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  1. Tejwant Singh

    SciTech Our Bees, Ourselves

    Our Bees, Ourselves Bees and Colony Collapse By MARK WINSTONJULY 14, 2014 VANCOUVER, British Columbia — AROUND the world, honeybee colonies are dying in huge numbers: About one-third of hives collapse each year, a pattern going back a decade. For bees and the plants they pollinate — as well...
  2. Tejwant Singh

    Sign The Petition: Tell The US Congress To Halt Pesticides That Are Killing Bees

    Just this week officials in United Kingdom have begun to move against pesticides that have altered the bee population in serious ways. Lest we think this is should be a low priority in the face of all the world disasters we have read about in the past few months, more needs to be done. Standing...