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Sainsburys go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs
Sainsburys say they don't want halal... but go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs??????? 
The question is WHY go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs???
Sainsbury, like a number of their competitors, are placing themselves in a no-man's land where their meat is halal enough through the prayer said at the point of slaughter to alienate many of their non-Muslim customers, but not halal enough through the slaughter method to satisfy the demands of all their Muslim clientele. Why do they bother getting their meat ritually-slaughtered at all?
Write & Complain to Sainsburys PLC, Chief Executive: Mr Justin King,
33 Holborn, LONDON , EC1N 2HT
020 7695 6000, 0800 636262, Email: justin.king@sainsburys.co.uk
SAINSBURYS - Sainsbury's Are Selling HFC Halaal Meat according to the GMWA HALAL FOOD GUIDE...

Sainsburys go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs Sainsburys say they don't want halal... but go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs??????? The question is WHY go to HALAL Licenced Abattoirs??? Sainsbury, like a number of their competitors, are placing themselves in a no-man's land where their meat is halal enough through the prayer said at the point of slaughter to alienate many of their non-Muslim customers, but not halal enough through the slaughter method to satisfy the demands of all their Muslim clientele. Why do they bother getting their meat ritually-slaughtered at all? Write & Complain to Sainsburys PLC, Chief Executive: Mr Justin King, 33 Holborn, LONDON , EC1N 2HT 020 7695 6000, 0800 636262, Email: justin.king@sainsburys.co.uk SAINSBURYS - Sainsbury's Are Selling HFC Halaal Meat according to the GMWA HALAL FOOD GUIDE... http://www.gmwa.org.uk/foodguide2/index.php?page=ListByCompany&company=52

Be careful of lamb meat in any store. Some lamb says Halal on the case that the store receives from the butcher. but the individual packages might not necessarily be marked Halal.

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SUPERMARKETS selling Unlabeled Halal
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