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Saint And Soldier


Mar 13, 2013
Sat Sri akal to all :)

A key aspect to being a sikh is SAINT and SOLDIER at the same time.
what does the word Saint and soldier means in our daily practical lives?How the two are to be balanced and how much responsibility plays a key role in balancing the duo?Is one incomplete without the other?Or both completes one another?

your views will be much appreciated :)

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Sat Sri akal to all :)

A key aspect to being a sikh is SAINT and SOLDIER at the same time.
what does the word Saint and soldier means in our daily practical lives?How the two are to be balanced and how much responsibility plays a key role in balancing the duo?Is one incomplete without the other?Or both completes one another?

your views will be much appreciated :)

Arshdeep Singh ji,

Guru Fateh.

In my opinion, we literally translate the term which has given the impression all around the world to the people who have no idea about Sikhi that Sikhs are the Warrior religion, hence make us into terrorists especially under today’s world. There are some angry people who are ready to start a brawl anytime which in fact many Punjabis do.

We are the people who saved many Hindu mothers, wives, sisters, daughters from the jaws of tyranny of rapes and slavery which does not sprout from anger but from fighting for injustice but the impression of Saint Soldier does not give that as many do not understand the term and stick to the latter part of the phrase- an angry warrior, ready to kill.

Let’s try to dissect this phrase.

1. Sant: A person full of wisdom practicing Nirbhau, Nirvair, a Consiglieri- not in Mafioso terms but as trusted advisor, a facilitator who works for peace.

2. Sipahi: A Sipahi is actually not a soldier but a policeman. The one who polices the streets on a beat to help avoid any kind of violent actions. He normally carries a bamboo stick and at night he has an oil lantern.

In other words, he shows the light from his lantern to guide the lost ones and uses his bamboo stick to maintain peace.

This is the reason I always use the term,” A Peace Warrior” instead.


Tejwant Singh


Aug 13, 2012
We are the people who saved many Hindu mothers, wives, sisters, daughters from the jaws of tyranny of rapes and slavery which does not sprout from anger but from fighting for injustice but the impression of Saint Soldier does not give that as many do not understand the term and stick to the latter part of the phrase- an angry warrior, ready to kill.

Were we?

I can't by virtue of my birth claim any ownership to the legacy of the great humans who selflessly stood for righteousness .. I have never put my life on the line..

I also don't buy the idea that anyone who professes to be a 'sikh' would be so arrogant as to pretend they are even worthy of such comparisons..

Tejwant Singh

Jun 30, 2004
Henderson, NV.
Were we?

I can't by virtue of my birth claim any ownership to the legacy of the great humans who selflessly stood for righteousness .. I have never put my life on the line..

I also don't buy the idea that anyone who professes to be a 'sikh' would be so arrogant as to pretend they are even worthy of such comparisons..

Please don't take my thought out of context by editing it to your own benefit. By doing that, you are committing the same error you claim you are not worthy of as a Sikh.