today's young grow up ignorant to what Sikhism is. Below I have listed 13 points why I think Sikhism is the best religion in the world, and what it has to offer to Sikhs and to the World, and why Sikhs should not abandon their faith, but strive harder to understand it, learn about it, and they will realize once they do, that it is worth keeping, holding on to, prizing in our hearts and souls.

1. Sikhism does not look down upon people who follow other religions as "inferior, non-believer, etc". That is one reason why you don't see Sikh Missionaries actively pursuing conversions.

2. Sikhism is a religion of Equality. Equality between Men and Women and also stressing "universal equality" amongst all human beings. Which all other religions do not have.

3. Sikhism is a modern way of life, it doesn't subject people to valueless rituals. A few examples being the caste system, bathing in holy rivers, facing a certain direction for a prayer, slaughtering animals in the name of God, circumcision. (NOTE: I'm talking of Sikhism, not cultural practices.. which at times are not up to date with the teachings of the religion, as can be seen in all religions))

4. Sikhism, is a religion of worship of One God. A God that has no 'chosen people', a God compassionate to all, God not bonded to a "single religion", God to be found and realized by all, God that is not pleased with ritualistic behavior, a God that is only pleased by "ANYONE" who with true devotion LOVES HIM, yes a God for all the UNIVERSE.. not of Jews, Sikh, Hindus, Muslims,etc.

God himself spoke to Guru Nanak Dev Ji the founder of Sikhism on the "Day of Revelation", when Guru Nanak Dev Ji was called to God' home and given his directives to preach to this world.

God spoke the following verse on this most blessed day to Guru Nanak Dev Ji and the entire world. Known as the Mul Mantra. The very first verse written in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (the Sikh scripture) and found at many other places before other hymns in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Ik Onkar (God is One) Sat Nam ( His name is True) Kartaa Purakh (He is the Creator) Nirbhau (He is without fear) Nirvair (He is inimical to none) Akal-murat (He never dies) Ajooni (He is beyond births and deaths) Saibhang ( He is self illuminated) Gurprasaad (He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru) Jap (Repeat His Name)

And in God's court Guru Nanak spoke the following, which God accepted and condoned, and comes write after "Jap".

Aad sach (He is True in the beginning, (before the anything (universe) existed) Jugaad sach (He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True) Hai bhi sach (He is also True now) Nanak hosi bhi sach. ((Satguru) Nanak (says that) he will be certainly True in the future.)

5. Sikhism believes in reincarnation. As the worldly science is improving and people are starting to realize this phenomenon is true (through hypnosis and near-death experiences) they will understand the "Greater Glory" in the Sikh scriptures to have realized this concept while others don't believe in it at all. (Note: Only Hinduism and Bhudism share these values of reincarnation, and many Christians are starting to believe it, and though Muslims rejects this notion, I believe many believe of it as well.)

6. Sikhism stresses that God judges all people as to their actions in this world. It does not matter what religion he practices, or was born to. Hence the theory of Karma is also a part of Sikh religion.

The ultimate reward in Sikhism is to be freed from the PAINS of 'births and deaths' that Humans undergo. Reflect for a few minutes, and think of how much do we as people suffer in life? We suffer a tremendous amount! The older you are the more you will know of it.

Unlike other religions, which offer a heavenly paradise, where one is rewarded with Virgins (only for the males as one scripture has it) and rivers of wine (which ironically is not sanctioned for one to drink here on this earth). Sikhism rewards people with the concept of becoming "one with God". Where the soul is emersed back into the Godly soul, like a raindrop is emersed into the ocean and hence find ever lasting bliss. (Never to be reborn again)!

This is for both MALE and FEMALE. No sexism is in the scripture. I challenge all to have a look for themselves, and they will be happily surprised that a religion born 500 years ago, has accepted the equality of sexes as well as people, which not even today's western society has, nor any other religion has. This is just one reason why I adore the Sikh religion. Men and Women are Equal in all respect.

7. In Sikhism, Men and Women are able to carry out prayer rights. There is no priest class, unlike other religions, which is controlled by men. Hence again women are equal partners in Sikhism. Sikhism is a very egalitarian religion.

8. "Sikhism is an intellectual way of life"! Sikhs are told very strongly, explicitly, to seek knowledge within the Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Knowledge is the "key" to enlightenment. One must understand the Guru's written words in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, in order to help themselves transcend this worldly ocean and reach the higher spiritual goals given to Humankind by God.

The challenge of being a Sikh is truly a hard one, the majority of the world of today have not the courage in them, nor the will power, nor are the willingness to spend time to pursue this "intellectual" and "spiritual" journey and achieve that ultimate state of ETERNAL BLISS.

People not wanting to face this challenge, since it is a difficult one, a long one, is why people are unaware of the greatness of their Sikh religion. They continue to play in this world (metaphorically speaking) in the pursuit of trying to find happiness, yet never achieve it. Happiness is only temporary. It is eternal bliss (Anand) that we want, which the Guru guides us on how to achieve, in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Happiness (Bliss) can not be bought with riches, etc. Happiness is a state of mind. Bliss is the state of being one with our mind, soul, and heart. One can only find it by being able to control (cleansing) the mind, which Sikhism stresses one to do, with God' Naam (Name. Then only will one achieve true lasting happiness (bliss) within ourselves.

I challenge the readers to spend some time, to read up on the lives of Sikh Gurus, read the Sikh scripture, along with the other religions open mindedly, and Sikhism will pass as the most objective, logical, equal, humanitarian religion. A good place to start is Sandeep Singh's WWW home page.The Sikhism Home Page: http://www.sikhs.org/

9. Sikhism is a religion which builds character. It tells its followers to be "hard workers" to earn their daily bread. To share this with others, as well as to remember the Lord in their heart. Hence within Sikhism, there is a compassion towards all of humanity, a fact of social reform.

10. Sikhism is the only religion that allows all people, of any caste, colour, creed, religion to come to "ANY"! of their holy places, without restriction, and be given equal respect in all matters.

They are served in the Gurdwara (Sikhs holy temple), in the kitchen with the same dignity as if they were Sikhs. They are allowed to participate in Singing Hymns on stage even if they are not Sikhs. They are allowed to read the Guru Granth Sahib Ji (if they know how to read Gurmukhi Script) even if they are not Sikhs. They are allowed to discuss Sikhism in these places of worship even if they are not Sikhs.

"A very good example comes to mind is Bhai Chaman Lal even though he is a Hindu. He sings Gurbani hymns all over in Gurdwaras and tells wonderful stories of the Gurus. Sikhs respect and give him equal dignity, even though he is not a Sikh." I personally love his singing and his stories. He's more of a Sikh than I am.

Hence one does not have to even change religion, to follow Sikh practices and sing the Glories of God using Sikh scripture and that truly is the greatness of Sikhism.

11. Sikhism allows one to follow the path to enlightenment, at their own speed. This enlightenment comes with their own understanding and awareness of the message in the Guru Granth Sahib Ji and how much effort they have given to incorporate it in their lives.

Sikhism allows people to interpret the Guru Granth Sahib for themselves (unlike other religions) and with increasing awareness and understanding, the person will gain greater (deeper) understanding of the "divine" words of the Gurus, who were in direct communication with God and wrote what God told them in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

12. Sikhism is the only religion where the Scripture is written by the Prophet of the religion who was in divine communication with God, out of all the other worldly religions whose scriptures were written later by people.

13. Sikhism is the only religion that has in its Scripture, Hymns of Divine saints who had attained that state of perfection and communion with God in life. Be them Muslim or Hindu (from every caste). Hence Sikhism is truly a religion that has broken down barriers between religions, to show the world that, "anyone" can reach God by immersing themselves in His love. That is why Hindu and Muslim saints divine hymns from God are also recorded in Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

Sikh Gurus are not only honoring the achievement of these Saints throughout time, but are sending a message to the world. Sikhism is not the property of those who are born in Punjab or to Sikh families. It is a religion for all of humanity, men and women, be them of any caste, creed or colour and be them born to any religion in the world. Sikhism is for all of humanity, let us not forget the entire universe.
Jul 13, 2004
Singh ji,

Your article is a pleasure to read. Thanks for this.

I happen to take point 6 in a different way. Life is a gift instead of pain, it is an opportunity to ferry our souls, a chance to realize the truth.

Just curious about all sikhs who say, why they are sikhs: Would they have been sikhs, if they were born to parents of some other religion? Or is it just the influence of being born to sikh parents primarily, and may be then one choses to become Amritdhari Sikh?

Oct 19, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Im jaspreet and id like to say that is really touching! i love bhai chaman lal jihis kirtan is so beautiful it makes me cry!:8-:) Youre such a nice person!


May 4, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Few questions regarding the above post.

If sikhism believes in law of Karma - then how did that law applied to the first person on the planet. Does't matter how did that first being came into picture - be it creation out of nothing or evolution. The question is what acts/or karma decided its current life. These very questions are asked in Guru Granth

It is the teachings of Vedas, which has created the concepts of sin and virtue, hell and heaven, and karma and transmigration. One reaps the reward in the next life for the deeds performed in this life¾goes to hell or heaven according to the deeds. The Vedas have also created the fallacy of inequality of caste and gender for the world.
AGGS, M 2, p. 1243.

“Don’t look to the past, make efforts to make your future life successful by meeting God, because you won’t be born again,” says Nanak.
AGGS, M 5, p. 1096

“You won’t be born again, take some measures to obtain salvation right now. Praising the Merciful One, will take you across the ocean of worldly temptations,” says Nanak.
AGGS, M 9, p. 220

Kabir, human birth is difficult to attain because the dead person is not born again like a ripe fruit fallen on the ground does not get attached to the branch again (AGGS, Kabir, p. 1366).

Do not believe that the benefits of deeds performed in the current life will be rewarded in the next world. AGGS, M 1, pp. 729-730

The reason i am Sikh - Sikhism teaches to use rational thinking, absolutely no need for dogmas. If we are using rational thinking to make daily decisions then use the same to understand God (to whatever capacity we humans have)
Nov 19, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Whatever you wrote is beautiful and helps us understand sikhi better... but I feel that they should start telling stuff like this at the gurdwaras. I mean when I see some people at the gurdwara it seems they just come there to socialize, little kids to play, and they eat and leave... going to the gurdwara doesn't really make you sikh... but understanding it will. I don't feel the gurdwaras are doing a good job in making people understand anything. Some gurdwaras have classes where they teach little kids punjabi... but they have to be paid for. It's really sad how some people who want their kids to learn can't AFFORD to teach them sikhi :(... and i'm talking about in the western nations... I also feel that at times kids don't take any interest because they can't understand things.. perhaps it should be also said in English, and like churches and masjids we should have classes specifically for kids/young adults to learn and understand sikhi better. I don't think teaching sikhs sikhi will make us missionaries...


Nov 15, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Beautiful points you mad and I hope one day all people will be able to understand Sikhi from the same perspective. It would make the world a much more better place,

Many parents in the west do not know much of Sikhi other then Punjabi. You could ask them so many questions about Sikhism, guru's,and shabads and they wouldn't be able to answer one. Yet if you go to their house, you'll see pictures of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji above a mantle. If they don't know anything how should we expect the kids to learn from them. Many gurdwara's have become businesses purely for profit and don't care much for the future of sikhism. It's disgusting and many people dont like to hear it but its true and i know this by sitting here listening about issues about seats in langar and alcohol or rapes. We need to educate the next generation a lot more so we can purge sikhi of everything that has crept into it.

I know i crept off the topic but still, great points!!!
Nov 19, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Beautiful points you mad and I hope one day all people will be able to understand Sikhi from the same perspective. It would make the world a much more better place,

Many parents in the west do not know much of Sikhi other then Punjabi. You could ask them so many questions about Sikhism, guru's,and shabads and they wouldn't be able to answer one. Yet if you go to their house, you'll see pictures of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and Guru Gobind Singh Ji above a mantle. If they don't know anything how should we expect the kids to learn from them. Many gurdwara's have become businesses purely for profit and don't care much for the future of sikhism. It's disgusting and many people dont like to hear it but its true and i know this by sitting here listening about issues about seats in langar and alcohol or rapes. We need to educate the next generation a lot more so we can purge sikhi of everything that has crept into it.

I know i crept off the topic but still, great points!!!

i agree with you 100%+ Navroop Singh Ji


Dec 14, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Nice article...
BTW I like the way Bhai chaman lal ji does kirtan. I have some thoughts on point 10.
Why we are brining in the same impurties as these same impurties were the reasons our guru started the sikh relegion. Please read the article below. Are sikhs of today so narrow minded? According to Gurus anybody can read or sing in praise of guru(GOD). Why we are putting these restriction? We are heading back to old times when bharmin used to have control over God. Now I think now these sikh leaders have same control.

Waiting for your comments...

Gurbani Kirtan by Our Sahajdhari Brothers & Sisters​
Sir, As an ardent reader of the Sikh Review, I would earnestly request you to publish these lines because a wrong signal is going to the Sahajdhari Sikhs and non-Sikhs.
While studying the old issues of The Sikh Review the issue of May, 1992 and the Article, "Thrills of a Kirtan Tour - A spiritual Safari-written by Shri J. Prakash Nanda-came to my notice. You, as the Editor, had rightly recorded on the top of the Article: "it is the story of the love and devotion of a family determined to share the spiritual experience of early morning Kirtan with God oriented congregations, big or small. It is also the story of the frustration of being denied admittance, of the parochial and petty-fogging priests, of the warring factions in Gurdwara managements and of less - than hygienic living conditions. However what emerges uppermost is the sweet notes of Asa-di-Var in the tranquillity of Amrit Vela."
I enjoyed that series of Articles by J. P. Nanda. It gave me a great joy to think that there are such great Nishkam Guru-ke-Kirtanye, like J. Prakash Nanda Ji and Dada Lachhman Chelaram, who have undertaken so many Kirtan tours to different countries. The words of Nanda Ji at the start of that Article touched my heart. This is the brighter side of the picture.
Let me narrate the other side of the picture which has saddened me, and my head bows in shame that it has happened in my life time.
I was one of the very old members of the Management Committee of the Gurdwara, Sector 22D, Chandigarh. The incident, narrated below, occurred in the year 1996. I have since resigned from the management of that Gurdwara for various reasons. I have been requesting the President and the General Secretary of that Gurdwara to arrange the Shabad Kirtan of Bhai Chaman Lal Ji and Bhai Sunil Arora Ji as the Kirtan recited by them gives spiritual bliss. A special messenger was sent by the management committee to Delhi to request Bhai Chaman Lal Ji for his Shabad Kirtan at the said Gurdwara, and he gladly agreed. Accordingly, posters and handbills were printed and banners were made and displayed at different Gurdwaras.
But I got the shock of my life, three days before the stipulated date, when I received a message from the General Secy. that the said programme had been cancelled due to the pressure of certain so-called Sikh leaders, that they will not allow Shabad Kirtan in any Gurdwara by any non-Sikh, or Sahajdhari Sikh, and that they would create problems for the Management Committee. And to avoid any fuss they were forced to cancel the programme and sent another special messenger to Bhai Chaman Lal Ji not to come to CHD for the purpose. Shockingly, no Sahajdhari Sikh Kirtanya has been invited to recite Gurbani at any Gurdwara in Chandigarh since then.
Wrong signals are being sent to Sahajdhari Sikhs due to the above incident. We should rather be thankful to Sahajdhari Sikhs that they are doing signal service to the Sikh Dharam. After all, we cannot forget the services of Bhai Mardana and his descendants, till the partition of the country, when their Shabad Kirtan was being recited at the Harmandir Sahib. I would seek comments of your readers so that something good is done at the earliest.


Jun 27, 2004
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

1. Sikhism does not look down upon people who follow other religions as "inferior, non-believer, etc". That is one reason why you don't see Sikh Missionaries actively pursuing conversions. - I have seen some of the Amritdharis saying that they wouldn't hire anybody but an Amritdhari, sepcially when it came to hiring a mona. They'd rather hire a mona only if he promises to start growing hair and wear turban. Could this a sort of missionary? Offering people work only if they grew hair and wore turban?

2. Sikhism is a religion of Equality. Equality between Men and Women and also stressing "universal equality" amongst all human beings. Which all other religions do not have. - Is this why a non-Amritdhari can't even do kirtan in Gurdwara or read Guru Granth Sahib?

3. Sikhism is a modern way of life, it doesn't subject people to valueless rituals. A few examples being the caste system, bathing in holy rivers, facing a certain direction for a prayer, slaughtering animals in the name of God, circumcision. (NOTE: I'm talking of Sikhism, not cultural practices.. which at times are not up to date with the teachings of the religion, as can be seen in all religions)) - How about bathing in sarovar?

Please see the questions at the end of each point...


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
good questions PCJS ji

but all these are things have been started by people distorting Sikhi and are not a part of sikhi.

it happens... sadly with the message of each enlightened soul

consider the message of Jesus Christ... the religious orders like Catholics, Mormons have twisted it to suit their ends....

these boundaries that the orders draw up, give sense of security, belonging to a person.


Nov 29, 2006
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Im jaspreet and id like to say that is really touching! i love bhai chaman lal jihis kirtan is so beautiful it makes me cry!:8-:) Youre such a nice person!

First of all he is now Chamanjeet Singh. Nodoubt his voice is good but some times he promotes the hindu concept of moorti pooja. Few months before in the presence of Sri Guru Granth Sahib at Gurudwara Rakabganj Sahib he was saying Sabnu Guruteg bahadur sahib di photo nu poojna chahida and he gave also a bad example of boyfriend and girlfriend regarding this:rolleyes:

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Please see the questions at the end of each point...
The SRM clearly says anyone - irrespective of religion, creed, race, gender..CAN do "kirtan", read SGGS, Take Hukmnama, etc etc FOR his /her PRIVATE "consumption" even in a Gurdwara.
BUT a Kirtaniya, a Raagi, a Paathi taking a Hukmanma, dpoing paath, doing Ardass in SANGAT or Congregation is representing the GURU/SANGAT/COLLECTIVELY...Has of necessity to be a SIKH.
I am sure I can go into a Church when its empty and read the Bible etc on my own...BUT when a MASS is going on..no one is going to say..Come On Gyani ji..Today YOU are allowed to read Mass, offer communions and be the Pastor !!! ?? Same thing in a GURDWARA..when it is in SESSION and sangat is attending..ONLy a SIKH qualified to do so is allowed to LEAD in Prayer.
Hope this clarifies..
Gyani jarnail Singh


Jun 27, 2004
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Giyani Ji,

The main reason for being Sikh for the person who started this topic was that Sikhism is unique. So what they do in a church doesn't apply here. Since the author in this topic said he was a Sikh because in Sikhi, all are equal, then allowing only Amritdharis to kirtan or read Guru Granth Sahib goes against this, thus Sikhi...

You remember Bhai Chaman Laal was told that he couldn't continue to do kirtan unless he took Amrit? Was that against SRM?

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Re: 13 reason for : "Why I am a Sikh"

Dear PCJS Ji,
The example of the church is to illustrate a point..not imply that the person is a christian.

The SRM says that ONLY a SIKH can do Kirtan/Katha/Paath/Akhand Paath Raol/Take Hukmnama and perform ARDASS for SANGAT.

A SIKH for this purpose is one who Beleives in One Akal purakh, the Ten Gurus, Sri Guru Garanth sahib jee, and follows the TEACHINGS of the Gurus and the Gurbani of SGGS and the Amrit of Sri Dasmesh ji and DOESNOT beleive in any OTHER RELIGION.

This is NOT discriminatory or "not fair". Discrimination and fairness doesnt come into play here..why would a SIKH SANGAT stand by quietly while a "bhai Chamnlall" or a Bhai Mansoodpuria" or Bhai Gangasagar ji..or a "Sheikh Ramzan" wants to do KIRTAN ( this is not just a MUSIC SHOW to ENTERTAIN..BUT an effort to MERGE SANGAT WITH the GURU...in Guru nanak ji and Bhai mardana Ji it is GURU NANAK JI HIMSELF doing Kirtan of GURBANI !!! Guru Ji didnt allow just about any "MARASSII" to play the rebab while He was Doing KIRTAN !!! Marassees who were EXPERTS at the Rebab must have been a Dime a DOZEN in Guru Jis time ( just like people who can play the waja/tabla now)..BUT it is ALWAYS only Bhai MARDANA JI with Guru Ji...no one else at any time..what does this PROVE ?? it doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure this out ) and then When Bhai mardana DIES..Guru nanak Ji says in Gurbani in SGGS..Tuttee Tand Rebab ki...the "string" of MY REBAB is broken !! THAT CLOSE and LOVING was the relationship of Guru nank Ji with Bhai mardana Ji.....today we have his descendants who cannot stop SMOKING, Cut their Hair and claim they are MUSLIMS..BUT who want to Do KIRTAN in SIKH SANGAT just by virtue of being descended from Bhai mardana ji...what Bhai Mardaana Ji did to deserve a Gurbani SHABAD by Guru Ji doesnt count for Zilch to them !!!
On KATHA..which is to EXPLAIN GURBANI..can a Bhai Chamanlall who is not even a SIKH..explain GURBANI to the SIKH SANGAT who are there to "connect" to their GURU ??
When the Paath or Hukmnama is being taken.its the GURU who is speaking to the SIKH SANGAT...is it possible to force the GURU to speak through a person who is not a SIKH ?? WHY ?? is it because there are NO SIKHS in the SIKH SANGAT ??
Can the SIKH SANGAT stand by and request a Non-SIKh to Perform an ARDASS for the SIKHS ?? again why ?? The Sikh sangat wants to do ardass to their GURU..but a Non-Sikh has to be the INTERMEDIARY ?? its like me asking my friend or classmate to talk to my father about my allowance !! when my friend doesnt "know" or beleive in my father and has no interest in Him.
Bhai Chamanlall took "amrit" and became a SINGH. Thats his choice. IF by his actions and behaviour he had shown and proven that he was a SIKH..he wouldnt be agaisnt the SRM by doing kirtan. I dont for a moment assume that 100% of ALL the Ragis and Kirtaniyas are "Amrtidharees" - no such restriction is in the SRM....BUT they are all SIKHS if they hold to the sharataan in the SRM. The SRM only says a "SIKH" and NOT "SINGH.
5. remember..our GURU gave his head for Religious freedom and Human rights...and we are pretty LIBERAL in all things..BUT we too cannot be "so unique" that we allow any tom {censored} and harry to just barge in and say i am doing kirtan..patth..hukmnama etc for ALL OF YOU..because i feel like it and you are a unique religion.

I hope this clarifies
Gyani Jarnail Singh


(previously amarsanghera, account deactivated at t
Jun 7, 2006
Gyani ji

one question

you gave example of Bhai Mardana - How do you judge or define a Sikh?

another question is - who can judge define that a person is SIKH or not ?

awaiting your response.......

Gyani Jarnail Singh

Sawa lakh se EK larraoan
Jul 4, 2004
Dear Amar Ji,

Beautiful question.
Bhai mardana Ji was born MUSLIM Marassee...those village musiccians who go around matchmaking, running errands, making music at weddigns, etc etc. He was among the FIRST to "recognise" what GURU NANAK JI really was....and dedicated his entire LIFE to Guru Ji..through thick and thin...love and OBEY..through pain and suffering and happy times...he DIED in Guru Ji's Loving ARMS..and on his last moments Guru Ji asked him..Mardanai maang kee mangnna hai...and Bhai mardana Ji was silent for a while before he replied..Nanak..TU Waheguru da doom..me tera Doom...tu akaal paiyah..mein tenu paiyah...now what i ask is this..i have NEVER separated from you all this LIFETIME..now please DONT SEPARATE from me..and Guru ji told him..wherever I GO..you will accompany me. Then Guru Ji uchaared the Shabd..Tuttee tand rebab ki..the STRING of MY REBAB is broken...

2. Now to your question. Mardana is said to have PAIYAH GURU NANAK JI..that means he MERGED completely in Guru Ji....followed every single command of Guru Ji to the end. Would he be a "smoker" of Tobacco ? a misuser of drugs ? a person who would be lazy and good for nothing ? a perosn who wouldnt follow what Guru ji declares in His GURBANI ?? Would he cut his hair..or drink alcohol..or cohabit with someone not his wife..or do any of the things that are anti gurmatt based on GURBANI ?? I would say Bhai mardana was a PERFECT SIKH. He had complete FAITH in the Teachings of GURU JI.....just as a SIKh today must have in the teachings of the TEN NANAK/SGGS?Guru Khalsa Panth Combine. If i could be 1/10 the sikh that was Bhai mardana..i would count myself the luckiest person living today..wow just imagine Guru nanak ji writing..tutta computer mereh jarnail da....

2. Leave the judging to Guru ji. Every SIKH and Non-Sikh has his own burden to carry...why add to ours by judging others ?? This si a two edged sword..a do-dhaara khanda.. just becasue we dont want to "judge" others doesnt mean any tom {censored} and harry can waltz into our Gurdawara and begin preaching "gurmatt" to us..there are certian established guidelines...as already given by me from the SRM..as to what is a SIKH ? Those are the bare MINIMUM.... a chilm carrier, drunk stupid on booze, with a shaved head and beardless, pockets full of Rothmans and a bottle of Johnny 69 in his pants..cant sit behind the SGGs and begin taking a hukmanam..and cry..YOU cant judge me..i am a sikh too..is wishful thinking.. On the other hadn if a visible "amritdharee" wearing all the kakaars ( but coming from a prostitutes hotel, high on drugs, with stolen cash in his pocket..) may well succeed in HOODWINKING everyoen and read the Hukmanam without any protest from anybody - due to his outward appearance of complying with the OUTSIDE bare minimum requirements of the SRM definition of a SIKH/SINGH. This ONE I will leave it to GURU JI to judge...as i cant see his interior...but the other oen hsi EXTERIOR is clearly visible as Anti gurmatt. ( no need to judge him)
Thats the ebst i can do..if not satisfactory to you..please excuse.
Gyani jarnail singh


Jun 27, 2004
Giyani Ji,

This is where the difference is between Gurus and today's Sikhs. Guruji judged people by their spiritual wisdom and today's Sikhs judge people by their looks. Therefore, this behaviour of ours is against Sikhi...

That's simply because we don't have the spiritual wisdom ourselves to see whether or not the other person is spiritually wise.

If it were today, leave alone including Hindu bhagats' and Muslim peers' baani in Guru Granth Sahib, they wouldn't even be allowed in Gurdwaras to sing gurus' baani. Guru Sahib even had a Muslim lay foundation stone for Harmandir Sahib...

